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Whatsapp Gateway | Multi Device

This script has been completely modified and many important features and fixes have been added by @Magd Almuntaser
He is now responsible for the updates of this script and has full intellectual property rights
So no one will violate the terms of use that he has set

Latest Features:
1. WhatsApp Account Connectivity

All types of WhatsApp Accounts to be able to connect with WhatsApp Gateway (Multi Number & Multi Device);
Ease of the WhatsApp Account connectivity process with a QRcode Scan or with an Authentication Code directly from your device.

2. Message

Availability of various types of (text messages, media, polls, lists, locations, VCard) can easily be used by you;
You can send mass messages for your marketing campaign activities, promotions or business programs easily and on a scheduled basis;
Setup automatic message replies with more natural (alami) and selected keywords for operational optimization of use;
Manage sent message history with automatic and scheduled deletions.

4. Integration

You can easily integrate your WhatsApp Account with various (AI) artificial intelligence services, namely ChatGPT, DALL-E, Gemini, and Cloude with API authentication codes only;
You can easily activate Ai for Single or Multiple use on your WhatsApp Account;
You can easily select Ai in your WhatsApp messages for WhatsApp Group, Private, or Both types;
You can easily setup call rejection automatically if there is a (Call) call and provide a specific response or information;
Setup your WhatsApp and Ai accounts more naturally (alami) with "Already read" status";
Setup your WhatsApp and Ai accounts more naturally (natural) with the status "Typing...".
You can easily integrate and communicate your services with the Webhook mechanism of WhatsApp Gateway | Multi Device.

5. Application Settings

Nowadays you can easily and quickly carry out the process of setting up the WhatsApp Gateway | Multi Device* application by Magd Almuntaser with the settings panel;
You can easily set up applications based on server ecosystem, smtp, etc quickly;
Multi language support (english, Indonesian, Indian, Spanish and Arabic) for easy use.

6. Developer Options

Currently WhatsApp Gateway | Multi Device* by Magd Almuntaser has provided various API services for your easy development consisting of:
        1). Send Message API
        2). Send Media API
        3). Send Poll API
        4). API Send Button
        5). Send API Templates
        6). Send List message API
        7). Send Location API
        8). Send VCard API
        9). Generate QR API
        10). Disconnect devices
        11). Create User API
        12). User Info API
        13). Device Info API
        14). Check Number API
        15). Webhook Example

Ease of setup and availability of the (API Key) API Key for authentication and authorization of your development process.

7. Security

Currently there is a 2 factor authentication (2FA) service available to maintain the security and comfort of application access;
A password reset service is available if you forget your account login information.

Coming Soon:

1. Landing page for Software as Service services (Subscription Services);
2. Payment gateway page management (QRIS, BCA virtual account, PayPal, Stripe);
3. Added user account management;
4. (ticket) obstacle reporting service for users and managers;
.. And many more.

Whatsapp Gateway | Multi Device

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    What's new so far in version 9.0.0: - Added landing page (welcome page). - Added plans system. - Added Manage Languages system. - Added (landing page) edit page. - Added ticket system. - Added cronjob

  • Magd Almuntaser
    Magd Almuntaser

    What's new so far in version 9.0.0: - Added Landing page (Homepage). - Added Plans System. - Added Manage Payment gateways. - Added Manage Languages system. - Added (Homepage) edit page. - Added Ticke

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    Yes you can use it as a messaging service/ SaaS without asking my permission, the new version 9.0.0 directly contains people who want to use it as a messaging service/ SaaS.. What's new so far in ver

  • Magd Almuntaser
    Magd Almuntaser

    What's new so far in version 9.0.0: - Added landing page (welcome page). - Added plans system. - Added Manage Languages system. - Added (landing page) edit page. - Added ticket system. - Added cronjob

  • Magd Almuntaser
    Magd Almuntaser

    It has already been fixed in version 9.0.0.. The problem is only in the mpwa theme but in eres and erescompact you will find them correctly It will be fixed in version 9.0.0.

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6 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

There is update 9.0.2

Screenshot 2024-12-19 232128.png

I'm trying to use the ticket and ticket replay feature. So I found an error, but I don't know if it's only happening on my side. The error chronology occurs when a user has successfully created a ticket and the admin has successfully replied to the ticket. Then, the error occurs when the user wants to reply again after getting a response from the admin. The error appears as shown in the attached image.

Screenshot 2024-12-19 232102.png

I would appreciate it if you could provide guidance on how to resolve this issue….

  • Author
34 minutes ago, Ilhamstore said:

Screenshot 2024-12-19 232128.png

I'm trying to use the ticket and ticket replay feature. So I found an error, but I don't know if it's only happening on my side. The error chronology occurs when a user has successfully created a ticket and the admin has successfully replied to the ticket. Then, the error occurs when the user wants to reply again after getting a response from the admin. The error appears as shown in the attached image.

Screenshot 2024-12-19 232102.png

I would appreciate it if you could provide guidance on how to resolve this issue….

Simply the TicketMessage file was removed from your hosting.. The reason is that you are using antiviruses so consider the file strange, and it is originally an encrypted file..

The solution?

Exclude the script folder from the antivirus, and return the files that were deleted by your site, or reinstall the version to ensure that all files are back.

14 minutes ago, Jerry18 said:

2024-12-19 23_51_43-Installation.png

After i submit, it keep come back to this screen. Anyone know how to solve this?

Try another browser, your problem is that the browser has a setting that stops cookies, which causes the data not to be saved to continue.

19 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Try another browser, your problem is that the browser has a setting that stops cookies, which causes the data not to be saved to continue

@magd almuntaser I already try another browser, also incognito and mobile. Still same keep back to first screen after submit.

wget --no-check-certificate -O mpwa-new.sh https://www.onexgen.com/mpwa/download/mpwa_new.sh

chmod +x mpwa_new.sh


I am using this method to install on my Ubuntu VPS. correct installation isn’t?

7 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

As I told you each campaign is separate from the other, the two campaigns will be sent together but in an organized manner..

Let's assume that campaign 1 has 10 numbers

Campaign 2 has 10 more numbers

When the two campaigns are sent, they will start together.. but in an organized manner, meaning that the first message from campaign 1 will not be sent at the same moment as the first message from campaign 2, but immediately after it.
Because if WhatsApp sees that there are two messages at the same time from the same number, it feels that there is something strange and that it is not human.

The cronjob has nothing to do even if you put 100 cronjobs.. The whole deal is from Nodejs and not from cronjob..

The cronjob only sends the request to nodejs and then Nodejs deals with the delay and sending of each message in the js files

This is the best explanation for that.

7 hours ago, Ipo Kane said:

Terima kasih sudah share hasil tesnya. Sepertinya memang ringan, cuma semacam proses curl biasa untuk mengirim pesan ke server Whatsappnya. Apalagi jika proses pengirimannya ternyata berurutan, yang artinya hanya memproses 1 pesan pada waktu yang tertentu, yang terjadi secara terus-menerus.

Sebenarnya yang saya maksud bersamaan itu, misal jika ada 10 user yang membuat schedule pkl 14.30, maka pada pukul 14.30 itu pula semua pesan dari semua user mulai terkirim. Jadi pengiriman pesan di campaign B tidak menunggu semua pesan dari campaign A terkirim semua.

Atau mungkin bisa diakali dengan membuat banyak cron job ya? 20 cron job misalnya, agar prose pengiriman lebih cepat 😁

Engga bisa Om kalau itu. Ya itu alasannya. Kalau sampai ada pengiriman dua pesan di waktu yang sama dari nomor yang sama. Pasti keliatan aneh untuk manusia. Engga mungkin kan, ngirim pesan bersamaan ke nomor berbeda dengan nomor yang sama di satu waktu.
Keterangan dari @Magd Almuntaser udah bener2 tepat itu.

5 hours ago, Aldi Luthfi said:

Itu ngak biaa konek ke sql om

Wihir mantab.

1 hour ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Simply the TicketMessage file was removed from your hosting.. The reason is that you are using antiviruses so consider the file strange, and it is originally an encrypted file..

The solution?

Exclude the script folder from the antivirus, and return the files that were deleted by your site, or reinstall the version to ensure that all files are back.

@Magd Almuntaser i got same problem too, for the installation i use ftp and unzip on the vps.
If you need, i can give you access.

And there’s bug on ares and ares compact theme, after registration, and login using the new user. This error occured.
For now, just stick on Snacked Admin theme.


  • Administrators

It seems that some do not want to abide by the rules you set, I advise you to encrypt the entire file

@Magd Almuntaser


My biggest shock is that the old author is stealing from you now🤔🤦

Support is available for paid files only
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22 minutes ago, Mahmoud said:

It seems that some do not want to abide by the rules you set, I advise you to encrypt the entire file

@Magd Almuntaser


My biggest shock is that the old author is stealing from you now🤔🤦

Don't worry, no one can upload it to github.. DJKI & DMCA protects me..

The previous github was removed after I filed a case against it to DMCA, Not only that, also the hosting company closed that person's site. you know the person I mean.

@Dammah Sifla is my friend here too he is a member, but he thought that the version was still on github but I removed it

FYI: This script is registered here in Indonesia as an official script of (PT. OneXGen Technology) at (Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual (DJKI)) of the Ministry of Law, Here Indonesian members know what I mean by DJKI and what it can do.


  • Author
5 hours ago, adhiete said:

@Magd Almuntaser i got same problem too, for the installation i use ftp and unzip on the vps.
If you need, i can give you access.

And there’s bug on ares and ares compact theme, after registration, and login using the new user. This error occured.
For now, just stick on Snacked Admin theme.


Do you have the problem with tickets?
I will now check eres and erescompact themes.

16 minutes ago, Dammah Sifla said:

oh sorry I thought it was still released on your github @Magd Almuntaser 🙏

In my github account there is only Baileys for the buttons and list since the WhiskeySockets team no longer has the buttons and list, not the script.

But the link I removed is to the person who uploaded the script to github and I removed it with a DMCA

Anyway it seems there is a misunderstanding.

2 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Do you have the problem with tickets?
I will now check eres and erescompact themes.

In my github account there is only Baileys for the buttons and list since the WhiskeySockets team no longer has the buttons and list, not the script.

But the link I removed is to the person who uploaded the script to github and I removed it with a DMCA

Anyway it seems there is a misunderstanding.

I have to delete the comment there 😅👌
that will make the misunderstanding continue..

Edited by Dammah Sifla

14 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

However, mod_security is still working for your site, the (406 not acceptable) message will not go away unless mod_security is stopped.


9 hours ago, Ilhamstore said:

Screenshot 2024-12-19 232128.png

I'm trying to use the ticket and ticket replay feature. So I found an error, but I don't know if it's only happening on my side. The error chronology occurs when a user has successfully created a ticket and the admin has successfully replied to the ticket. Then, the error occurs when the user wants to reply again after getting a response from the admin. The error appears as shown in the attached image.

Screenshot 2024-12-19 232102.png

I would appreciate it if you could provide guidance on how to resolve this issue….

I'm getting the same error

17 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

When the two campaigns are sent, they will start together.. but in an organized manner, meaning that the first message from campaign 1 will not be sent at the same moment as the first message from campaign 2, but immediately after it.

OK it’s clear now. Thank you for the explanation.

4 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Do you have the problem with tickets?
I will now check eres and erescompact themes.

yes the tickets got problem.
User: create ticket
Admin: answer ticket
User: filling an answer, click send ticket. got error like this


Thank you for checking the Eres and EresCompact.

Btw, can i make request, to turn off or not accepting registration?
Or can i add protection like rechaptcha by google, Yandex SmartCaptcha, or simple question like sepuluh tambah sepuluh = , or what capital of Indonesia? or another simple question we set.
to prevent bot maybe.
maybe for the upcoming version.

Edited by adhiete

3 minutes ago, adhiete said:

yes the tickets got problem.
User: create ticket
Admin: answer ticket
User: filling an answer, click send ticket. got error like this


Thank you for checking the Eres and EresCompact.

Di aku malah gak bisa view dari sisi user. Tp kalau admin, bisa.


Hi teman2 ada yang berhasil install di VPS kah, saat auto reply bisa jalan, namun kirim pesan single tidak bisa, kenapa itu, bisa infokan

  • Author
13 hours ago, adhiete said:

yes the tickets got problem.
User: create ticket
Admin: answer ticket
User: filling an answer, click send ticket. got error like this


Thank you for checking the Eres and EresCompact.

Btw, can i make request, to turn off or not accepting registration?
Or can i add protection like rechaptcha by google, Yandex SmartCaptcha, or simple question like sepuluh tambah sepuluh = , or what capital of Indonesia? or another simple question we set.
to prevent bot maybe.
maybe for the upcoming version.

Yes there was a minor bug that I forgot about and it has been fixed in version 9.5.0
but you can download this file and unzip to your script:


What's new so far in version 9.5.0:

- Added Counter for the number of opened tickets in the header.
- Added Change Timezone.

- Add OneClick to login as any user from admin panel.
- Added Docs how to Install/Use/FAQ/License/Changelog Multilanguage (
External Link).
- Fixed Users Tickets.
- Fixed Eres & Erescompact user theme.

Remaining until version 9.5.0 is released:

- Add Message List Advanced.
- Add Recharge the messages (without buy whole plan if not expired).
- Add Popup notification for users panel (push from admin panel).
- Add India Gateways.
- Add Bangladesh Gateways.
- Add OTP for register page.
- [Maybe] Add Coins Gateways.

27 minutes ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

Ya, ada bug kecil yang saya lupa dan telah diperbaiki dalam versi 9.5.0,
tetapi Anda dapat mengunduh file ini dan mengekstraknya ke skrip Anda:

fix_tiket_dan_eres_theme.zip 10,77 kB · 1 unduhan

Apa yang baru sejauh ini di versi 9.5.0:

- Menambahkan Counter untuk jumlah tiket yang dibuka di header.
- Menambahkan Change Timezone.
- Menambahkan Docs cara Install/Penggunaan/FAQ/Lisensi/Changelog Multibahasa (
Link Eksternal ).
- Memperbaiki Tiket Pengguna.
- Memperbaiki tema pengguna Eres & Erescompact.

Yang tersisa hingga versi 9.5.0 dirilis:

- Menambahkan Message List Advanced.
- Menambahkan Isi ulang pesan (tanpa membeli seluruh paket jika belum kedaluwarsa).
- Menambahkan OneClick untuk login sebagai pengguna mana pun dari panel admin.
- Menambahkan notifikasi Popup untuk panel pengguna (push dari panel admin).
- Menambahkan India Gateway.
- Menambahkan Bangladesh Gateway.
- Menambahkan OTP untuk halaman registrasi.
- [Mungkin] Menambahkan Coins Gateway.

Can the multi sender feature be included?

How to fix?

SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘user‘@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I went trough about 40 pages of comments trying to find out any more info or fix for this matter.

It’s not a privileges issue as the DB user has FULL ACCESS to the DB, and when executing the SQL query within the DB I get a result (that was created within the installation process, so that confirms there is write access also)

Seems like the linked version within DoniaWeb does not work when trying to install (not sure why), but managed to install and run successfully with the version linked within the docs.

Edited by pig

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