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  1. More information about "GigToDo v1.5.4 + Gateway Plugin - Freelance Service Marketplace"

    32.00 EUR

    GigToDo v1.5.4 + Gateway Plugin - Freelance Service Marketplace

    WHAT IS THE GIGTODO SCRIPT? (Updated) v1.5.3
    GigToDo  is a freelance service marketplace script. GigToDo is a platform that helps employers find talent for their projects. The service facilitates meetings between employers and freelancers who can aid them in brand building or their marketing efforts, providing them with access to a vast pool of highly-qualified freelancers. GigToDo is just the right platform that an employer on the hunt for a freelancer needs. You can find just about any product or service you need–all starting at $5 (or whatever the admin sets as base price). The system works by hosting freelancers by having them post their services and work samples. Buyers simply have to look up the best one that would suit their needs. Common services include logo design, contract writing, code debugging, business card designs and even hiring a virtual assistant.

    Do you want to manage and control your very own freelance marketplace empire? A place whereby users in need of certain services can go on and instantly find other users providing those services at very affordable rates? Well, if your answer is yes, then this script is very ideal for you. With the right marketing and planning, this script can equip you to having the best freelance marketplace in the world.
    Video Tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c8fcMbUZoA&feature=youtu.be
    NB: No refunds once item has been purchased. Please test demo thoroughly to make sure that, that is what you want. Thank you.
    New Update!
    New Items

    Our Top Features

    This script has a similar concept as Fiverr and PeoplePerHour.

    27 purchases  

       (2 reviews)



  2. More information about "Video Plugin For The GigToDo Script v1.1"

    20.00 EUR

    Video Plugin For The GigToDo Script v1.1

    Introducing Pixinal’s video plugin for the The GigToDo Script.
    With this plugin, sellers/freelancers can do video sessions with their customers. System will allow sellers to set the price for minute for video sessions, and seller will have the option to extend the time if the seller is not complete with buyer yet. This will automatically charge the buyer after buyer has manually accepted extra time extension notification.
    – This feature is good for tutors, lawyers etc
    – Neither fiverr, peopleperhour or freelancer etc has this feature.
    NB: You need the GigToDo Script for this to work.
    Features Included
    Contains the following features.
     Robust video chat system for sellers/freelancers and buyers  Message system with emojis added to video chat module for instant messaging and file transfer during video chat session  Type status indicating to buyer and seller when someone is typing  Video chat ringtone to enable buyer know when a video call is coming through  Calendar and time feature to allow buyer to set a date and time when both of them are available to do the video chat  Recording feature implemented for buyer to have an option to record video chat and download in .mp4 version  Time extension system implemented to give a seller the opportunity to extend time. Buyer will have to approve time extension notification and manually effect payment before time is extended.  Email notifications. Email and website notifications have been implemented for every step of the process. Responsive on every device To-do
    Our video plugin uses one of tokbox’s APIs called OpenTok. This is a very reliable WebRTC platform, which comes with amazing features and an even better analytic control panel. Like they say, not all good things are always free. You are required to sign up and get an account from TokBox. You can start of with a plan of $9/month. However, when you sign up, you have a couple of minutes (about 2000+ minutes worth $10 free) to get started with. So you can use that to test the waters. Please read more about OpenTok here. We have fully integrated this platform with GigToDo and built in a lot of modules for it to work flawlessly with GigToDo.
    NOTE: This video platform is only compatible with v1.4.5 and above of GigToDo.
    Let’s Have some previews:
    Admin gets to choose which categories and sub-categories should have the video module enabled for. Meaning if a category doesn’t have the video plugin enabled for it, seller will not see video session options after choosing that category.
    (Admin’s View)

    Seller configures video module
    (Seller’s View)

    Proposals that have the video module enabled for will have a new icon. A blue video camera icon
    (Buyer’s View)

    Proposals screen for proposals that have the video plugin enabled will look like this. Users can easily add how much time they think they need.
    (Buyer’s View)

    When a buyer purchases a proposal with the video module enabled, that buyer will have to pick a time he or she is available within the “Days within which a video session can be scheduled” (Check first image above) Meaning if seller sets only 2 days, buyer can only pick a time within 2 days after purchase. This option will appear in the order page.
    (Buyer’s View)

    Seller receives an email. Seller can accept proposed time availability from buyer, or propose another time.
    (Seller’s View)

    Once both seller and buyer finally settle on a date and time, they will both get a confirmation email, and the video button will appear on seller’s screen. Now even though both seller and buyer agree on a time, the seller still has the power to initiate the video call anytime, as long as the video call button is present. This means if for some reason the buyer is willing to do a call earlier than accepted date, seller can initiate the call.
    (Seller’s View)

    Once a call is initiated, buyer will get a ringtone
    (Seller’s View)

    Once call is initiated, buyer get’s ringtone and this notification
    (Buyer’s View)

    The seller screen on video call module has more options. There is “Extend Time”, “Extend Time With Custom Amount” and “Message”  with “Extend Time”, if the seller chooses 6 minutes. It will extend the time and charge the buyer $3 (That is if the seller is charging $0.50 per minute) However, with  “Extend Time With Custom Amount” seller gets an extra field. So seller can extend time by 6 minutes but manually add a custom price, say, $2. In the image below, “Extend Time with Custom Amount” was chosen. Also system shows you when remain time is left, as per the setting above in first image.
    (Seller’s View)

    Buyer has to manually accept or decline an extension. You can also see that buyer’s screen has two options “Start Video Call Recording” and “Messages”
    (Buyer’s View)

    When buyer accepts extension, buyer pays and times increases automatically.
    (Buyer’s View)

    Buyer can also record the session by clicking on “Start Video Call Recording” and it starts recording. Also note, when time is increased, buyer and seller will both receive a notification
    (Buyer’s View)

    Video module comes with a message area that allows file sharing and instant messaging. This is separate from the inbox messaging built into the GigToDo platform.
    (Seller’s View)

    14 purchases  

       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  3. More information about "oobenn || Ultimate Instagram Style PHP Social Networking Platform v3.8.4"


    oobenn || Ultimate Instagram Style PHP Social Networking Platform v3.8.4

    oobenn || Ultimate Instagram Style PHP Social Networking Platform is the best way to create your own UNIQ(no clone) social website or online community. Launch it in just 2 minute with ultimate features. It’s fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
    Please Note:
    Except for icons and some pictures, all features were made by me. No one shall be entitled to any claim.. I’m not making customization requests. I keep updating and improving oobenn .
    Welcome to oobenn product page.
    oobenn is a social networking platform with instagram interface. With features hosted in oobenn content is a unique script that can be used for multiple projects.You can enable or disable the parts that members use to share. For example, if you have a video sharing project, you will have a video sharing project if you activate the video sharing feature of oobenn and disable other fields.
    10 different sharing features are available. More features are being added with updates.
    The currently available sharing features are: Text Sharing Feature Image Sharing Feature Video Sharing Feature Music/Audio Sharing Feature Link Sharing Feature Filter Image Sharing Feature Gif Sharing Feature Location Sharing Feature WaterMark Sharing Feature BenchMark Sharing Feature Product Sharing Feature Before & After Image It is manifested by the differences of oobenn which includes many features that I think will attract the serious project owners. oobenn is not a clone. It is a script that has been developed by developing some features of the most used social sharing platforms in the world. There are also some features that are not available anywhere. For example, the benchmark feature is an unused feature on popular social sites.
    Continual value added free updates. oobenn continues our long standing tradition of updates with incredible new features & improvements.
    oobenn has a ton of raving and real world features that give you power to build something great.

    User Features :
    News Feed (Following Friends Activity): displays messages posted by following users. Videos, images, audios, links, suggested pages and much more. Profile Displays your user profile along with Events, photos, Videos, Areas of interest and much more. Photos: View and show all the photos you share here All Events: Users can see his own NewsFeed Videos, Photos, Links, Locations and much more… Likes: for updates with latest profile images preview and total likes counter. #hashtag in updates, comments, videos ect. Trending Topics: Top 5 trending topics on NewsFeed page and Top 5 Trending Topics on #hashtag Click Sounds When you click like button click sounds will apper like facebook. Click Vibrate When you click like button click vibrate will apper like facebook Block: When you block someone you do not like. The person you blocked can no longer view your shares. Notifications Get notifications (red notification with bubble counter) from your following users when they: Like, Comment, friend request and Follows. User Mention System User can tag his friend in any post or comment. It will give also a notification by tagget user friends. Post Privacy: – Everyone – Available to everyone, – Following – Available to following users, – Followers – Available just followers, – Just me – Only you can see Report report messages, comments and profiles Cover and profile images for user profile Retina Display Ready Responsive Design Filters Posts Events, locations, videos, links ect. Friends suggestions Change Langauge Day / Night Mode like Twitter Instagram Style Story Badoo Style Interested Tumblr Style User Hover Card Tumblr Style Post Types Online Friend List How many friends see storyTotal display is calculated separately for each status update. Edit Post Disable / Enable comment Fast answer Fast answer working like instagram story. Sticker Sticker system working like facebook. Whatsapp Style Text Edit User can change the text style like whatsapp. In this feature have tree type for text: Bold, italic and strikethrough text. Welcome Page Templates After you buy the oobenn you can see there is tree template for wellcome theme. You can use which one you like. Also you can create a welcome page template for your project. It is very easy. User can add Profile Background Audio User can add Profile background image PayPal Payment System Advertising System User Credit System Gif System like facebook Scroll to play video like instagram Share video on story page Share image on story page Manage your stories See how many user viewed your shared stories PayPal Payment Gateway User can buy Credit User can create Advertisement Admin can Create Advertisement Per view advertisement Per click advertise Manage Advertisement Self-Desctruction message like badoo Send video, file, music and images on chat page. See multiple image in nice popup slide show Instagram style multiple image slider Watermark System BenchMark SystemThis feature is the first in the world Image Crop System User can upload and crop AVATAR/COVER and Uploaded BenchMark images. 12 BenchMark category 18 Watermark bg Image (Admin can add more watermark bg using admin dashboard) Users can edit/Customize their profile colors, backgorund image, background sound Users can change profile font style with 51 different font. Users can share his/her location. Users can share gif using giphy API User can Create Event Event creator full manage his/her own Event Tumbnail system 5 Different Login & Register Page Template. More coming soon..  WhatsApp style Video Preview without changing the url. Support (12 big website) YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, DailyMotion, MetaCafe, VideoJug, Blip, Screenr, SlideShare, flickr, funnyordie and devianart Re-Share User can ReShare liked posts like tumblr Unlike Post User can Unlike Posts Weather Post Text Translate like Facebook Voice recording for comment 6 Feeling Category and 111 Feeling Icon 27 Product Category Slider Advertisement system Product Click Counter Product Seen Counter Menu and Icon system Market Place Profile system. User can buy template for his/her business. Like tumblr blog template system. and so much more feature. New features continue to be added every two weeks… Live Streaming Send email to 14 types of users Live comments from Live Streaming BitPay, IyziCo, Authorize.Net, Stripe, PayStack, PayPal, RazorPay payment gateways Chat sidebar like facebook Point system, user can earn points from their: Posts, comments, likes ect. Earnings table with graph Donate posts system Shopping Card System Market Order Announcements In-Video advertise feature In-Video advertise feature … and so much more features Admin/Features
    User manage : Edit, delete user Post magange : Edit , delete users posts. All Site Statistic Edit Langauge Welcome templates Website management Manage features Manage advertisements Manage gifs Manage Stickers and so much more… Requirements
    oobenn requires Apache Server, PHP 5.5+ and MySQL to run Before install oobenn please make sure that PHP extensions (mysqli, mbstring, curl) & PHP library (GD) & PHP funcrions (allow_url_fopen() & mail()) & Apache extension (mod_rewrite) are enabled on your server SSL certificate (only required if you enabled video chat)


       (1 review)



  4. More information about "Sweepino - Affiliate comparison website"


    Sweepino - Affiliate comparison website

    Hey, this script can help you to promote sweepstake affiliate offers. I am the owner. As it is stated in description, we can help you with installation for free. Thanks ?


       (0 reviews)



  5. More information about "Gamingo - Affiliate comparison website"


    Gamingo - Affiliate comparison website

    Hey, this script can help you to promote gaming affiliate offers. I am the owner. As it is stated in description, we can help you with installation for free. Thanks ?


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  6. More information about "Datingo - Affiliate comparison website"


    Datingo - Affiliate comparison website

    Hey, this script can help you to promote dating affiliate offers. I am the owner. As it is stated in description, we can help you with installation for free. Thanks ?


       (0 reviews)



  7. More information about "Casino - Affiliate comparison website"


    Casino - Affiliate comparison website

    Hey, this script can help you to promote casino affiliate offers. I am the owner. As it is stated in description, we can help you with installation for free. Thanks ? 


       (0 reviews)



  8. More information about "PaidTasks v2.0.0 - Get Paid To System"

    13.00 EUR

    PaidTasks v2.0.0 - Get Paid To System

    I'm happy introduce to you PaidTasks, a new system which let you create your own Get Paid To website. Using this system, you can start earning money by selling web traffic, youtube views or by providing offers to complete for your users, at the moment this being a niche with much potential and doesn't require too much investments or time.
    You will receive a complete GPT system, as shown on demo. All you have to do is to install and configure it and then you have a ready made GPT based bussiness, ready to be promoted world wide (or maybe locally, is your choice).
    Our script is both simple to use & advanced in features, ready made to start your own GPT system.
    Complete admin panel Dashboard with stats Manage website settings Manage members Manage ads, videos and exposure packs Newsletter system and more 2 payment gateways PayPal Bank Transfer Multi Language System English Romanian Bootstrap 4 Responsive Design Google Captcha & SolveMedia Captcha integrated Multiple offer walls integrated (CPALead, AdWorkMedia, SuperRewards, etc) Automated proccess to add ads or videos and make payments Gambling type games: Lucky Wheel Lottery System HorseRace System Referral system integrated Membership system (user can pay for VIP Membership) Virtual Currency (coins) system integrated User earn coins by watching visiting sites, videos or completing offers Coins collected by user can be converted in real money (you will have to pay them) Very well optimised to keep server usage to minimum 100% Viewable PHP Source Code + Many more features...

    9 purchases  

       (0 reviews)



  9. More information about "EasyQR v2.0.0 - Touchless QR Menus"


    EasyQR v2.0.0 - Touchless QR Menus

    Highly customizable store pages
    All the stores created can be customized to your own liking with a varied set of built in tools.
      Custom menus, categories, items   Item extras & item variants   Store details, open hours, social links   Images, password protection, custom css   The all-in-one solution
    It's easy, simple, intuitive and does everything for you.
      No code knowledge needed   10 minute installation process   Ready to go and maintained software   Search Engine Optimized
    Again, we did everything for you, no need to worry about SEO.
      Beautiful & custom store URL's   OpenGraph ready   No CSS or JavaScript fluff   Custom Domains system   Item extras, variants & ordering system
    You can create item extras & variants for any item on your store and also enable the ability for your visitors to order directly via the menu.
    Every store gets useful and ready to go analytics.
      Day by day analytics   Referrers   Countries   Devices, browsers & operating systems   Analytics reports by Email   Fully featured Admin Panel
    Comes right out of the box with a ready to use and functional Admin Panel that allows you to control and check everything that is going on on your website.
    Ready to use Dashboard for a nice overview of what happens on your website.
    A Users management system to create, view, update and delete users.
    Stores management where you can check out and delete any store that is currently on your system.
    Pages management where you can manage all the extra and custom page on your website.
    Powerful Discount & Redeemable codes system where you can give out discounts or fully redeemable plans for your users.
    Taxes, billing & invoicing where you can configure and generate proper invoices and tax rates for you and your paid customers.
    Payments management to check all the payments made on your platform & Statistics page to see an overview of the growth of your website.
    Website Settings to control the main settings of your website, and many more..
      More features
    Here are some extra features that you should know about:
      Dark modeSimply beautiful and ready to go right out of the box.   Facebook LoginReady to go facebook login if needed.   Automatic generated sitemapYour sitemap is automatically generated and updated for you.   Two Factor AuthenticationYou and your users can use 2FA if they want to.   Customizable & unlimited plansAdmins can create & configure plan features, with their own pricing directly from the admin panel.   Multilingual readyThe whole platform can be translated to any language by editing 1 json file.   SEO FriendlyThe whole platform was designed with SEO in mind.    


       (0 reviews)



  10. More information about "Recruit SAAS - Recruitment Manager"

    20.00 EUR

    Recruit SAAS - Recruitment Manager

    Recruit – Recruitment Manager
    Recruit is an application to manage the recruitment process of a company. If you are a company who need an application through which job seekers can apply directly on your website and you can manage those job applicants from an admin panel then this is the app you need.
    Built in Laravel PHP Framework
    Server Requirement
    PHP >= 7.3.0 OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension GD PHP Extension Fileinfo PHP Extension

    Demo Details
    Admin Login URL: https://recruit-saas.froid.works/login

    Email: superadmin@example.com
    Password: 123456

    Front Website URL: https://recruit-saas.froid.works

    Add multiple companies Front site for candidates to apply for job Job Categories Job Skills Kanban board to manage job applications Manage Job Openings Email notifications Team Member’s Roles & Permissions Theme Settings Multi Languages Auto update Custom Job Questions Interview Scheduling Job Onboarding

    1 purchase  

       (0 reviews)



  11. More information about "Uber Clone – Taxi Booking Script - Appkodes Cabso v1.0"

    59.00 EUR

    Uber Clone – Taxi Booking Script - Appkodes Cabso v1.0

    This package contains the Script and the Android and iOS application
    I offer free support after purchase but I do not offer installation
    Applications contain files that explain the installation in detail, so you should be able to install it yourself

    Working process of our Uber Clone
    Here is a quick working demo of our top-notch taxi booking app solution. Take a look at the working process of our Uber clone solution with its stunning features.
    Control the chaos in Uber Clone app development
    A perfect, ready-to-use Uber clone solution to get ahead in your online taxi booking business.
    Give life to your ideas and enhance your taxi booking operations using our highly advanced Uber clone.
    Developed specifically for every ambitious entrepreneur to pave the way for their brand success with innumerable features.
    As a renowned taxi app development company, our team of experts will focus on uplifting your online taxi business. Whether you own a startup or a well-established taxi company, our finest Uber clone script reinforces your brand visibility and popularity to a greater extent.
    Appkodes Cabso is highly scalable and customizable. Our Uber clone solution can be deployed quickly to streamline your online taxi booking operations. So, utilize our readymade Uber clone script with enthralling features instead of developing the application from scratch and thereby save a lot of time and investment in your taxi business.
    Our end-to-end deployment and implementation supports, timely delivery of affordable solutions with 100 % customization, incorporation of top-notch technologies, astounding features and mind-blowing add-ons make us stand out from our competitors.
    Build a best-in-class taxi booking app with our reliable Uber clone script and thereby earn customer’s goodwill and trust.
    Our philosophy is to get you a
    Remarkable taxi booking app to overcome challenges in your online taxi dispatch business.
    Complete Uber clone solution which helps to manage the entire taxi booking operations and to keep track of updated records by serving as a central repository for all taxi details.
    Take a glimpse at sparkling reasons why to choose our Uber clone script
    Our team of experienced professionals designed an easy-to-use Uber clone with appealing and responsive UI. So, it will just take a fraction of seconds for the passengers to book the ride and for drivers to accept the ride request.
    Our Uber clone script is built with incredible security features to provide a completely secured platform for the users.
    Ride fare and distance will be calculated automatically and users can pay for their ride through e-wallet, cash or any other payment method as per their convenience.
    Appkodes Uber clone also allows users to earn reward points by recommending the application to their friends, family and closer ones.

    2 purchases  

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    1 comment


  12. More information about "Sngine Facebook theme for V.2.5.7"


    Sngine Facebook theme for V.2.5.7

    Facebook theme for sngine V2.5.7 , I will send you sngine v2.5.7 if you need.


       (5 reviews)



  13. More information about "yetishare v5.0.0 Nulled"


    yetishare v5.0.0 Nulled

    YetiShare v5.0.0 Beta Available - Core Framework Rewrite, New Spirit Theme, File Manager Refresh, Twig Templating, Smart Routing, Pretty Urls and much more.

      We've just made available the beta of YetiShare v5.0.0 via your account on yetishare.com. If you login and you're still within support, you'll see the link to download.
    You can see it up and running here:
    - https://beta.fhscript.com
    (login with user: 'admin' & pass: 'Password@Demo')
    Overview of changes:
    This release has been in development for some time and brings a complete rewrite to the core script framework. This new framework performs significantly better but it also makes maintaining the code a lot easier. So going forward you should see a lot more regular updates.
    We've also added a new Bootstrap 4 theme called Spirit and a refresh to the file manager. There'll be a detailed blog post about the new features and framework within the next few weeks. Until then see the release notes below.
    Can I use the beta on my live website?
    No. It's not ready for any live sites yet as it's beta code. We can not offer support on live sites and as the code it still in beta, it may break things if used on your live site. This code is for testing only.
    How to install or upgrade:
    Upload the /install folder to your website and load yoursite.com/install. Note that the upgrade process has changed in this release. We're happy to help if you get stuck.
    How to submit beta feedback:
    Any feedback or bug reports are welcome via the forum thread linked below.
    - https://forum.mfscripts.com/threads/yetishare-v5-0-0-beta-feedback-tracker.4108/
    Please do not send these via the support system, we want to track everything in one place on the forum. We'll not be adding any new features to this release but if there's bugs to fix we'll be keen to get them resolved before moving out of beta.
    When will this be on final release?
    It's planned we'll be in beta for 14 days then go into final release.
    What about the paid plugins?
    These are currently being worked on and will be available soon. At the moment only the core script (and bundled plugins) are in beta. The paid plugins for v4.x will not work with v5, you will need to download the updated copies.
    What's happening to the v4.x release?
    We're still supporting security updates and fixes to this codebase, so there's no rush to move to v5. The Flow & blue_v2 themes will not be maintained in v5, they're replaced by the Spirit theme.
    Release Notes:
    Complete core rewrite: New MVC script framework. Separation of business logic (PHP) and views. Custom page url routing. Friendly urls throughout main site and admin area. Twig templating engine - True separation of PHP logic and views. Javascript translations moved to external JS file rather than embedded in the page source. Application cache for increased performance - Routing Cache & Twig Template Cache. New MVC structure for both plugins and themes. Controllers and templates and be overridden at plugin and theme level. Added support for transparent pngs on avatars. Friendlier urls on direct file links. (removal of .php/.html) Moved towards object based data updates (ORM). Theme template inheritance. Override views at template or plugin level. Admin test tools. Flow & blue_v2 themes replaced with the new Spirit theme using Bootstrap 4. Document Viewer plugin replaced with the File Previewer plugin. File manager refresh, including updates to the uploader. Support for uploading additional files without reloading the browser. Non-account upload replaced with "Trial accounts". Backblaze cloud file storage support. Social login plugin upgrade, including refreshing guidance. Improved Sharing Functionality: Share files aswell as folders now. Select multiple files/folders to share at once, rather than folder only level. Admin manage sharing pages. Globally shared folders - admin can set folders to be accessed by all accounts. Moved shared folders/files into dedicated left navigation item. Email notification added on internal sharing. More advert spots added to the front-end, easily set via the admin site settings. Added option to set keywords and description on files. Keywords displayed on file details view, linked to search. Search feature now includes keywords and description. Fix to adblock detection script. Improvements to drop & drop uploads directly into file manager without loading the uploader popup. Site setting option to use local sessions rather than database based sessions. Site settings to control min/max length of account usernames. Site setting to enable download tokens to be limited by IP address. Changes to file details page, now full page and larger preview. Added sharing page and trash page links on mobile view. Enabled 'enter' key submission on add/edit file/folder popups. Minor fix to avoid reloading page if upload completes when viewing file details. Minor fix to script update notification checker.


       (1 review)



  14. More information about "Feberr v11.0 - Multivendor Digital Products Marketplace"


    Feberr v11.0 - Multivendor Digital Products Marketplace

    Feberr - Multivendor Digital Products Marketplace is a complete marketplace script for digital downloads with support system. You can sell your items an online store to suitable marketplace. You can sell anything digital items such as scripts, themes, plugins, print, graphics, mobile app, software, audio files, videos, music, digital art, filters, templates, themes, or photos etc. we provide to help of details documentation it will take few minutes to installation and setup. You can setup your own marketplace sell your items and you will get earning commission.
    100% responsive design Bootstrap 4 Font awesome icons Easy installation Sell Digital Products Build Your Own Store Multi Vendor Support Featured items Free items Ajax based filter product items Price filter,item type, grid and list view Pagination for blog and items,orders,manage items..ect Blog Multi language ( In-build three language available English, Spanish, Arabic ) XML sitemap feed Coupon Code Comment for blog and items Product items license support system Dynamic pages Pages menus are main menu and footer menu Contact Us Page Login,Register,Forgot Email confirmation for registration Social links are footer, every user profile page Every vendor profile page Every user followers and following system Vendor support form Items types are script,themes,plugin,print,graphics and mobile app Social share integrated are blog post and single items page Admin sales report and items approval report using chart All vendor page Shop page Checkout My Purchases My Sales Favourites Top Authors Affiliate Referral System Item Type Dynamically add / edit / delete Attributes Dynamically add / edit / delete Live Preview frame Amazon S3 Storage Badges Watermark Newsletter Start Selling Exclusive and Non Exclusive user type Upload Items and Manage Items Admin also manage add,edit and delete items Admin approval for manually or autoapproval Every update item email notification option Every payment approval for admin permission Refund request system Review and Ratings for items Rating notification email General Settings Payment Settings Media Settings Payment Gateways are Paypal,Stripe,2checkout,Paystack,Localbank Integrated Withdrawal Option for Paypal,Stripe,Paystack,Localbank Vendor withdrawal request Blog Category Items Category & Sub Category Total sales Total vendors Recent Sale items Commission system admin and vendors Order Management and more.... Requirements
    PHP 7.2 and above
    MySQL 5+
    Online Demo :-
    Front Panel
    Vendor Login
    username : test
    password : 1234567
    Admin Login
    username : admin
    password : admin
    Online Documentation :-
    Laravel Version :-
    Version 7.25
    Version History :-
    Version 11.0 Update - Item type dynamically add / edit / delete Update - Attributes dynamically add / edit / delete Update - Item video preview mp4 / youtube update Update - Video preview tooltip hover and item details page update Update - Some css design added


       (0 reviews)



  15. More information about "Turbo Share v1.6 - ShareIt Clone | Ultimate Transfer & Share"


    Turbo Share v1.6 - ShareIt Clone | Ultimate Transfer & Share

    Share files from device to device without cables.No Internet ? No problem , you can share video,audio,photo,file with nearby friends.The Best feature of Turbo Share is that you can share files separately or in a form of a bucket as well which includes Apps , videos , photos , music , office (PDF,.docs) etc.
    Sharing Data was never so easy before. shareit With Our TURBO SHARE: File Transfer, Sharing enjoy unlimited data sharing totally Free. we allow our customer to share all type of sharing without any WIFI from one phone to another phone so this application is totally Offline.
    I am here to help you all the time. The most important thing for me is the happy customer. Please read the documentation (including the downloaded item) and any additional information on the support tab of the item to see if that answers your question before you ask me for help or support. See also questions that are frequently asked. If you still need help, simply send me a comment message. Please note that customization, modification and installation services are not included in the support for items. For more information, see Item Support Policy.
    Are you interested? Check this:
    Demo APK on Google Play Store ( Admob )
    Demo APK on Google Drive ( Facebook Audience – Ads )
    Demo APK on Google Drive ( No Ads )
    ( You will get Admob, Facebook audience & No ads version )
    No network restriction,Share files whenever & wherever! Support multiple sharing at one time Support access to files after the reciver No USB! No internet needed! Speed goes up to 20 M/s. Fast, Optimized and Powerful tool Popular app “SHAREIT” clone Beautiful UI High Quality OpenWeatherMap Api Money making app ONESIGNAL Notification Admob Ads Integrated Developed with Android Studio & Gradle Support for Jelly Bean (Android 4.1) and newer Material design following Android Design Guidelines GDPR compliant (European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation) Support for high-resolution displays (xxxhdpi) RTL Runtime permissions Top quality clean code Easy configuration Well documented Free support


       (0 reviews)



  16. More information about "Sngine v2.9 - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform"

    10.00 EUR

    Sngine v2.9 - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform

    Sngine is a PHP Social Network Platform is the best way to create your own social website or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features. It’s fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.

    User Demo::
    Demo Link (You can register and test it yourself)

    Admin Demo::
    Demo Link (Login using this username/password)
    Username: demo.admin
    Password: 123456
    (This account can’t do any action on the demo version)

    User/General Features:
    Friends Users can add others as a freind Follow/Unfollow Sngine also support following system like Twitter/Facebook Real-Time Real-Time Newsfeed, Chat, & Notifications and Profile Updates Share Users can share any public post on Sngine Smart Publisher Publisher auto-scrap (Music, Videos, Links) YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud Users can share links from these media Notifications Get notifications (red notification with counter) from other users when they: Like, Share, Comment, or @mention you Sound Notifications for New Notifications & Messages Privacy users can change thier privacy settings anytime #Hahtags Post #hashtags in posts, comments and chat conversations @mention user can mention thier friends Photos upload images and have them displayed as a gallery. Groups Stay in touch with the group members and share stories with them. Pages User now can create pages like Facebook. Smiles / Emoticons (smiles) in Messages, Comments and Chat. Mange Blocks Users can block other users preventing them from chatting with each other. Awesome Profile with Covers and Avatars for user/page/group profiles Verify Badge Now profile and pages support verify badge Unified Search Box Live search for #hashtags, posts, pages and groups See More option for cut long-text post like Facebook Retina Display Ready Responsive Design (optimized for iPhone 5 and other iOS devices) SuggestionsFriends suggestions (for new users), Pages to like, Groups to join Script/Admin Features:
    Portable so you can run it at any hosting easily Ajax Powered system We build it with pure PHP with code easy to follow, so developer could customize it SEO SEO Friendly Urls System Shutdown Turn the entire website On and Off Registration Enabled Turn registration On and Off Send Activation Email Enable/Disable activation email after registration SMTP Emails Enable/Disable SMTP email system reCAPTCHA Enabled Turn reCAPTCHA On and Off Multi-Language multi language platform using ‘gettext’ (Support Arabic and RTL Design) Manage Translations: Admin can add/edit/delete language translations Cache System Advanced caching system for all system and the view templates which guarantee fast loading for the whole website Manage Users Manage your members, edit thier profile details, and verify anyone of them Manage Pages Manage pages that your members created, verify anyone of them Manage Pages Categories Admin can add/edit/delete different categories for pages Manage Groups Edit or Delete user created groups Reports Manage reports by your members Manage Verified User/Pages Admin can make any user/page as verified. Static Pages Admin can add/edit/delete static pages like about, privacy, terms …etc Ads System Admin can add/edit/delete ads for the entire system with different locations. Manage Themes Admin can add/edit/delete themes Advanced Statistics Statistics about User Registrations, Messages, Comments, Reported Messages & Comments, Likes Set Min/Max Results Admin can set Min/Max number of results per request Sngine APIs to allow your website users to create apps and use login with feature and retrieve user info Sngine Share Plugin to allow other websites to use your share plugin code to add share in Sngine button Requirements
    Sngine requires Apache Server, PHP 5.5+ (PHP 7.1+ to use Twilio Services) and MySQL to run Before install Sngine please make sure that PHP extensions (mysqli, mbstring, curl) & PHP library (GD) & PHP funcrions (allow_url_fopen() & mail()) & Apache extension (mod_rewrite) are enabled on your server SSL certificate (only required if you enabled video chat)

    2 purchases  

       (0 reviews)



  17. More information about "Pes Pro v3.2.9 - Powerful Exchange System Pro"

    33.00 EUR

    Pes Pro v3.2.9 - Powerful Exchange System Pro

    With Powerful Exchange System PRO you can create your own social exchange system wich will bring social media to a new level (we're not affiliated or endorsed by any of those social networks).
    9 exchange modules included (extra modules available on our store): AskFm Facebook Page Likes Photo Likes Events Share Instagram Followers Likes Reverbnation Fans Soundcloud Followers Likes Play Stumbleupon Followers Twitter Followers Tweet Retweet Favorite Youtube Likes Views Favorites Subscribers Traffic Exchange Auto-Surf Manual-Surf Pop-up Surf Bootstrap 4 responsive design SSL (HTTPS) Support CashMining Integration Auto-Surf bar for traffic exchange (with anti-framebreaker) Targeting system (Countries and Genders) Banner ads system HorseRace Gambling Multilanguage system English Romanian  2 payment gateways Paypal Payeer (multiple payment methods, including BitCoin) Sell coins system VIP membership system Daily bonus system with levels User reports system Transfer coins system Cost per click for every website submited Coupon codes system Powerful affiliate system Coins to Cash system Several Offerwalls integrated ReCaptcha and SolveMedia integrated Google Analytics integrated Stats page Powerful control panel 100% unencrypted code + Many others features
    Demo Website:  Click here
    Register for free to test it!

    Admin Panel Demo:  Click here
    Admin Username: Admin
    Admin Password: pespro
    Demo contains all available modules and languag packs, but some of them are paid modules and are not included by default with the script. You can find them at "Related Products" tab.

    21 purchases  

       (0 reviews)



  18. More information about "123Movies V3.2 - Movie CMS Script 2019 (New)"

    50.00 EUR

    123Movies V3.2 - Movie CMS Script 2019 (New)

    What Do We Offer?
    Ready Database
    Ready Database of 17896 Movies, 5929 TV Shows and 263,686 Episodes
    Fully Automated Website
    Automatically Update Content with the Latest Movies, TV Shows and Episodes.
    Fully Responsive
    The sites we make are 100% Seo optimized and on average our websites performs more than 90% on gtmetrix .
    Guaranteed Traffic
    We even guarantee organic traffic on your ultimate plan along with one year of technical support.
    24/7 User Support
    We offer amazing 24/7 support to our clients. Any technical problems are fixed in short interval of time.
    Movies Script (123movies)
    $499 Lifetime 50EUR
    17896 Movies Ready Database 5929 Tv Shows Ready Database 263,686 Episodes Ready Database Daily Automatic Movies and Tv Shows Updator Powerful Admin Panel 3 Alternate Streaming Servers Seo Optimized Free Installation Single Template (Gomvies clone theme) Free Google Analytics Setup No Hidden Charges Lifetime Technical Support 100% Buyer Protection Admin Panel Demo
    Demo: https://123moviesfree.stream/

    10 purchases  

       (0 reviews)



  19. More information about "Web Reward App + Admin Panel v3.7 – POCKET from droidoxy"

    10.00 EUR

    Web Reward App + Admin Panel v3.7 – POCKET from droidoxy

    POCKET – Web Rewards is a Free Gift Cards or Make Money Application…
    This is the Web Version of the Existing Android App Pocket – POCKET – Android Rewards App
    You can earn Money by just publishing it online. and the only Requirement is, “The More Users you acquire : the more Money you make in this business!”.
    How to Setup and Reskin :
    Simply download and follow the Provided Documentation.
    Requirements :
    Hosting with php & mysql Support
    Pocket Web is Integrated with Following Ad-Networks to for your users to enjoy.
    1. OfferToro
    2. Adscend Media
    3. AdGate Media
    3. Super Rewards
    4. More (Coming Soon)
    Simply setup accounts with the above mentioned Ad-Networks. You Can also disable and re-arrange any of the Ad Networks.
    We are always here to help you. Happy customer is the most important thing for us. Are you interested? Check this out :
    Take a Look at the Demo (included) :
    View Web Rewards Dashboard Demo
    User Name : user22
    password : 123456
    or Feel Free to create a new Account and Explore the Complete Project !
    After buying i offer also free installation service.
    Take a Look at the Admin Panel :
    Admin Panel Demo (included) : https://pocket.droidoxy.com/admin/
    User Name : administrator
    password : administrator
    Simply Publish the App Online and Start Earning!
    Note : Approval from AdNetworks is required !
    if any AdNetwork Rejects/Declines your app, then you need to disable that AdNetwork and continue with approved one’s. And after a month or two if your app becomes popular then you can re-enable the AdNetwork at anytime after Approval !
    Get this Money Making Machine Now !!

    Happy Earning !!
    Happy Money !!

    25 purchases  

       (1 review)



  20. More information about "PlusAgency v2.6.0 - Business Agency CMS & Website Management System"


    PlusAgency v2.6.0 - Business Agency CMS & Website Management System

    PlusAgency is a business website CMS (Content Management System). It has a powerful Admin panel where you can create & manage this business CMS. You can create and manages services, porfolios, blogs, quotes, faq and more. It has almost all the features a business agency website has to offer. Also we have made very attactive design so that this website can attract your target visitors. So, if you are thinking to start a business or already have a business then this is the perfect business website for you. This CMS can be used for multipurpose business such as gym / fitness, restaurant, cleaning service, construction, industry / factory, chemical, company / personal / agency / freelancer portfolio , software / IT company and many more
    Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/plusagency-business-agency-cms-website-management-system/24646161


       (0 reviews)



  21. More information about "Loved-Dating for WoWonder Social PHP Script V1.3"


    Loved-Dating for WoWonder Social PHP Script V1.3

    COMPATIBLE with WoWonder latest version THREE user card style for page loved TWO user card styles for page my loved ALL style, change in admin panel PEOPLE can love, like, and give star ENABLE and Disable this plugin in admin panel SUPORT 10 language default wowonder script And more See online documentation and tutorial Tutorial Installation Loved Dating
    Preview images, which are inline previews, and screenshots, are under license CC0 1.0 And not included in the main script. Read about CC0
    Version 1.3 (28 November 2018).
    Make it compatible with wowonder script Add Available url loved dating to dropdown menu (mobile version and desktop) Add demo site url in envato market Demo Here Click here, to See Video Update Guide, Just Overwrite Folder Update Guide to your main script (same as the previous version of the update guide)


       (1 review)



  22. More information about "phpStatistics v1.3.1 [Regular License] - TikTok Analytics Platform (SAAS Ready)"

    10.00 EUR

    phpStatistics v1.3.1 [Regular License] - TikTok Analytics Platform (SAAS Ready)

    phpStatistics is a social media analytics tool for providing TikTok analytics to any public profile from TikTok.
    phpStatistics is ready for personal use (Regular License), as well as for starting a SaaS business, where you can charge users (PayPal or Stripe) on your platform for access on your website created with phpStatistics and providing them TikTok analytics services (Extended License).
    phpStatistics Demo
    Username: admin
    Password: admin
    User Features
    GROWTH ANALYTICS – Keep track of any public TikTok profile and generate day by day statistics.
    PROJECTIONS – Generate predictions based on already existing data.
    EXPORT TO CSV OR PDF – Some of the data from the generated TikTok profiles reports can be also exported.
    API – The ability to access the stored TikTok related data via a REST API.
    TIKTOK DIRECTORY – View all the TikTok users inside of the database and sort them by different criteria.
    TIKTOK ACCOUNTS COMPARISON – Compare 2 TikTok profiles easily, side by side.
    TIKTOK VIDEO DOWNLOADER – Download TikTok videos as MP4 format and download the Music of the TikTok video as well as MP3 format.
    LISTS – Create, update and delete Lists to help you save and categorize specific TikTok profiles that you want to keep track of.
    LOGIN WITH FACEBOOK – To help users login to your website faster.
    TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION – To help your users with their account security.
    SEO FRIENDLY – Proper URLs, dynamic titles, dynamic meta description and meta keywords based on each TikTok profile…etc
    SITEMAP – The full sitemap is automatically generated for you and ready to be used.
    Administrative Features
    STRIPE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Stripe.
    PAYPAL PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Paypal.
    OFFLINE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging offline payments (ex: via bank transfers or other methods). The best way to get paid by your users if you do not use Paypal or Stripe.
    DISCOUNT AND REDEEMABLE CODES – Create unlimited discount or redeemable codes from the admin panel for your users.
    INVOICING – Configure and generate basic invoices for your users.
    GUEST, FREE, TRIAL PLAN CUSTOMIZATION – Configure exactly what each defined plan can or can not do or disable them completely.
    UNLIMITED CUSTOM PLANS – Create custom made plans for your users.
    PAYMENTS – Both you (as the admin) and your users will have access to their payments made on the platform.
    MULTILINGUAL READY – Translate the whole website via a single .JSON file (Created pages from the admin panel are not translatable).
    STATISTICS – Get to know what happens on your website by checking out the statistics page.
    USERS – Create, view, edit, ban or delete any user on the platform via the admin panel.
    PAGES – Create, view, edit or delete any custom page on the platform via the admin panel.
    PROXIES – Ready to go proxy system that helps to avoid getting restricted by the TikTok servers. Create, view, edit or delete any proxy connection on the platform via the admin panel.
    TIKTOK ACCOUNTS – View or delete all the TikTok profiles that are tracked by your website.
    SETTINGS – This is the control page where you update your website and create it exactly as you wish by editing important details enabling or disabling certain features such as.
    Disable the default landing page and redirect to your custom one SMTP configuration Enable or disable the Registration system Enable or disable email confirmation for new users Upload your own logo and favicon Configure your business and payment settings Set up your Social media links Add your custom CSS or JavaScript code Add your ad codes to display ads to your users Requirements
    Please read the whole documentation along with the readme at phpStatistics Documentation.
    If you plan to use this product to get paid by your users on the platform ( use the payment systems ) then you must purchase the Extended License, enforced by the terms written by Envato.
    Please read this carefully in order to understand. The TikTok website as a whole or parts of it have the possibility to break, change, deprecate, disable or ban you at any time depending on the changes they make to their website and I have no control and take no responsibility for this matter. Although I will try to keep this updated as fast as possible and fix any potential bug that might appear because of this matter. Refunds due to the mentioned API problems that might occur used within the script are not viable.
    This product is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by TikTok or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.

    0 purchases  

       (0 reviews)



  23. More information about "Biolinks 4.8.0 SAAS - Regular License"

    5.00 EUR

    Biolinks 4.8.0 SAAS - Regular License

    Biolinks is a problem solver for Instagram’s linking problem and a URL Shortener at the same time! Have you ever wanted to manage multiple links through your instagram account and you found out you can only put one unique link in your bio? If so, then this is the solution for you and your users. Create a great website where you register and add as many links as you want and only paste your custom profile’s url in your instagram’s bio and never change it again.
    Stripe Recurring / One Time Payments – Latest Stripe v3 implementation ( SCA Ready )
    PayPal Recurring / One Time Payments
    Facebook Login – Facebook Login / Registration system configurable via the Admin Panel.
    Instagram Login – Instagram Login / Registration system configurable via the Admin Panel.
    Account Settings – Users can fully manange their account settings and current package.
    Account Extra Details – Users can see the extra details available related to their account, such as Payments List History.
    Renew / Change Package – Users can any time renew, upgrade or cancel their current package.
    Unlimited Projects – That users can create to manage multiple Biolink Pages & Shortened URLS and differentiate them easily.
    Multiple Biolink Pages – Users can create multiple Biolink Pages from one single account.
    URL Shortener – Your users can use the product as an URL Shortener as well!
    Highly Customizable Biolink Pages – Just check out the demo and you will see for yourself  !
    Biolink Pages Embeds – Including YouTube, Soundcloud, Spotify, Twitch & Vimeo!
    Advanced Statistics – All URLS get detailed statistics regarding Visitors Country, Referer, OS & Browser
    and many many more..
    Administrative Features
    Fully Translatable via 1 File – Everything that you see on the frontend is translatable via a 1 JSON File.
    Custom & Unlimited User Packages – Create / View / Update / Delete custom user packages and their available features.
    Custom Pages – Create / View / Update / DeleteCustom Pages available on the website ( ex: contact, terms and conditions..etc )
    Dashboard – Check out what is happening on your platform with great statistics at a glance.
    Users Management – Create / View / Update / Delete all the users on the website.
    Full SMTP Configuration
    Statistics – See how your website is growing by checking out the Great looking charts and tables with different types of statistics based on your website.
    Payments List – View and check out all the payments that happened on your website.
    Set Default Language – Directly from the admin panel.
    Payment Settings – For your Paypal and Stripe implementation.
    Captcha / Google Recaptcha – Comes with a simple default captcha and has the option to implement Google Recaptcha.
    Custom Administrative Emails – Configure emails content for Account Activation / Account Lost Password emails.
    Admin Email Notifications – When your platform gets a new user or registers a new payment you will be notified.
    Disable Index Landing Page – And replace it with your own.
    Disable Registration – To completely lock down the website if needed.
    Custom Header JS / CSS – To easily implement Header Javascript codes like Google Analytics, Fb pixel..etc and to easily add small CSS styling changes.
    Custom Multi Domains – Allow your users to use multiple domains that you give them access to for Biolink pages or URL Shorteners.
    Phishtank & Google Safe Browsing Integration – Is implemented to help you fight phishing, malware or any threats from sites that spammers will try and link to.
    Installation services
    We provide Script Installations and also Full Server Installations from stratch for DigitalOcean. Head over to Biolinks Installation for more details.

    1 purchase  

       (0 reviews)



  24. More information about "Joysale v4.0"

    150.00 EUR

    Joysale v4.0

    Included plugins

    Also includes an RTL plugin

    Advanced letgo clone for brands
    After trying to deploy a letgo clone script, we realized how complex the world of digital classifieds was for startups and entrepreneurs.
    Since then, it’s been our mission to build a letgo clone and app that we would use ourselves.
    Our solution gives entrepreneurs end-to-end control by promoting transparent relationships with their customers.
    The world’s best letgo clone script built to drive profit through.
    Prepare for growth takeoff
    Curated listings placements to meet your customers advertising goals. Stimulated to help classifieds app users connect with hard-to-reach audiences at scale.
    Only respectful, brand-safe listings that flow with your user’s content and drive results – No distracting ads or intruders.
    Share brands message with more than a plain headline. Our sponsored content opportunities let brands engage audiences without disrupting user experience or worrying about ad blockers.
    Put your message in the inbox of future customers through in-email and dedicated deployments. From a variety of email newsletters across high-performing verticals.
    Take control of your revenue
    Getting started is easy. Create listings that fit your business or sales needs, and set your own prices based on CPM or sell for exchange.
    Provide your online customers with a safe and secure selling and buying experience. Carry frictionless direct sales with our flawless letgo clone script.
    Keep more revenue in your pockets with Appkodes letgo clone and app’s business-first approach.
    Our letgo clone script seamlessly layers on top of subsisting infrastructure to make it easier to sell direct or at auction.
    Inbuilt with tools that help entrepreneurs launch promotions on their own. All you need to do is appreciate the innovation.
    More than 4,500 business owners grow their classifieds business through native, display, and sponsored ads. What are you waiting for?

    1 purchase  

       (0 reviews)



  25. More information about "adult video script v8.1 + all plugins complete ( last version)"

    30.00 EUR

    adult video script v8.1 + all plugins complete ( last version)

    This script contains all the paid additions:
    AVS Mass Embedder 3.2 AVS Video Grabber 2.1 AVS Automatic Embedder 1.8  CVS Video Importer 1.4  Multi Server 3.7 Using our flexible, powerful and reliable video, photo gallery and game hosting solution, you can now easily turn great ideas into highly profitable adult tube sites, just like pornhub, redtube, youjizz, xvideos, tube8, youpornor xhamster.
    Join the multi-billion dollaradult industry
    HD & Mobile Videos
    With our new Video Transcoding Engine, uploaded videos are converted to web-ready and mobile-ready formats in multiple resolutions and qualities, that you set and configure in the Admin Panel.
    Responsive Template
    Allow visitors to browse your site, watch and upload videos or photos, through a responsive interface that adapts for any screen, offering a perfect experience on desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
    Multi-Server System
    Our Multi-Server System provides high Scalability, Reliability and Performance to your website. Store and stream videos from multiple secondary servers, load balancing your website and optimizing traffic.
    Multi-Language System
    Our Multi-Language System, which uses language files, allows visitors to use the website in the language of their choice. Your aspirations can now truly reflect the global nature of the Internet.
    Search Engine Optimized
    Our script implements advanced SEO techniques like search engine friendly URLs, clean valid HTML code, and well-organized content, for better indexing and ranking in search engines.
    Fully Customizable
    Unlike others, we provide 100% un-encrypted source-code access, giving you the possibility of fully customizing the functionality and layout of your website, adding or integrating new features.

    27 purchases  

       (0 reviews)



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