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Just now, Antoni Edi Kurniawan said:

@Aldin Sudah bener download yang veri 5.2 kan?

Semua filenya sama, cuma konfigurasi node js saya pake versi 16. ngga perlu run npm install. tinggal isi path folder web appnya, terus isi server.js. terus simpan, Start.

iya bener 5.20 gan. kalo npm install dari cpanelnya gabisa
cuma kalo pake folder node_module yang dari sononya. cuma bisa auto reply. bingung wkwk

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Cloudlinux NodeJS Selector demands to store node modules for application in separate folder (virtual environment) pointed by symlink called "node_modules". That's why application should not contain folder/file with such name in application root @Aldin


Already Folder In Code node_modules  This Folder Delete After Install node npm ?

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