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Whatsapp Gateway | Multi Device v8.5.1

Magd Almuntaser

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7 minutes ago, SHIEVIP said:

@Magd Almuntaser When i try send message and show error like this

Screenshot (285).png

your website disable eval function .. so you need to decode all files that encoded.. i decoded this two files for you.
so first if you use 5.5.0 you can replace this file inside this file (app/Services/Impl/WhatsappServiceImpl.php) :


namespace App\Services\Impl;

use App\Services\WhatsappService;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;

class WhatsappServiceImpl implements WhatsappService {

  private $url;

  public function __construct()
    $this->url = env('WA_URL_SERVER');
  public function fetchGroups($device): object
        $fetch = Http::withOptions(['verify' => false])->asForm()->post($this->url .'/backend-getgroups',['token' => $device->body]);
        return json_decode($fetch->body());


  public function startBlast($data): object
    $res = Http::withOptions(['verify' => false])
        $this->url . '/backend-blast',
            'data' => json_encode($data),
            'delay' => 1,
    return json_decode($res->body());

  public function sendText($request,$receiver): object | bool
     $results = Http::withOptions(['verify' => false])->asForm()->post($this->url . '/backend-send-text', [
          'token' => $request->sender,
          'number' =>$receiver,
          'text' => $request->message,

    return json_decode($results->body());


  public function sendMedia($request,$receiver): object | bool
    // GET FILE NAME from $request->url
    $fileName = explode('/', $request->url);
    $fileName = explode('.', end($fileName));
    $fileName = $fileName[0];
     $data = [
            'token' => $request->sender,
            'url' => $request->url,
            'number' => $receiver,
            'caption' => $request->caption ?? '',
            'filename' => $fileName,
            'type' => $request->media_type,
            'ptt' => $request->ptt ? ($request->ptt == 'vn' ? true : false) : false,
    $results = Http::withOptions(['verify' => false])->asForm()->post($this->url . '/backend-send-media', $data);

    return json_decode($results->body());

  public function sendButton($request,$receiver): object | bool
       $buttons = [];
       foreach ($request->button as $button) {
            $buttons[] = ['displayText' => $button, ];
        // check url if exists,set to image if not exists cheeck thumbnail if exists set to image
        $image = $request->url ? $request->url : ($request->image ? $request->image : '');
        $data = [
            'token' => $request->sender,
            'number' => $receiver,
            'button' => json_encode($buttons),
            'message' => $request->message,
            'footer' => $request->footer ?? '',
            'image' => $image,
        $results =  Http::withOptions(['verify' => false])->asForm()->post($this->url . '/backend-send-button', $data);
        return json_decode($results->body());


  public function sendTemplate($request,$receiver): object | bool
         $templates = [];

         $ii = 1;
          foreach ($request->template as $template) {
            $typedest = explode('|', $template)[0] == 'url' ? 'url' : (explode('|', $template)[0] == 'call' ? 'phoneNumber' : 'id');
            $type = explode('|', $template)[0] == 'id' ? 'quickReplyButton' : explode('|', $template)[0] . 'Button';
            $templates[] = [
                'index' => $ii,
                $type => [
                    'displayText' => explode('|', $template)[1],
                    $typedest => explode('|', $template)[2],
             $image = $request->url ? $request->url : ($request->image ? $request->image : '');
            $data = [
            'token' => $request->sender,
            'number' => $receiver,
            'button' => json_encode($templates),
            'text' => $request->message,
            'footer' => $request->footer ?? '',
            'image' => $image,

        $results =  Http::withOptions(['verify' => false])->asForm()->post($this->url . '/backend-send-template', $data);
        return json_decode($results->body());

  public function sendList($request,$receiver) : Object | bool
     $section['title'] = $request->title;
      $i = 1;
      foreach ($request->list as $menu) {
            $section['rows'][] = [
                'title' => $menu,
                'rowId' => 'id' . $i,
                'description' => '',
       $data = [
            'token' => $request->sender,
            'number' => $receiver,
            'list' => json_encode($section),
            'text' => $request->message,
            'footer' => $request->footer ?? '',
            'title' => $request->title,
            'buttonText' => $request->buttontext,

        $results =  Http::withOptions(['verify' => false])->asForm()->post($this->url . '/backend-send-list', $data);
        return json_decode($results->body());


  public function sendPoll ($request ,$receiver) : Object | bool
    $optionss = [];
    foreach ($request->option as $opt) {
       $optionss[] = $opt;
    $data = [
      "token" => $request->sender,
      "number" => $receiver,
      "name" => $request->name,
      "options" => json_encode($optionss),
      "countable" => $request->countable === "1" ? true : false,

    $results = Http::withOptions(['verify' => false])->asForm()->post($this->url . '/backend-send-poll', $data);
    return json_decode($results->body());


and replace this code with (app/Services/Impl/MessageServiceImpl.php) :


namespace App\Services\Impl;

use App\Services\MessageService;

class MessageServiceImpl implements MessageService
    public function formatText($text): array
        return ['text' => $text];

    public function formatImage($url, $caption = ''): array
        return ['image' => ['url' => $url], 'caption' => $caption];

    // formating buttons
    public function formatButtons($text, $buttons, $urlimage = '', $footer = '' ): array 
        $optionbuttons = [];
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($buttons as $button) {
            $optionbuttons[] = [
                'buttonId' => "id$i",
                'buttonText' => ['displayText' => $button],
                'type' => 1,
        $valueForText = $urlimage ? 'caption' : 'text';
        $message = [
            $valueForText => $text,
            'buttons' => $optionbuttons,
            'footer' => $footer,
            'headerType' => 1,
        if ($urlimage) {
            $message['image'] = ['url' => $urlimage];
        return $message;

    // formating templates
    public function formatTemplates( $text,$buttons, $urlimage = '', $footer = ''): array 
        $templateButtons = [];
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($buttons as $button) {
            $type = explode('|', $button)[0] . 'Button';
            $textButton = explode('|', $button)[1];
            $urlOrNumber = explode('|', $button)[2];
            $typeIcon = explode('|', $button)[0] === 'url' ? 'url' : 'phoneNumber';
            $templateButtons[] = [
                'index' => $i,
                $type => ['displayText' => $textButton, $typeIcon => $urlOrNumber],
        $valueForText = $urlimage ? 'caption' : 'text';
        $templateMessage = [
            $valueForText => $text,
            'footer' => $footer,
            'templateButtons' => $templateButtons,
            'viewOnce' => true,
        //add image to templateMessage if exists
        if ($urlimage) {
            $templateMessage['image'] = ['url' => $urlimage];
        return $templateMessage;

    public function formatLists ($text,$lists,$title,$name,$buttonText,$footer = '') : array
         $section = [
                    'title' => $title,
                $i = 1;
                foreach ($lists as $menu) {
                    $section['rows'][] = [
                        'title' => $menu,
                        'rowId' => 'id' . $i,
                        'description' => '',

                $listMessage = [
                    'text' => $text,
                    'footer' => $footer,
                    'title' => $name,
                    'buttonText' => $buttonText,
                    'sections' => [$section],
                    'viewOnce' => true,

          return $listMessage;

    public function format ($type, $data) : array
         switch ($type) {
            case 'text':
                $reply = $this->formatText($data->message);
            case 'image':
                $reply = $this->formatImage($data->image,  $data->caption );
            case 'button':
                $buttons = [];
                foreach ($data->button as $button) {
                    $buttons[] = $button;
                $reply = $this->formatButtons( $data->message,$buttons,$data->image ? $data->image : '',$data->footer ?? '' );
            case 'template':
                $buttons = [];
                foreach ($data->template as $button) {
                    $buttons[] = $button;
                try {
                    $reply = $this->formatTemplates(  $data->message,$buttons, $data->image ? $data->image : '',$data->footer ?? ''
                } catch (\Throwable $th) {
                   throw new \Exception('Invalid button type');

            case 'list':
                $reply = $this->formatLists($data->message,$data->list,$data->title,$data->name,$data->buttontext,'');

                # code...

        return $reply;


after that you try again to send msg if there is error screenshot to know what is the other files need decoded.

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On 8/10/2023 at 9:50 PM, Micro Creatives said:

Autoreply notworking since i installed, other features is working fine but only autoreply notworking ? i used shared hosting

Hi friend

Seems like an isolated issue with autoreply after installation. Shared hosting might be a factor. Check plugin settings and hosting compatibility for a quick fix.







Edited by Clarar
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1 hour ago, Clarar said:

Hi friend

Seems like an isolated issue with autoreply after installation. Shared hosting might be a factor. Check plugin settings and hosting compatibility for a quick fix.



The problem when your friend send msg the format is:
{"text":"Hello World"}

the correct is:
{text:"Hello World"}

becouse the (text) is object not string.. so to fix the problem you can see my old reply

Edited by Magd Almuntaser
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11 minutes ago, SHIEVIP said:

@Magd Almuntaser still error sir

Screenshot (286).png

yes i know it's still not working becouse you don't replace what i give you in old reply

i've sent to you (2) files you should replace the two files
you forget MessageServiceImpl.php

so back to my old reply and replace the correct files

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16 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Ok guys i've decoded all files in this script and fixed most errors like autoreply and others..
you can download from here:


mediafire .com/file/i61pnpkx3qj5an5/whatsapp-gateway-multi-device-v5.5.0-decoded.zip/file

remove space from link.

nice bro. ty so much. it work for autoreply. i hope other bug too.


Need Help?? just buy me a cup of coffee

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1 hour ago, Zero828 said:

@Magd Almuntaser broken link sir

i've change the link:
easyupload .io/3j7cjg
remove space.

1 hour ago, divysriv said:

@Magd Almuntaser when I select test message, under type message, no option is visible to write messages IMG_20230820_105000.thumb.jpg.d1f01457a674f9eb7710a65d369b8610.jpg

becouse you open the script from /public/home
you should open it from the root like:

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1 hour ago, divysriv said:

@Magd Almuntaser when I select test message, under type message, no option is visible to write messages IMG_20230820_105000.thumb.jpg.d1f01457a674f9eb7710a65d369b8610.jpg

check your .htaccess it should like this


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On    
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/socket.io/
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/backend-*
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/public/
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /public/$1 [L,QSA]
<IfModule mod_security.c>
  SecFilterEngine Off
  SecFilterScanPOST Off


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Need Help?? just buy me a cup of coffee

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38 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

i've change the link:
easyupload .io/3j7cjg
remove space.

becouse you open the script from /public/home
you should open it from the root like:

Thanks bro it's fixed but when I click on the send error pop on saying


App\Services\Impl\WhatsappServiceImpl::sendText(): Return value must be of type object|bool, null returned

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16 minutes ago, divysriv said:

Thanks bro it's fixed but when I click on the send error pop on saying


App\Services\Impl\WhatsappServiceImpl::sendText(): Return value must be of type object|bool, null returned

can you screenshot your command (node .) to see the log what exactly the error.
and whats your nodejs version

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28 minutes ago, ashoksingh shekhawat said:

@Magd Almuntaser Sir templete , list and button messages are not working in android device please provide any solution for it.

there is no solution .. the problem from whatsapp
github .com/WhiskeySockets/Baileys/issues/25
github .com/WhiskeySockets/Baileys/issues/56

this script using WhiskeySockets to send and recive the msg so no solution..

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