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Bicrypto v4.4.2 + All Plugins ×

Ferdinandus Tandi Gama

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About Ferdinandus Tandi Gama

  • Birthday 02/02/1995

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  1. All done. And now QRCode showing. Time to test every feature inside. Big Thanks to sir @Magd Almuntaser and sir @Gusik Prasetyo for helping me 😇🙏
  2. @Gusik Prasetyoiya bener bang. Emang anymhost nya yg gbsa. Smalam udh di bantu langsung sma @Magd Almuntaser login ke cpanel. Btw link dong bang vps murah atau cloud.
  3. @kecoamumet gw cek port close bang, trus port yg kebuka yg mana ya. Gw pake hosting bang.
  4. Now my port is connected, but the qrcode still not showing. Just waiting for server Node
  5. @Mahmoud hy sir, can you update this script ? thanks before.
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