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FireSocial | Firebase Social Network

FireSocial | Firebase Social Media
FireSocial will let you create your social network following easy steps well documented. the app is built in Android Studio with Firebase Database. The app has powerful features, beautiful design and Responsive Admin Panel (you can manage Users, Feeds, Questions, Comments, Chats, Ban & Block System and others). This application was created in Android studio for client side and Php/MySQL for Admin side.

Requirements And Services

- Before you purchase Firesocial be sure that you read all terms, Requirements And Services From here

FireSocial | Firebase Social Network - 1

Apk Demo

FireSocial | Firebase Social Network - 2

Admin Panel Demo

FireSocial | Firebase Social Network - 3
username : admin
password : admin123456


- We don’t sell outside of codecanyon, our items can be found only at codecanyon. don’t get scammed!
- If you are intending to charge your users or sell in-app purchases you should obtain the extended license.
- Before you purchase Firesocial be sure that you read all terms, Requirements And Services From here

Re-skin Service:

FireSocial | Firebase Social Network - 4

Email: amic.team.contact@gmail.com

Why should you buy Extended License!

FireSocial | Firebase Social Network - 5

App Features:

Publish Feeds

- Normal feeds list
- VIP feeds list
- Questions and Answers Section (boost Question Button)
- Customize feeds Background Color
- Feed Reaction emojis
- Feed like button
- Feed Comment
- Feed #Hashtags
- Feed @user Mention
- Feed with link preview
- Report feed System
- Delete Feed
- Feed with Text / images (images Download)
- Feed share link
- Feed Comment (auto Load More)
- - Comment Delete
- - Comment Reply
- Send Push Notifications for each interaction


- 4 types of admob unites:
- - Interstitial AD
- - Rewarded Video AD
- - Native Advanced AD
- - App Open AD
- well placed

Chats (Individuals - Groups)

- Amazing Messenger Design
- Send Message (Text - photo - Contact - Place)
- Forward Messages
- Delete Messages (From one Side)
- Message State (created → Sent → Delivered → Seen (Soon))
- Chat Options
- - Delete All Chat
- - Report Chat
- - Mute Notifications
- Send Push Notifications(Name and Message).
- Chat Groups
- - Create Group
- - Add Members to chat
- - Delete Members From chat


- Login With Phone - Password Or Google Button
- Amazing Profile Design
- About Information
- User Feeds
- Follow – unfollow
- Counters
- Block User
- Report Profile
- Edit Profile
- Badge System (3 types of Badges)
- - Badge for Verified Profile
- - Badge for VIP Profile
- - Badge for Admin Profile


- Notification for feed heart button
- Notification for feed Reaction emojis
- Notification for feed Comment
- Notification for Comment Reply


- Theme (Light – Dark)
- Edit Profile (Name, gender, Birthday ….)
- Change Phone Number

And More ...

Admin Panel Features:

- Statistics
- Reports (the app, chat, user , feed, feeds vip, Question, comment)
- Search ( user , feed, feeds vip, Question)
- Chats informations, Profile Informaions
- Crashes ( Any crash happened to any user the app will send crash log and phone information to admin panel . This help developer to fix and update the app)
- Contact Us : Messages
- Send Push Notification to one User or all users
- Admin panel settings

And More ...

Change Log

V1.8  |    18-02-2023

Firesocial V2
- Fix some bugs and errors
- latest android versions compatibility

-Fix some crashes and bugs in some devices related to last update

V1.7  |    17-06-2022

Firesocial V2
- chat theme with colors
- chat background selection and messages radius
- Multiple bug fixes
- Server Side improvements

V1.6  |    23-03-2022

- Android 12 support
- Multiple bug fixes

V1.5  |    05-10-2021

- Added publish video post feature
- Added option to select which storage to use for photos upload (Firebase or own server)
- Added option to set default country
- Multiple bug fixes

V1.4   |    15-06-2021

Android Code
- Add Video & Voice Call (Free Api Work With Webrtc Developed By Amic Team)
- Add Restriction For users who can call you in Settings (Every One / Friends Only / No One)
- Add New Sing In Method with Google Button
- Add Friendship System (send Friend Request / accept / delete)
- Add Friend-Request Tap (Manage friendship requests)
- Fix Sending Contact Message  (Chat) 
- Fix and change Sending Location Message (Chat)
- fix Bugs

Php Code
- Play videos in posts
- Improve Installation System
- Improve Listing in tables
- Multiple bug fixes

V1.3.1   |    16-03-2021
Android Code
fix Bugs

V1.3   |    03-03-2021

Android Code
fix Bugs
 - fix Followings System
 - fix share link previews
 - Followings Feeds Tab
 - Add delete Profile Option

Php Code
 - fix Errors
 - add landing page

 - online documentations

V1.2   |    20-01-2021
Android Code
fix Bugs
 - fix logout and signIn Bugs
 - fix services
 - fix comments
 - fix Search 
 - Profanity filter comment/feeds/questions/messages
 - Deleting groups

Php Code
 - fix Bugs

Add How to add Words to Profanity filter
Add Changelog Android Code to v1.2 

V1.1   |    19-01-2021
Fix Admin Panel Bugs
Fix Android Code Crashes
Add Notifications Delete Option

V1.0   |    15-01-2021
Initial Release


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  • Mahmoud changed the title to FireSocial v1.8 - Firebase Social Network

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