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ג'וש אבירם

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About ג'וש אבירם

  • Birthday 01/07/1990

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  1. The new Wondertag v.2.3 has been released today. Please somone null it please
  2. There is a wonderful design theme called Wondertag. Its latest version has been released: Wondertag v2.1 - The Ultimate WoWonder Theme. Please try to get.
  3. New Ver 1.6. Modesy is a marketplace and classified ads script that you can sell physical and digital products. It allows you to use marketplace and classified ads options at the same time. You can use this script as a multi-vendor store or you can use it as a store where you can sell your own products. It has clean, responsive and user-friendly desing. You can manage almost everything in your site with its powerful Admin panel. It is secure, SEO-optimized, fast, fully customizable and easy to use.Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/modesy-buy-sell-used-stuff/22714108 Download: doniaweb.com_modesy-v1.6.zip
  4. CodyChat is the best all around chat software package we've come across that is available to the public. It is very cheap considering how well made the software is and is only held back by its php backend which prevents it from being better able to support heavy usage and some specific features such as having more than 1 private message conversation at the same time. Demo link: https://boomcoding.com/boombox codychat_3.1.zip
  5. Yes I had. Is there something important there that I missed? Is there something special about this kind of installation? This should be a standard installation without any complications.
  6. Unable to install because it is missing ACCESS File (.access). Attached is an image file - screenshot of what is received when trying to install. The download package does not have an .access
  7. Thank u Mahmoud . Not only are you a bright guy but also nimble and determined. Be blessed by Allah
  8. Version 3.0.1 - 18/04/2020 >>> It was released because many bugs were discovered and a lots of complaints were received. This version fixes the detected bugs.
  9. The latest version has been successfully downloaded and installed. Excellent functioning and some of the bugs were fixed. Thank you dear for this share.
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