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Found 17 results

  1. View File Bicrypto - Crypto Trading Platform, Binary Trading, Investments, Blog, News & More! The script and plugins are available here, And the app is available here All updates are free Introducing Our Premier Trading Platform: A Convergence of Innovation and Excellence Market Leader in Trading Platforms: Recognized as the Rank 1 Best Selling and Most Highly-Rated (5-Star) Trading Platform. Peak Performance Platform: Acclaimed as the Rank 1 Best Performing Platform with a robust backend framework. Benchmark Advanced Next.js Frontend: Harnessing the power of Next.js for a cutting-edge frontend experience. Elite Trading Interface: Offering a top-end trading page, optimized for user engagement and performance. Adaptive Trading Page: A fully collapsible trading page that adjusts seamlessly across devices. Device-Responsive Design: Ensures a fluid experience on all devices with tailored layouts. Fully Tailored User Experience: Customize the frontend to your exact specifications, including global site themes, sidebars, shades, and colors. SEO-Optimized Whitelabel Solution: Fully customizable for brand alignment with built-in SEO enhancements. Dynamic SVG Animations: Elevate user interaction with fully animated SVGs, enhancing the platform’s interactivity. Automated Liquidity Solutions: Seamless integration with major exchange providers like Binance and Kucoin, alongside native exchange and blockchain integration using an ecosystem addon. Innovative Binary Trading System: Offering a cutting-edge binary trading experience. Native Charting Library: A comprehensive set of drawing tools and indicators for precise market analysis. Real-Time Orderbook: Stay updated with a live orderbook feature. Comprehensive User Management: A robust system for managing users, roles, and permissions. Fully Customizable KYC Templates: Adapt the KYC process with customizable templates and multiple levels. Comprehensive KYC System: A reliable and efficient Know Your Customer system. Expansive Extension Library: A vast array of extensions available, continuously expanding the platform’s capabilities. Unparalleled Platform Customization: Tailor every aspect of the site for a unique user experience. Versatile Wallet Management: Customize wallets with balance adjustment capabilities. Comprehensive Fiat Wallet System: A dedicated system for managing fiat wallets. Built-in Cron Manager: All backend crons are efficiently managed and executed upon deployment. Effortless Installation: Benefit from an automated installation script for straightforward setup. One-Click Live Updater: Keep the platform updated effortlessly with a single click. Integrated Mailing and Notification Systems: Efficient communication channels for user engagement. Enhanced Security: Robust 2nd-factor authentication system using SMS or app authenticators. Multilingual Capability with Auto-Translation: Break language barriers with an automated translator. Real-Time Support: Live support with an in-built websocket, independent of third-party services. Efficient Live Ticketing System: Streamline customer support with a live ticketing system. Dynamic Blogging Feature: A fully-functional blog system to engage and inform users. High-Yield Investment Program (HYIP) System: A platform for managing high-yield investments. Advanced Admin Management and Analytics: Comprehensive tools for platform administration and analytics. Exchange Integration Wizard: Easily connect with providers like Binance for orderbook integration. Fiat Currency Management Tools: Manage fiat currencies effectively. Dual Mode Interface: Choose between dark and light modes for user preference. Extensive API Documentation with Testing Functionality: Comprehensive API documentation, complete with integrated testing features for streamlined development and troubleshooting. Robust Security Framework: Advanced security measures including CSRF protection, and a sophisticated token system with token refreshing and expiration functionalities, ensuring top-notch security and user data protection. V4 Backend Features MashServer Framework: Built on top of uws20 for superior performance and scalability. Advanced Logger: Featuring categories, levels, and color-coded logs in a fully readable and filterable format. Swagger Documentation: New generator and parser for comprehensive API documentation. Validation Gate: Ensures secure handling of body, params, and queries with sanitization. Automatic Route Generator: Creates GET, POST, PUT, DELETE routes from API structures. Request Parsers: Conform to Swagger parameters and body configurations. Roles Manager: Efficient role management with caching. CLI Deployment Loader: Displays task durations for better deployment insights. Sequelize ORM: Complete database rework for proper naming conventions and performance. UUID Implementation: Transitioned all IDs to UUIDv4 for consistency. Lazy Loading Routes: Reduces server deployment times significantly. Middlewares: Enhanced authentication and rate limiting mechanisms. Authentication System: Session and cookie-based authentication for improved security. Edge Server: Live token validation on the frontend for enhanced security. JWT Management: Using JOSE for robust JWT generation and verification. Redis for Tokens: Faster and more efficient authentication processes. WebSocket Generator: Subscriptions and message handling for real-time communication. WebSocket Authentication: Token refreshing on WebSocket sessions. Database Singleton: Singleton instance for Sequelize to boost performance and enable live database syncing. Validation Module: Robust validation rules and pretty error message generation with avj. Live Notifications: Real-time notifications via WebSocket from API endpoints. Support and Admin Notifications: New notifier system for better communication. SQL to JSON Parsing: Simplifies migrations with efficient parsing. Migration Module: Facilitates seamless transition from v3 to v4, relinking relations and converting IDs to UUIDs. Task Manager: Efficient throttling with a new task manager. Token Generators: New methods for generating tokens. Online User Identification: Admins can identify online users using a WebSocket central system. Swagger Schema Generators: Automatically generate schemas for Swagger documentation. Data Handling Enhancements: Improved filtering, pagination, and sorting across all models and queries. Nested Filtering: Support for filtering and sorting by nested content. Paranoid System: Restore or permanently delete records with an initial trash system. Comprehensive Bulk Operations: Handlers for bulk status updates, deletions, and restorations. Token Regeneration: 14-day refresh token validity from session ID. Wallet System Overhaul: Addresses for deposits and withdrawals requested on demand. Deposit and Withdrawal Handlers: Comprehensive handling for various wallet types, including FIAT, SPOT, and ECO. Payment Gateways: Support for PayPal and Stripe for live deposit validation. Funds Transfer Logic: Seamless transfer of funds between all wallet types. Binary Trading Logic: Real-time validation with a WebSocket endpoint. Market Management: Admins can import and enable markets with new logic. Cron System: Efficient task automation with a new cron system. Authentication Systems: Live reCAPTCHA v3 validation and Google authentication. Wallet Authentication: SIWE (Sign-In with Ethereum) integration. Registration Logic: Email verification required for access. Email OTP Template: New reset template for email OTPs. Admin Analysis Manager: Comprehensive analysis tools for various models. Database Backup/Restore: New modules for efficient database management. Log Monitor: Enhanced logging with filtering, pagination, and sorting. Notification and Management Enhancements: Live updates and management for notifications and user records. Exchange Provider Testing: New module for testing exchange providers. Provider Balance Check: Endpoints for checking balances on provider sites. Fee Calculator: Efficient calculation of collectable fees. i18n Wrapper: Auto-converts strings for translation with necessary imports and definitions. Shared Types: Consistent types shared between backend and frontend. i18n Handler: Supports 64 locales with different fonts. Data Table: Comprehensive handling of data tables with live updates and multi-field filtering. Notification and Announcement Panels: Live-updating panels for notifications and announcements. UI Enhancements: Improved UI with guest, user, and admin menus. Live Search: Menu and collapsible item search for better navigation. Layouts: New sidebar, floating sidebar, and navigation bar layouts. Locale Storage: Locale preferences stored in localStorage and cookies. Page Management Rules: Per-page management rules for better control. Analytics Support: Integration with Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. Trading Page Updates: Improved layout with dark/light mode support and real-time updates. Markets Card: Displays tickers for both provider and ecosystem markets. Custom Charting Library: Enhanced integration with the new layout. WebSocket Ecosystem: Endpoints for charts, order books, tickers, trades, and live order updates. Binary Trading: New page with live order previews and a comprehensive dashboard. Wallet Management: New page for managing wallets with deposit, withdraw, and transfer wizards. Dashboards: New dashboards for staking, forex, MLM, and ecommerce. Blog System: Dynamic and responsive blog system with a new comment system. Investment Pages: Comprehensive management and analysis tools for ICO investments, forex, and general investments. Support Page: New page with a live WebSocket endpoint for user support. System Health Check: Comprehensive health check with error reports for the admin dashboard. Media Monitor: New media monitor with deletion capabilities. Uploads Modifier: Controls image sizes and converts them to WebP for optimal performance. Live Migration Monitoring: WebSocket endpoint for live migration monitoring of record changes. Settings Page: Live updates for the settings page. KYC Control: New KYC control and template rendering in the user profile page. 2FA Control: Enhanced control of 2FA in the user profile page. Menu Switcher: Seamless switching between user and admin menus. V4 New Features Page Builder: Introduced a new page builder with drag-and-drop, fully resizable, and responsive content generation, supporting dark/light mode. Container Element: Comprehensive control over dimensions, display type, gap, grid, alignment, justify, margins, paddings, and colors in both modes. Element Support: Enhanced support for text, link, input, checkbox, textarea, tag, button, image, and video elements with full editability. UI Library Support: Integration with Flowbite, Flowrift, HyperUI, Meraki-Light, Preline, and Tailblocks UI libraries, all converted to fully editable forms. Import/Export: Easily import and export encoded page content. Dynamic Content Rendering: Live updates for frontends utilizing Next.js services. Lazy Component Rendering: Load components as needed for optimal performance. Editable Blocks: Over 50 fully editable initial blocks, with potential for hundreds more. Undo/Redo Functionality: Easily revert changes or redo actions in the live page builder. Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 04/13/2023 Category Scripts Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/bicrypto-crypto-trading-platform-watchlist-kyc-charting-library-wallets-binary-trading-news/35599184  
  2. Version v4.0.7

    The script and plugins are available here, And the app is available here All updates are free Introducing Our Premier Trading Platform: A Convergence of Innovation and Excellence Market Leader in Trading Platforms: Recognized as the Rank 1 Best Selling and Most Highly-Rated (5-Star) Trading Platform. Peak Performance Platform: Acclaimed as the Rank 1 Best Performing Platform with a robust backend framework. Benchmark Advanced Next.js Frontend: Harnessing the power of Next.js for a cutting-edge frontend experience. Elite Trading Interface: Offering a top-end trading page, optimized for user engagement and performance. Adaptive Trading Page: A fully collapsible trading page that adjusts seamlessly across devices. Device-Responsive Design: Ensures a fluid experience on all devices with tailored layouts. Fully Tailored User Experience: Customize the frontend to your exact specifications, including global site themes, sidebars, shades, and colors. SEO-Optimized Whitelabel Solution: Fully customizable for brand alignment with built-in SEO enhancements. Dynamic SVG Animations: Elevate user interaction with fully animated SVGs, enhancing the platform’s interactivity. Automated Liquidity Solutions: Seamless integration with major exchange providers like Binance and Kucoin, alongside native exchange and blockchain integration using an ecosystem addon. Innovative Binary Trading System: Offering a cutting-edge binary trading experience. Native Charting Library: A comprehensive set of drawing tools and indicators for precise market analysis. Real-Time Orderbook: Stay updated with a live orderbook feature. Comprehensive User Management: A robust system for managing users, roles, and permissions. Fully Customizable KYC Templates: Adapt the KYC process with customizable templates and multiple levels. Comprehensive KYC System: A reliable and efficient Know Your Customer system. Expansive Extension Library: A vast array of extensions available, continuously expanding the platform’s capabilities. Unparalleled Platform Customization: Tailor every aspect of the site for a unique user experience. Versatile Wallet Management: Customize wallets with balance adjustment capabilities. Comprehensive Fiat Wallet System: A dedicated system for managing fiat wallets. Built-in Cron Manager: All backend crons are efficiently managed and executed upon deployment. Effortless Installation: Benefit from an automated installation script for straightforward setup. One-Click Live Updater: Keep the platform updated effortlessly with a single click. Integrated Mailing and Notification Systems: Efficient communication channels for user engagement. Enhanced Security: Robust 2nd-factor authentication system using SMS or app authenticators. Multilingual Capability with Auto-Translation: Break language barriers with an automated translator. Real-Time Support: Live support with an in-built websocket, independent of third-party services. Efficient Live Ticketing System: Streamline customer support with a live ticketing system. Dynamic Blogging Feature: A fully-functional blog system to engage and inform users. High-Yield Investment Program (HYIP) System: A platform for managing high-yield investments. Advanced Admin Management and Analytics: Comprehensive tools for platform administration and analytics. Exchange Integration Wizard: Easily connect with providers like Binance for orderbook integration. Fiat Currency Management Tools: Manage fiat currencies effectively. Dual Mode Interface: Choose between dark and light modes for user preference. Extensive API Documentation with Testing Functionality: Comprehensive API documentation, complete with integrated testing features for streamlined development and troubleshooting. Robust Security Framework: Advanced security measures including CSRF protection, and a sophisticated token system with token refreshing and expiration functionalities, ensuring top-notch security and user data protection. V4 Backend Features MashServer Framework: Built on top of uws20 for superior performance and scalability. Advanced Logger: Featuring categories, levels, and color-coded logs in a fully readable and filterable format. Swagger Documentation: New generator and parser for comprehensive API documentation. Validation Gate: Ensures secure handling of body, params, and queries with sanitization. Automatic Route Generator: Creates GET, POST, PUT, DELETE routes from API structures. Request Parsers: Conform to Swagger parameters and body configurations. Roles Manager: Efficient role management with caching. CLI Deployment Loader: Displays task durations for better deployment insights. Sequelize ORM: Complete database rework for proper naming conventions and performance. UUID Implementation: Transitioned all IDs to UUIDv4 for consistency. Lazy Loading Routes: Reduces server deployment times significantly. Middlewares: Enhanced authentication and rate limiting mechanisms. Authentication System: Session and cookie-based authentication for improved security. Edge Server: Live token validation on the frontend for enhanced security. JWT Management: Using JOSE for robust JWT generation and verification. Redis for Tokens: Faster and more efficient authentication processes. WebSocket Generator: Subscriptions and message handling for real-time communication. WebSocket Authentication: Token refreshing on WebSocket sessions. Database Singleton: Singleton instance for Sequelize to boost performance and enable live database syncing. Validation Module: Robust validation rules and pretty error message generation with avj. Live Notifications: Real-time notifications via WebSocket from API endpoints. Support and Admin Notifications: New notifier system for better communication. SQL to JSON Parsing: Simplifies migrations with efficient parsing. Migration Module: Facilitates seamless transition from v3 to v4, relinking relations and converting IDs to UUIDs. Task Manager: Efficient throttling with a new task manager. Token Generators: New methods for generating tokens. Online User Identification: Admins can identify online users using a WebSocket central system. Swagger Schema Generators: Automatically generate schemas for Swagger documentation. Data Handling Enhancements: Improved filtering, pagination, and sorting across all models and queries. Nested Filtering: Support for filtering and sorting by nested content. Paranoid System: Restore or permanently delete records with an initial trash system. Comprehensive Bulk Operations: Handlers for bulk status updates, deletions, and restorations. Token Regeneration: 14-day refresh token validity from session ID. Wallet System Overhaul: Addresses for deposits and withdrawals requested on demand. Deposit and Withdrawal Handlers: Comprehensive handling for various wallet types, including FIAT, SPOT, and ECO. Payment Gateways: Support for PayPal and Stripe for live deposit validation. Funds Transfer Logic: Seamless transfer of funds between all wallet types. Binary Trading Logic: Real-time validation with a WebSocket endpoint. Market Management: Admins can import and enable markets with new logic. Cron System: Efficient task automation with a new cron system. Authentication Systems: Live reCAPTCHA v3 validation and Google authentication. Wallet Authentication: SIWE (Sign-In with Ethereum) integration. Registration Logic: Email verification required for access. Email OTP Template: New reset template for email OTPs. Admin Analysis Manager: Comprehensive analysis tools for various models. Database Backup/Restore: New modules for efficient database management. Log Monitor: Enhanced logging with filtering, pagination, and sorting. Notification and Management Enhancements: Live updates and management for notifications and user records. Exchange Provider Testing: New module for testing exchange providers. Provider Balance Check: Endpoints for checking balances on provider sites. Fee Calculator: Efficient calculation of collectable fees. i18n Wrapper: Auto-converts strings for translation with necessary imports and definitions. Shared Types: Consistent types shared between backend and frontend. i18n Handler: Supports 64 locales with different fonts. Data Table: Comprehensive handling of data tables with live updates and multi-field filtering. Notification and Announcement Panels: Live-updating panels for notifications and announcements. UI Enhancements: Improved UI with guest, user, and admin menus. Live Search: Menu and collapsible item search for better navigation. Layouts: New sidebar, floating sidebar, and navigation bar layouts. Locale Storage: Locale preferences stored in localStorage and cookies. Page Management Rules: Per-page management rules for better control. Analytics Support: Integration with Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. Trading Page Updates: Improved layout with dark/light mode support and real-time updates. Markets Card: Displays tickers for both provider and ecosystem markets. Custom Charting Library: Enhanced integration with the new layout. WebSocket Ecosystem: Endpoints for charts, order books, tickers, trades, and live order updates. Binary Trading: New page with live order previews and a comprehensive dashboard. Wallet Management: New page for managing wallets with deposit, withdraw, and transfer wizards. Dashboards: New dashboards for staking, forex, MLM, and ecommerce. Blog System: Dynamic and responsive blog system with a new comment system. Investment Pages: Comprehensive management and analysis tools for ICO investments, forex, and general investments. Support Page: New page with a live WebSocket endpoint for user support. System Health Check: Comprehensive health check with error reports for the admin dashboard. Media Monitor: New media monitor with deletion capabilities. Uploads Modifier: Controls image sizes and converts them to WebP for optimal performance. Live Migration Monitoring: WebSocket endpoint for live migration monitoring of record changes. Settings Page: Live updates for the settings page. KYC Control: New KYC control and template rendering in the user profile page. 2FA Control: Enhanced control of 2FA in the user profile page. Menu Switcher: Seamless switching between user and admin menus. V4 New Features Page Builder: Introduced a new page builder with drag-and-drop, fully resizable, and responsive content generation, supporting dark/light mode. Container Element: Comprehensive control over dimensions, display type, gap, grid, alignment, justify, margins, paddings, and colors in both modes. Element Support: Enhanced support for text, link, input, checkbox, textarea, tag, button, image, and video elements with full editability. UI Library Support: Integration with Flowbite, Flowrift, HyperUI, Meraki-Light, Preline, and Tailblocks UI libraries, all converted to fully editable forms. Import/Export: Easily import and export encoded page content. Dynamic Content Rendering: Live updates for frontends utilizing Next.js services. Lazy Component Rendering: Load components as needed for optimal performance. Editable Blocks: Over 50 fully editable initial blocks, with potential for hundreds more. Undo/Redo Functionality: Easily revert changes or redo actions in the live page builder.
    50.00 EUR
  3. View File BlogSite Pro - Premium WordPress Theme for blog BlogSite Pro is a modern and clean WordPress theme for content-based blogs and websites. It provides a magnificent showcase for your content, perfect for personal bloggers and content creators. This theme is also integrated with multiple Ad positions, you can place Ads or Adsense code below the featured content slider, in the posts list, sidebar, before/after post content, etc. Submitter WebsiteXpart Submitted 03/09/2024 Category Themes Demo https://wpenjoy.com/themes/blogsite-pro/
  4. Version 1.1.1


    BlogSite Pro is a modern and clean WordPress theme for content-based blogs and websites. It provides a magnificent showcase for your content, perfect for personal bloggers and content creators. This theme is also integrated with multiple Ad positions, you can place Ads or Adsense code below the featured content slider, in the posts list, sidebar, before/after post content, etc.
  5. Version 2.0


    script Movie wp Egybest - Blogger template for watching movies and series on blogger blogs, fast browsing - responsive to all screens and sizes Fast browsing Responsive to all screens and sizes More than one slide to view more offers Page to display sections Search display page Layout: For full control over the template Code to publish movies and series More browsable list of s website Filter for the period of sections by "accuracy, quality, rating, type, country, language, and year" And more in the live demo of the template
  6. Demo: https://www.happythemes.com/demo/?theme=videonow-pro Download: VideoNow Pro - Version 1.9 WordPress Video Theme VideoNow is a beautiful and fully functional WordPress video theme. With this theme you can setup your own videos sites quickly. videonow-pro-1.9.zip
  7. View File NestSpot - Professional News & Magazine Blogger Template Nest Spot is a Professional News & Magazine Blogger template suitable for all types of blogs. In this blogger template, we have used the most advanced and modern codes which great flexibility fast loading SEO friendly, and Google AdSense friendly with ads sections. This magazine blogger template comes with 3 different versions, which is the built-in no need to install the different templates. The vast majority of this blogger template is to fulfill the customer needs without shuffling many bloggers' templates as one solution for all types of blogs and websites. Install this blogger template on your blogger website and make it professionally and flexible. Submitter United Trading Company Submitted 04/03/2023 Category Template Demo https://nestspot-default.blogspot.com/  
  8. View File Egy Best free Blogger Template - ايجى بيست script Movie wp Egybest - Blogger template for watching movies and series on blogger blogs, fast browsing - responsive to all screens and sizes Fast browsing Responsive to all screens and sizes More than one slide to view more offers Page to display sections Search display page Layout: For full control over the template Code to publish movies and series More browsable list of s website Filter for the period of sections by "accuracy, quality, rating, type, country, language, and year" And more in the live demo of the template Submitter Talta Thanwy Submitted 05/31/2023 Category Scripts Demo https://egbesteg.blogspot.com/  
  9. Version 1.2.0


    Nest Spot is a Professional News & Magazine Blogger template suitable for all types of blogs. In this blogger template, we have used the most advanced and modern codes which great flexibility fast loading SEO friendly, and Google AdSense friendly with ads sections. This magazine blogger template comes with 3 different versions, which is the built-in no need to install the different templates. The vast majority of this blogger template is to fulfill the customer needs without shuffling many bloggers' templates as one solution for all types of blogs and websites. Install this blogger template on your blogger website and make it professionally and flexible.
  10. Demo: https://www.happythemes.com/demo/?theme=myshare-pro Download: MyShare Pro - Version WordPress Blog Theme MyShare is stylish WordPress theme that best suited for online bloggers, marketers and creatives. This theme is fully responsive & mobile-friendly that works great on all kinds of devices (desktop, tablets and smartphones). myshare-pro-1.3.zip
  11. Demo: https://www.happythemes.com/demo/?theme=advanced-magazine-pro Download: Course WordPress Magazine Theme Course is a premium WordPress magazine theme that best suited for new WordPress users, PRO bloggers, marketers, tutorial sites, tech blogs and online magazines. This theme is fully responsive & mobile-friendly that works great on all kinds of devices (desktop, tablets and smartphones). course-pro.zip
  12. Demo: https://www.happythemes.com/demo/?theme=advanced-magazine-pro Download: Advanced Magazine WordPress Newspaper / Magazine Theme Advanced Magazine is a WordPress newspaper theme that lets you write posts easily. The Advanced Magazine theme is excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site. It uses the best SEO practices that we have in mind. It’s fast, elegant, and very easy to use. In addition, Advanced Magazine supports responsive Google Ads and AdSense. advanced-magazine-pro1.6.zip
  13. View File Publisher V7.6.2- Magazine News Blog AMP + All Plugins Publisher theme is the best and most complete themethat was created ever for WordPress. We are working on Publisher about 2 years. Publisher was the new best seller theme on ThemeForest for 2 years with 13000+ sales just before we decide to leave the ThemeForest. We created Publisher by with our 10+ year on creating magazine, news and blog sites and because of that it's most detailed theme in features that there is no theme even about 50% of it! It's not just our words! We beleave it and you can find it by reading following features list (this is just titles, each of them have a lot of sub features): 50+ High quality designed demos http://demo.betterstudio.com/publisher/splash/ 1 click demo installer Advanced Ads Manager with 120+ ad locations Google In-feed, In-Article and Matched Content Ads Full & Complete AMP support (single, category, tags, bbPress, WooCommerce) Highly optimized for SEO by optizing the most popular SEO agencies. Your articles will be in 1st position GDPR Compatibility. (Cookie Law popup & Comments options) 100+ Blocks, Widgets and Listings http://demo.betterstudio.com/publisher/content-blocks/mix-listing-1/ 50+ Blocks Heading for Widgets http://demo.betterstudio.com/publisher/section-headings/style-1/ Financial pack with 120+ widgets for Cryptocurrency, Stock Makrets and Money Prices Facebook Instant Article compatibility. 30+ social counter widget Push notification support. Auto download video and set as thumbnail feature. 20+ blockquote style Migrator for importing your old theme data to Publisher. 80+ Theme & Plugin supported. 100% RTL supported. 30+ Language translations. Translation panel. No need to have headage with .po & .mo files. Unlimited Custom Social Share links feature. 2 Column and 3 column layout. Site width can be customizable. Google Custom Search plugin created from scratch to updated to Google API update. 1000+ font varient to use them. Advanced typography options to change font of every single block. Auto redirect to AMP for mobile visitors added (compatible with all cache plugins). 20+ Smart lists style. White Label Feature Full WPML support added to AMP. Visual Composer supported & Included for free. Added: BS Booster panel added. Advanced related posts settings and styles. Advanced Inline Related posts with 9 style. WooCommerce & bbPress supported. Smart Lazy Loading feature for images and videos Multiple comment platforms support: WordPress + Facebook + Disqus in same time. Post view ranking option. Post share ranking option. Off-Canvas Menu/panel . Google DFP ads support. Builtin "Google Tag Manager" support. "Continue Reading" button added to mobile devices. 30+ social share buttons style. Youtube and Vimeo play lists shortcode. GIF thumbnails supported 3 Type of review: Star, Percent and point. Global Options For All Widgets, even WP default widgets or others!: Options to Show/Hide Each Widget in different devices like phone or tablet. Custom Icon For Each Widget Custom Link For Widgets Titles Custom heading and background color Sticky and Smart Sticky Navigation Multilingual Support: WPML, qTranslate, Xili Language, WPGlobe and Polylang supported! . Font Manager Panel: You can upload your custom fonts and select them for specific locations. there is - - No limitation for number of fonts. (Typekit suported) Life Time Free Updates. Support Multiple page post. Exclusive field for Featured image credit.. Posts Source and Via fields.. Smart Sticky Menu: Publisher equipped with beautiful mega menus. you can either use simple drop down menus, or use one of 6 styles of mega menu. Sticky Sidebars” The Sidebar moves automatically when you scroll down page and it will be visible always! also you can disable this feature. Advanced typography Options. High Speed Code: Publisher performs as a beautifully as it looks with consistent, bloat-free code and a solid framework. WAI-ARIA Supported: Publisher includes WAI-ARIA roles through all of our templates, ensuring your site conforms to the latest accessibility standards set forth by the W3C. Font Awesome Icons: Get creative with Font Awesome icon support. Publisher includes an unique icon select tool that you can search and find Font Awesome icons simply with typing and selecting from categories. Clean Code. WooCommerce supported. bbPress supported. Custom Post Types & Taxonomies: We added some options to use custom post types inside theme - without need to coding! life Time Free Updates: Publisher is always up to date. We always listed our customers needs & reports - and each week we added many new features and fixes! Works with WP 3.0+ WordPress Multi-Site (WPMU) Tested and Approved Completely new A-Z documentation: https://goo.gl/zoeHsW ... and much more! Read change log here: http://demo.betterstudio.com/publisher/change-log.txt Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 01/31/2019 Category Themes Demo http://demo.betterstudio.com/publisher/splash/
  14. JNews is a theme designed to provide an “all-in-one” solution for every publishing need. With JNews, you can explore endless possibilities in crafting the best fully-functional website. We provide 120+ homepage that perfect for your News site, Magazine site, Blog site, Editorial site and for all kind of publishing website. Also provided automatic import feature to replicate one of the demos you like just by one click. Customizing your website with JNews is easy & fun. You can lively see the change you made and create a landing page with ease by utilizing Drag and Drop Header Builder, WPBakery Visual Composer & Customizer. We fully integrate all elements of WPBakery Visual Composer, including FrontEnd Visual Composer Editor. We push our limit to provide you with the easiest way to reach High Score on Google Page Speed. With JNews Speed, it is possible now to reach 100/100 point on Google Page Speed with minimal effort. For the mobile device, JNews fully support Google AMP and Facebook Instant Article that will make your website load faster on all mobile devices. SEO performance becomes one of our main concern. We show that commitment by utilizing JSON LD which is recommended by Google for the best SEO result. Not only that, we also provide compatibility with many SEO Signal. The deal is to create a platform for your SEO contentís performance fly. Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/jnews-one-stop-solution-for-web-publishing/20566392 Download: jnews-v5.2.0.zip
  15. Botble – Laravel CMS, CRUD generator, Modular & Theme system, Role permissions, Multilingual blog Botble is a CMS based on Laravel Framework that allows you to build websites for any purpose. It has powerful tools for developers to build any kind of website. All our products on Codecanyon are based on Botble CMS. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/botble-cms-php-platform-based-on-laravel-framework/16928182 Download: botble-v5.26.zip
  16. nfinite – Blog & Magazine Script v3.9 Infinite is a multi-purpose blog-magazine script. It has clean, responsive and user-friendly design. You can manage your posts, custom pages, categories, user comments, advanced settings and contact messages with its powerful Admin panel. Also it has a useful ad management system. You can manage your ad spaces with this system. It is secured, seo optimized, fast and easy to use. Key Features Clean and Responsive Design Built Using Bootstrap Totally Secure System Multilingual System (New Languages Can be Added Easily) RTL Support SEO Optimized & SEO-Friendly URL Multi-Author System Theme Options (With Dark Mode) 10 Layout Colors Cache System Editable & Sortable Navigation Responsive & Sortable Slider (Enable & Disable Option) Responsive Ad Spaces for Any Kind of Ad Codes (Including Adsense) Adding Unlimited Fully Editable Pages Page Description, Show Page, Show Page Title, Show Breadcrumb, Show Right Column Options for Pages Contact Page Search in Site Add, Delete, Update Unlimited Categories Add, Delete, Update Unlimited Posts Video Post Option Gif Support Emoji Reactions Save as Draft Option for Posts Reading List Page (Add & Remove from List) Lazy Image Loading Add Multiple Images to a Post Add & Remove Posts from Slider Advanced Post Options Downloadable Files for Posts Dynamic Tag System Ajax Comment System Page View Counts (Enable & Disable Option) Rich Text Editor (Image and Video Can Be Added) Voting Poll (Add, Delete Unlimited Poll) Gallery Page (Enable & Disable Option) Gallery Albums Gallery Categories Add, Delete Unlimited Photos Newsletter (Send Html Email to All Registered Emails) Different Email Libraries (Swift Mailer, PHP Mailer, CodeIgniter Mail) Social Login (Facebook & Google) Social Sharing Social Media Links Widget: Popular Posts Widget: Our Picks Widget: Categories Widget: Random Posts Slider Widget: Tags Widget: Related Posts Manage Registered Emails Manage Comments Enable & Disable Comment System Comment Approval System Enable & Disable Comment Approval System Manage Contact Messages Sitemap.xml Generator RSS (With different channels) 30 Font Options Membership System with 3 Roles (Admin, Author, User) Enable & Disable Membership System Manage Registered Users User Profile Page Secure Authentication Follow & Unfollow Users Google Analytics Cookie Notice for GDPR Password Reset Advanced Settings Options Change Logo, Favicon, Site Title, Site Description, etc. from Admin Panel Easy Installation Using Installation Wizard Detailed Documentation Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/infinite-blog-magazine-script/19890709 Download: doniaweb.com_infinite-v3.9.zip
  17. Version v7.6.2


    Publisher theme is the best and most complete themethat was created ever for WordPress. We are working on Publisher about 2 years. Publisher was the new best seller theme on ThemeForest for 2 years with 13000+ sales just before we decide to leave the ThemeForest. We created Publisher by with our 10+ year on creating magazine, news and blog sites and because of that it's most detailed theme in features that there is no theme even about 50% of it! It's not just our words! We beleave it and you can find it by reading following features list (this is just titles, each of them have a lot of sub features): 50+ High quality designed demos http://demo.betterstudio.com/publisher/splash/ 1 click demo installer Advanced Ads Manager with 120+ ad locations Google In-feed, In-Article and Matched Content Ads Full & Complete AMP support (single, category, tags, bbPress, WooCommerce) Highly optimized for SEO by optizing the most popular SEO agencies. Your articles will be in 1st position GDPR Compatibility. (Cookie Law popup & Comments options) 100+ Blocks, Widgets and Listings http://demo.betterstudio.com/publisher/content-blocks/mix-listing-1/ 50+ Blocks Heading for Widgets http://demo.betterstudio.com/publisher/section-headings/style-1/ Financial pack with 120+ widgets for Cryptocurrency, Stock Makrets and Money Prices Facebook Instant Article compatibility. 30+ social counter widget Push notification support. Auto download video and set as thumbnail feature. 20+ blockquote style Migrator for importing your old theme data to Publisher. 80+ Theme & Plugin supported. 100% RTL supported. 30+ Language translations. Translation panel. No need to have headage with .po & .mo files. Unlimited Custom Social Share links feature. 2 Column and 3 column layout. Site width can be customizable. Google Custom Search plugin created from scratch to updated to Google API update. 1000+ font varient to use them. Advanced typography options to change font of every single block. Auto redirect to AMP for mobile visitors added (compatible with all cache plugins). 20+ Smart lists style. White Label Feature Full WPML support added to AMP. Visual Composer supported & Included for free. Added: BS Booster panel added. Advanced related posts settings and styles. Advanced Inline Related posts with 9 style. WooCommerce & bbPress supported. Smart Lazy Loading feature for images and videos Multiple comment platforms support: WordPress + Facebook + Disqus in same time. Post view ranking option. Post share ranking option. Off-Canvas Menu/panel . Google DFP ads support. Builtin "Google Tag Manager" support. "Continue Reading" button added to mobile devices. 30+ social share buttons style. Youtube and Vimeo play lists shortcode. GIF thumbnails supported 3 Type of review: Star, Percent and point. Global Options For All Widgets, even WP default widgets or others!: Options to Show/Hide Each Widget in different devices like phone or tablet. Custom Icon For Each Widget Custom Link For Widgets Titles Custom heading and background color Sticky and Smart Sticky Navigation Multilingual Support: WPML, qTranslate, Xili Language, WPGlobe and Polylang supported! . Font Manager Panel: You can upload your custom fonts and select them for specific locations. there is - - No limitation for number of fonts. (Typekit suported) Life Time Free Updates. Support Multiple page post. Exclusive field for Featured image credit.. Posts Source and Via fields.. Smart Sticky Menu: Publisher equipped with beautiful mega menus. you can either use simple drop down menus, or use one of 6 styles of mega menu. Sticky Sidebars” The Sidebar moves automatically when you scroll down page and it will be visible always! also you can disable this feature. Advanced typography Options. High Speed Code: Publisher performs as a beautifully as it looks with consistent, bloat-free code and a solid framework. WAI-ARIA Supported: Publisher includes WAI-ARIA roles through all of our templates, ensuring your site conforms to the latest accessibility standards set forth by the W3C. Font Awesome Icons: Get creative with Font Awesome icon support. Publisher includes an unique icon select tool that you can search and find Font Awesome icons simply with typing and selecting from categories. Clean Code. WooCommerce supported. bbPress supported. Custom Post Types & Taxonomies: We added some options to use custom post types inside theme - without need to coding! life Time Free Updates: Publisher is always up to date. We always listed our customers needs & reports - and each week we added many new features and fixes! Works with WP 3.0+ WordPress Multi-Site (WPMU) Tested and Approved Completely new A-Z documentation: https://goo.gl/zoeHsW ... and much more! Read change log here: http://demo.betterstudio.com/publisher/change-log.txt
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