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Wondertag - The Ultimate WoWonder Theme


Wondertag - The Ultimate WoWonder Theme - CodeCanyon Item for Sale


Wondertag has all the important functions needed to create super fast responsive websites with amazing user experience. It comes with unique design crafted with love which gives your users a sense of true quality.


  • Welcome Page Style Wondertag theme provides you a different type of Welcome page that helps you make your site different from others.
  • Better Profiles Wondertag provides best User Experience. Always impress your users by providing them the experience they wanted always.
  • SEO Friendly Get your site rank in search result more easily and faster than before.
  • Better Layout Better layout for Albums, Profiles, Home, Settings, Events and many others.
  • Mobile Ready Wondertag theme is fully responsive and looks great on any mobile device.
  • Many More


https://demo.k97.in/wondertag/ Username: demo123 Password: 123456


v2.7 (02 May 2023)
- Added Compatibility with WoWonder v4.2
- Fixed 2+ issues
v2.6.3 (16 October 2022)
- Fixed Minor Issues.
v2.6.2 (24 September 2022)
- Added Compatibility with WoWonder v4.1.4
- Fixed Like button, Message button issue in Instagram Mode
v2.6.1 (10 September 2022)
- Added Compatibility with WoWonder v4.1.3
v2.6 (03 September 2022)
- Added Compatibility with WoWonder v4.1.2
- Fixed 10+ issues

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/wondertag-the-ultimate-wowonder-theme/28447452

Download: codecanyon-3Hefzj7k-wondertag-the-ultimate-wowonder-theme.zip

  • Replies 149
  • Views 35.5k
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Message added by Mahmoud,

This file has been moved, you can always download the latest version here

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Wondertag has all the important functions needed to create super fast responsive websites with amazing user experience. It comes with a unique design crafted with love, giving your users a sense of true quality.


  • Welcome Page Style Wondertag theme provides you with a different type of Welcome page that helps you make your site different from others.
  • Better Profiles Wondertag provides best User Experience. Always impress your users by providing them with the experience they wanted always.
  • SEO Friendly Get your site rank in search result more easily and faster than before.
  • Better Layout Better layout for Albums, Profiles, Home, Settings, Events and many others.
  • Mobile Ready Wondertag theme is fully responsive and looks great on any mobile device.
  • Many More


https://demo.k97.in/wondertag/ Username: demo123 Password: 123456


v2.6 (03 September 2022)
- Added Compatibility with WoWonder v4.1.2
- Fixed 10+ issues


  • Administrators
1 hour ago, Aymeric70 said:


Wondertag has all the important functions needed to create super fast responsive websites with amazing user experience. It comes with a unique design crafted with love, giving your users a sense of true quality.


  • Welcome Page Style Wondertag theme provides you with a different type of Welcome page that helps you make your site different from others.
  • Better Profiles Wondertag provides best User Experience. Always impress your users by providing them with the experience they wanted always.
  • SEO Friendly Get your site rank in search result more easily and faster than before.
  • Better Layout Better layout for Albums, Profiles, Home, Settings, Events and many others.
  • Mobile Ready Wondertag theme is fully responsive and looks great on any mobile device.
  • Many More


https://demo.k97.in/wondertag/ Username: demo123 Password: 123456


v2.6 (03 September 2022)
- Added Compatibility with WoWonder v4.1.2
- Fixed 10+ issues

codecanyon-wondertag-the-ultimate-wowonder-theme-2.6.zip 15.09 MB · 3 downloads

The resource will be transferred to you so keep it updated

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  • Mahmoud changed the title to Wondertag v2.6 - The Ultimate WoWonder Theme
  • Aymeric70 changed the title to Wondertag v2.6.1 - The Ultimate WoWonder Theme
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@cristian chi koyoc

Para películas, debe crear directamente una carpeta en "upload" llamada "movie", luego crear una carpeta debajo de la película (por ejemplo, spider_man_2), en esa carpeta se importará la película completa.

Luego, en la sección "Movies > Add New Movie", la fuente será [URL]/upload/movie/[spider_man_2]/[spider_man_2].mp4

Por supuesto, debe esperar a que la película se importe por completo para ingresar la URL.

Mi es la única manera funcional

  • Author


I proposed to the editor to update the welcome page, because of the problem not correcting its visible for all the versions of Wondertag. Here is my suggestion above.

The proposal is simply aimed for the welcome page when logging in to WoWonder. My it affects all themes, which I can only offer the editor this correction because the available switch displays as follows:

"Login username",
"Or connect with"

The addition of the "register" switch will no doubt be added.

  • 2 weeks later...
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Next Version

@cristian chi koyoc

So I discussed with the developer/editor of the script to suggest adding/modifying the css files to include the blur effect. I think it will be available in a future version of the script.

I thus spoke about the problem of the story which does not last 24 hours, because in the end in version 2.6.1 the stories are unlimited which do not disappear after 24 hours.


I would like to point out that as soon as a new version will be available, I will update the script. Thank you for your patience

  • Aymeric70 changed the title to Wondertag v2.6.2 - The Ultimate WoWonder Theme


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