1,506 files
eLab, a professional Online Learning and teaching Marketplace system that comes with PHP laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their own Online Course selling Marketplace website. globally, There are over 700 Learning Management System providers in the market, and most target corporate Learning & Development. Udemy is one of the best online course platform marketplaces with over 24 million students, 35,000 instructors, and unbelievable 80,000+ courses. eLab, a complete solution for Learning and Teaching Marketplace businesses. here, Instructors can join for free and sell their items, Learners are able to download the free courses to learn, Learners are also able to purchase other instructor items by the login. 20+ payment gateways are here with 250+ currencies set up.
This is the Software as a Service (Saas) version of our CarePro Domestic Staffing Agency Management Software. Start a profitable online business in minutes with this powerful script!
Demo Login Details
Password: password
Password: password
.Responsive Bootstrap 4.6 design
.Integrated Bootswatch themes
.Supports user payouts of any of the following MicroWallets:
.Cryptoo, ExpressCrypto, FaucetFly, FaucetPay
.Multiple VPN/Proxy detection services:
.IP Hub, ProxyCheck, GR8 Proxy Check
.Multiple Captcha services to choose from:
.ReCaptcha, SolveMedia,Hcaptcha,WebMinePool
.Improved AntiBot Links: 4 random words are chosen from a 50,000 word list
.Set Shortlink views and priority
.AutoLock user account after failed captcha/antibot
.Payout Safety Limit - Set max payout per 30 min.
.One Claim per Address/IP Address
.Faucet Stats including User Action Log
.Auto delete self referred referrals
.Set Max Claims per day or use number of shortlink views
.Send direct user payout
.Settings and Proxy detection cached (Lowers DQ Queries and API request)
.Add Custom Pages
.PHP 7.1+
.IonCube Loader
.MicroWallet Account
ViserRemit, is a professional Remittance Business Solution that comes with PHP laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their Own Remittance Business website. World Bank data shows that global remittances are expected to total $702 billion in 2020, which is a drop from the $719 billion recorded in 2019. India is expected to have received the most – at $83.1 billion. Here, customers can access the system via the internet, they can deposit money via 20+ automated and unlimited manual methods, able to send money to any users inside this system, users also able to withdraw their money to their desired methods.
Are you looking for a complete Remittance Business solution system for your business, then you are in the right place. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire developers to build your Remittance Website. ViserRemit may assist you to handle unlimited users, Transactions, sending, receiving, KYCs, able to accepting payment via cards, cryptos, and mobile money. the ready-to-go solution, it takes only a few minutes to set up your website with our system. we are also here to provide you best support, installation, and customization if you need it. hurry up, get your copy and start your Remittance website.
Highlighted Features
- Comes with 20+ Automated & Unlimited Manual Payment Gateway.
- Instant Account Activation, Instant Money Sending and Receive.
- Comes with PHPmail, SMTP, Mailjet and Sendgrid.
- Several API’s support for SMS notification & Verification.
- KYC included, Easy to Verify your customer.
- Ultimate Reports, Transactions, Sending & Receving.
- Easy Documentation, Extension, LiveChat & ReCaptcha.
- Regular updates facilities, Premium and quick support.
User Dashboard Features
- Unique Dashboard.
- Send Money.
- Sending History in Details.
- Transaction Details.
- Profile Management.
- 2FA Security.
- Support Ticket Desk.
- 20+ Automated Payment Gateway.
- Unlimited Manual Gateway.
- Livechat, Security Captcha Included.
- Comes with Multi language Features.
- Email Notification & Verification.
- SMS Notification & Verification.
- GDPR Policy.
- Privacy & TOS.
- Latests Blogs & Announcement.
- And more…
Agent Features
- Premium Dashboard.
- Transaction History.
- PAYOUT Management.
- Payout Now.
- Payout History.
- SEND MONEY Management.
- Send Now.
- History Management.
- DEPOSIT Management.
- Add Money.
- Deposit History.
- WITHDRAW Management.
- Profile Setting.
- 2FA Security.
- And more…
Admin Features
- Manage Users.
- Manage Agents.
- Countries Management.
- Source of Fund Management.
- Sending Purpose Management.
- Send Money Management.
- Payment Gateways Management.
- Deposits Management.
- Withdrawals Management.
- Support Ticket Management.
- Report Management.
- Subscribers Management.
- General Setting.
- Logo & Favicon Management.
- Extensions Management.
- Language Management.
- SEO Manager.
- KYC Setting.
- Notification Setting.
- Email Setting.
- SMS Setting.
- Notification Templates.
- Manage Pages.
- Manage Section.
- Blog Management.
- Agent KYC Instructions.
- User KYC Instructions.
- Policy Pages.
- Social Icons.
- Maintenance Mode.
- GDPR Cookie Management.
- Custom CSS Management.
- And more….
Built for the future
Using the best, future-proof, and secure stack are known to the world: bootstrap, laravel framework, jQuery.
Demo Access:
Admin Login: Username: admin | Password: admin
SurvLab is a very easy and simple Survey application that has dynamic frontend and backend features. The site is very secure, responsive, clean and the process is very easy to use. comes with both surveyor and user panels with different facilities. lots of payment gateways, easy to manage admin panel, SEO manager, Plugins, and more on more contextual Frontend.
The application has:
- Secure user registration system.
- Well maintain Surveyor panel.
- Automatic & Manual Payment gateway.
- 100% anti-fraud system with unbeatable facilities.
SurvLab is a simple platform that creates a relation between surveyor and participant. Surveyors can publish their paid survey via this platform and users can participate by creating an account here. for each survey complete user will have some amount. user can withdraw their balance anytime they need. admin has potential benefits from both of them, admin can set withdrawal charges, deposit charges, able to manage gateways, users, surveys and everything…...
Highlighted Features
- Support modern browser and cross-browser compatibility.
- Strong and powerful admin interface.
- A clean and modern user interface.
- Multiple size ad posting forms.
- 20+ Payment Gateway and 250+ currencies setup.
- Functionality is Simple and all Dynamic Features.
- Easy Documentation.
- Regular updates facilities.
- Premium and quick support.
User Dashboard Features
– Secure User Dashboard.
– Start Survey.
– Withdraw Management.
– Withdraw History.
– Transaction Logs.
– Support Ticket.
– 2FA Security.
– Email Notification.
– SMS Notification.
– Profile Setting.
– Change Password.
– And More….
Surveyor Desk Features
– Secure Login System.
– Deposit Management.
– Survey Creation & Management.
– Reports and logs.
– Transection Details.
– Support ticket desk.
– 2FA Security.
– Profile Management.
– Password Settings.
– Email Notification.
– SMS Notification.
– And more….
Admin Features
– Manage Survey Category.
– Manage Survey.
– Manage Surveyors.
– Manage Users.
– Payment Settings.
– Manage Deposits.
– Manage Withdrawals.
– Support Ticket.
– Report & logs.
– Manage Subscribers.
– Global SETTINGS.
– General Setting.
– Logo Icon Setting.
– Manage Extensions.
– Manage Language.
– SEO Manager.
– Email Manager.
– SMS Manager.
– Manage Templates.
– Manage Pages.
– Manage Section.
– And More….
Built for the future
Using the best, future-proof, and secure stack are known to the world: bootstrap, laravel framework, jQuery.
Demo Access:
Admin Access:
Admin Login: Username: admin | Password: admin
For Users
Responsive Page Login/Signup Forget Password Generate Unlimited Link (No Limit) Register or Non-Register Can Generate Link Generate Link With Captcha or Not Encrypt Link with Advance Settings Get Remove and View Link After Generate One Click Save Links in txt Format Referral System for Users Both User Can Earn Custom Amount Link Per View Earn Program Manage or Edit Account Edit, Block Link Change Password Money Withdraw Request Payment Page Manage Transactions Some New Features Added and more...
For Admin
Friendly Interface/Dashboard Manage Weekend Signups Change Site Logo Change Site Name Change Currency Symbol (ex. $) Set Custom Money Withdrawal Request Set Custom Per view Earn Amount Per IP One View Count Manage All Users Referral System Settings One Click Block / Unblock User Manage Withdrawal Transactions One Click Paid, Cancal Transactions Manage All Links Edit Links Edit Links Status, Captcha, Passward etc Edit reCaptcha Settings Add Custom Payment Methods for Users Site Monetize Change Admin Password Page Creator (new) One Click Update Script from V1 to V2 One Click Update to V4 and more... Requirements
PHP 5.X PHP 7.X MYSQL 5.X MYSQL 7.X No More Requirement -
Start your own Affiliate Business where user will refers other users and activate memberships.
User will buy different memberships and earn referral commission of the stage setted from admin panel. Deluxe Script Providing you full support, customization service as you needed
Key Features Included
Multi Language Supported. Membership System Email Notifications. High Security Includes (2 Factor Auth & Google Auth) Multiple Automatic Deposit Methods Includes ( Stripe, PayPal, Skrill, AdvCash, Perfect Money, Payeer, Bank Transfer) Multiple Withdrawal Methods ( You can add any withdraw method) Manual Deposit System. Wallet Passphrase System. (Helps to Secure Account) Referral System Google Auth on Send Money & Withdrawal Fund All Transaction History User Friendly SEO & Friendly URL Site Map Included txt Included Mobile Based / Bootstrap Responsive Design Google reCaptcha Supported Login Logs For Users Document Verification System (KYC) Change Email Templates Easily (HTML/CSS) Change Currency Easily And much more….. Try our demo Back-end features
Well Maintained Admin Panel Easy Manageable Dashboard Easily Manage Users. Dispute Management System Manage Different Languages Deposit Method Manual and Auto Both Withdrawal Method Auto Fraud Detection Transaction History Manage Send Money Manage Request Money KYC Verification Setup Mail Server Setting Admin Management And much more… Check out our demo Supported Payment Gateways
PayPal Skrill AdvCash Stripe Paytm Perfect Money Flutterwave Manual Gateways Supported Version v1.1.0 - 04/June/2021 - Monthly/Yearly membership system added. - Some bugs solved Version v1.0 - 02/June/2021 - Initial Release.
Server requirements
Apache2 Web Server Apache2 mod_rewrite ON PHP 5.6, PHP 7+ MySQL Database Server Mail Server must be supportive SMTP
Front-end Demo
Home Page :
Login Link :
Email :
Pass : demopass
Back-end Demo
Admin Login Link :
Username : admin
Password : demopass
Detailed Documentation available under the package.
Grocery, Food, Pharmacy, Store Delivery Mobile App with Admin Panel
Launch your own grocery, food, pharmacy, store delivery app with a complete dashboard. This is a complete end-to-end solution for launching your own full delivery app. It includes an end user app from which the end users can place an order for products and it includes an admin panel for store owners to accept or manage orders and improve their business. This solution is ideal for anyone who wants to start a product delivery app business.
Items Included
Following items are included in this solution:
Customer Mobile App Source Code (based on Flutter Framework) Backend Web Admin Panel Source Code (based on PHP Laravel Framework) About the Technologies
Flutter is an open source framework that is created by Google for mobile application development. Using this framework, apps can be developed for both Android and iOS Devices.
Laravel is a PHP framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
Installation Guide
The product comes with an Installation Wizard to help you setup the entire product suite in your servers in just a few steps.
It is really easy to set up the app and the admin panel in a few easy steps.
Product Features
The product includes support for multiple groceries, stores, pharmacies where the end-user can choose from a directory of groceries, stores, pharmacies and order products from them. Each store has a different list of product items to order from.
All groceries, stores, pharmacies or any kind of shops can be viewed on a Google Maps so the end-users can browse stores on a map and get directions to navigate to them. Based on the customer’s location, they will see all the nearby markets delivering to their location and all the items that are available for ordering.
You can choose from a light or dark theme for your end-user application. It is really easy to switch the theme.
It is extremely easy and convenient to rebrand the app and customize the theme of the app as per your needs. You can launch an app with your own branding. You can easily change the app color theme, logos and the icons with minimal effort.
The app supports integrations with all major payment gateways such as Stripe, Razorpay, PayPal. The app also supports Cash On Delivery (COD) Payments upon order pickups.
Push Notifications FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) App Push Notifications have been integrated in different areas of the app.
The customer is notified via push notification upon any change in order status by the market owner or manager The delivery boy gets a notification when the market manager assigns an order to him. Store owner/manager gets a desktop/mobile notification when the customer places an order with the market. CONFIGURE EMAIL SERVERS
You can connect the product suite with an email server – SMTP, Mailgun or Sparkpost and accordingly send emails about order and delivery notifications.
The app and the admin panel supports multiple languages including RTL (Right To Left) languages. Now you can build your full delivery app in Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, Urdu or any other language that is written from right to left.
The product supports multiple currencies. You can create your own currency and then the entire product suite will be changed as per the currency selected.
The store manager/owner can add coupon codes, run promotional offers on their product items. Two types of discount coupons are supported- fixed and percent. An expiry date can also be added to the coupon codes.
There are easy login and authentication options included in the product.
Customer Login: Customers can create an account using a mobile app or using a web admin panel. All customers can upgrade to the store owner role by just requesting on the admin panel (Admin needs to verify the request). Manager Login: Manager can sign in to their account on the admin panel or mobile app (Mobile app is not included in this item). Admin Login: Admin can login to the admin panel Driver/Delivery Boy Login: Driver can create an account using mobile app and login on the admin panel or mobile app (not included in this item). All these roles can use social authentication (available only on admin panel) or email and password, they can reset their password by providing the email address to get the reset link
The app has intuitive and user friendly animations built-in within it. These animations intend to provide a smooth app usage experience to the end clients. The animations include – Hero Animations, Parallax Animations, Sliding & Swiping animations.
The admin and the manager can add frequently asked questions and their answers to help customers to use the app correctly. FAQs can be added as FAQ Category and then FAQs.
Each end-user can add any product to his wishlist to fast access to this product in the future. This is a useful feature to allow customers to favorite their frequently ordered product items and order them without searching.
After the customer places an order, they can track the status of the order on a timeline, also he can cancel the order if the order is not prepared.
Store Managers/Admins can view a reporting dashboard with a summary of orders, earnings, stores and more.
All entities such as users, products, markets, categories, etc. in the application can be easily extended by adding custom fields to the entity. For example, a second mobile number can be added to the user entity/table.
Customers can write a review about the product or market that they make an order from and rate them. Admins / store owners can view the customer reviews & ratings, edit them or delete them.
Export and Print Features are available on all sections related to Product, Customer List, Order List, Store List, Cuisines, FAQs, etc.
The admin and store manager can easily manage their files and images uploaded on the admin panel. Media files can be uploaded in different categories such as Avatar, App Logo, Image & more. You can upload single or multiple media files using our drag and drop upload feature.
Admin can easily configure the theme, language, default distance unit, Google Maps Key from the admin panel. Under themes, you can configure the theme for both dark and light themes.
Driver Management Module allows managing all drivers in a single view. You can track the earnings, delivery fee %, number of orders for each driver. The profile of the driver can also be managed from the admin panel.
Each market can manage their earnings, check the order summar and other statistics. Having access to these analytics helps the store owners know about their business and see how they can improve or uplift their earnings.
66qrcode is the ultimate QR Code generator. 66qrcode is the most performant, lightweight & easy to use digital QR Code maker software.
Extended version here
33QrCode Demo
Username: admin
Password: admin
UNLIMITED QR CODES – Users can create as many QR codes pages as you allow them, from one single account.
Text URL Phone calling SMS message Email Whatsapp message Facetime calling Location coordinates WiFi Event date Crypto Vcard STRONG QR BUILDER – Highly customizable QR code generator with gradients, custom colors, and logo branding.
LINKS SYSTEM – That users can make use of it when creating dynamic QR codes, retargeting, password protection, expiration…etc.
UNLIMITED PROJECTS (CATEGORIES) – That users can create to manage and categorize their Vcard pages.
ADVANCED STATISTICS – All vcards get detailed statistics regarding their visitors which access their pages.
LOGIN WITH FACEBOOK / GOOGLE / TWITTER – To help users login to your website faster.
TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION – To help your users with their account security.
SEO FRIENDLY – Proper URLs, dynamic titles, highly controllable via per language.
SITEMAP – The full sitemap is automatically generated for you and ready to be used.
and many many more..
Administrative Features
STRIPE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Stripe.
PAYPAL PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Paypal.
OFFLINE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging offline payments (ex: via bank transfers or other methods). The best way to get paid by your users if you do not use Paypal or Stripe.
COINBASE CRYPTO PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Coinbase. CRYPTO PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via
RAZORPAY PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Razorpay.
PAYU PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time payments from your users for custom plans via PAYU.
PAYSTACK PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Paystack.
MOLLIE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Mollie.
YOOKASSA PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via
DISCOUNT AND REDEEMABLE CODES – Create unlimited discount or redeemable codes from the admin panel for your users.
TAXES – Easily create, configure taxes and attach them to paid plans.
INVOICING – Configure and generate proper invoices, displaying potential discount codes and applied taxes for your users.
FREE, TRIAL PLAN CUSTOMIZATION – Configure exactly what each defined plan can or can not do or disable them completely.
UNLIMITED CUSTOM PLANS – Create custom made plans for your users.
PAYMENTS – Both you (as the admin) and your users will have access to their payments made on the platform.
MULTILINGUAL READY – Translate the whole website via a single .JSON file (Created pages from the admin panel are not translatable).
STATISTICS – Get to know what happens on your website by checking out the statistics page.
USERS – Create, view, edit, ban or delete any user on the platform via the admin panel.
PAGES – Create, view, edit or delete any custom page on the platform via the admin panel.
LINKS – View or delete any link that has been created by your users.
QR CODES – View or delete any QR code that has been created by your users.
CUSTOM DOMAINS – Allow your users to use multiple domains that you give them access to for Biolink pages or URL Shorteners.
GOOGLE SAFE BROWSWING – Is implemented to help you fight phishing, malware, or any threats from sites that spammers will try and link to.
SETTINGS – This is the control page where you update your website and create it exactly as you wish by editing important details enabling or disabling certain features such as.
Disable the default landing page and redirect to your custom one SMTP configuration Enable or disable the Registration system Enable or disable email confirmation for new users Upload your own logo, favicon or opengraph image Configure your business and payment settings Set up your Social media links Add your custom CSS or JavaScript code Configure your ad codes to display ads to your users Display announcements to your users with ease Configure & choose your Captcha (Google, hCaptcha or a simple default one) Configure email notifications for admins for certain events -
66toolkit is the ultimate web tools PHP script available with over 40+ available & included tools for both daily tasks and developers.
66toolkit Demo
Username: admin
Password: admin
DNS lookup tool. IP lookup tool. SSL lookup tool. Whois lookup tool. Ping tool. MD5 generator tool. Base64 converter tool. Base64 image converter tool. URL converter tool. Lorem ipsum generator tool. Markdown to HTML tool. Case converter tool. UUID v4 generator tool. Bcrypt generator tool. Password generator tool. Password strength checker tool. Slug generator tool. HTML minifier tool. CSS minifier tool. JS minifier tool. User agent parser tool. Website hosting checker tool. Character counter tool. URL parser tool. Color converter tool. HTTP headers lookup tool. Duplicate lines remover tool. Text to speech tool. IDN punnycode converter tool. JSON validator & beautifier tool. QR code reader tool. Meta tags checker tool. Exif reader tool. SQL formatter/beautifier tool. HTML entity converter tool. Binary converter tool. Hex converter tool. MailTo link generator tool. YouTube thumbnail downloader tool. Google safe URL checker. LOGIN WITH FACEBOOK / GOOGLE / TWITTER / DISCORD – To help users login to your website faster.
TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION – To help your users with their account security.
SEO FRIENDLY – Proper URLs, dynamic titles, highly controllable via per language.
SITEMAP – The full sitemap is automatically generated for you and ready to be used.
and many many more..
Administrative Features
STRIPE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Stripe.
PAYPAL PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Paypal.
OFFLINE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging offline payments (ex: via bank transfers or other methods). The best way to get paid by your users if you do not use Paypal or Stripe.
COINBASE CRYPTO PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Coinbase. CRYPTO PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via
RAZORPAY PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Razorpay.
PAYU PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time payments from your users for custom plans via PAYU.
PAYSTACK PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Paystack.
MOLLIE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Mollie.
YOOKASSA PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via
PADDLE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via
DISCOUNT AND REDEEMABLE CODES – Create unlimited discount or redeemable codes from the admin panel for your users.
TAXES – Easily create, configure taxes and attach them to paid plans.
INVOICING – Configure and generate proper invoices, displaying potential discount codes and applied taxes for your users.
FREE, TRIAL PLAN CUSTOMIZATION – Configure exactly what each defined plan can or can not do or disable them completely.
UNLIMITED CUSTOM PLANS – Create custom made plans for your users.
PAYMENTS – Both you (as the admin) and your users will have access to their payments made on the platform.
MULTILINGUAL READY – Easily translate via the admin panel and run multiple languages for your website.
Note: User generated content, such as custom pages created via the admin panel…etc are not translatable.
STATISTICS – Get to know what happens on your website by checking out the statistics page.
USERS – Create, view, edit, ban or delete any user on the platform via the admin panel.
PAGES – Create, view, edit or delete any custom page on the platform via the admin panel.
SETTINGS – This is the control page where you update your website and create it exactly as you wish by editing important details enabling or disabling certain features such as.
Disable the default landing page and redirect to your custom one SMTP configuration Enable or disable the Registration system Enable or disable email confirmation for new users Upload your own logo, favicon or opengraph image Configure your business and payment settings Set up your Social media links Add your custom CSS or JavaScript code Configure your ad codes to display ads to your users Display announcements to your users with ease Configure & choose your Captcha (Google, hCaptcha or a simple default one) Configure email notifications for admins for certain events Fully configurable cookie consent manager & implementation -
Script features (for members)
Exchange of visits between site owners. Exchange text ads. Exchange of advertising banners. Web Directory Forum for communication between members and the exchange of services. Community (such as social media) Interact with posts ( ) Notification system. Messaging system for private communication with members. Report content or member. A personal profile of the member, such as social networking sites. follow button Verified memberships (blue tick) Members online now Store (for scripts, plugins and themes) The ability to change the location of the site between dark and light from the user settings panel * Find out all the information about the appearance of your ad banners
Views Number of clicks on ads Find out where your ad appeared Find out where your ad was clicked Knowing the IP address, browser and driver of who viewed your ad Knowing the IP address, browser and driver of the person who clicked on your ad Find out which pages other people's ads appeared on your site
Script features (for site administrator)
These are fully compatible with PHP version 7 Automatic update of the latest "myads" updates. new Know the number of members and control their accounts Know the number of all ads of all sizes and have full control over them Full control over forum settings The ability to add paid ads such as (AdSense) on the home page of the site Site news control Control smiles emojis Generate sitemap.xml from the main page of the admin panel Full control of community posts when admin mode is turned on The possibility of changing the timing system from the admin panel Define verified memberships (blue tick) from member settings add-on system Widget system (control from the admin panel << header, biller, right or left of the page >> . New
* Find out all the information about the appearance of your ad banners
Views Number of clicks on ads Find out where all the ads appeared Find out where all the ads were clicked Knowing the IP addresses, browser and operating program of those who viewed the ads Knowing the IP addresses, browser and driver of who clicked on the ads -
The online password manager for small teams.
Tired of digging through emails, sticky notes, and spreadsheets just to find that one password? PassHub helps you store & organize all your team’s logins.
This self-hosted solution means you own your data, and avoid all the security issues associated with the big players.
What features would you like to see in PassHub? Fill out this one minute survey and let me know!
What’s Included
PassHub password manager application Written documentation including installation guide and user guide API documentation for developers 6 months support Future updates Features in Detail
Responsive Material Design
Enjoy an attractive and usable interface based on Google’s material design standards. Compatible with smartphones, tablets, and desktop. Optional Two Step Verification
If enabled, users will be required to set up two step verification using an authenticator app such as Google Authenticator. This option improves account security in case the user’s password is obtained by a malicious third party. Secure user passwords
User accounts created to access PassHub have their passwords securely hashed Secure login storage
Logins stored inside PassHub have all fields securely encrypted using a unique key Custom Permissions
Create and assign groups to users, each with custom access permissions to pages and categories. Private “My Logins” Category
Each user gets their own private “My Logins” category which is not viewable by other users. Categories
Create categories and assign logins to them Live Search
Find the right login quickly by keyword, category, or both Copy to clipboard
On modern browsers, simply click a field to copy its value to clipboard Multiple field types
Store any text content in a login by creating fields with either text, textarea, or password field types CSV and Activity Log Export
Export all login data as a backup copy Updater
Upgrade existing installations to the latest version. Well documented code
Code uses DocBlocks for all classes and methods, and is heavily commented. Multiple Language Support
Using the new Settings screen, Admins can select their custom translation! Activity Logging
Keep track of who did what with logins, categories, users and settings using activity logging. Activity records can be exported using the Tools page. Settings Page
Customize PassHub to meet your requirements! Change settings for interface language, user session timeout, force SSL, enable 2-step verification, enable activity log, and more. Specifications
Built with the Fat Free Framework Object-oriented code Protected against XSS and CSRF attacks Meets PSR-1 Basic Coding Standard and PSR-2 Coding Style Guide to ensure a high level of technical interoperability between shared PHP code. Meets PSR-4 autoloader requirements. -
preview install.mp4
Foodsify is a multitenancy-based food & grocery e-commerce builder platform based on SAAS its similar to Shopify partner’s modules partners can create multiple stores based on separate databases. This script supports separate database for each store or tenant. Auto Subdomain & Custom domain features are included in this script. Anyone can build any kind of food & grocery site using this script. Customers can sell food & grocery or e-commerce item and change the UI theme easily. We integrated 3 food & Grocery E-commerce themes and added 11+ payment getaways and unlimited offline payment getaways. Foodsify included 2 click site installer to install the script without any technical knowledge.
Password: [hide r=5 f=2]DoniaWeB-QUswZb-64574563656[/hide]
Payment Gateways:
paypal stripe mollie paystack razorpay instamojo toyyibpay flutterwave payu thawani mercadopago Site Features:
Seperate Database for each store Auto Database Create Modules For Store Manual Database Create Modules For Store AWS S3 bucket for external storage Wasabi bucket for external storage Local bucket for internal storage Firebase realtime notification Custom domain and automatic subdomain Manual Subdomain PWA (Progressive Web App) 11+ automatic payment methods 3 unique store themes SAAS modules Multi Tenancy based store Redis configuration Memcached configuration Queue Jobs for transactional mail DNS verification Partner Features:
Rechargeable wallet Store Create modules Store Configuration Store Developers Settings Store Database Control Storage Control Support Ticket system Partner Can make renew the subscription Store Transfer Modules Recurring Subscription payment based on wallet Auto Subscription Renew Store Domain Configuration Subdomain & custom domain Partner Can Login dirrect to the store OTP based store Transfer Awesome dashboard Developer mode Before Expire The Store Subscription Partner will get notification Seller Features:
Seperate Database Dynamic store Database Helpfull Dashboard QR Code POS modules Barcode print based on separate product Store Cache Clear Button Order Management Calender Based Order (schedule order) Rider Modules Customer Modules Shop Table Management PWA for each store 11+ automaic payment method Unlimited Offline payment method Image Optimization Firebase push notification Realtime Order notification Whatsapp Order notification Mail based Order notification Custom css js Customer based push notification Media Management Storage Management Dynamic Order Status Review Management Mailchimp api (newsletter tool) Invoice print 3 unique store theme Role based sub admin Shipping modules Distance based shipping charge (Google api based) Max shipping distance varification Area based shipping charge SEO friendly url SEO friendly produc Variation based product Dynamic product Variation Coupon modules sandbox based payment system (for testing) Awesome product modules Stock modules Multi language Transaction report Drag and drop menu builder Seller can dirrectly login to the customer account Seller can dirrectly login to the rider account Product Category Product Brands Product tags Dynamic product badge / features Sales report Sales analytics Top selling products Top customers Banner modules Page based seo settings Barcode generator Different Types Barcode generator style Dynamic Pages Blog Modules Slider Modules Ajax based store Many more…. How stores are works
Agile Store Locator is a premium WordPress Google Maps Plugin designed to offer you immediate access to all the best stores in your local area. The plugin can be used for stores listing, deals listing, hotel listing, real estate listing, restaurant listing, job listing and so on.
The affiliate plugin is a script that allows the owner of the website to enable an Affiliate system for their users. The affiliate system gives your website users the ability to earn money by referring paying customers to your website. The plugin only works for Extended Licenses.
The plugin is compatible with the 66uptime, 66analytics, 66qrmenu, 66biolinks, 66vcard, 66qrcode & 66socialproof products.
⚡️ Demo
You can find an example of the Affiliate plugin via the 11Uptime product demo, which can be accessed here:
? How to install
The installation is extremely easy.
You simply need to download the files, unzip the package and then copy the "affiliate" folder inside of your plugins folder of the main product installation.
After that, you can go inside of your admin panel, go to the Plugins management section and enable your new plugin.
[ Server Requirements]
1. PHP Version 5.6
2. MySQL Version 5.1.x or later
3. Curl Support (with SSL)
4. GD Image Library
5. Ioncube Loader 4.6.1 or later
[*] New tool to create your own language with autoinstaller on Utilities menu .
[*] Pretection of files linked with member area.
[*] Bitcoin was added using BlockChain.
[*] Signup bonus was added.
[*] Google world map has been changed for highmaps to make admin area load more
[*] Buy referral filter was fixed and updated.
[*] Rent referral filter was fixed and updated.
[*] Issue with multilanguage was fixed.
[*] Added new language variables missed in previus version.
[*] Other minors errors were fixed.
For instructions on performing a new installation of Script, open folder (upload) copy all file to your web root , then go to: or
And follow the indications.
We suggest you to follow the next indications after complete the installation process:
1. Remove /install folder.
2. Change username, password and email of admin panel
3. Activate account protection of your admin panel (Home -> Account)
5. Cronjob commands can be found in Setup -> Automation Settings, we suggest to
use CURL instead of WGET as some servers don't support it.
Final price is 20 Euro. If not purchased,no help for free download
phpAnalytics is a privacy focused, web analytics software solution. It provides detailed web traffic reports, such as Realtime, Overview, Acquisitions, Behavior, Geographic, Technology, Events, and more.
User Demo (The demo user has access to the Admin Panel)
Stats Demo (Example of a Stats page)
User Features
DASHBOARD – Get the overview of your account and your tracked websites.
STATS – Get specific statistics & analytics reports for a website:
Realtime Overview Behavior Pages Landing pages Acquisitions Referrers Search engines Social networks Campaigns Geographic Continents Countries Cities Languages Technology Operating systems Browsers Screen resolutions Devices Events EXPORT – Export your statistics & analytics reports in CSV format.
NOTIFICATIONS – Get periodic emails about your websites performance.
CHECKOUT – Checkout through PayPal, Stripe, Razorpay, Paystack, Coinbase,, and Bank transfer.
Admin Features
DASHBOARD – Get an overview of the website’s activity.
SETTINGS – Change the website’s various configuration options.
PAYMENTS – Manage the Payments. View, approve or decline the Payments.
PLANS – Manage the Plans. Create, edit, suspend or view Plans.
TAX RATES – Manage the Tax Rates. Create, edit, suspend or view Tax Rates.
COUPONS – Manage the Coupons. Create, edit, suspend or view Coupons.
USERS – Manage the Users. View, edit, delete or suspend accounts.
WEBSITES – Manage the Websites. View, edit or delete the Websites.
CouponZA is a powerful php script with a modern design, smart functions that will help you create an amazing coupons site. CouponZA script works perfectly on mobile, tablet, and desktop, which can help you to create a professional website as coupons and discounts listing. CouponZA is highly customizable and super-easy to set up.
AffiLink is a powerful php script with a modern design, smart functions that will help you create an amazing affiliate store. AffiLink script works perfectly on mobile, tablet, and desktop, which can help you to create a professional website as deals and discounts listing. AffiLink is highly customizable and super-easy to set up.
AffiLink is not a scraper, the idea is to have everything controlled and organized and to make it look much more professional. If what you are looking for is to have a multi-niche or micro-niche website to share offers and discounts and earn commissions with your affiliate programs or also with ads, this is for you.
Made with Bootstrap 5.2 USER User authentication with trx Address associated with faucetpay. User-level. Users can earn coins from Manual Faucet, Shortlinks Wall, Coupons , Lottery. Shortlink wall, coupons and Lottery are paid addons ( 5 Euros each). Smart Anti-cheat system User history Support FaucetPay only. ADMIN Detailed faucet stats via chart See the user list and history of each user Ban user Full control of Manual Faucet, Coupons , Shortlinks, Lottery, Achievements Manually accept/ deny withdrawals or instant withdraw Create custom pages Display withdrawal amount of each user daily Ability to add minimum withdrawal. Special Offer for doniaweb customers: All Paid addons are included with advanced premium BunnyCDN Security (Lifetime). Installation: First extract the zip. You need to upload uploadsql.sql present in Database folder to your own database via phpmyadmin. Now go to includes> config.php and edit it with your database details and add your own URL of website. After installation go to and default username and password is admin. Admin DEmo: Both password and username is admin . Admin URL: This Script is best for those who want to get huge social exposure and free traffic with the help of coupon addon. How? You need to use your brain bro. If I tell everything how can you be Smart. Special Price is 10 Euro. Need some other coin message me and get it. Custom script will look like these only but there coins will be different and theme colour will be different matching the coins. Only coins present in faucetpay is allowed. Cost of custom script will be 15 Euro.
Made with Bootstrap 5.2 USER User authentication with doge Address associated with faucetpay. User-level. Users can earn coins from Manual Faucet, Shortlinks Wall, Coupons , Lottery. Shortlink wall, coupons and Lottery are paid addons ( 5 Euros each). Smart Anti-cheat system User history Support FaucetPay only. ADMIN Detailed faucet stats via chart See the user list and history of each user Ban user Full control of Manual Faucet, Coupons , Shortlinks, Lottery, Achievements Manually accept/ deny withdrawals or instant withdraw Create custom pages Display withdrawal amount of each user daily Ability to add minimum withdrawal. Special Offer for doniaweb customers: All Paid addons are included with advanced premium BunnyCDN Security (Lifetime). Installation: First extract the zip. You need to upload uploadsql.sql present in Database folder to your own database via phpmyadmin. Now go to includes> config.php and edit it with your database details and add your own URL of website. After installation go to and default username and password is admin. Admin DEmo: Both password and username is admin . Admin URL: This Script is best for those who want to get huge social exposure and free traffic with the help of coupon addon. How? You need to use your brain bro. If I tell everything how can you be Smart. Special Price is 10 Euro. Need some other coin message me and get it. Custom script will look like these only but there coins will be different and theme colour will be different matching the coins. Only coins present in faucetpay is allowed. Cost of custom script will be 15 Euro.
Made with Bootstrap 5.2 USER User authentication with dgb Address associated with faucetpay. User-level. Users can earn coins from Manual Faucet, Shortlinks Wall, Coupons , Lottery. Shortlink wall, coupons and Lottery are paid addons ( 5 Euros each). Smart Anti-cheat system User history Support FaucetPay only. ADMIN Detailed faucet stats via chart See the user list and history of each user Ban user Full control of Manual Faucet, Coupons , Shortlinks, Lottery, Achievements Manually accept/ deny withdrawals or instant withdraw Create custom pages Display withdrawal amount of each user daily Ability to add minimum withdrawal. Special Offer for doniaweb customers: All Paid addons are included with advanced premium BunnyCDN Security (Lifetime). Installation: First extract the zip. You need to upload uploadsql.sql present in Database folder to your own database via phpmyadmin. Now go to includes> config.php and edit it with your database details and add your own URL of website. After installation go to and default username and password is admin. Admin DEmo: Both password and username is admin . Admin URL: This Script is best for those who want to get huge social exposure and free traffic with the help of coupon addon. How? You need to use your brain bro. If I tell everything how can you be Smart. Special Price is 10 Euro. Need some other coin message me and get it. Custom script will look like these only but there coins will be different and theme colour will be different matching the coins. Only coins present in faucetpay is allowed. Cost of custom script will be 15 Euro.