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Whatsapp Gateway | Multi Device v8.5.1

Magd Almuntaser

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On 8/19/2023 at 1:28 AM, Magd Almuntaser said:

Finally i've fixed the problem when you enable autoreply ..
replace this code with your file (server/controllers/incomingMessage.js) :

const { dbQuery } = require('../database/index'),
  { parseIncomingMessage, formatReceipt } = require('../lib/helper')
const axios = require('axios'),
  } = require('../database/model'),
  IncomingMessage = async (whatsa, usera) => {
    try {
      let quoted = false
      if (!whatsa.messages) {
      whatsa = whatsa.messages[0]
      const namea = whatsa?.pushName || ''
      if (whatsa.key.fromMe === true) {
      if (whatsa.key.remoteJid === 'status@broadcast') {
      const partinumber =
          whatsa.key.participant && formatReceipt(whatsa.key.participant),
          command: commanda,
          bufferImage: bufimagea,
          from: froma,
        } = await parseIncomingMessage(whatsa)
      let texta, replya
      const spilia = usera.user.id.split(':')[0],
        isrepl = await isExistsEqualCommand(commanda, spilia)
      isrepl.length > 0
        ? (replya = isrepl)
        : (replya = await isExistsContainCommand(commanda, spilia))
      if (replya.length === 0) {
        const urla = await getUrlWebhook(spilia)
        if (urla == null) {
        const objecta = await sendWebhook({
          command: commanda,
          bufferImage: bufimagea,
          from: froma,
          url: urla,
          participant: partinumber,
        if (objecta === false) {
        if (objecta === undefined) {
        if (typeof objecta != 'object') {
        quoted = objecta?.quoted ? true : false
        texta = JSON.stringify(objecta)
      } else {
        replyorno =
          replya[0].reply_when == 'All'
            ? true
            : replya[0].reply_when == 'Group' &&
            ? true
            : replya[0].reply_when == 'Personal' &&
            ? true
            : false
        if (replyorno === false) {
        quoted = replya[0].is_quoted ? true : false
        texta =
          process.env.TYPE_SERVER === 'hosting'
            ? replya[0].reply
            : JSON.stringify(replya[0].reply)
      return (
        (texta = texta.replace(/{name}/g, namea)),
        await usera
          .sendMessage(whatsa.key.remoteJid, JSON.parse(JSON.parse(texta)), {
            quoted: quoted ? whatsa : null,
          .catch((errora) => {
    } catch (lasterrora) {
async function sendWebhook({
  command: msga,
  bufferImage: newimga,
  from: newfroma,
  url: newurla,
  participant: newparta,
}) {
  try {
    const senda = {
        message: msga,
        bufferImage: newimga == undefined ? null : newimga,
        from: newfroma,
        participant: newparta,
      headra = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' },
      dataa = await axios
        .post(newurla, senda, headra)
        .catch(() => {
          return false
    return dataa.data
  } catch (newrerrora) {
    return console.log('error send webhook', newrerrora), false
module.exports = { IncomingMessage: IncomingMessage }

and tell me if your autoreply work !!
i've sent this fix to the developer

Its not work sir, autoreply still error 🥲

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@ronipriyatna @We Blend Web use this information to configure this file and the cronjob

On 6/17/2023 at 2:08 AM, Ardian said:

config cronjob in shared hosting

To make it work you must edit file "custom-route.php" at "webhome/routes/custom-routes.php with:


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan;

Route::get('generate', function (){
return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan::call('storage:link');

Route::get('/schedule-run', function () {
return Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan::call('schedule:run');

return Artisan::call('optimize');


Now you can test: www.yourweb.com/schedule-run

For the cronjob i´m using this two every five minutes:

cd /YOURHOMEE/artisan schedule:run 1 >/dev/null 2>&1

curl "https://YOURWEB.com/schedule-run" >/dev/null 2>&1


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