Administrators Mahmoud Posted September 14, 2023 Administrators Posted September 14, 2023 View File QRPay - Money Transfer with QR Code Full Solution QRPay offers a comprehensive solution for seamless money transfers using QR codes, catering to Android and iOS platforms, along with a user-friendly website and efficient admin panels. The system comprises three distinct interfaces: User Panel, Merchant Panel, and Super Admin Panel. Key features encompass effortless money transfers through QR codes, swift payment processing, mobile top-up services, bill payment functionalities, streamlined remittance solutions, virtual card options, a secure payment checkout page, versatile payment gateway integration, and an accessible Developer API. Our commitment is in delivering exceptional software solutions at a budget-friendly cost, empowering you to capitalize on opportunities and excel in this dynamic industry. Embrace the opportunity to elevate ordinary operations into extraordinary accomplishments with QRPay. Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 09/14/2023 Category Scripts Demo Quote Support is available for paid files only Support for free files is offered for a fee only
Administrators Mahmoud Posted September 22, 2023 Author Administrators Posted September 22, 2023 Updated 1 Quote Support is available for paid files only Support for free files is offered for a fee only
Tadashi Arakaki Posted January 20 Posted January 20 Who has successfully made the android apk? I need assistance on the move app Quote
Itto Posted January 20 Posted January 20 1 hour ago, Tadashi Arakaki said: Who has successfully made the android apk? I need assistance on the move app i can help you, dm me Quote
Orokimundu Strong Posted January 21 Posted January 21 (edited) @Tadashi Arakaki @Itto can you assist install the script it shows me this. Edited January 21 by Orokimundu Strong Quote
Itto Posted April 9 Posted April 9 On 1/21/2024 at 2:41 PM, Orokimundu Strong said: @Tadashi Arakaki @Itto can you assist install the script it shows me this. dm me bro Quote
Administrators Mahmoud Posted May 31 Author Administrators Posted May 31 Updated Quote Support is available for paid files only Support for free files is offered for a fee only
Ufuk G Posted June 16 Posted June 16 Please help with the latest update. Thanks QR code is not generated in old versions Quote
Ufuk G Posted June 23 Posted June 23 resources\installer\src\Controllers/BaseController.php <?php namespace Project\Installer\Controllers; use Exception; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use Project\Installer\Helpers\DBHelper; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator; use Project\Installer\Helpers\ErrorHelper; use Project\Installer\Helpers\Helper; use Project\Installer\Helpers\RequirementHelper; use Project\Installer\Helpers\URLHelper; use Project\Installer\Helpers\ValidationHelper; class BaseController extends Controller { public function __construct() { if(!request()->routeIs('project.install.finish') && request()->routeIs('project.install.*')) { if(env("PURCHASE_CODE",'') != "") { return abort(404); } }else if(request()->routeIs('project.install.finish')) { if(DBHelper::step('admin_account' !== "PASSED")) { return abort(404); } } } public function welcomeView(Helper $helper) { cache()->driver('file')->forget($helper->cache_key); $page_title = "Installation - Welcome"; return view('installer.pages.welcome',compact('page_title')); } public function installationProcessCancel() { $page_title = "Installation - Cancel"; return view('installer.pages.cancel',compact('page_title')); } public function requirementsView(ErrorHelper $handleError, RequirementHelper $handleRequirements) { if($handleRequirements->requirementConfigIsInvalid()) { return $handleError->redirectErrorPage(['Failed to open installer configuration file!']); } $requirements = $handleRequirements->getRequirementStatus(); // Get All status $page_title = "Installation - Requirements"; return view('installer.pages.requirements',compact('page_title','requirements')); } public function purchaseValidationForm() { if(RequirementHelper::step() != "PASSED") { return redirect()->route('project.install.requirements'); } $page_title = "Installation - Validation"; return view('installer.pages.validation-form',compact('page_title')); } public function purchaseValidationFormSubmit(Request $request, ErrorHelper $handleError, ValidationHelper $validator, Helper $helper) { $request->validate([ 'username' => 'required|string', 'code' => 'required|string', ]); try{ if($validator->isLocalInstallation()) { $helper->cache($request->all()); $validator->setStepSession(); }else { $validator->validate($request->all()); } }catch(Exception $e) { return $handleError->redirectErrorPage([$e->getMessage()]); } return redirect()->route('project.install.database.config'); } public function databaseConfigView(Helper $helper) { $page_title = "Installation - Database Configuration"; if(RequirementHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.requirements'); if(ValidationHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.validation.form'); $host_name = request()->host(); if($host_name != "localhost" && $host_name != "") { $host_name = gethostname(); } return view('installer.pages.database-config',compact('page_title','host_name')); } public function databaseConfigSubmit(Request $request, DBHelper $db, Helper $helper) { $validator = Validator::make($request->all(),[ 'app_name' => 'required|string|max:150', 'host' => 'required|string', 'db_name' => 'required|string|max:100', 'db_user' => 'required|string', 'db_user_password' => 'nullable|string', ]); if($validator->fails()) { return back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } $validated = $validator->validate(); try{ $db->create($validated); }catch(Exception $e) { return back()->with('error',$e->getMessage()); } return redirect()->route('project.install.migration.view'); } public function migrationView(Helper $helper, URLHelper $url) { if(RequirementHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.requirements'); if(ValidationHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.validation.form'); if(DBHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.database.config'); $database_data = DBHelper::getSessionData(); $page_title = "Installation - Database Migration"; return view('installer.pages.migration',compact('page_title','database_data')); } public function migrationSubmit(Request $request, DBHelper $db) { try{ $db->migrate(); }catch(Exception $e) { return back()->with('error',$e->getMessage()); } return redirect()->route('project.install.admin.setup'); } public function accountSetup(Helper $helper) { $page_title = "Installation - Admin account settings"; if(RequirementHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.requirements'); if(ValidationHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.validation.form'); if(DBHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.database.config'); if(DBHelper::step('migrate') !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.migration.view'); return view('installer.pages.admin-setup',compact('page_title')); } public function accountUpdate(Request $request, DBHelper $db) { $request->validate([ 'email' => "required|string|email", 'f_name' => "required|string", 'l_name' => "required|string", 'password' => "required|string", ],[ 'email.required' => "Email address is required", '' => "Email address must be an valid email", 'f_name.required' => "First name is required", 'l_name.required' => "Last name is required", 'password.required' => "Password field is required", ]); try{ $db->updateAccountSettings($request->all()); }catch(Exception $e) { return back()->with('error',$e->getMessage()); } return redirect()->route('project.install.finish'); } public function finish(Helper $helper) { $page_title = "Installation - Finish"; if(RequirementHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.requirements'); if(ValidationHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.validation.form'); if(DBHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.database.config'); if(DBHelper::step('migrate') !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.migration.view'); if(DBHelper::step('admin_account' !== "PASSED")) return redirect()->route('project.install.admin.setup'); cache()->driver("file")->forget($helper->cache_key); return view('installer.pages.finish',compact('page_title')); } } resources\installer\src\Helpers/DBHelper.php <?php namespace Project\Installer\Helpers; use Exception; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema; use Symfony\Component\Process\Process; class DBHelper { public function create(array $data) { $this->updateEnv([ 'DB_CONNECTION' => "mysql", 'DB_HOST' => $data['host'], 'DB_PORT' =>"3306", 'DB_DATABASE' => $data['db_name'], 'DB_USERNAME' => $data['db_user'], 'DB_PASSWORD' => $data['db_user_password'], ]); $this->setStepSession(); $this->saveDataInSession($data); $helper = new Helper(); $helper->cache($data); } public function updateEnv(array $replace_array) { $array_going_to_modify = $replace_array; if (count($array_going_to_modify) == 0) { return false; } $env_file = App::environmentFilePath(); $env_content = $_ENV; $update_array = ["APP_ENV" => App::environment()]; foreach ($env_content as $key => $value) { foreach ($array_going_to_modify as $modify_key => $modify_value) { if(!array_key_exists($modify_key,$env_content) && !array_key_exists($modify_key,$update_array)) { $update_array[$modify_key] = $this->setEnvValue($modify_key,$modify_value); break; } if ($key == $modify_key) { $update_array[$key] = $this->setEnvValue($key,$modify_value); break; } else { $update_array[$key] = $this->setEnvValue($key,$value); } } } $string_content = ""; foreach ($update_array as $key => $item) { $line = $key . "=" . $item; $string_content .= $line . "\n\r"; } sleep(2); file_put_contents($env_file, $string_content); } public function setEnvValue($key,$value) { if($key == "APP_KEY") { return $value; } return '"'.$value.'"'; } public function saveDataInSession($data) { session()->put('database_config_data',$data); } public static function getSessionData() { return session('database_config_data'); } public function setStepSession() { session()->put("database_config","PASSED"); } public static function step($step = 'database_config') { return session($step); } public function migrate() { self::execute("php artisan migrate:fresh --seed"); self::execute("php artisan migrate"); self::execute("php artisan passport:install"); $this->setMigrateStepSession(); $helper = new Helper(); $data = cache()->driver("file")->get($helper->cache_key); // update env to production $this->updateEnv([ 'APP_ENV' => "production", ]); } public function setMigrateStepSession() { session()->put('migrate','PASSED'); } public function updateAccountSettings(array $data) { $helper = new Helper(); $helper->cache($data); $p_code = $helper->cache()['code'] ?? ""; if($p_code == "") { cache()->driver('file')->forget($helper->cache_key); throw new Exception("Something went wrong! Purchase code registration failed! Please try again"); } $admin = DB::table('admins')->first(); if(!$admin) { DB::table('admins')->insert([ 'firstname' => $data['f_name'], 'lastname' => $data['l_name'], 'password' => password_hash($data['password'],PASSWORD_DEFAULT), 'email' => $data['email'], ]); }else { DB::table("admins")->where('id',$admin->id)->update([ 'firstname' => $data['f_name'], 'lastname' => $data['l_name'], 'password' => password_hash($data['password'],PASSWORD_DEFAULT), 'email' => $data['email'], ]); } $validator = new ValidationHelper(); if($validator->isLocalInstallation() == false) { $helper->connection($helper->cache()); } $client_host = parse_url(url('/'))['host']; $filter_host = preg_replace('/^www\./', '', $client_host); if(Schema::hasTable('script')) { DB::table('script')->truncate(); DB::table('script')->insert([ 'client' => $filter_host, 'signature' => $helper->signature($helper->cache()), ]); } if(Schema::hasTable('basic_settings')) { try{ DB::table('basic_settings')->where('id',1)->update([ 'site_name' => $helper->cache()['app_name'] ?? "", ]); }catch(Exception $e) { //handle error } } $db = new DBHelper(); $db->updateEnv([ 'PURCHASE_CODE' => $p_code, 'APP_MODE' => "live", ]); // $helper->generateAppKey(); $this->setAdminAccountStepSession(); } public function setAdminAccountStepSession() { session()->put('admin_account','PASSED'); } public static function execute($cmd): string { $process = Process::fromShellCommandline($cmd); $processOutput = ''; $captureOutput = function ($type, $line) use (&$processOutput) { $processOutput .= $line; }; $process->setTimeout(null) ->run($captureOutput); if ($process->getExitCode()) { throw new Exception($cmd . " - " . $processOutput); } return $processOutput; } } resources\installer\src\Helpers/ValidationHelper.php <?php namespace Project\Installer\Helpers; use Exception; use Illuminate\Http\Client\RequestException; use Illuminate\Http\Client\Response; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http; use Project\Installer\Helpers\Helper; use Project\Installer\Helpers\URLHelper; class ValidationHelper { public function validate(array $data) { $config = new ConfigHelper(); $url = new URLHelper(); $db = new DBHelper(); $helper = new Helper(); $data['client'] = $helper->client(); $helper->connection($data); $helper->cache($data); $this->setStepSession(); } public function setStepSession() { session()->put('validation',"PASSED"); } public static function step() { return session('validation'); } public function isLocalInstallation() { return true; $url = request()->url(); $url_path = parse_url($url); $host = $url_path['host']; if($host == "localhost" || $host == "") return true; return false; } } 4.5 Full Null İnstall 1 Quote
farter1234 Posted June 24 Posted June 24 @Ufuk G i followed the instructions and it installed without any issue,using hpanel by the way,thank you so much bro 1 Quote
Adegboye Rapheal Posted June 25 Posted June 25 @farter1234 Its asking for Codecanyon Username and Purchase code Quote
farter1234 Posted June 25 Posted June 25 (edited) On 6/25/2024 at 10:38 AM, Adegboye Rapheal said: @farter1234 Its asking for Codecanyon Username and Purchase code You need to make sure that you have made changes to all 3 files listed , for example in this first file it shows you the folders that you need to enter to find the file that you need to make changes to , copy the code below , enter the file , remove any existing code and just paste the new code and do this for all three files, after you do this it is still going to ask you for your username and purchase code just type in any random letters or numbers ,anything at all the installation will go through successfully For example here you need to enter the resources folder,in there you'll see the installer folder,in there you'll see the src folder then controllers folder and finally the base controller.php file ,remove any code in there and copy and paste the code just below then save ,do this for all 3 files,good luck the design and functionality of this script is very beautiful and extensive if you have any issues installing it just post a screenshot of the issue PS I also noticed that the sub domain you are trying to install the script on does not have SSL installed , so far all of the hosting providers I have used offer free SSL and most of the time they add it to your domain name automatically but they don't always do this with sub domains you will have to do it manually you can do so by searching for the ssl/tls section on the control panel of your hosting , that section should display all the domains and sub domains and give you the option to activate the free SSL that comes with each one Edited June 25 by farter1234 Clarification Quote
Orokimundu Strong Posted June 28 Posted June 28 (edited) @Ufuk Gerror importing database php artisan migrate:fresh --seed - Dropping all tables ............................................... 1ms FAIL Illuminate\Database\QueryException could not find driver (SQL: SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE') at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:760 756▕ // If an exception occurs when attempting to run a query, we'll format the error 757▕ // message to include the bindings with SQL, which will make this exception a 758▕ // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the database's errors. 759▕ catch (Exception $e) { ➜ 760▕ throw new QueryException( 761▕ $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e 762▕ ); 763▕ } 764▕ } [2m+44 vendor frames [22m 45 artisan:37 Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle() Edited June 28 by Orokimundu Strong Quote
sonia Posted October 15 Posted October 15 @Ghost Tester @Reyyryh G replace the current code with below mentioned code: resources\installer\src\Controllers/BaseController.php <?php namespace Project\Installer\Controllers; use Exception; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use Project\Installer\Helpers\DBHelper; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator; use Project\Installer\Helpers\ErrorHelper; use Project\Installer\Helpers\Helper; use Project\Installer\Helpers\RequirementHelper; use Project\Installer\Helpers\URLHelper; use Project\Installer\Helpers\ValidationHelper; class BaseController extends Controller { public function __construct() { if(!request()->routeIs('project.install.finish') && request()->routeIs('project.install.*')) { if(env("PURCHASE_CODE",'') != "") { return abort(404); } }else if(request()->routeIs('project.install.finish')) { if(DBHelper::step('admin_account' !== "PASSED")) { return abort(404); } } } public function welcomeView(Helper $helper) { cache()->driver('file')->forget($helper->cache_key); $page_title = "Installation - Welcome"; return view('installer.pages.welcome',compact('page_title')); } public function installationProcessCancel() { $page_title = "Installation - Cancel"; return view('installer.pages.cancel',compact('page_title')); } public function requirementsView(ErrorHelper $handleError, RequirementHelper $handleRequirements) { if($handleRequirements->requirementConfigIsInvalid()) { return $handleError->redirectErrorPage(['Failed to open installer configuration file!']); } $requirements = $handleRequirements->getRequirementStatus(); // Get All status $page_title = "Installation - Requirements"; return view('installer.pages.requirements',compact('page_title','requirements')); } public function purchaseValidationForm() { if(RequirementHelper::step() != "PASSED") { return redirect()->route('project.install.requirements'); } $page_title = "Installation - Validation"; return view('installer.pages.validation-form',compact('page_title')); } public function purchaseValidationFormSubmit(Request $request, ErrorHelper $handleError, ValidationHelper $validator, Helper $helper) { $request->validate([ 'username' => 'required|string', 'code' => 'required|string', ]); try{ if($validator->isLocalInstallation()) { $helper->cache($request->all()); $validator->setStepSession(); }else { $validator->validate($request->all()); } }catch(Exception $e) { return $handleError->redirectErrorPage([$e->getMessage()]); } return redirect()->route('project.install.database.config'); } public function databaseConfigView(Helper $helper) { $page_title = "Installation - Database Configuration"; if(RequirementHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.requirements'); if(ValidationHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.validation.form'); $host_name = request()->host(); if($host_name != "localhost" && $host_name != "") { $host_name = gethostname(); } return view('installer.pages.database-config',compact('page_title','host_name')); } public function databaseConfigSubmit(Request $request, DBHelper $db, Helper $helper) { $validator = Validator::make($request->all(),[ 'app_name' => 'required|string|max:150', 'host' => 'required|string', 'db_name' => 'required|string|max:100', 'db_user' => 'required|string', 'db_user_password' => 'nullable|string', ]); if($validator->fails()) { return back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } $validated = $validator->validate(); try{ $db->create($validated); }catch(Exception $e) { return back()->with('error',$e->getMessage()); } return redirect()->route('project.install.migration.view'); } public function migrationView(Helper $helper, URLHelper $url) { if(RequirementHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.requirements'); if(ValidationHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.validation.form'); if(DBHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.database.config'); $database_data = DBHelper::getSessionData(); $page_title = "Installation - Database Migration"; return view('installer.pages.migration',compact('page_title','database_data')); } public function migrationSubmit(Request $request, DBHelper $db) { try{ $db->migrate(); }catch(Exception $e) { return back()->with('error',$e->getMessage()); } return redirect()->route('project.install.admin.setup'); } public function accountSetup(Helper $helper) { $page_title = "Installation - Admin account settings"; if(RequirementHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.requirements'); if(ValidationHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.validation.form'); if(DBHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.database.config'); if(DBHelper::step('migrate') !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.migration.view'); return view('installer.pages.admin-setup',compact('page_title')); } public function accountUpdate(Request $request, DBHelper $db) { $request->validate([ 'email' => "required|string|email", 'f_name' => "required|string", 'l_name' => "required|string", 'password' => "required|string", ],[ 'email.required' => "Email address is required", '' => "Email address must be an valid email", 'f_name.required' => "First name is required", 'l_name.required' => "Last name is required", 'password.required' => "Password field is required", ]); try{ $db->updateAccountSettings($request->all()); }catch(Exception $e) { return back()->with('error',$e->getMessage()); } return redirect()->route('project.install.finish'); } public function finish(Helper $helper) { $page_title = "Installation - Finish"; if(RequirementHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.requirements'); if(ValidationHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.validation.form'); if(DBHelper::step() !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.database.config'); if(DBHelper::step('migrate') !== "PASSED") return redirect()->route('project.install.migration.view'); if(DBHelper::step('admin_account' !== "PASSED")) return redirect()->route('project.install.admin.setup'); cache()->driver("file")->forget($helper->cache_key); return view('installer.pages.finish',compact('page_title')); } } resources\installer\src\Helpers/DBHelper.php <?php namespace Project\Installer\Helpers; use Exception; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema; use Symfony\Component\Process\Process; class DBHelper { public function create(array $data) { $this->updateEnv([ 'DB_CONNECTION' => "mysql", 'DB_HOST' => $data['host'], 'DB_PORT' =>"3306", 'DB_DATABASE' => $data['db_name'], 'DB_USERNAME' => $data['db_user'], 'DB_PASSWORD' => $data['db_user_password'], ]); $this->setStepSession(); $this->saveDataInSession($data); $helper = new Helper(); $helper->cache($data); } public function updateEnv(array $replace_array) { $array_going_to_modify = $replace_array; if (count($array_going_to_modify) == 0) { return false; } $env_file = App::environmentFilePath(); $env_content = $_ENV; $update_array = ["APP_ENV" => App::environment()]; foreach ($env_content as $key => $value) { foreach ($array_going_to_modify as $modify_key => $modify_value) { if(!array_key_exists($modify_key,$env_content) && !array_key_exists($modify_key,$update_array)) { $update_array[$modify_key] = $this->setEnvValue($modify_key,$modify_value); break; } if ($key == $modify_key) { $update_array[$key] = $this->setEnvValue($key,$modify_value); break; } else { $update_array[$key] = $this->setEnvValue($key,$value); } } } $string_content = ""; foreach ($update_array as $key => $item) { $line = $key . "=" . $item; $string_content .= $line . "\n\r"; } sleep(2); file_put_contents($env_file, $string_content); } public function setEnvValue($key,$value) { if($key == "APP_KEY") { return $value; } return '"'.$value.'"'; } public function saveDataInSession($data) { session()->put('database_config_data',$data); } public static function getSessionData() { return session('database_config_data'); } public function setStepSession() { session()->put("database_config","PASSED"); } public static function step($step = 'database_config') { return session($step); } public function migrate() { self::execute("php artisan migrate:fresh --seed"); self::execute("php artisan migrate"); self::execute("php artisan passport:install"); $this->setMigrateStepSession(); $helper = new Helper(); $data = cache()->driver("file")->get($helper->cache_key); // update env to production $this->updateEnv([ 'APP_ENV' => "production", ]); } public function setMigrateStepSession() { session()->put('migrate','PASSED'); } public function updateAccountSettings(array $data) { $helper = new Helper(); $helper->cache($data); $p_code = $helper->cache()['code'] ?? ""; if($p_code == "") { cache()->driver('file')->forget($helper->cache_key); throw new Exception("Something went wrong! Purchase code registration failed! Please try again"); } $admin = DB::table('admins')->first(); if(!$admin) { DB::table('admins')->insert([ 'firstname' => $data['f_name'], 'lastname' => $data['l_name'], 'password' => password_hash($data['password'],PASSWORD_DEFAULT), 'email' => $data['email'], ]); }else { DB::table("admins")->where('id',$admin->id)->update([ 'firstname' => $data['f_name'], 'lastname' => $data['l_name'], 'password' => password_hash($data['password'],PASSWORD_DEFAULT), 'email' => $data['email'], ]); } $validator = new ValidationHelper(); if($validator->isLocalInstallation() == false) { $helper->connection($helper->cache()); } $client_host = parse_url(url('/'))['host']; $filter_host = preg_replace('/^www\./', '', $client_host); if(Schema::hasTable('script')) { DB::table('script')->truncate(); DB::table('script')->insert([ 'client' => $filter_host, 'signature' => $helper->signature($helper->cache()), ]); } if(Schema::hasTable('basic_settings')) { try{ DB::table('basic_settings')->where('id',1)->update([ 'site_name' => $helper->cache()['app_name'] ?? "", ]); }catch(Exception $e) { //handle error } } $db = new DBHelper(); $db->updateEnv([ 'PURCHASE_CODE' => $p_code, 'APP_MODE' => "live", ]); // $helper->generateAppKey(); $this->setAdminAccountStepSession(); } public function setAdminAccountStepSession() { session()->put('admin_account','PASSED'); } public static function execute($cmd): string { $process = Process::fromShellCommandline($cmd); $processOutput = ''; $captureOutput = function ($type, $line) use (&$processOutput) { $processOutput .= $line; }; $process->setTimeout(null) ->run($captureOutput); if ($process->getExitCode()) { throw new Exception($cmd . " - " . $processOutput); } return $processOutput; } } resources\installer\src\Helpers/ValidationHelper.php <?php namespace Project\Installer\Helpers; use Exception; use Illuminate\Http\Client\RequestException; use Illuminate\Http\Client\Response; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http; use Project\Installer\Helpers\Helper; use Project\Installer\Helpers\URLHelper; class ValidationHelper { public function validate(array $data) { $config = new ConfigHelper(); $url = new URLHelper(); $db = new DBHelper(); $helper = new Helper(); $data['client'] = $helper->client(); $helper->connection($data); $helper->cache($data); $this->setStepSession(); } public function setStepSession() { session()->put('validation',"PASSED"); } public static function step() { return session('validation'); } public function isLocalInstallation() { return true; $url = request()->url(); $url_path = parse_url($url); $host = $url_path['host']; if($host == "localhost" || $host == "") return true; return false; } } Quote
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