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Whatsapp Gateway | Multi Device v8.5.1

Magd Almuntaser

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2 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Saya tidak berpikir bahwa Gemini dan ChatGPT akan memposting di grup, saya lupa tentang poin ini. Mengenai ketidakmampuan pengguna untuk menyimpan secara otomatis ke database, saya akan memeriksanya.
Secara umum, saya akan menerapkan perbaikan ini pada versi berikutnya.

Sekaligus tambahkan form nya saat tambah device om

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4 minutes ago, agus amin said:

Sekaligus tambahkan form nya saat tambah device om

Saya telah mencoba membuat pengguna biasa dan mencoba menulis API, dan itu tersimpan secara otomatis. Masalahnya ada di browser Anda, bukan dari skripnya. Cobalah menggunakan browser lain. Tampaknya browser Anda memiliki ekstensi yang mencegah JavaScript Ajax bekerja dengan benar.

Mengenai penambahan fitur ChatGPT saat membuat perangkat baru, saya tidak berpikir itu penting karena fitur tersebut muncul langsung setelah membuat perangkat baru, jadi tidak baik untuk mengulanginya dua kali. Bahkan webhook juga tidak baik untuk muncul dua kali saat pembuatan dan setelah pembuatan, karena berada di halaman yang sama sebenarnya.

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1 minute ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Laporan panggilan sebenarnya muncul saat panggilan dilakukan, tetapi sangat sulit untuk menanganinya karena laporan yang ditampilkan pada gambar di bawah ini berasal dari socket perusahaan WhatsApp, bukan dari WhiskeySockets/Baileys. Jadi, kamu tidak bisa menangani socket perusahaan WhatsApp kecuali tim WhiskeySockets/Baileys yang membuatnya, atau kamu mengubah file mereka di GitHub dan membuat build versi tersebut. Namun, versi terbaru dari WhiskeySockets/Baileys tidak kompatibel dengan skrip ini dan membutuhkan perubahan total pada skrip.

Jadi, situasinya saat ini sangat sulit dan tidak akan berhasil untukmu. Tetapi saya harap kamu berhasil, karena ini adalah fitur yang hebat bagi mereka yang memiliki nomor bot.


Tampilannya seperti ini kawan..


Anda bisa mencoba memanggil saya pada no ini 6281262559232

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46 minutes ago, agus amin said:

@Magd Almuntaser gimana cara agar gemini tidak menjawab otomatis ke group whatsapp, kemudian tolong perbaiki api key gemini/chat gpt user tidak bisa menyimpan otomatis ke database di mpwa, kalau admin bisa menyimpan, untuk user belum

utk gemini bisa menjawab di group , menurut saya merupakan suatu hal yang bagus, hal ini tidak perlu dihilangkan.💯

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Saya telah menambahi fungsi tolak panggilan pada script whatsapp.js, jika anda ingin mencobanya, tolong jangan replace filenya, perhatikan scriptnya, ambil potongan script yang saya tambahi, agar bisa sama-sama belajar membaca fungsi script. Jika ingin mereplace file silahkan Anda backup terlebih dulu file whatsapp.js anda.

kemudian pada phpmyadmin di tabel number tambahi column noCall dan textNoCall, noCall berisi yes atau no sedangkan textNoCall berisi pesan untuk dikirimkan setelah menolak panggilan.


Restart nodejs, lihat apakah ada error atau tidak..

Selamat mencoba...


Edited by Dammah Sifla
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8 minutes ago, Dammah Sifla said:

Saya telah menambahi fungsi tolak panggilan pada script whatsapp.js, jika anda ingin mencobanya, tolong jangan replace filenya, perhatikan scriptnya, ambil potongan script yang saya tambahi, agar bisa sama-sama belajar membaca fungsi script. Jika ingin mereplace file silahkan Anda backup terlebih dulu file whatsapp.js anda.

kemudian pada phpmyadmin di tabel number tambahi column noCall dan textNoCall, noCall berisi yes atau no sedangkan textNoCall berisi pesan untuk dikirimkan setelah menolak panggilan.


Restart nodejs, lihat apakah ada error atau tidak..

Selamat mencoba...

whatsapp.js 19.44 kB · 0 downloads

@Dammah Sifla must we add those columns in DB???

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9 minutes ago, Dammah Sifla said:

Saya telah menambahi fungsi tolak panggilan pada script whatsapp.js, jika anda ingin mencobanya, tolong jangan replace filenya, perhatikan scriptnya, ambil potongan script yang saya tambahi, agar bisa sama-sama belajar membaca fungsi script. Jika ingin mereplace file silahkan Anda backup terlebih dulu file whatsapp.js anda.

kemudian pada phpmyadmin di tabel number tambahi column noCall dan textNoCall, noCall berisi yes atau no sedangkan textNoCall berisi pesan untuk dikirimkan setelah menolak panggilan.


Restart nodejs, lihat apakah ada error atau tidak..

Selamat mencoba...

whatsapp.js 19.44 kB · 0 downloads

if so create a migration file, so we will not get confused

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I see that there are many modifications to the bot such as chatgpt, gemini, personal or group messaging, and call cancellation, In the future, I may add other ai such as claude and DALL-E, so I think I will separate these features into a new page in the next version, below the Auto reply button in the menu, and make it (AI Bot).

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4 hours ago, Dammah Sifla said:

Saya telah menambahi fungsi tolak panggilan pada script whatsapp.js, jika anda ingin mencobanya, tolong jangan replace filenya, perhatikan scriptnya, ambil potongan script yang saya tambahi, agar bisa sama-sama belajar membaca fungsi script. Jika ingin mereplace file silahkan Anda backup terlebih dulu file whatsapp.js anda.

kemudian pada phpmyadmin di tabel number tambahi column noCall dan textNoCall, noCall berisi yes atau no sedangkan textNoCall berisi pesan untuk dikirimkan setelah menolak panggilan.


Restart nodejs, lihat apakah ada error atau tidak..

Selamat mencoba...

whatsapp.js 19.44 kB · 1 download

Terima kasih banyak atas bantuannya saya akan mencobanya. 

Apakah yang anda maksud tabel Device? Karena saya tidak menemukan tabel number. 

Edited by nikokenzo
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1 hour ago, Jei Grey said:

@Magd Almuntaser


run storage-link any eror like this. any solution?

Your hosting block symlink function ..

If you have vps you can enable this function and try again or run this command in SSH:

php artisan storage:link

If you don't have vps and you have aapanel you can create symlink from files ..

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7 hours ago, The Billionaire said:

@Magd Almuntaser I will need you on this build, I would have loved to do it, but since you are good at it let me leave it for you

Yes, I will do that. I might release the next version today or tomorrow.
It contains many fixes and additions.
Some of these additions include:

- new page for updating the version remotely with a single click without needing to download the compressed file (smart update)
- new page for the AI bot with all options
- Added Claude API
- Added an option for (read) for bot conversations
- The ability to choose if you want to integrate more than one bot and call it by name in the conversation or not
- The ability to enable or disable calls for the bot
- Fixed the date issue in (message history)
- Fixed the port page for those using SSL
... and more

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16 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Yes, I will do that. I might release the next version today or tomorrow.
It contains many fixes and additions.
Some of these additions include:

- new page for updating the version remotely with a single click without needing to download the compressed file (smart update)
- new page for the AI bot with all options
- Added Claude API
- Added an option for (read) for bot conversations
- The ability to choose if you want to integrate more than one bot and call it by name in the conversation or not
- The ability to enable or disable calls for the bot
- Fixed the date issue in (message history)
- Fixed the port page for those using SSL
... and more

we are waiting for it sir. thanks in advance

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1 hour ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Yes, I will do that. I might release the next version today or tomorrow.
It contains many fixes and additions.
Some of these additions include:

- new page for updating the version remotely with a single click without needing to download the compressed file (smart update)
- new page for the AI bot with all options
- Added Claude API
- Added an option for (read) for bot conversations
- The ability to choose if you want to integrate more than one bot and call it by name in the conversation or not
- The ability to enable or disable calls for the bot
- Fixed the date issue in (message history)
- Fixed the port page for those using SSL
... and more

Thanx you , ini luar biasa..👍

1 hour ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Yes, I will do that. I might release the next version today or tomorrow.
It contains many fixes and additions.
Some of these additions include:

- new page for updating the version remotely with a single click without needing to download the compressed file (smart update)
- new page for the AI bot with all options
- Added Claude API
- Added an option for (read) for bot conversations
- The ability to choose if you want to integrate more than one bot and call it by name in the conversation or not
- The ability to enable or disable calls for the bot
- Fixed the date issue in (message history)
- Fixed the port page for those using SSL
... and more

Thanx you , ini luar biasa..👍

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1 hour ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Yes, I will do that. I might release the next version today or tomorrow.
It contains many fixes and additions.
Some of these additions include:

- new page for updating the version remotely with a single click without needing to download the compressed file (smart update)
- new page for the AI bot with all options
- Added Claude API
- Added an option for (read) for bot conversations
- The ability to choose if you want to integrate more than one bot and call it by name in the conversation or not
- The ability to enable or disable calls for the bot
- Fixed the date issue in (message history)
- Fixed the port page for those using SSL
... and more

We all always waiting this goodnews sir.. thank you,

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2 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Yes, I will do that. I might release the next version today or tomorrow.
It contains many fixes and additions.
Some of these additions include:

- new page for updating the version remotely with a single click without needing to download the compressed file (smart update)
- new page for the AI bot with all options
- Added Claude API
- Added an option for (read) for bot conversations
- The ability to choose if you want to integrate more than one bot and call it by name in the conversation or not
- The ability to enable or disable calls for the bot
- Fixed the date issue in (message history)
- Fixed the port page for those using SSL
... and more

Luar biasa master

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4 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Yes, I will do that. I might release the next version today or tomorrow.
It contains many fixes and additions.
Some of these additions include:

- new page for updating the version remotely with a single click without needing to download the compressed file (smart update)
- new page for the AI bot with all options
- Added Claude API
- Added an option for (read) for bot conversations
- The ability to choose if you want to integrate more than one bot and call it by name in the conversation or not
- The ability to enable or disable calls for the bot
- Fixed the date issue in (message history)
- Fixed the port page for those using SSL
... and more

Thank you sir. 

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On 7/11/2024 at 12:09 AM, Magd Almuntaser said:

How To Run (Whatsapp Gateway Multi Device) Via SSL
(For All Version)



In this guide, we will use SSL for cPanel and Cloudflare users only.

1- we need to know that Cloudflare uses these ports exclusively:


We will use port 8443 because it is not used by cPanel.

2-  let's assume the script is located at this domain:

https:// magd.com/ws

We will go to Cloudflare and select SSL/TLS -> Overview, then choose Full.



3- we will edit the .env file located in the root directory of the script and change these fields to https:// and Port to 8443

APP_URL=https://magd .com
WA_URL_SERVER=https://magd .com:8443

4- we will login to cPanel, go to SSL/TLS:


and then Manage SSL sites:


5- Now we will select Use Certificate for New Site:


Two fields will appear. The first is Certificate: (CRT) which we will copy and save in a file named cert.pem. The other is Private Key (KEY) which we will save in a file named key.pem:


6- We will upload the two files we saved, cert.pem and key.pem, to the root directory of the script. Then, we will edit the server.js file and replace this code from:

const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const http = require("http");
const server = http.createServer(app);


const serverOptions = {
  key: fs.readFileSync('key.pem'),
  cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem')

const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const https = require("https");
const server = https.createServer(serverOptions, app);

7- And finally, the last step, is to edit the routes/web.php file and add this code at the end of the file:



Now you can restart Node.js and enjoy using the script over HTTPS
I will later post how to use SSL on the aaPanel control panel. Therefore, if anyone has a website using this panel, please send your site details (PM) so I can use them for the explanation, as I don't currently have aaPanel 🙂


ReferenceError: Cannot access 'fs' before initialization
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/kdletqgj/message.aacademy.in/server.js:10:8)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1358:14)
    at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1416:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1208:32)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1024:12)
    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1233:19)
    at require (node:internal/modules/helpers:179:18)
    at startApplication (/usr/local/lsws/fcgi-bin/lsnode.js:48:15)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lsws/fcgi-bin/lsnode.js:16:1)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1358:14)

Node.js v20.14.0
  key: fs.readFileSync('key.pem'),


const wa = require("./server/whatsapp");
const fs = require("fs");
const dbs = require('./server/database/index');
const lib = require("./server/lib");
global.log = lib.log;

const serverOptions = {
  key: fs.readFileSync('key.pem'),
  cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem')

const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const https = require("https");
const server = https.createServer(serverOptions, app);

const { Server } = require("socket.io");
const io = new Server(server);
const port = process.env.PORT_NODE;
app.use((req, res, next) => {
  res.set("Cache-Control", "no-store");
  req.io = io;
  // res.set('Cache-Control', 'no-store')

const bodyParser = require("body-parser");

// parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    extended: false,
    limit: "50mb",
    parameterLimit: 100000,
// parse application/json

// console.log(process.argv)

io.on("connection", (socket) => {
  socket.on("StartConnection", (data) => {
    wa.connectToWhatsApp(data, io);
  socket.on("ConnectViaCode", (data) => {
    wa.connectToWhatsApp(data, io, true);
  socket.on("LogoutDevice", (device) => {
    wa.deleteCredentials(device, io);
server.listen(port, console.log(`Server run and listening port: ${port}`));

dbs.db.query("SELECT * FROM devices WHERE status = 'Connected'", (err, results) => {
    if (err) {
      console.error('Error executing query:', err);
    results.forEach(row => {
      const number = row.body;
      if (/^\d+$/.test(number)) {

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