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IPTV player / network (android)


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IPTV player / network (android) - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

IPTV player / network (android) - 1 IPTV player / network (android) - 2

  • Unlimited playlist
  • Private / public playlist
  • User playlists
  • Add custom playlist
  • Video format settings
  • Support 64bit
  • Support hls, mp4, m3u8 stream in playlist local or url
  • Prepared for translation into any languages
  • Parse server
  • Push notification (onesignal)
  • Favorites in the “cloud”
  • Authentication by email
  • Admob support (banner , interstitial)
  • Lottie animations
  • Easy customisation
  • Clean code
  • Documentation include
  • Setup does not require deep programming knowledge

IPTV player / network (android) - 3

Download apk here
Virus scan: Virustotal.com
See an example M3U file format here. Any error in the syntax of the playlist on your part is invalid.

IPTV player / network (android) - 4

  • The latest version of Android studio and some knowledge about its UI /UX interface and how the development environment works
  • Photoshop or any other image editor software
  • An Google Developer account to submit apps to the Google play Store
  • An AdMob account to generate your own ads ID
  • A free account on Back4app or own Parse server
  • A free account on Firebase
  • A free account on Adminca

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/iptv-player-network-android/25546820



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Support is available for paid files only
Support for free files is offered for a fee only

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