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  1. 60 downloads

    Updates: version 2.3 is released – Apr 4, 2018 Laravel, the #1 PHP MVC framework, is married with Stripe, the #1 payment processor, and now, supports PayPal payment as well! If online eCommerce services like Squarespace, Etsy… are not extendable for your needs, but a full eCommerce framework such as Magento is typically over-killed, then this is exactly what you are looking for. This app is built with the latest Laravel version 5.5 (latest), Bootstrap CSS 3, tested on the latest stack of NginX 1.13 (Apache compatible), PHP 7 (or 5.6, for this app version 2.0 and below), MySQL 5.6+. From our research, this app is the ONLY eCommerce app that supports Laravel 5.5 latest. I’m a U.S. developer, with extensive experience of leading and building several world-class teams and projects, including a Magento site with global traffic from 85 countries; hence, I see the need of an MVC framework app to replace the Magento beast, as well as recognize the importance of using the best practices in the code-base, so anyone who uses this app will not only enjoy it, but hopefully learn something from it. Certainly, I’d love to hear any feedback to bring this app to the next level. Keep in mind though, I built this app with only the fundamental features so that you can always extend it your way; however, they are more than enough to run your shop for most of your needs (I’m sure you wouldn’t get fooled with some other apps that have tons of complex and unnecessary features yet impossible to extend to your way!). Again, we’re open to any feature suggestions as it’s our standard Full-featured shop: Latest Laravel 5.5 Nested Categories Promotion Codes / Coupons Products Search One-page Checkout Flat-rate shipping Refund Pay Later Cash on Delivery Address book Shipping tracking Full-screen Admin Panel Brand Management NEW Appointment Management (guests can make appointments with your employees) NEW Graphic chart of all orders and sales NEW Calendar – to manage events (users’ schedules, sales history etc.) Custom Order – to sell any random product WYSIWYG HTML editor to Product description and Brand description NEW Quick Stats in Admin Panel Dashboard Confirmation emails Static pages Social Share Etc. Payments handled by Stripe Accepts PayPal payments NEW Photos uploaded and stored in local file system now (default) NEW, or Amazon S3 (optional) SEO-optimized Responsive design (tested on iPhone, iPad, Android devices, tablets, desktops) Clean & optimal codes w/ best practices and full comments Extra: Beautiful & responsive email templates w/ Markdown or Sparkpost Open-source integrations: Laravel 5.5 Stripe API 5.1 PayPal REST API SDK 1.12 jQuery 1.10.1 Bootstrap CSS 3.3.7 FontAwesome 4.7.0 ChartJS 2.7.2
  2. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/nexopos-extendable-php-point-of-sale/16195010 nexopos-v3.14.2.zip
  3. Version 2.6


    WoWonder Mobile Messenger is a Android chat application for WoWonder social network, with WoWonder Mobile Messenger users can chat together on their mobile phones using our new application, now chat is faster, easier, and more fun ! WoWonder Mobile is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated. Requirements: - Wowonder PHP Version 2.5 hosted on your server. User Features: ِAudio/ Video call. Send, receive messages. Full Group chat system Find nearby users using GPS Registration pages and steps. Share & upload images, Sound Recourd. Offline access to all messages and recent conversions. Update chat status. Explore New user’s & Friends. Control Your Privacy. Control Your Settings. Change Profile information. Explore user’s profiles and status. ِ30+ new features. and much more…
  4. Global – Single School Management System Pro is the latest and most complete School Automation Software which is suites for each and every educational institute like school, college and universities. A School can manage every thing Using this Automation School Software. Global Online school management system (GSSMS) is a fully ACL Based, Organized Features, Unlimited Language, Exclusive Reports and Secure web based School Management System with well documented & clean coded. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/global-school-management-system-pro/21491101 Download: doniaweb.com_globalschool-v5.5.zip
  5. Vanguard is PHP application, written in Laravel PHP framework, that allows website owners to quickly add and enable authentication, authorization and user management to their website. It is designed following latest security and code standards and it is ready for high availability websites. Although it is written in Laravel, it can be used to provide secure login, authentication, authorization and complete user management for any PHP powered website. Vanguard also comes with fully documented JSON API which allows you to easily authenticate users from your mobile (or any other) application. It comes with almost three hundred automated tests (functional and unit), that cover all vital parts of the application and the API and ensures it’s maintainability and stability. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/vanguard-advanced-php-login-and-user-management/14521866 Download: vanguard-v4.0.1.zip
  6. LaraBooking is a complete Appointments Booking system built with Laravel 5.5 and VueJS. The system is a hybrid application, and not an SPA (Single Page Application), and has the following features:– Clients can book appointments directly in the site in the available times– E-mail Notifications– Easy to customize the styles and functionality (using SASS)– Clean and intuitive interface– Responsive (Compatible with Desktops and Mobile)– Providers can see and edit your appointments– Secretaries can see and edit the company appointments– Admins can see and edit all the appointments, services, add new providers, etc Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/larabooking-laravel-appointments-booking-system/21052512 Download: doniaweb.com_larabooking-v1.0.1.zip
  7. There are two type of users in linkify , First is publisher and second is sharer . Publisher adds the website from website/link from websites section and the link automatically converted into short link. Sharer shares the link . Sharer can get the short links from short link section . Sharer will share the link and per the views received on the link , Points will be awarded to the sharer The Points of the publisher will get deducted based on the views received on the site . Features Link Exchange Users can share each other links and generate views Analytics Users can view the recent views received on their links Reporting Users can report the other user . If they feel any fraudulent activity Points Transfer A user can e able to transfer some about of points to other user Points Withdraw A user can convert his points into cash and request for withdrawal Payments Paypal is integrated in order to handle payments Can I Buy Points Yes you can buy points using purchase points section . There are different type of pricing options available . What is Premium Membership A free user can add maximum of 3 websites if a user wants to add unlimited websites they need buy premium membership. Installation Installation is free Change Log Update – 28/11/2019 Added Stripe Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/linkify-links-exchange-system/24978936 Download: doniaweb.com-linkify-links-exchange-system.zip
  8. Leadify is a lead management application for call centers and small to large scale business. It’s been developed to record contact with customers, book sales appointments and lots more. Features Web Call Dialer Campaign management Import/Export leads Call manager Team member management Sales members management Sales appointments Callbacks Send emails to customers Call time recorder for leads Email templates Form builder for campaigns Multi language support Call history with time log Add manual lead Import form fields from csv One click update Roles and permission management RTL Supported Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/leadify-lead-call-center-crm/25477535 Download: doniaweb.com_leadify-lead-call-center-crm.zip
  9. Anonymous Feedback – Send Honest Feedbacks Anonymously It’s for the people who want to run their own anonymous feedback website for their commercial or educational organizations. Send and receive genuine and honest feedback about you, your skills, work, relationship or friendship from your classmates, friends, employees or from your loved ones. Now in V2+ you can reply to the feedback received from registered users without knowing their identity. And you can send honest feedback by searching users by their names, emails, and usernames AnonymousFeedbacking is built using Codeigniter, Google Material & Twitter Bootstrap Framework. V2 FEATURES AnonymousFeedbacking contains all the necessary features that a perfect anonymous feedback website must have. - Feedback Reply to registered users - Users search - Email notification of Feedbacks - New Feedback notification - Send, receive and manage anonymous feedbacks - Share profile & feedback in multi colors on Facebook - Mobile optimized & fully responsive - Beautiful UX & UI by Google Material Framework - Google & Facebook login - Multi-Language & RTL support - Multi-User & ACL management - 50+ Admin Settings for full control - 20 Multi-Color Material Themes - Super Easy 1-Click installation Android App Released On Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/anonymous-feedback-script/20633311 Download: doniaweb.com_anonymous-feedback-script-v2.10.2.zip
  10. PSHotels is a web-based interface with a single backend management system for a hotel search site. Used technology: CodeIgniter, Bootstrap, CSS, JS, Google Chart API. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/pshotels-website-ultimate-hotels-finder-website-with-backend/21672782 Download: doniaweb.com_pshotels-website-v1.3.zip
  11. WHAT IS THAT? This PHP Script allows you to search into Google Images, show, save the resulting images and create thumbnails of the saved images, with a single API call and using just some lines of PHP code. This WONDERFUL PHP Class work with Google Images to allows you EASILY to: - Fetch Google Images - Search and Find Image URLs by Keywords - Immediately Print on Screen images found - Save these images on your Website ADDITIONAL FEATURES - Batch Search & Save: Start Multiple Searches at Once and Save all the resulting images with one single Call! - Parametrized Search: Work with Many Advanced parameters used by Google Images: Image Sizes, Image Colors, Image Types, Image Countries - Save Images & Creates Thumbnails: Create a size-customizable Thumbnail every time the API save an Image. Works with Batch Searches too! MY EFFORT FOR YOU - Versatile: Let the PHP Class do all the work, or just output an array of URLs and compute it in the way that fit your needs. - Easy to Use: You don’t need to mess with the Code. You just need some lines of PHP Code to make the script works fine! - Well Documented: You can watch the full documentation for this script, code examples and a visual demo! IN THIS .ZIP YOU WILL FIND 3 FOLDERS - “classes” : Contain the gimuapi.class.php file. It’s the only file you really need. Place where you want on your website. - “documentation” : Contain the Documentation for the script. - “examples” : Contain some practical example of the API behaviour. THAT’S THE PLAN - Look the “documentation” and the “examples”. - When you understood and became confident with the script, copy the “classes” folder into your website or localhost. - The other files are not needed to make this script works. If you need the documentation, keep them, otherwise you can delete them (i personally suggest to make a copy of the documentation for further use). - Include gimuapi.class.php on your PHP pages and start working with it. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/google-images-unofficial-api/11252882 Download: doniaweb.com_google-images-unofficial-api-v1.3.zip
  12. View File SaasAppoint - powerful booking system SaasAppoint is a great SaaS PHP script for various general requirements of each business. SaasAppoint provide bundle of features to make it perfect SaasAppoint. Offline appointment system is like headache, SaasAppoint will get rid you from this problem. SaasAppoint is Appointment solution for all businesses. SaasAppoint helps you to handle Categories-Services-Add-ons, Manual Booking, Embed Code, SEO meta tags, Compatible with Strict Mode , Coupon discount, Recurring discounts, Tax/ Vat / GST, Multi-currency supported, One page Checkout, Easy and smooth Admin panel, Superadmin dashboard, Admin dashboard, Customer dashboard, Registered and Guest User Checkout, Auto Confirm Appointments, Weekly Schedule, Working & Off days management, Registered and Guest Customers listing with booked appointment details, Payment details, Export all bookings, Customer information , Payment information and services information, Support tickets, feedbacks, subscriptions, business directory, Fully Responsive & much more we adding. Manage all your required settings at one place and make your business process smooth. SaasAppoint will boost your bussiness with its features. Amazing hmm!! Let’s look into all the features of SaasAppoint. Demo URL: SAASAPPOINT LOGIN CREDENTIALS: CLICK HERE Features Powerful SaaS online booking software SaasAppoint is a SaaS for your business appointments solution. Compatible with Strict Mode of MYSQL servers Business Directory Manage online list of businesses within a particular niche, location, or category. Categories-Services-Add-ons Add categories and its services. Add addons for services Manage categories-services-Add-ons status to show on frontend Manage price of each Add-ons Ajax based operations One page checkout One page checkout is the way you fall in love with it. One page checkout is faster and easier so that more customers convert. Support Tickets Customer can generate ticket for Business admin Business admin can generate ticket for super admin Discussions on support tickets Notify user for Discussions reply Embed Code Manual Booking Fully Responsive & Compatible with any Browser SaasAppoint is fully responsive and its designed in such way that it looks great with every devices and is accessible on all devices Export CSV Reports Export CSV Reports of Appointments Export CSV Reports of Services Export CSV Reports of Customers Export CSV Reports of Payments Manageable schedule Manage your business schedule to make your business more effective. Coupon discount Manage coupons/promocodes to fulfill your customers. Coupons/promocodes per customers. Recurring discounts Make your business grown with your recurring customers using recurring discounts. SEO Ready SaasAppoint let you manage SEO meta and og tags, image, description, etc. SaasAppoint provides to keep track on your site using google analytics tracking. Guest User Checkout Guest user checkout is super fast and convenient for new customers on your book appointment page. Manageable status of guest user visibily on frontend. Tax/Vat/GST SaasAppoint provides you manage easy fast auto calculation of tax/vat/GST at the checkout time from book appointment page. Multi-currency supported Support almost 250+ country’s currencies. Easy and smooth Admin panel Easy and smooth Admin panel for customers, business owner & subscribers. Working & Off days management SaasAppoint let you manage your business’s working off days for booking schedule. Installation instruction page and setup instructions modal provided with each configuration to make SaasAppoint more easy It’s not enough still, each section have lot of manageable options. Lets check in detail for each sections. Booking Page (Frontend) SaasAppoint provide great One page checkout booking page for your customers. SaasAppoint offer ability to book appointment, apply coupons, Recurring discounts and much more. Login & SignUp Powerful secured login and signup form to experience better. Secure Login SignUp as Administrator Superadmin Dashboard SaasAppoint provide great feature for super admin. SaasAppoint offer ability to manage subscription plans, businesses, subscribers, support tickets and much more. Businesses List Business Subscription History Business Types Subscription Plans Company Settings Payment Settings Email Settings Support Tickets Support Ticket Discussions Admin Dashboard SaasAppoint provide great feature for admin. SaasAppoint offer ability to manage subscriptions, appointments, coupons, recurring discount, customers, Tax/Vat/GST, payments, export, company settings, Categories-Services-Add-ons, Schedule, Working & Offday management, feedbacks, support tickets and much more. Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 12/10/2018 Category Scripts Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/saasappoint/22901414 Unlimited license
  13. LinkedIn does not say yes or no explicitly. However, the reason is using such tools could lead to spamming due to excessive messaging. Linkedot mimics real human behavior like dynamic time intervals between messages, waiting on message window, visiting profile, taking breaks, limiting number of messages/profile visits per day etc to ensure that it does not appear as a bot. We would strongly recommend to treat Linkedot as “yourself” and ask it to do what you would do as a human to avoid any detection of bot like behavior. E.g you don’t want to send 500 messages in matter of few hours or work 24 hours at a stretch sending messages, as it is a non-human behavior and can lead to a warning or account being blocked. How safe is Linkedot? We take data safety very seriously. We do not request or save any passwords onto our servers. Linkedot is built on google chrome as an extension so it leverages google safety net. Google does audit extensions for safety, so it is as safe as google. How many messages/ profile visits I can do per day? This is a very difficult question to answer. It is like asking how fast should I walk or drive (pun intended here -:) Many self-proclaimed experts claim to know this, but are based on pure guesstimate and luck. LinkedIn algorithm controls this number and is dynamic depending on following list (indicative but not exhaustive): Age of your account Completeness of your profile Premium LinkedIn subscriptions e.g Sales Navigator etc How active you have been recently – browsing profiles, contributing articles etc not just sending messages How many rejections you get when you send connection requests How many invites are pending Social Selling Index or SSI (as measured by LinkedIn is the best scale – higher the SSI, more messages you can send) Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/linkedot-linkedin-automation-tool/25582617 Download: doniaweb.com_linkedot-v1.8.2.1.zip
  14. View File Charity - Dynamic Crowdfunding Platform with Multiple Payment Gateway “Charity” is a complete solution for an online Crowdfunding Platform. Anyone can register in this platform to create a campaing for raising fund. After admin approval the campaign will be live. Paypal and stripe are integrated for easy payment transaction. Donors do not need to register to donate in this system. This system is very easy to use but it has huge functionalities and everything is fully dynamic. Admin can setup a fee in percentage from admin panel to take profit from the campaigns. This System is fully responsive for any device. Admin can manage complete website without single line of coding knowledge. It has strong SQL injection protection system which will keep away this system from hackers. Admin Features Easy Installation. 100% Dynamic Management System. Bootstrap based fully responsive design for any device. Clean code Cross Browser Support. Multi Language Support. Simple but Powerful admin panel. Special security against session hijacking. Dashboard statistics. Unlimited Service adding System. Unlimited Gallery Image adding System. Built-in Paypal Integration. Built-in Stripe Integration. Dynamic Service Management System. Dynamic Campaign adding System. Dynamic User registration system. Dynamic Password Recover System. Dynamic Campaign Editing System. Dynamic Campaign Goal setting System. Dynamic Social Share System. Dynamic Category System. Dynamic Review adding System. User Subscription. Custom meta tag adding system for better SEO results. Change everything such as logo, site title, footer from admin panel. Built in About Us, FAQ and Contact Us page. and much more… Demo Frontend Demo: http://demo.geniusocean.com/charityAdmin Demo: http://demo.geniusocean.com/charity/adminAdmin Login:User: [email protected]:1234User Login:User Login: http://demo.geniusocean.com/charity/user/loginUser: [email protected]:1234 Support We are always happy to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us for any kind of customization, support, query and suggestion. We will respond as soon as possible. Thank you, Submitter Auto Fixgh Submitted 02/12/2020 Category Scripts Demo http://demo.geniusocean.com/charity Unlimited license Yes
  15. Panda Multi Resorts a web software to create and manage websites for multi hotels, resorts, spa Travel agency, tour operator, hotel chain or just an owner of several hotels, resorts or spa? This CMS is built for you! Add your hotels and rooms. Manage your prices. Create original activities and tours, extra services and follow up your bookings! Pandao Multi Resorts uses Pandao CMS, a Content Managment System which contains a simple, ergonomic and complete admin panel which allows you to manage easily the content of your website coupled with an easily customizable template. Several new specific modules: bookings, hotels, rooms, rates, currencies, extra services and facilities. Ideal for a Web agency wishing to spread web sites quickly and simply for its customers! Pandao CMS is fully responsive, so use it as well on your smartphone as on your computer. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/panda-multi-resorts-4-booking-cms-for-multi-hotels/14084137 Download: codecanyon-panda-multi-resorts-4-booking-cms-for-multi-hotels.zip
  16. Banquet CRM BANQUET CRM is a Sales and Event Management web application for restaurants, hotels and unique venues that will increase event sales and streamline the planning process. Capture and convert new event leads from anywhere. Banquet CRM allows your venue to deliver branded, professional-looking proposals and event orders quickly and easily, plus capture and respond to leads within seconds. BANQUET CRM includes key features as below Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/banquet-crm-events-and-banquets-management-web-application/23045547 Download: doniaweb.com_banquet-crm-v1.0.0.zip
  17. Go Court is an online ideal appointment scheduling software for lawyers and law firms. The user friendly and intuitive features of Go Court help to manage and grow your law practice ahead. It provides scalable and customizable tools to manage your law practice of any size. Go Court is also a best solution for individual lawyers who just started their law practice. This software is a leading edge solution to maximize productivity and profitability on your Law Firm business. Key Features Pay Only for your session. Review the attorneys. Q and A session with the lawyers. Can choose the best lawyers based on reviews and ratings. Payment Gateway integrated. Search Lawyers by Country wise Specialization City wise Court wise like District, High Court, Supreme Court Experienced Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/gocourt-find-a-lawyer/17787763 Download: doniaweb.com_gocourt-find-a-lawyer-v1.0.1.zip
  18. Interactive World Map – Clickable Continents / Cities The interactive template of the world map gives you an easy way to install and customize a professional looking interactive world map with 6 clickable continents, plus an option to add unlimited number of clickable pins anywhere on the map, then embed the map in your website and link each continent/city to any webpage. Features SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) based, responsive and fully resizable. Continents can be customized independently (colors, link, hover information, activate/deactivate, etc). Add unlimited number of clickable pins anywhere on the map. You can link each continent/pin to any webpage or open a modal window. Note: The modal window option works only with Bootstrap framework, if you are not sure or if you don’t know how to use it, you need to ask your website template / WordPress theme provider. Easily customized through simple JavaScript files ( JavaScript knowledge is not required ). The map consists of HTML/CSS/JS files. Also include installable WordPress plugin zip file and customized by manual editing of simple JavaScript files (NO JavaScript knowledge required). You can embed as many maps as you want in the same website in different pages, (for WordPress you can install up to 3 instances of the map plugin). Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/interactive-world-map-with-cities/4757953 Download: doniaweb.com_interactive-world-map-with-cities-v4.1.zip
  19. Are you a graphic or web designer? Claim helps you to create custom product configurators starting from your graphic works. Features Built in Layer – add your image in layer to create your configurator No Database Required – light and fast with JQuery functions Photoshop Ready – design your product in layer and add it to Claim Product Parts – add infinite parts to set your product Product Attribute – add infinite attributes (colors, materials…) Change Views – select different views to show your product Catalog – create your catalog with infinite products Invoice Generator – generate automatic invoice with prices and part number Demo Available – full customizable demo available Guide And Support – on-line guide and support for your projects Lifetime Updated – ever updated with new demo Clean Design – Clean and modern design developed for all devices Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/claim-html-jquery-multipurpose-configurator/22120323 Download: doniaweb.com_claim-v1.5.zip
  20. View File WoWonder Android Messenger v2.6 - Mobile Application for WoWonder Social Script WoWonder Mobile Messenger is a Android chat application for WoWonder social network, with WoWonder Mobile Messenger users can chat together on their mobile phones using our new application, now chat is faster, easier, and more fun ! WoWonder Mobile is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated. Requirements: - Wowonder PHP Version 2.5 hosted on your server. User Features: ِAudio/ Video call. Send, receive messages. Full Group chat system Find nearby users using GPS Registration pages and steps. Share & upload images, Sound Recourd. Offline access to all messages and recent conversions. Update chat status. Explore New user’s & Friends. Control Your Privacy. Control Your Settings. Change Profile information. Explore user’s profiles and status. ِ30+ new features. and much more… Submitter xpresotewe Submitted 11/13/2019 Category Android Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/wowonder-android-messenger-mobile-application-for-wowonder/19034167
  21. Doctorist is a responsive patient management system. It is complete solution for doctor to manage their patient appointments, patient details and also manage billing of particular patient. This system is built completely with PHP Codeigniter framework and MYSQL. It has a nice and attractive interface that are really awesome and eyecatching. The system has a lot of nice features that are needed for a doctor to handle their patients easily.This system is bulit using PHP Codeigniter framework. For this reason, it can be customized easily by most of the developers. In all pages, all security checks and invalid page submission checking were done so invalid user cannot access your system and your data will be safe. FEATURES: Easy and simple interface to use Fully responsive for any kind of device Direct access or invalid URL press stopped for each pages Statistics of some data in dashboard Easy appointment scheduling Can see past or future appointments in appointment page Easily store prescription of particular patient for future use Manage billing of particular patient Can print prescription and invoice of particular patient Add, edit or remove patient details Manage doctor’s profile Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/doctorist-patient-management-system/21976287 doctorist-v1.0.0.zip
  22. GetVideo created with latest technologies such as NodeJs ,Bootstrap 4, Jquery and others. You can download 1080p ( Video only ), 720p, 360p, 240p videos and Audio. Support MP4, WEBM, M4A and other file formats. The design is fully responsive based on bootstrap 4. Features: Youtube video download Support multiple formats ( 1080p, 720p & many more ) Support MP4, WEBM, M4A, 3GP Doesn’t need any API/Database Advertising Ready SEO Ready Mobile Compatible 100% Responsive Design Free Lifetime Updates Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/getvideo-nodejs-youtube-video-downloader/21774189 Download: getvideo-v1.0.0.zip
  23. iPages Flipbook PDF Viewer is a lightweight and rich-feature jquery plugin helps you create great interactive digital HTML5 flipbooks. With this plugin you are able to easily make media books for your site that empower publishers and bloggers to create more engaging content. It provides an easy way for you to convert static PDF documents, images set or pure HTML markup into the online magazine, interactive catalogs, media brochures or booklets in minutes. The plugin can be deployed easily and runs on all modern browsers and mobile devices. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/ipages-jquery-flipbook-pdf-viewer/22445527 Download: ipages-jquery-flipbook-pdf-viewer-1.3.4.zip
  24. BeMusic permits you to make your own music streaming web site in minutes with no secret writing data. it's a powerful feature set that rivals and even surpasses different biggest streaming services on the market. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/bemusic-music-streaming-engine/13616699 Download: bemusic-v2.3.6.zip
  25. Stackposts version 2.2 has been released – October 15, 2018 Stackposts is a social media marketing tool that allows and helps you to easily auto post, schedule Instagram posts along with Facebook, Twitter and many more!. It also can manage multiple social networks, schedule posts, increase your Traffic and engage your audiences. Just upload the media you want to post, type up your caption, and use the handy calendar to decide when you’d like your post to go out. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/stackposts-social-marketing-tool/21747459 Download:
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