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10 hours ago, armanalimin said:

edit root/routes/custom-route.php  

tambahkan code berikut 

Route::get('/schedule-run', function () {
return Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan::call('schedule:run');



terus coba jalankan www.yourweb.com/schedule-run

Oke makasih mas.

berarti setiap bikin campaign harus jalankan manual? Atau bisa dengan cronjob mas?

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On 8/7/2023 at 7:50 AM, armanalimin said:

edit root/routes/custom-route.php  

tambahkan code berikut 

Route::get('/schedule-run', function () {
return Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan::call('schedule:run');



terus coba jalankan www.yourweb.com/schedule-run

punya saya sudah saya tambahkan kode di atas tp msh belum bisa mas..status nya msh waiting terus

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@Mahmoud please update

Terakhir Update : 7 Agustus 2023

Versi : 5.5.0

Stack : Laravel 8.86 & Node Js

Log Update :

- Update dependency utama ke versi terbaru

- Penambahan Fitur Polling message di api dan test message.

- Fix Preview URL di pesan

- Fix audio message.

- Auto reconnect lebih cepat 

- Penambahan parameter Pengirim di webhook group.

- dll

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@Micro Creatives

i've sent the update to the developer and he put the number 5.5.0
the update you can do it yourself:

1- edit this file (composer.json) and change this line:

"laravel/framework": "^8.75",


"laravel/framework": "^8.86",

2- in script root open SSH (linux) and enter this command:

composer update

for (windows) you need to install composer for windows from this link:
and run above code in CMD.

3- edit this file (package.json) and add this line after ("@whiskeysockets/baileys": "^6.0.0",)

"link-preview-js": "^3.0.4",

4- in script root open SSH (linux) or CMD for (windows if you install nodejs) and enter this commands:

npm install
npm update

for windows if you got error you can install (git for windows) and try the commands above.

5- edit this file (node_modules/@whiskeysockets/baileys/lib/Socket/messages-send.js) in line 621 change:

uploadImage: generateHighQualityLinkPreview
                            ? waUploadToServer
                            : undefined


uploadImage: waUploadToServer

done.. and sorry for my english 🙃

Edited by Magd Almuntaser
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5 hours ago, Magd Almuntaser said:

@Micro Creatives

i've sent the update to the developer and he put the number 5.5.0
the update you can do it yourself:

1- edit this file (composer.json) and change this line:

"laravel/framework": "^8.75",


"laravel/framework": "^8.86",

2- in script root open SSH (linux) and enter this command:

composer update

for (windows) you need to install composer for windows from this link:
and run above code in CMD.

3- edit this file (package.json) and add this line after ("@whiskeysockets/baileys": "^6.0.0",)

"link-preview-js": "^3.0.4",

4- in script root open SSH (linux) or CMD for (windows if you install nodejs) and enter this commands:

npm install
npm update

for windows if you got error you can install (git for windows) and try the commands above.

5- edit this file (node_modules/@whiskeysockets/baileys/lib/Socket/messages-send.js) in line 621 change:

uploadImage: generateHighQualityLinkPreview
                            ? waUploadToServer
                            : undefined


uploadImage: waUploadToServer

done.. and sorry for my english 🙃

that's it? only that? no script modification? how about the 


- Penambahan Fitur Polling message di api dan test message.


i think it need script modification to add polling message

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13 hours ago, kecoamumet said:

that's it? only that? no script modification? how about the 


- Penambahan Fitur Polling message di api dan test message.


i think it need script modification to add polling message

yes that's it to fix many error .. only polling message that he added so maybe i can modify the script for poll msg if nobody can got the 5.5.0
or anyone have the script i can nulled it and decode it 🙂

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  • Mahmoud changed the title to Whatsapp Gateway | Multi Device v5.5.0 NULLED
2 hours ago, Enno Askrindo said:

@kecoamumet cacat nih Ver 5.5 nya wkwkwkw


2 hours ago, kecoamumet said:

iya, butuh di oprek lagi deh... sama kyk 5.2 juga banyak yang cacatnya. hadeh.. untung aja ga beli pake duwit. rugi bandar deh

Versi barunya tetep gk bisa pake template ya?

karena android gk support? Stay di versi 5.2 aja gan kalo sama saja

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