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Whatsapp Gateway | Multi Device v8.5.1

Magd Almuntaser

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Just now, angga turki said:

mantap tuh, semoga awet, ini juga sedang riset supaya bisa konek terus, yang saya uji masih dengan cronjob external, jika dirasa kurang nanti pakai cronjob internal pakai command crontab,

iya mas, sebelumnya saya pakai Automation google appsheet untuk menjaga pesan terkirim 1 jam 1x agar Nodejs tetap standby (aktif), Alhamdulillah lancar jaya 24 jam,

tapi kemarin2 saya dengar ada Cronjob ini di Cpanel shared hosting yang fungsinya sama dengan automation google appsheet jd sy fikir akan lebih baik langsung menggunakan fitur bawaan dari shared hostingnya.

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3 minutes ago, Enno The Explorer said:

iya mas, sebelumnya saya pakai Automation google appsheet untuk menjaga pesan terkirim 1 jam 1x agar Nodejs tetap standby (aktif), Alhamdulillah lancar jaya 24 jam,

tapi kemarin2 saya dengar ada Cronjob ini di Cpanel shared hosting yang fungsinya sama dengan automation google appsheet jd sy fikir akan lebih baik langsung menggunakan fitur bawaan dari shared hostingnya.

hosting dimana mas? mpwa buat aplikasi apa tuh? Apa hanya buat native app saja?

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6 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Saya akan membeli dari perusahaan ini kemarin, alhamdulillah tidak jadi 😅

Tunggu, saya memiliki perubahan penting yang mungkin bisa memperbaiki masalah koneksi. Saat ini saya sedang mencobanya, dan jika berhasil, saya akan merilis versi baru hari ini

Wait, I have an important change that might fix the connection issue. I'm currently testing it, and if it works, I'll release a new version today.

24 minutes ago, Enno The Explorer said:

Cronjobnya sudah berhasil, wow luar biasa..terima kasih banyak mas..akhirnya Nodejsnya bs aktif 24 jam tanpa pakai aplikasi luar lagi..😍🙏


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17 minutes ago, angga turki said:

hosting dimana mas? mpwa buat aplikasi apa tuh? Apa hanya buat native app saja?

saya hosting di Idcloudhost mas dari 2020 .
bisa untuk semua jenis native app bisa, terutama krn sy develop app dengan google appsheet jd sangat berguna untuk saya

Edited by Enno The Explorer
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Just now, Enno The Explorer said:

saya hosting di Idcloudhost mas dari 2020 mas.
bisa untuk semua jenis native app terutama krn sy develop app dengan google appsheet jd sangat berguna untuk saya

wah developer, mantap, lanjutkan mas, itu automasinya jalankah? dikembangin ke IoT juga kah?

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1 minute ago, badas said:

Saya install dari versi 7 sampai update ke versi versi bro @Magd Almuntaser sampai sekarang tidak pernah terputus nodejs nya.
VPS idcloud



I put my effort and focus on version, which has many additions and fixes. The most important one is that the node disconnect because I have implemented a method that checks the Internet every 10 seconds in case the Internet is interrupted (in weak shared hosting), it will automatically reconnect until the Internet comes back and connects directly.

Saya mengerahkan upaya dan fokus pada versi, yang memiliki banyak penambahan dan perbaikan. Yang paling penting adalah pemutusan koneksi node karena saya telah menerapkan metode yang memeriksa Internet setiap 10 detik jika Internet terputus (pada shared hosting yang lemah), maka secara otomatis akan tersambung kembali hingga Internet kembali dan terhubung secara langsung.

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8 minutes ago, badas said:

Saya install dari versi 7 sampai update ke versi versi bro @Magd Almuntaser sampai sekarang tidak pernah terputus nodejs nya.
VPS idcloud



port berapa yang kamu gunakan mas untuk node js nya? dan kalau boleh share spesifikasi software yang digunakan mulai dari os, php versi, mysql atau mariaDB versi, dan versi node js nya?

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4 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

I put my effort and focus on version, which has many additions and fixes. The most important one is that the node disconnect because I have implemented a method that checks the Internet every 10 seconds in case the Internet is interrupted (in weak shared hosting), it will automatically reconnect until the Internet comes back and connects directly.

Saya mengerahkan upaya dan fokus pada versi, yang memiliki banyak penambahan dan perbaikan. Yang paling penting adalah pemutusan koneksi node karena saya telah menerapkan metode yang memeriksa Internet setiap 10 detik jika Internet terputus (pada shared hosting yang lemah), maka secara otomatis akan tersambung kembali hingga Internet kembali dan terhubung secara langsung.

Amazing..ga sabar untuk menunggu versi ini rilis..

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31 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

I put my effort and focus on version, which has many additions and fixes. The most important one is that the node disconnect because I have implemented a method that checks the Internet every 10 seconds in case the Internet is interrupted (in weak shared hosting), it will automatically reconnect until the Internet comes back and connects directly.

Saya mengerahkan upaya dan fokus pada versi, yang memiliki banyak penambahan dan perbaikan. Yang paling penting adalah pemutusan koneksi node karena saya telah menerapkan metode yang memeriksa Internet setiap 10 detik jika Internet terputus (pada shared hosting yang lemah), maka secara otomatis akan tersambung kembali hingga Internet kembali dan terhubung secara langsung.

We are always waiting for your work bro.

27 minutes ago, angga turki said:

port berapa yang kamu gunakan mas untuk node js nya? dan kalau boleh share spesifikasi software yang digunakan mulai dari os, php versi, mysql atau mariaDB versi, dan versi node js nya?

Port 3000an.
Os almalinux, php 8.1, mysql 5.7, nodejs v18.20.4

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58 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

I put my effort and focus on version, which has many additions and fixes. The most important one is that the node disconnect because I have implemented a method that checks the Internet every 10 seconds in case the Internet is interrupted (in weak shared hosting), it will automatically reconnect until the Internet comes back and connects directly.

Saya mengerahkan upaya dan fokus pada versi, yang memiliki banyak penambahan dan perbaikan. Yang paling penting adalah pemutusan koneksi node karena saya telah menerapkan metode yang memeriksa Internet setiap 10 detik jika Internet terputus (pada shared hosting yang lemah), maka secara otomatis akan tersambung kembali hingga Internet kembali dan terhubung secara langsung.

Good job.. 👍

Still thinking about new features to add, please provide feedback 😁

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2 hours ago, angga turki said:

wah developer, mantap, lanjutkan mas, itu automasinya jalankah? dikembangin ke IoT juga kah?

Jalan mas, justru di google appsheet penggunaan automation paling sering sy gunakan,

klo IoT belum mas, baru perangkat lunak saja, tp kedepannya klo ada yang bisa membantu saya untuk menghubungkan perangkatnya mungkin bisa aja dihubungkan ke appsheet melalui API

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1 hour ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

I put my effort and focus on version, which has many additions and fixes. The most important one is that the node disconnect because I have implemented a method that checks the Internet every 10 seconds in case the Internet is interrupted (in weak shared hosting), it will automatically reconnect until the Internet comes back and connects directly.

Saya mengerahkan upaya dan fokus pada versi, yang memiliki banyak penambahan dan perbaikan. Yang paling penting adalah pemutusan koneksi node karena saya telah menerapkan metode yang memeriksa Internet setiap 10 detik jika Internet terputus (pada shared hosting yang lemah), maka secara otomatis akan tersambung kembali hingga Internet kembali dan terhubung secara langsung.

tadi saya melihat ada update ke v. di dashboard mpwa sy, tp saat sy update tidak terjadi perubahan apapun tuan

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Update Whatsapp Gateway Multi Device (Magd Version) v7.0.0.5
Only for those who use my previous version


You can install the update from your control panel by clicking on Admin->Update or from the notifications in the website interface.

I apologize for jumping directly to version I had to do so due to the Laravel 9 update, as it would conflict with the smart update if you only installed Therefore, I included some commands in and to avoid any conflicts during the update, as follows:

- Fixed the smart update.


- Added a free SSL generator to run Node.js over SSL with one click (smart).
Added read support for Webhook API.
Added (What’s new) on the Smart Update page.
Added typing indicators for bot, webhook, and auto-reply.
Added config/config.php file to change the site name.
Upgraded Laravel from 8 to v9.52.16.
Upgraded laravel-filemanager to the latest version with closed exploits.
Upgraded dependencies to the latest compatible version.
Installed pm2 and included it in the script.
Installed is-online to check the connection.
Fixed an issue with connecting in Node.js.
Fixed an issue with unzipping files in Smart Update.
Fixed an issue with scaled images from a link when sending a message with a link.
Fixed port check issue.
Fixed read functionality in auto-reply and bot.
Fixed Smart Update.
Removed unused vendors to reduce size.

Executed some Artisan commands to update the cache and storage and install database tables.



I have separated the site name, copyright, and other settings into a file located at (config/config.php), and it is structured as follows:



The connection issue has been resolved by integrating (pm2) into the script and using (is-online) for monitoring the internet connection status. In case of a connection loss, it will attempt to reconnect to the WhatsApp server every 10 seconds. When the internet connection is restored, it will automatically reconnect. The (pm2) helps by restarting Node.js if it stops due to an error.



You can now create an SSL certificate to run Node.js by going to (Admin->Settings Server). You will find a new button where you need to enter a valid email address and click on (Generate). The script will create and install a free SSL certificate for Node.js. After that, you can restart Node.js to run on SSL. Remember to update your site URL in the (.env) file from (http) to (https) and use your (https) site URL for compatibility. Remember that the SSL is free for 3 months, after which you can click again to generate a new SSL, The feature does not work on localhost.



For those using (extrnal pm2) on their site, I have not tested version with an external (pm2), so you can try it. If there is a conflict, you can use the (node) command without the need for (pm2), as it is now integrated into the script.

For those looking for the "new installation," you can download the full version from the next post.

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Things I will do in version
- Implement a multi-language system (English, Arabic, Indonesian) and any other languages for which I receive assistance.
- Adjust the design to support Arabic and Persian (
right-to-left layout).
- Rearrange SSL generation to be automatic without manual editing of the
.env file.
- Attempt to create
generate images system using AI.
- Delete button for messages history.

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54 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

For those looking for a new installation
Whatsapp Gateway Multi Device (Magd Version)

mpwa-magd-v7.0.0.5.zip 84.35 MB · 0 downloads

Awesome... Great job sir. Jazakallahu khairan.

Sir, is it possible in next version you add menu "Edit" for autoreply and "Delete" for message history? 

Thanks in advance.


Updated 😍😍😍


Edited by Gusik Prasetyo
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2 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Update Whatsapp Gateway Multi Device (Magd Version) v7.0.0.5
Only for those who use my previous version


You can install the update from your control panel by clicking on Admin->Update or from the notifications in the website interface.

I apologize for jumping directly to version I had to do so due to the Laravel 9 update, as it would conflict with the smart update if you only installed Therefore, I included some commands in and to avoid any conflicts during the update, as follows:

- Fixed the smart update.


- Added a free SSL generator to run Node.js over SSL with one click (smart).
Added read support for Webhook API.
Added (What’s new) on the Smart Update page.
Added typing indicators for bot, webhook, and auto-reply.
Added config/config.php file to change the site name.
Upgraded Laravel from 8 to v9.52.16.
Upgraded laravel-filemanager to the latest version with closed exploits.
Upgraded dependencies to the latest compatible version.
Installed pm2 and included it in the script.
Installed is-online to check the connection.
Fixed an issue with connecting in Node.js.
Fixed an issue with unzipping files in Smart Update.
Fixed an issue with scaled images from a link when sending a message with a link.
Fixed port check issue.
Fixed read functionality in auto-reply and bot.
Fixed Smart Update.
Removed unused vendors to reduce size.

Executed some Artisan commands to update the cache and storage and install database tables.



I have separated the site name, copyright, and other settings into a file located at (config/config.php), and it is structured as follows:



The connection issue has been resolved by integrating (pm2) into the script and using (is-online) for monitoring the internet connection status. In case of a connection loss, it will attempt to reconnect to the WhatsApp server every 10 seconds. When the internet connection is restored, it will automatically reconnect. The (pm2) helps by restarting Node.js if it stops due to an error.



You can now create an SSL certificate to run Node.js by going to (Admin->Settings Server). You will find a new button where you need to enter a valid email address and click on (Generate). The script will create and install a free SSL certificate for Node.js. After that, you can restart Node.js to run on SSL. Remember to update your site URL in the (.env) file from (http) to (https) and use your (https) site URL for compatibility. Remember that the SSL is free for 3 months, after which you can click again to generate a new SSL, The feature does not work on localhost.



For those using (extrnal pm2) on their site, I have not tested version with an external (pm2), so you can try it. If there is a conflict, you can use the (node) command without the need for (pm2), as it is now integrated into the script.

For those looking for the "new installation," you can download the full version from the next post.

Alhamdulillah so many bugs fixed. 
great job sir. We all love you

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