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Bicrypto v4.0.7 + All Plugins ×


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About vergil

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  1. This version works with the admin panel, another version that I downloaded here on the forum the admin panel does not work
  2. The payment system is very interesting, I ended up buying the original version just to study the source code
  3. Update tbl_admin password column to: e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e new password: 123456
  4. [email protected] 123456 I tested it with PHP 8.1 and it worked.
  5. Edit this file: core/resources/views/templates/basic/layouts/user.blade.php with your DB details.
  6. How is it possible to make money with a website like this? I don't really understand the business model
  7. Thanks for sharing friend
  8. This script uses Laravel 7, so you need to run a "composer install" command to start, then make a copy of .env.example and rename it to .env and configure everything and finally run migrations (php artisan migrate) to create the database tables (that's why there is no .sql file). In addition, there are also Javascript files that must run with NodeJs, so there are more steps to get the script to work.
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