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Oobbenn PHP Social Network Nulled Script

ani vasko80

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Oobbenn PHP Social Network Nulled Script

Welcome to oobenn product page.

oobenn is a social networking platform with instagram interface. With features hosted in oobenn content is a unique script that can be used for multiple projects.You can enable or disable the parts that members use to share. For example, if you have a video sharing project, you will have a video sharing project if you activate the video sharing feature of oobenn and disable other fields.

9 different sharing features are available. More features are being added with updates.
  • The currently available sharing features are:
    • Text Sharing Feature
    • Image Sharing Feature
    • Video Sharing Feature
    • Music/Audio Sharing Feature
    • Link Sharing Feature
    • Filter Image Sharing Feature
    • Gif Sharing Feature
    • Location Sharing Feature
    • WaterMark Sharing Feature
    • BenchMark Sharing Feature
    • Product Sharing Feature


oobenn Instagram Style Social Networking Script - 2

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User Features :

  • News Feed (Following Friends Activity): displays messages posted by following users. Videos, images, audios, links, suggested pages and much more.
  • Profile Displays your user profile along with Events, photos, Videos, Areas of interest and much more.
  • Photos: View and show all the photos you share here
  • All Events: Users can see his own NewsFeed Videos, Photos, Links, Locations and much more…
  • Likes: for updates with latest profile images preview and total likes counter.
  • #hashtag in updates, comments, videos ect.
  • Trending Topics: Top 5 trending topics on NewsFeed page and Top 5 Trending Topics on #hashtag
  • Click Sounds When you click like button click sounds will apper like facebook.
  • Click Vibrate When you click like button click vibrate will apper like facebook
  • Block: When you block someone you do not like. The person you blocked can no longer view your shares.
  • Notifications Get notifications (red notification with bubble counter) from your following users when they: Like, Comment, friend request and Follows.
  • User Mention System User can tag his friend in any post or comment. It will give also a notification by tagget user friends.
  • Post Privacy:Everyone – Available to everyone, – Following – Available to following users, – Followers – Available just followers, – Just me – Only you can see
  • Report report messages, comments and profiles
  • Cover and profile images for user profile
  • Retina Display Ready Responsive Design
  • Filters Posts Events, locations, videos, links ect.
  • Friends suggestions
  • Change Langauge
  • Day / Night Mode like Twitter
  • Instagram Style Story
  • Badoo Style Interested
  • Tumblr Style User Hover Card
  • Tumblr Style Post Types
  • Online Friend List
  • How many friends see storyTotal display is calculated separately for each status update.
  • Edit Post
  • Disable / Enable comment
  • Fast answer Fast answer working like instagram story.
  • Sticker Sticker system working like facebook.
  • Whatsapp Style Text Edit User can change the text style like whatsapp. In this feature have tree type for text: Bold, italic and strikethrough text.
  • Welcome Page Templates After you buy the oobenn you can see there is tree template for wellcome theme. You can use which one you like. Also you can create a welcome page template for your project. It is very easy.
  • User can add Profile Background Audio
  • User can add Profile background image
  • PayPal Payment System
  • Advertising System
  • User Credit System
  • Gif System like facebook
  • Scroll to play video like instagram
  • Share video on story page
  • Share image on story page
  • Manage your stories
  • See how many user viewed your shared stories
  • PayPal Payment Gateway
  • User can buy Credit
  • User can create Advertisement
  • Admin can Create Advertisement
  • Per view advertisement
  • Per click advertise
  • Manage Advertisement
  • Self-Desctruction message like badoo
  • Send video, file, music and images on chat page.
  • See multiple image in nice popup slide show
  • Instagram style multiple image slider
  • Watermark System
  • BenchMark SystemThis feature is the first in the world
  • Image Crop System User can upload and crop AVATAR/COVER and Uploaded BenchMark images.
  • 12 BenchMark category
  • 18 Watermark bg Image (Admin can add more watermark bg using admin dashboard)
  • Users can edit/Customize their profile colors, backgorund image, background sound
  • Users can change profile font style with 51 different font.
  • Users can share his/her location.
  • Users can share gif using giphy API
  • User can Create Event
  • Event creator full manage his/her own Event
  • Tumbnail system
  • 5 Different Login & Register Page Template. More coming soon.. ;)
  • WhatsApp style Video Preview without changing the url. Support (12 big website) YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, DailyMotion, MetaCafe, VideoJug, Blip, Screenr, SlideShare, flickr, funnyordie and devianart
  • Re-Share User can ReShare liked posts like tumblr
  • Unlike Post User can Unlike Posts
  • Weather
  • Post Text Translate like Facebook
  • Voice recording for comment
  • 6 Feeling Category and 111 Feeling Icon
  • 27 Product Category
  • Slider Advertisement system
  • Product Click Counter
  • Product Seen Counter
  • Menu and Icon system
  • Market Place Profile system. User can buy template for his/her business. Like tumblr blog template system.
  • and so much more feature. New features continue to be added every two weeks…


  • User manage : Edit, delete user
  • Post magange : Edit , delete users posts.
  • All Site Statistic
  • Edit Langauge
  • Welcome templates
  • Website management
  • Manage features
  • Manage advertisements
  • Manage gifs
  • Manage Stickers
  • and so much more…



    [Added] - MarketPlace system
    [Added] - Product Search System
    [Added] - Product Boost System
    [Added] - Market Profile System
    [Added] -  Buy Market Template System (This system working like tumblr blog template system. User can purchase for his/her marketplace business)
    [Added] - 27 Product Category
    [Added] - Slider Advertisement system
    [Added] - 2 Market Template
    [Added] - Instagram style boosted product system. Boosted posts change color.
    [Added] - Discount Calculate system
    [Added] - Boost Widget for Right Sidebar
    [Added] - Icon System
    [Added] - Menu system. Admin can change menu position. The system have two type menu system now. 
    [Added] - 2 icon system. Admin can manage the icons.
    [Added] - Auto map system for products
    [Added] - Marketplace profile : Products, Sold, about
    [Added] - Boosted products page. User can manage his/her boost.
    [Added] - Manage Products
    [Added] - Manage Boosted products
    [Added] - Manage marketplace features
    [Added] - Manage marketplace categories
    [Added] - Manage marketplace Advertisement slider.
    [Added] - Enable Disable product share syste.
    [Added] - Enable Disable product search system
    [Added] - Enable Disable Advertisement slider system. 
    [Added] - Marketplace theme system
    [Fixed] - javascript bug
    [Fixed] - css bugs
    [Improved] - Speed 


    [Added] - Voice Record (from comment feature)
    [Added] - Text translate feature like Facebook (Yandex API)
    [Added] -  Added <strong>6 Feeling Category and 111 Feeling Icon</strong>
    [Improved] - Video Feature (No need FFMPEG for video tumbnial)
    [Added] - Admin can add, edit, delete feeling activities.
    [Improved] - Benchmark Feature
    [Improved] - Css codes
    [Improved] - Javascript codes
    [Added] - Dislike Count
    [Fixed] - Share feature bug
    [Improved] - Share feature
    [Improved] - Explore Page
    [Added] - Manage Feelings (Add, Edit, Delete) from admin panel
    [Added] - Manage Yandex Translate API from admin panel


    [Added] - Dislike Post Feature
    [Added] - Enable Disable Dislike Button from Admin Panel
    [Added] - Weather API
    [Added] - Enable Disable Weather API from Admin panel
    [Added] - Re-Share Post
    [Improved] - Improved BenchMark feature. Now user can see how many people Benched post.
    [Fixed] - Image Upload twice bug
    [Fixed] - 5+ Reported CSS Bugs.
    [Improved] - The script has been made much faster.
    [Improved] - Admin panel 
    [Improved] - Login & Register pages
    [Added] - Page PreLoading
    [Improved] - Ajax Requests


    [Added] - Registration Limit for every IP
    [Added] - Enable Disable Register from Admin Panel
    [Added] - WhatsApp style Video Preview without changing the url. Support (12 big website) YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, DailyMotion, MetaCafe, VideoJug, Blip, Screenr, SlideShare, flickr, funnyordie and devianart
    [Added] - Admin can manage all post categories.
    [Added] - Advertisement code system. Admin can add advertisement code and manage the advertisement area like Enable/Disable. Header, right sidebar and between posts. 
    [Fixed] - Chat scroll bug.
    [Fixed] - Chat twice message bug.
    [Fixed] - 10+ CSS Bugs.
    [Improved] - The script has been made much faster.
    [Improved] - Admin panel
    [Added] - thumbnail system
    [Improved] - Installation system
    [Improved] - Login & Register pages


    - [Fixed] 5+ CSS Bugs
    - [Fixed] 8+ PHP Bug
    - [Improved] Php BenchMark feature
    - [Improved] Admin Panel
    - [Added] Event Feture
    Features of the EVENT feature
    - Event Creator can select a cover photo in 10+ ready cover like facebook
    - Event Creator can select a cover photo in 10+ ready cover like facebook
    - Event Creator can select event category in 25+ event category list.
    - Event Name
    - Event Description 
    - Event Start Date 
    - Event Time
    - Event End Date 
    - Event End Time 
    - Enable / Disable => Share event with friends after create 
    - Enable / Disable => Users can invite his/her friends to this event 
    - Enable / Disable => Guests can share something on event page. 
    Event Page feature
    - How many people are attending this event 
    - How many people are interested in this event. 
    - Invite your friends to this event 
    - Guests can share  Text 
    - Guests can share Image 
    - Guests can share Video 
    - Guests can share Music/Audio 
    - Guests can share Link
    - Guests can share Filter Image 
    - Guests can share Gif
    - Guests can share Location 
    - Guests can share WaterMark 
    - Guests can share BenchMark
    Event Admin feature
    - Event Creator can Change Event Cover (with crop feature) 
    - Event Creator can Enable / Disable user can invite their friends 
    - Event Creator can change event details
    - Event Creator can Allow / Disallow share event feature for his/her event 
    - Event Creator can Allow / Disallow Text feature 
    - Event Creator can Allow / Disallow Image 
    - Event Creator can Allow / Disallow Video 
    - Event Creator can Allow / Disallow Music/Audio 
    - Event Creator can Allow / Disallow Link 
    - Event Creator can Allow / Disallow Filter Image 
    - Event Creator can Allow / Disallow Gif 
    - Event Creator can Allow / Disallow Location 
    - Event Creator can Allow / Disallow WaterMark
    - Event Creator can Allow / Disallow BenchMark 
    - [Added] Upcoming Events Page with 25+ category slider
    - [Added] 25+ Event category
    - [Added] 10+ Event ready cover photo
    - Admin can add/delete event category
    - Admin can add/delete event ready to use cover photo
    - Admin can change script logo from admin panel
    - Admi can change mobile logo from admin panel.
    - [Improved] Notification Feature
    - [Added] New Language Wods
    - [Improved] htaccess Rules


     - [Fixed] CSS Bugs
     - [Added] Watermark System
     - [Added] BenchMark post System
     - [Improved] Languages 
     - [Improved] Php codes  
     - [Improved] Css codes
     - [Improved] Admin panel
     - [Improved] Profile Edit Feature
     - [Added] 18 Watermark background image  
     - [Added] 12 BenchMark category
     - [Added] Users can share emoji from the comments, posts, titles, profile info, chat everywhere. 
     - [Added] Image Crop System. Now users can crop their avatar and cover image.
     - [Added] Pretty URL
     - [Added] Copy Post URL link from share other social networking box. 
     - [Added] Now admin can select main language and also, The administrator can now allow or refuse members to select a language.
     - [Added] Admin can add new Watermark background image
     - [Added] Admin can edit all users profile details. 
     - [Added] Admi can change script type. The administrator can activate or disable the post features.


     - [Fixed] CSS Bugs
     - [Added] Share Location System
     - [Added] Gif Post system using Giphy API
     - [Improved] All icons  
     - [Improved] Php codes  
     - [Improved] Css codes
     - [Improved] Admin panel
     - [Improved] Profile Edit Feature
     - [Added] 51 Google Font for Profile Edit feature.  
     - [Added] Share post 14 Different social networking platform. (facebook, twitter, pinterest, tumblr, vkontakte,reddit, linkedin, whatsapp, viber, digg, delicious, evernote, yahoo and gmail)
     - [Added] Google PushNotification API system.
     - [Added] Copy Post URL system 


     - [Fixed] Bugs
     - [Added] Scroll to play video like instgram
     - [Added] Self-Destruction message on chat feture
     - [Added] Video, image, audio and file send on chat feature
     - [Added] Admin can more manage script features.  
     -  It continues to be developed. 


     - [Fixed] Installation bug


     - [Fixed] SQL bug
     - [Added] php.ini file for better performance
     - [Fixed] 2 CSS bug fixed


     - [Fixed] Installation bug


    - [Added] Advertisement Module
    - [Added] User Manage Advertisement Module
    - [Added] Create Advertisement with many option
    - [Added] Gif module for comment
    - [Added] Show advertisement module between post
    - [Added] User can add profile background image
    - [Added] User can manage profile background image
    - [Added] User can add profile background sound
    - [Added] User can manage profile backgorund sound
    - [Added] Admin can approve/delete/edit/reject advertisements
    - [Added] Admin can create advertisement
    - [Added] Admin can manage Paypal module
    - [Added] Admin can edit Advertisement modules
    - [Added] Admin can add more Stickers
    - [Added] Admin can add more Gif(image)
    - [Fixed] Post bug
    - [Fixed] 5+ CSS bug
    - [Fixed] javascript bug
    - [Fixed] Ajax bug
    - [Improved] CSS
    - [Improved] Javascript
    - [Improved] Ajax
    - [Improved] PNG files
    - [Improved] PHP codes
    - [Added] More sql tables
    - [Fixed] Chat bug
    and mouch more


    - [Added] Sticker System Like facebook with 40+ sticker
    - [Added] Whatsapp style text edit . Bold, italic and strikethrough
    - [Added] Edit Post
    - [Added] Enable/Disable Comment
    - [Added] Online Friends
    - [Improved] Post System
    - [Improved] Admin Panel
    - [Improved] Mention system
    - [Fixed] 4 Css bug
    - [Improved] Javascript codes
    - [Improved] Online Installation page  
    - [Improved] Story update system


    - [Added] Who can see your stries
    - [Added] Mention system
    - [Added] Mention notification System
    - Notification System Upgrated
    - CSS is Upgrated
    - Javascript codes Upgrated
    - Comment system Upgrated
    - Added Mention system on comment feature
    - Added who can see your stories list like facebook

    Version 2.2

    - Fixed login and register
    - Improved radar
    - Improved translate
    - Improved Profile settings
    - Improved Profile Page
    - Improved Story system
    - Changed Stroy system style
    - Changed post system style
    - Added fast answer feature with 9 emaoji
    - Added user search feature with old searched people
    - Improved admin panel
    - Added stroies page 


    [Added] - Image Filter Effect (10+)
    [Added] - Installation System (The installation is 2 Minutes now)
    [Fixed] - 10+ bugs

    Previous updates were removed because the script was completely changed.

    All SVG icons included from: https://icons8.com/

    If you like oobenn Instagram Style Social Networking Platform don’t forget to rate it oobenn Instagram Style Social Networking Script - 9oobenn Instagram Style Social Networking Script - 10oobenn Instagram Style Social Networking Script - 11oobenn Instagram Style Social Networking Script - 12oobenn Instagram Style Social Networking Script - 13

    I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to our script.We’ll do our best to assist. please feel free to email via my user page contact form here.


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Regular License
Regular License Selected

Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.

Extended License

Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.

  • Included: Quality checked by Envato
  • Included: Future updates
  • Included: 6 months support from mstfoztrk
    What does support include?
Extend support to 12 months $20.25

Get it now and save up to $27

Price is in US dollars. Price displayed excludes sales tax.

238 Sales

Item Rating:

4.72 stars
4.72 average based on 71 ratings. (more information)
Last Update 10 August 19
Created 15 July 16
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, Layered PNG
Software Version PHP 7.x, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6, MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x
Tags daily, image share, instagram, instagram style social networking script, oobenn, social network, social networking, tumblr, twitter
© All Rights Reserved mstfoztrk
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