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Whatsapp Gateway | Multi Device

This script has been completely modified and many important features and fixes have been added by @Magd Almuntaser
He is now responsible for the updates of this script and has full intellectual property rights
So no one will violate the terms of use that he has set

Latest Features:
1. WhatsApp Account Connectivity

All types of WhatsApp Accounts to be able to connect with WhatsApp Gateway (Multi Number & Multi Device);
Ease of the WhatsApp Account connectivity process with a QRcode Scan or with an Authentication Code directly from your device.

2. Message

Availability of various types of (text messages, media, polls, lists, locations, VCard) can easily be used by you;
You can send mass messages for your marketing campaign activities, promotions or business programs easily and on a scheduled basis;
Setup automatic message replies with more natural (alami) and selected keywords for operational optimization of use;
Manage sent message history with automatic and scheduled deletions.

4. Integration

You can easily integrate your WhatsApp Account with various (AI) artificial intelligence services, namely ChatGPT, DALL-E, Gemini, and Cloude with API authentication codes only;
You can easily activate Ai for Single or Multiple use on your WhatsApp Account;
You can easily select Ai in your WhatsApp messages for WhatsApp Group, Private, or Both types;
You can easily setup call rejection automatically if there is a (Call) call and provide a specific response or information;
Setup your WhatsApp and Ai accounts more naturally (alami) with "Already read" status";
Setup your WhatsApp and Ai accounts more naturally (natural) with the status "Typing...".
You can easily integrate and communicate your services with the Webhook mechanism of WhatsApp Gateway | Multi Device.

5. Application Settings

Nowadays you can easily and quickly carry out the process of setting up the WhatsApp Gateway | Multi Device* application by Magd Almuntaser with the settings panel;
You can easily set up applications based on server ecosystem, smtp, etc quickly;
Multi language support (english, Indonesian, Indian, Spanish and Arabic) for easy use.

6. Developer Options

Currently WhatsApp Gateway | Multi Device* by Magd Almuntaser has provided various API services for your easy development consisting of:
        1). Send Message API
        2). Send Media API
        3). Send Poll API
        4). API Send Button
        5). Send API Templates
        6). Send List message API
        7). Send Location API
        8). Send VCard API
        9). Generate QR API
        10). Disconnect devices
        11). Create User API
        12). User Info API
        13). Device Info API
        14). Check Number API
        15). Webhook Example

Ease of setup and availability of the (API Key) API Key for authentication and authorization of your development process.

7. Security

Currently there is a 2 factor authentication (2FA) service available to maintain the security and comfort of application access;
A password reset service is available if you forget your account login information.

Coming Soon:

1. Landing page for Software as Service services (Subscription Services);
2. Payment gateway page management (QRIS, BCA virtual account, PayPal, Stripe);
3. Added user account management;
4. (ticket) obstacle reporting service for users and managers;
.. And many more.

Whatsapp Gateway | Multi Device

  • Replies 5.1k
  • Views 365.8k
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    Yes you can use it as a messaging service/ SaaS without asking my permission, the new version 9.0.0 directly contains people who want to use it as a messaging service/ SaaS.. What's new so far in ver

  • Magd Almuntaser
    Magd Almuntaser

    What's new so far in version 9.0.0: - Added landing page (welcome page). - Added plans system. - Added Manage Languages system. - Added (landing page) edit page. - Added ticket system. - Added cronjob

  • Magd Almuntaser
    Magd Almuntaser

    It has already been fixed in version 9.0.0.. The problem is only in the mpwa theme but in eres and erescompact you will find them correctly It will be fixed in version 9.0.0.

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46 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Yes, my webhook works because it deals with the response from the webhook link should be in this form:
{status: success, message: hello, qouted: false}

But you are using the google appscript to send an api message to your number .. and not by responding in this form:
{status: success, message: hello, qouted: false}

Do you understand?

I will try to explain to you more ..
When you use the correct webhook, this is what the webhook looks like from the inside:

require 'ExampleManualMessage.php';
header('content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);

if (!$data) {
    die('this url is for webhook.');
$message = strtolower($data['message']);
$from = strtolower($data['from']);
$bufferimage = isset($data['bufferImage']) ? $data['bufferImage'] : null;
$respon = false;

// for text message
if ($message == 'good') {
    $respon = FormatMessage::text('Hello, how are you ali?', true);

echo $respon;


But you are using the google appscript when you send a message, it responds not via the webhook, it responds via the api to another number .. You are using the api, it has nothing to do with the webhook, do you understand?

You are dealing with the api in google apps script to send an external message to your number.. and you are not dealing with the webhook

baiklah sekarang saya sudah mengerti perbedaanya..

trima kasih penjelasnnya Mr Magd..You Are The Best 🤩👍


Reset Password : Success 💚

File Manager : Success 💚

Export Phonebook : Error 💔 (Masih dalam Perbaikan)

Campaign Snacked Admin (Theme) : Succes 💚
Campaign Eres & Eres Compact (Theme) : Error 💔 (Masih dalam Perbaikan)

Text Message : Success 💚
Media Message : Success 💚
Poll Message : Success 💚
List Message : Error 💔 (Masih dalam investigasi)
Location Message : Success 💚
Vcard Message : Success 💚

Automatically delete message history : Success 💚
Auto Replay Message (All Function): Success 💚
Api Test Message (All Function) : Success 💚
AI BOT One Bot (All Function): Success 💚
AI BOT Multi Bot (All Function): Error 💔 (Masih dalam investigasi)
Webhook (All Function): Success 💚

Mpwa v8.0.0
Node.js v20
Cronjob : None

03/09/2024 - 04/09/2024
Mulai Jam : 08.49
Berhenti Jam : 15.15 (Masi Online sampai pesan ini di post)
Durasi : +- 6 Jam

Edited by Enno The Explorer

18 minutes ago, Enno The Explorer said:

baiklah sekarang saya sudah mengerti perbedaanya..

trima kasih penjelasnnya Mr Magd..You Are The Best 🤩👍


Reset Password : Success 💚

File Manager : Success 💚

Campaign Snacked Admin (Theme) : 💚
Campaign Eres & Eres Compact (Theme) : 💔 (Masih dalam Perbaikan)

Text Message : Normal 💚
Media Message : Normal 💚
Poll Message : Normal 💚
List Message : Error 💔 (Masih dalam investigasi)
Location Message :Normal 💚
Vcard Message :Normal 💚

Automatically delete message history : Success 💚
Auto Replay Message (All Function): Normal 💚
Api Test Message (All Function) : Normal 💚
AI BOT One Bot (All Function): Normal 💚
AI BOT Multi Bot (All Function): Error 💔 (Masih dalam investigasi)
Webhook (All Function): Normal 💚

Mpwa v8.0.0
Node.js v20
Cronjob : None

03/09/2024 - 04/09/2024
Mulai Jam : 08.49
Berhenti Jam : 15.15 (Masi Online sampai pesan ini di post)
Durasi : +- 6 Jam

export phonebook error ya?

6 hours ago, Jei Grey said:

kenapa jawaban Bot Ai Gemini saya selalu double. setelah jawab sesuai pertanyaan. setelah itu ada chat yang seperti di SS.. image.thumb.png.dd5022c9db4f769d9ed58f8d437b263f.png

sama, punyaku juga dobel balas si ai gemininya. balik dulu deh ke 708



solved, ternyata node yang lama masih jalan, jadi si bot masih in service di nodejs yang 708. 

Edited by kecoamumet

1 hour ago, Enno The Explorer said:

baiklah sekarang saya sudah mengerti perbedaanya..

trima kasih penjelasnnya Mr Magd..You Are The Best 🤩👍


Reset Password : Success 💚

File Manager : Success 💚

Export Phonebook : Error 💔 (Masih dalam Perbaikan)

Campaign Snacked Admin (Theme) : Succes 💚
Campaign Eres & Eres Compact (Theme) : Error 💔 (Masih dalam Perbaikan)

Text Message : Success 💚
Media Message : Success 💚
Poll Message : Success 💚
List Message : Error 💔 (Masih dalam investigasi)
Location Message : Success 💚
Vcard Message : Success 💚

Automatically delete message history : Success 💚
Auto Replay Message (All Function): Success 💚
Api Test Message (All Function) : Success 💚
AI BOT One Bot (All Function): Success 💚
AI BOT Multi Bot (All Function): Error 💔 (Masih dalam investigasi)
Webhook (All Function): Success 💚

Mpwa v8.0.0
Node.js v20
Cronjob : None

03/09/2024 - 04/09/2024
Mulai Jam : 08.49
Berhenti Jam : 15.15 (Masi Online sampai pesan ini di post)
Durasi : +- 6 Jam

AI BOT one bot malah error

AI BOT multi bot success 

kebalikan kita mas 😆

1 minute ago, Gusik Prasetyo said:

AI BOT one bot malah error

AI BOT multi bot success 

kebalikan kita mas 😆

lah punyaku yg multibot error, one bot sukses. 

di one bot tema mpwa jadi ada form untuk panggilan bot ai tapi tidak berfungsi 

1 minute ago, Unicode said:

lah punyaku yg multibot error, one bot sukses. 

di one bot tema mpwa jadi ada form untuk panggilan bot ai tapi tidak berfungsi 

lah, yang lain multi bot error. d sini lancar. yg error one bot. bisa jadi yang error bukan bot nya tapi jenis hostingnya? @Magd Almuntaser

14 minutes ago, Gusik Prasetyo said:

maksud saya, bagaimana membuat reminder bot random ayat seperti screenshot d atas pak 🤩

Pakai api quran dan spreadsheet tuan

1 minute ago, pak kacung said:

Pakai api quran dan spreadsheet tuan

api quran dapat dari mana pak? spreadsheednya apakah ada formatya? apakah ada tutorial?

2 minutes ago, Unicode said:

@Gusik Prasetyo btw pake node js versi berapa mas? punyaku kok putus2 terus haduhh pusing

saya pakai node 20 mas. saya baru nyoba belum ada 1 jam, jadi belum tau putus2 ato tidak mas.

@Magd Almuntaser  I also not understand lol. i am confused with my Mpwa always disconnect after 15 minutes after connect. so, webhook sometimes responding and not. 😵

8 minutes ago, Gusik Prasetyo said:

api quran dapat dari mana pak? spreadsheednya apakah ada formatya? apakah ada tutorial?

saya pakai node 20 mas. saya baru nyoba belum ada 1 jam, jadi belum tau putus2 ato tidak mas.

 punyaku aneh mas, setiap berapa menit putus. 

6 minutes ago, Unicode said:

@Magd Almuntaser  I also not understand lol. i am confused with my Mpwa always disconnect after 15 minutes after connect. so, webhook sometimes responding and not. 😵

 punyaku aneh mas, setiap berapa menit putus. 

apakah sudah pakai cronjob yang d sarankan mas? punyaku masih lancar di menit 30

2 minutes ago, Gusik Prasetyo said:

apakah sudah pakai cronjob yang d sarankan mas? punyaku masih lancar di menit 30

Sudah mas. 

46 minutes ago, pak kacung said:

Pakai api quran dan spreadsheet tuan

Saya tertarik dengan spreadsheet Alquran ini..semoga klo dishare disini bisa jadi Amal Jariyah mas 😍👍

3 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Ok I will make a webhook random message from the Quran for all of you.. I will put it up today..

oke mantap, saya suka mendengarkanya dan menantikanya


13 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Ok I will make a webhook random message from the Quran for all of you.. I will put it up today..

Alhamdulillah, you are the best master

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