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The ugly truth about nulled scripts/themes/plugins


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As the title says this is the Ugly truth about nulled themes/plugins/scripts or what greedy developers hide from you.

We all hear or read that nulled scripts are full of viruses, backdoors and so on. Here's a quote from a plugin developer

the software contains malware that can damage your website, steal your identity or worse.

without even mentioning that in most of the cases that malware is added by developers themselves.

Apparently fear of viruses and backdoors infiltrated so deep in everyone's mind that nulled is always associated with virus.

What "nulled" actually mean?

Nulled mean equaled with null, zeroed and it refers to communication mechanism between the script and licensing server being zeroed or removed.

Why is it necessary?
Developers want to control the spread of their scripts and make sure no one uses it without paying. Pretty hard task though. So they come with protection mechanism like licensing, auto-deletion, auto-removal and even backdoors that allows them access to sites that they consider having installed their scripts without a license.
While licensing mechanism is relatively inoffensive the others are even worse than hackers trying to access your site. Why? Because of the following 2 reasons:
1 - they don't respect you as future clients and your privacy. I personally wouldn't want to deal with a dev that included a backdoor in his script.
2 - they open holes for hackers for easier access to your server. Developers never thought of that, they only think they can control from distance and all solved. But basically they expose you and their clients to easy hacking.

So why is necessary? Because you want to fully try all the aspects of the script before you put your money on it and without being forced to buy a license and then go trough a painful process of asking for refund. Try before you actually buy.

I often hear this question: "Is it safe to use it on live server?"
Answer does not belong to yes/no group. It depends. It depends on how evil is the developer and how much he wants to hurt so called infringers that didn't buy his script officially.

We at DoniaWeB guarantee you that all paid files have been fully examined and do not include any backdoors or malicious programs and are completely safe to use and legal. Therefore, I will not exaggerate if I say that publishing them in a production environment is safer than publishing the file that you purchased from the programmer himself.

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You are absolutely right! How else are they able to detect if you're using nulled or have a license? They have to add a tracker to the files to ensure that you're still paying for their software. Invision is quite greedy and is the worse culprit of this. You have to pay $500 for everything up front if you want to self host, and then pay $200 after a year if you still want updates.

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