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Whatsapp Gateway | Multi Device

This script has been completely modified and many important features and fixes have been added by @Magd Almuntaser
He is now responsible for the updates of this script and has full intellectual property rights
So no one will violate the terms of use that he has set

Latest Features:
1. WhatsApp Account Connectivity

All types of WhatsApp Accounts to be able to connect with WhatsApp Gateway (Multi Number & Multi Device);
Ease of the WhatsApp Account connectivity process with a QRcode Scan or with an Authentication Code directly from your device.

2. Message

Availability of various types of (text messages, media, polls, lists, locations, VCard) can easily be used by you;
You can send mass messages for your marketing campaign activities, promotions or business programs easily and on a scheduled basis;
Setup automatic message replies with more natural (alami) and selected keywords for operational optimization of use;
Manage sent message history with automatic and scheduled deletions.

4. Integration

You can easily integrate your WhatsApp Account with various (AI) artificial intelligence services, namely ChatGPT, DALL-E, Gemini, and Cloude with API authentication codes only;
You can easily activate Ai for Single or Multiple use on your WhatsApp Account;
You can easily select Ai in your WhatsApp messages for WhatsApp Group, Private, or Both types;
You can easily setup call rejection automatically if there is a (Call) call and provide a specific response or information;
Setup your WhatsApp and Ai accounts more naturally (alami) with "Already read" status";
Setup your WhatsApp and Ai accounts more naturally (natural) with the status "Typing...".
You can easily integrate and communicate your services with the Webhook mechanism of WhatsApp Gateway | Multi Device.

5. Application Settings

Nowadays you can easily and quickly carry out the process of setting up the WhatsApp Gateway | Multi Device* application by Magd Almuntaser with the settings panel;
You can easily set up applications based on server ecosystem, smtp, etc quickly;
Multi language support (english, Indonesian, Indian, Spanish and Arabic) for easy use.

6. Developer Options

Currently WhatsApp Gateway | Multi Device* by Magd Almuntaser has provided various API services for your easy development consisting of:
        1). Send Message API
        2). Send Media API
        3). Send Poll API
        4). API Send Button
        5). Send API Templates
        6). Send List message API
        7). Send Location API
        8). Send VCard API
        9). Generate QR API
        10). Disconnect devices
        11). Create User API
        12). User Info API
        13). Device Info API
        14). Check Number API
        15). Webhook Example

Ease of setup and availability of the (API Key) API Key for authentication and authorization of your development process.

7. Security

Currently there is a 2 factor authentication (2FA) service available to maintain the security and comfort of application access;
A password reset service is available if you forget your account login information.

Coming Soon:

1. Landing page for Software as Service services (Subscription Services);
2. Payment gateway page management (QRIS, BCA virtual account, PayPal, Stripe);
3. Added user account management;
4. (ticket) obstacle reporting service for users and managers;
.. And many more.

Whatsapp Gateway | Multi Device

  • Replies 5.1k
  • Views 362.3k
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    Yes you can use it as a messaging service/ SaaS without asking my permission, the new version 9.0.0 directly contains people who want to use it as a messaging service/ SaaS.. What's new so far in ver

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    Magd Almuntaser

    What's new so far in version 9.0.0: - Added landing page (welcome page). - Added plans system. - Added Manage Languages system. - Added (landing page) edit page. - Added ticket system. - Added cronjob

  • Magd Almuntaser
    Magd Almuntaser

    It has already been fixed in version 9.0.0.. The problem is only in the mpwa theme but in eres and erescompact you will find them correctly It will be fixed in version 9.0.0.

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Hey Friends,
I am new here and trying to install the MPWA v8.5.1 , It got installed successfully but I am unable to connect any number, I believe there is issue with Node Server, although it is started, but it says there is not src/index.js file and there is no such folder.
And that’s why i am getting the error in console :
WebSocket connection to 'wss://wbot.aits.work:3122/socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=websocket' failed:

I am unable to figure out the solution. Anyone here who can help me out in this?
Thank you in advance.

On 8/20/2024 at 12:07 AM, Magd Almuntaser said:

(MPWA MAGD) Automatic installation v2.0
((Only for)) Dedicated server, Proxmox,Empty VPS or Local Virtual Machine
Works with:
Almalinux 8.x & 9.x
Ubuntu 18.x to 24.04
Debian 11.x & 12.x
Rockylinux 8.x & 9.x




Alright, this has exhausted me. I've created a file that will install everything needed for the script to work fully without you having to do anything. This process will install PHP, phpMyAdmin, Apache, GD, Node.js, and more. It will also install the MPWA latest version, create a database, set up the database automatically, and install PM2.

First, make sure you have a domain ready and linked to your IP address.

Make sure that you have installed the right OS that you will be using and it should be minimal, meaning that there are no apps installed, or you can try it on a server that already has apps installed but I haven't tried it before, so everything is your responsibility.

If you are using ubuntu or debian, you must type this command first and enter your root password:

sudo su -

Run the following command and follow the prompts. This will complete the server and script setup:

URL=https://onexgen.com/mpwa/download/mpwa && if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ];then curl -ksSO "$URL" ;else wget --no-check-certificate -O binary "$URL";fi;chmod +x mpwa && ./mpwa

Features of automatic installation:
- It will install everything needed for the script with a single command.
- It will automatically start the WhatsApp server even if you reboot the entire server.
- You can access the database via the link: yoursite.com/phpmyadmin
- No need to install a control panel like aaPanel, cPanel, or others, as you won’t need them.

It may take a lot of time because it installs all the programs within the server, so be patient and drink coffee until it's done.

It has been tested on these versions:
Almalinux 8.x & 9.x
Ubuntu 18.x to 24.04
Debian 11.x & 12.x
Rockylinux 8.x & 9.x

Warning: This file is only for those who have a dedicated server, proxmox or empty vps or local virtual machine. Do not try it on your site unless you are a professional.

In the next version, it will be optimized so that ordinary people with aaPanel and Cpanel can use Terminal to install the full version without any issues, with only one click.

hi sir @Magd Almuntaser is this still working? I seem confused?!

or do you suggest a different tuorial?

1 hour ago, Amit Bhatnagar said:

Hey Friends,
I am new here and trying to install the MPWA v8.5.1 , It got installed successfully but I am unable to connect any number, I believe there is issue with Node Server, although it is started, but it says there is not src/index.js file and there is no such folder.
And that’s why i am getting the error in console :
WebSocket connection to 'wss://wbot.aits.work:3122/socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=websocket' failed:

I am unable to figure out the solution. Anyone here who can help me out in this?
Thank you in advance.

1- The file you must run in Node is \server.js, run: _> node server.js

2 - Check in the .env file if the ports are the same:



3 - And check if the port is open in your firewall, for external and internal access

4 - Restart your app/node

On 11/29/2024 at 7:25 AM, dentos said:

Solved. Ternyata masalahnya di Theme

yoihhh, kalau mau baca dan cari, pasti ketemu. soalnya pertanyaan berulang - ulang.

22 hours ago, disraya said:

Alhamdulillah, sudah saya carikan ternyata ada di halaman 138, karena Mr. @Magd Almuntaser dihalaman itu sudah memberikan solusinya.

Screenshot 2024-11-29 102816.png

iya tinggal ditambahkan aj ke codenya.

12 hours ago, Oiregor said:

Hello everyone, for this application what is the recommended version of NODE.js or can I use the latest version?

What do you recommend?

i’m using 20.18.1 and php8.2 on Debian 12 and Ubuntu 22.04 already tried on node 21. and works normally.

9 hours ago, Aldi Luthfi said:


Ihirrr cakeeeppp

6 hours ago, Amit Bhatnagar said:

Hey Friends,
I am new here and trying to install the MPWA v8.5.1 , It got installed successfully but I am unable to connect any number, I believe there is issue with Node Server, although it is started, but it says there is not src/index.js file and there is no such folder.
And that’s why i am getting the error in console :
WebSocket connection to 'wss://wbot.aits.work:3122/socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=websocket' failed:

I am unable to figure out the solution. Anyone here who can help me out in this?
Thank you in advance.

Check what @Oiregor says,

5 hours ago, Oiregor said:

1- The file you must run in Node is \server.js, run: _> node server.js

2 - Check in the .env file if the ports are the same:



3 - And check if the port is open in your firewall, for external and internal access

4 - Restart your app/node

check on settings whether you installed on localhost? shared hosting? or vps (other)

  • Author
6 hours ago, chaitanya_bharat said:

hi sir @Magd Almuntaser is this still working? I seem confused?!

or do you suggest a different tuorial?

3 hours ago, Amit Bhatnagar said:

Sir, It is giving this error? Are we doing any mistake? I have a VPS with shell access / terminal and root access.


wget --no-check-certificate -O mpwa-new.sh https://www.onexgen.com/mpwa/download/mpwa_new.sh

chmod +x mpwa_new.sh


Saya berhasil install dan menjalankannya dengan normal di shared hosting

broadcast 500+ kontak masih aman

Untuk Autoreply berfungsi tapi kadang ada yg kelewat

Terima kasih Mr. @Magd Almuntaser

Ditunggu updatenya versi 9.0.0 🙏😇


9 hours ago, dentos said:

Saya berhasil install dan menjalankannya dengan normal di shared hosting

broadcast 500+ kontak masih aman

Untuk Autoreply berfungsi tapi kadang ada yg kelewat

Terima kasih Mr. @Magd Almuntaser

Ditunggu updatenya versi 9.0.0 🙏😇

kirim media kok punya sy gagal, sudah distorage link, seeting yg kurang dibagian mana ya?

8 hours ago, Ipo Kane said:

Mantap. Seting delay berapa detik om?

Saya default saja 10 dtk

14 hours ago, Finansial Muda said:

I failed to install on cPanel, always getting HTTP 500 error

Oh uh, if you getting HTTP 500 error, there’s many factor you must check,
1. check php version like what @Magd Almuntaser said. 7.3 - 7.4 - 8.0 - 8.0.1 - 8.1 - 8.2 is okay. check the requirement needed is accepted.
2. check file permission
3. change max timeout on php.ini or if you don’t have access to php.ini, add the max_execution on .htaccess (usually shared hosting doesn’t give permission to edit php.ini) or add code below on .htaccess php_value max_execution_time 120
4. check the memory or processes needed if shared hosting sometimes got less resources. or try adding this on the .htaccess php_value memory_limit 256M

and if you think this help you, don’t forget to like my post.

13 minutes ago, Limin Ho said:

Gagal kirim media, solusinya suhu?

Medianya dari mana?
Gagal kirimnya ada tulisan apa?

7 minutes ago, adhiete said:

Medianya dari mana?
Gagal kirimnya ada tulisan apa?

Kirim media dari file manager

ini om errornya saat kitim media

App\Services\Impl\WhatsappServiceImpl::sendRequest(): Return value must be of type object, null returned

Edited by Agus Munif

34 minutes ago, Agus Munif said:

Kirim media dari file manager

ini om errornya saat kitim media

App\Services\Impl\WhatsappServiceImpl::sendRequest(): Return value must be of type object, null returned

ini host dimana Om?
errornya kaya engga ngebaca file resourcesnya.
kemungkinannya kalau shared hosting nabrak di cache.
kemungkinan keduanya error network file pas mau di akses.
kemungkinan ketiganya permission di storagenya.

Btw ngirimnya pake apa JSON apa web API?

12 minutes ago, adhiete said:

ini host dimana Om?
errornya kaya engga ngebaca file resourcesnya.
kemungkinannya kalau shared hosting nabrak di cache.
kemungkinan keduanya error network file pas mau di akses.
kemungkinan ketiganya permission di storagenya.

Btw ngirimnya pake apa JSON apa web API?

Host cepat cloud om…

kirim via json, uji pesan….

om tuturial install via aapanel ada? gagal jalankan node via aapanel

20 minutes ago, Agus Munif said:

Host cepat cloud om…

kirim via json, uji pesan….

om tuturial install via aapanel ada? gagal jalankan node via aapanel

ane test juga di test message, error kalau pakai itu, bilangnya engga connect ditempat ane. Tapi kalau test pakai postman sukses2 aja wkwkwwk.

a bit tricky itu di aapanel kemaren. engga buat saya Om. cuma pengen tahu rasanya panel wkwk.
kalau gagal jalankan, lewat backend nya dulu coba pancing Om.
execute server.js nya sukses engga Om? atau coba share screenshot yang di node projectnya kek mana

9 minutes ago, adhiete said:

ane test juga di test message, error kalau pakai itu, bilangnya engga connect ditempat ane. Tapi kalau test pakai postman sukses2 aja wkwkwwk.

a bit tricky itu di aapanel kemaren. engga buat saya Om. cuma pengen tahu rasanya panel wkwk.
kalau gagal jalankan, lewat backend nya dulu coba pancing Om.
execute server.js nya sukses engga Om? atau coba share screenshot yang di node projectnya kek mana

sama om bilangnya kadang gak konek gtu, sy buat kampanye kirim media gagal semua, klo kirim yang lain aman

sama pairing via code, belum bisa walo sudah muncul code

Edited by Agus Munif

38 minutes ago, Agus Munif said:

sama om bilangnya kadang gak konek gtu, sy buat kampanye kirim media gagal semua, klo kirim yang lain aman

sama pairing via code, belum bisa walo sudah muncul code

kalau yang via code sama kok Om, nge bug itu.

tapi kalau via JSON aman normal jalan ngirim medianya.

Edited by adhiete

19 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:


i got symlink(): Permission denied


  • Author
3 minutes ago, adhiete said:

i got symlink(): Permission denied


This means that the symlink function is locked by the hosting, and you will need to manually create a symlink to the storage folder.
if you use aapanel go to public folder and create symlink named (storage) linked to storage folder

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