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Bicrypto v4.1.3 + All Plugins ×

Gerry 施顺杰 Sidharta

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About Gerry 施顺杰 Sidharta

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  1. I fix the problem but when i trying to publish after filling the category and tag it shows undefined yet when i checked at home , it published.. so it has some error but keep published anyway.. what possibly the cause of this?
  2. done but now when i on the last step filling the tag and visible option , when i click publish , there is undefined notif.. can you show me how to fix the errror
  3. Ow udah coba kemarin tapi tetap gak bsa , masalahnya ane pake cloud panel , dia selalu minta untuk di arahkan ke https, mungkin mau di edit di vhost nya ya?
  4. okay thank you very much bro already okay with that.. the problem now is the cronjob.. because i see it got turn off after a while how to do cronjob so it always running the node server i mean?
  5. halo semua master disini tolong bantu dong.. saya coba install di vps ubuntu 22.04 dan semua sdh jalan node . juga sdh aman Server run and listening port: 3100 tapi kok masih waiting node server ya apakah ada yang saya masih kurang atau salah langkah ya ?
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