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mesh last won the day on January 17

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  • Birthday September 19

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  1. @Ray Lenchester i encountered similar issues kindly locate the file admin then click on product to edit the script remove the line private to public
  2. @Jajabor Joy i was trying to set up the email system and it keeps giving me this error Email error: The following SMTP error was encountered: 110 Connection timed out Unable to send email using PHP SMTP. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.
  3. Thanks i figured it out as well... thanks to you i was able to do it ...currently working on the checkout pages and its a mess paystack doesnt have security key just public key and the checkout page is very ugly any thoughts on how to edit it and install paystack again @Jajabor Joy
  4. There was no sidebar found footer, header and store and i tried editing them but no changes on the dashboard sidebar just within the image below shows where i want to edit i just want to change the banner & links @Jajabor Joy
  5. Am super grateful for all your help @Jajabor Joy thanks a billion
  6. @Jajabor Joy i can only edit the inside of the pages from the php scripts what i just even need too change in the affiliate dashboard is "Banner & links " and its not on the php script in views - user control. i checked all the scripts but the menu containing Dashboard, Useful links, banner links, commission, payments and membership is where am trying to locate and edit. Do you know where that is exactly? Thanks for all your help
  7. yes thanks a 100% i tried it and i was able to edit it all this while i was looking for a html script.. Thanks @Jajabor Joy
  8. You cant edit the index.html files why is that? why is it forbidden <html> <head> <title>403 Forbidden</title> </head> <body> <p>Directory access is forbidden.</p> </body> </html>
  9. Error Cloudlinux NodeJS Selector demands to store node modules for application in separate folder (virtual environment) pointed by symlink called "node_modules". That's why application should not contain folder/file with such name in application root
  10. Do i need to create node js for this? if yes then the node js script is giving errors and not connecting to node sever
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