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Larastus - Status Page Software


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Larastus - Status Page Software

Larastus – Status Page Software

Larastus is a system to record incidents and show your clients the status of the service. Will be able to see the details of the incident, the status and the progress. In addition to appearing a graph with the latest incidents and being able to quickly view the general status of the services or components.


  • Create & manage incidents
  • Create & manage components or services
  • Assign incident to component and change the status of the component
  • Manage users & user roles
  • Set settings from visual interface
  • Translate the strings from visual interface



User: admin@admin.com

Password: 12345678


  • PHP >= 7.3 or PHP >= 8.x
  • MYSQL => 5.7 or MariaDB => 10.2.7
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension




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