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Whatsapp Gateway | Multi Device

This script has been completely modified and many important features and fixes have been added by @Magd Almuntaser
He is now responsible for the updates of this script and has full intellectual property rights
So no one will violate the terms of use that he has set

Latest Features:
1. WhatsApp Account Connectivity

All types of WhatsApp Accounts to be able to connect with WhatsApp Gateway (Multi Number & Multi Device);
Ease of the WhatsApp Account connectivity process with a QRcode Scan or with an Authentication Code directly from your device.

2. Message

Availability of various types of (text messages, media, polls, lists, locations, VCard) can easily be used by you;
You can send mass messages for your marketing campaign activities, promotions or business programs easily and on a scheduled basis;
Setup automatic message replies with more natural (alami) and selected keywords for operational optimization of use;
Manage sent message history with automatic and scheduled deletions.

4. Integration

You can easily integrate your WhatsApp Account with various (AI) artificial intelligence services, namely ChatGPT, DALL-E, Gemini, and Cloude with API authentication codes only;
You can easily activate Ai for Single or Multiple use on your WhatsApp Account;
You can easily select Ai in your WhatsApp messages for WhatsApp Group, Private, or Both types;
You can easily setup call rejection automatically if there is a (Call) call and provide a specific response or information;
Setup your WhatsApp and Ai accounts more naturally (alami) with "Already read" status";
Setup your WhatsApp and Ai accounts more naturally (natural) with the status "Typing...".
You can easily integrate and communicate your services with the Webhook mechanism of WhatsApp Gateway | Multi Device.

5. Application Settings

Nowadays you can easily and quickly carry out the process of setting up the WhatsApp Gateway | Multi Device* application by Magd Almuntaser with the settings panel;
You can easily set up applications based on server ecosystem, smtp, etc quickly;
Multi language support (english, Indonesian, Indian, Spanish and Arabic) for easy use.

6. Developer Options

Currently WhatsApp Gateway | Multi Device* by Magd Almuntaser has provided various API services for your easy development consisting of:
        1). Send Message API
        2). Send Media API
        3). Send Poll API
        4). API Send Button
        5). Send API Templates
        6). Send List message API
        7). Send Location API
        8). Send VCard API
        9). Generate QR API
        10). Disconnect devices
        11). Create User API
        12). User Info API
        13). Device Info API
        14). Check Number API
        15). Webhook Example

Ease of setup and availability of the (API Key) API Key for authentication and authorization of your development process.

7. Security

Currently there is a 2 factor authentication (2FA) service available to maintain the security and comfort of application access;
A password reset service is available if you forget your account login information.

Coming Soon:

1. Landing page for Software as Service services (Subscription Services);
2. Payment gateway page management (QRIS, BCA virtual account, PayPal, Stripe);
3. Added user account management;
4. (ticket) obstacle reporting service for users and managers;
.. And many more.

Whatsapp Gateway | Multi Device

  • Replies 5.1k
  • Views 362.3k
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  • Magd Almuntaser
    Magd Almuntaser

    English Bexa AI will be released in the coming days, very soon. Everyone will be amazed by its speed, intelligence, and the way it interacts with users. It will not compete with ChatGPT, Gemini, or De

  • Magd Almuntaser
    Magd Almuntaser

    What's new so far in version 9.0.0: - Added landing page (welcome page). - Added plans system. - Added Manage Languages system. - Added (landing page) edit page. - Added ticket system. - Added cronjob

  • Magd Almuntaser
    Magd Almuntaser

    What's new so far in version 9.0.0: - Added Landing page (Homepage). - Added Plans System. - Added Manage Payment gateways. - Added Manage Languages system. - Added (Homepage) edit page. - Added Ticke

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  • Magd Almuntaser
    Magd Almuntaser

    Yes you can use it as a messaging service/ SaaS without asking my permission, the new version 9.0.0 directly contains people who want to use it as a messaging service/ SaaS.. What's new so far in ver

  • Magd Almuntaser
    Magd Almuntaser

    What's new so far in version 9.0.0: - Added landing page (welcome page). - Added plans system. - Added Manage Languages system. - Added (landing page) edit page. - Added ticket system. - Added cronjob

  • Magd Almuntaser
    Magd Almuntaser

    It has already been fixed in version 9.0.0.. The problem is only in the mpwa theme but in eres and erescompact you will find them correctly It will be fixed in version 9.0.0.

Posted Images

Featured Replies

1 hour ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

What's new so far in version 9.0.0:

- Added landing page (welcome page).
Added plans system.
Added payment gateways (indonesian gateway [Virtual Banks, QRIS, Alfamart, Indomart, OVO ..etc]).
Added Manage Languages system.
Added (landing page) edit page.
Added ticket system.
Added cronjob page.
Added Multi-Keyword in autoreply.
Added send message with footer.
Added send message with footer in API & api-docs.
Added spintext.
Added Enable/disable landing (welcome) page.
Added Orders page.
Added User management.
Fixed Modal disappearing when clicking on slider.
Fixed create campaign view.
Fixed connect method for shared hosting.
Fixed force using ipv4.
Fixed create & import phonebook.
Fixed connect via code & qrcode changed quick when linking.
Chenged sticker librares.
Removed unused librares.
Re-order installtion page.

Remaining to finish this version:

- Translate all new strings in version 9.0.0.

Very Soon:

- Paypal, Stripe and Other Gateways .
- Documents for installation (videos & images).


- If you live in a country outside Indonesia, let me know what is your best payment gateway and I will try to put it in the script.

Please add Bkash, Nagad & SSLCOMMERZ payment Gateways for Bangladesh.

  • Author
1 hour ago, Abdulrahman Mohamed said:

i live in egypt , please add paymob gateway > mobile wallet

Docs : https://developers.paymob.com/egypt/payment-methods/wallets

Ok i will try to add paymob now .. I wish they made registration easy so I could try the gateway.

7 minutes ago, ekkybaihaqi said:


Like this?

No, it doesn't exist in mpwa

But there is spintext.. Example:

Message :

{Hello|Hi} {name},

I hope you are {well|fine|good}..



Hi Magd,

I hope you are fine..


=============== OR =============

Hello Magd,

I hope you are good..


…… etc

  • Author
5 minutes ago, Crypto Dash said:

Chat flow possible? Mean 1 triggered message can contain multi replies, including media

As I told you there is a spintext:

{What are you going to do today? Are you going to the park?|Did you know that the train is moving fast?}


What are you going to do today? Are you going to the park?

=============== OR ================

Did you know that the train is moving fast?

2 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

What's new so far in version 9.0.0:

- Added landing page (welcome page).
Added plans system.
Added payment gateways (indonesian gateway [Virtual Banks, QRIS, Alfamart, Indomart, OVO ..etc]).
Added Manage Languages system.
Added (landing page) edit page.
Added ticket system.
Added cronjob page.
Added Multi-Keyword in autoreply.
Added send message with footer.
Added send message with footer in API & api-docs.
Added spintext.
Added Enable/disable landing (welcome) page.
Added Orders page.
Added User management.
Fixed Modal disappearing when clicking on slider.
Fixed create campaign view.
Fixed connect method for shared hosting.
Fixed force using ipv4.
Fixed create & import phonebook.
Fixed connect via code & qrcode changed quick when linking.
Chenged sticker librares.
Removed unused librares.
Re-order installtion page.

Remaining to finish this version:

- Translate all new strings in version 9.0.0.

Very Soon:

- Paypal, Stripe and Other Gateways .
- Documents for installation (videos & images).


- If you live in a country outside Indonesia, let me know what is your best payment gateway and I will try to put it in the script.

@Magd Almuntaser If you live in a country outside Indonesia, let me know what is your best payment gateway and I will try to put it in the script: STRIPE


3 hours ago, uzie alpha said:

Saya install pake shared hosting, pas qr code ga muncul, pas pairing setiap 5-10 detik langsung ganti code sendiri, kecepetan.

Ada yang tau solusinya?

Pastikan share hostingnya sudah open port 3100

1 hour ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

As I told you there is a spintext:

{What are you going to do today? Are you going to the park?|Did you know that the train is moving fast?}


What are you going to do today? Are you going to the park?

=============== OR ================

Did you know that the train is moving fast?

Well this is different thing, i want to trigger multiple replies at a time, let's assume 5 text reply, 5 images, 5 audia with one trigger

2 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

I think you did not see the previous page

Okay then, because it only says payment gateway, it doesn't say Midtrans specifically 🙂

  • Author
15 hours ago, Abdulrahman Mohamed said:

i live in egypt , please add paymob gateway > mobile wallet

Docs : https://developers.paymob.com/egypt/payment-methods/wallets

معلش انا دلوقتي برى مصر في اندونيسيا ورقمي المصري بس شغال واتس يعني مش هقدر اعمل حساب في موقع بايموب، لو معاك حساب جديد او مش بتستخدمه ابعته علشان اقدر اجرب عليه

14 hours ago, Khalikuzzaman NABiN said:

Please add Bkash, Nagad & SSLCOMMERZ payment Gateways for Bangladesh.

Ok, but remember that some payment gateways don't let me register a new account unless I'm from the same country, I mean I'm currently in Indonesia and you put payment gateways in Bangladesh, so some sites don't allow someone from outside Bangladesh to create an account, if that's the case I'll ask you for an account so I can try it out

13 hours ago, Oiregor said:

@Magd Almuntaser If you live in a country outside Indonesia, let me know what is your best payment gateway and I will try to put it in the script: STRIPE


I told you paypal and stripe it will be added see the last line of my post

21 minutes ago, Dwi Andarini said:

mau tanya , klo mau blast wa harus pakai cronjob kah ?
cara seting di vps ada yg tahu ?

terima kasih

Yes you need this:

Every 2 min:
curl -s "http://yoursite.com/schedule-run" >/dev/null 2>&1

Every 2 min:
curl -s "http://yoursite.com/blast-start" >/dev/null 2>&1

28 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Yes you need this:

Every 2 min:
curl -s "http://yoursite.com/schedule-run" >/dev/null 2>&1

Every 2 min:
curl -s "http://yoursite.com/blast-start" >/dev/null 2>&1

thanks for the information

I'll try it first 👍

menanti update versi 9.0.0 🙏

kendala yang dialami di versi 8.5.1:
- tidak bisa add contact di phonebook
- tidak bisa conect wa via code
- tidak bisa schedule campaign / date time tidak muncul

ss schedule.png

6 hours ago, dentos said:

menanti update versi 9.0.0 🙏

kendala yang dialami di versi 8.5.1:
- tidak bisa add contact di phonebook
- tidak bisa conect wa via code
- tidak bisa schedule campaign / date time tidak muncul

ss schedule.png

Baca - baca dulu di halaman sebelumnya. Sudah ada dibahas masalah add contact.
Schedule campaign / date muncul juga kok. Ada keknya dibahas juga di halaman sebelumnya.

1 hour ago, adhiete said:

Baca - baca dulu di halaman sebelumnya. Sudah ada dibahas masalah add contact.
Schedule campaign / date muncul juga kok. Ada keknya dibahas juga di halaman sebelumnya.

sudah saya baca dari halaman2 sebelumnya tapi tidak temukan solusi. apa mungkin terlewat ya.
itu yang saya screenshot tampilan ketika mau schedule campaign. tampilan date time terpotong tidak bisa di klik. kira2 salahnya di mana ya?

On 11/27/2024 at 8:41 PM, Magd Almuntaser said:

What's new so far in version 9.0.0:

- Added landing page (welcome page).
Added plans system.
Added payment gateways (indonesian gateway [Virtual Banks, QRIS, Alfamart, Indomart, OVO ..etc]).
Added Manage Languages system.
Added (landing page) edit page.
Added ticket system.
Added cronjob page.
Added Multi-Keyword in autoreply.
Added send message with footer.
Added send message with footer in API & api-docs.
Added spintext.
Added Enable/disable landing (welcome) page.
Added Orders page.
Added User management.
Fixed Modal disappearing when clicking on slider.
Fixed create campaign view.
Fixed connect method for shared hosting.
Fixed force using ipv4.
Fixed create & import phonebook.
Fixed connect via code & qrcode changed quick when linking.
Chenged sticker librares.
Removed unused librares.
Re-order installtion page.

Remaining to finish this version:

- Translate all new strings in version 9.0.0.

Very Soon:

- Paypal, Stripe and Other Gateways .
- Documents for installation (videos & images).


- If you live in a country outside Indonesia, let me know what is your best payment gateway and I will try to put it in the script.

Please Add this Payment Method

11 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Ok, but remember that some payment gateways don't let me register a new account unless I'm from the same country, I mean I'm currently in Indonesia and you put payment gateways in Bangladesh, so some sites don't allow someone from outside Bangladesh to create an account, if that's the case I'll ask you for an account so I can try it out

Thanks for your efforts,
Here you can create a developer account without any boarder restrictions for SSLc
For others, there are some ripos available on GitHub.

No image preview

bKash Developer

bKash Developer has 11 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

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I am a Network Engineer by profession I don’t understand cording 😋
Feel free to ask me if there is anything that I can help you with.
Thank You.

7 hours ago, dentos said:

sudah saya baca dari halaman2 sebelumnya tapi tidak temukan solusi. apa mungkin terlewat ya.
itu yang saya screenshot tampilan ketika mau schedule campaign. tampilan date time terpotong tidak bisa di klik. kira2 salahnya di mana ya?

Solved. Ternyata masalahnya di Theme

3 hours ago, dentos said:

Solved. Ternyata masalahnya di Theme

Alhamdulillah, sudah saya carikan ternyata ada di halaman 138, karena Mr. @Magd Almuntaser dihalaman itu sudah memberikan solusinya.

Screenshot 2024-11-29 102816.png

22 minutes ago, disraya said:

Alhamdulillah, sudah saya carikan ternyata ada di halaman 138, karena Mr. @Magd Almuntaser dihalaman itu sudah memberikan solusinya.

Screenshot 2024-11-29 102816.png

thank u very much 😇

Hello everyone, for this application what is the recommended version of NODE.js or can I use the latest version?

What do you recommend?

1 hour ago, Oiregor said:

Hello everyone, for this application what is the recommended version of NODE.js or can I use the latest version?


1 hour ago, Oiregor said:

Hello everyone, for this application what is the recommended version of NODE.js or can I use the latest version?

What do you recommend?

at do you recommend


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