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  1. More information about "Food Delivery App, Driver App, Restaurant Panel and Admin Panel"

    20.00 EUR

    Food Delivery App, Driver App, Restaurant Panel and Admin Panel

    Launch you Dream Food Delivery App within 24 Hours, No need to wait use ready to use code and get it started.
    Front End | Click Here
    Restaurant Panel | Click Here
    User Name: [email protected] | Password: 123456
    Admin Panel | Click Here
    User Name: [email protected] | Password: 123456
    Download Android App | User App

    Download Android App | Driver

    if you have any questions, kindly let me know i will help you to test the complete App.
    Feature Explanation
    User Flow
    User should be able to register with social media (Facebook or Google) or with valid E-mail address, Phone No and Password. User should be able to complete his/her profile Login:
    User should be able to login with social media (Facebook or google) or with valid email or Phone No and password. User should be able to re-set the password using registered mobile no by clicking the “Forgot Password”. New user can register by clicking “New User? Sign Up Here”. Home:
    In the home page, list of Restaurants, category and cuisines will be displayed nearby your location. User should be able to view the list of “cuisines”, by clicking any category, user should be able to filtering the list of restaurant or category. User should be able to search the food according to the category, restaurant or cuisines. User should be able to navigation, which contains the follows: Home Payment Orders Favorites Profile Referrals Help Faq Restaurant Details:
    User should be able to view the list of cuisines with categories. If user wish to buy Food, user need to click “Add Cart” button. User should be able to view the restaurant details. User should be able to view the name of restaurant, cover image, rating, minimum delivery time, delivery fees, open/ closed status, etc. User should be able to see the list of reviews and ratings posted by other users. (Only the user who buy item at particular store, can able to post the reviews) User should be able to share the details via some social network like facebook, twitter, google plus, etc. User should be able to add store as favorites or remove from their favorites list by clicking the “favorite icon”. My cart:
    list of products which are all added in the cart by user. User should be able to change the quantity of the food which added in their cart. User should be able to remove the food from the cart by clicking “delete” icon in each item. User should be able to clear all the food in the cart by clicking the “delete icon” in the top of the page. User should be able to click “checkout icon” to buy those item. Checkout:
    User should be able to view the total amount to be paid with delivery charge and tax. User should be able to see list of added food. User needs to give necessary details to deliver the food. User need to choose delivery address to get it deliver on user door step. My orders:
    User should be able to view their order history. When user clicking any of the order, user should be able to see full details of the order. In the order details page, user should be able to see delivery details, restaurant details, food details, status of the order, etc. Live tracking is available once the delivery person will got your order. User should be able to post review and ratings to the restaurant after the delivery. User should be able to re-order. My profile:
    User should be able to view profile. User should be able to edit profile. User should be able to change their password My Favorites:
    User should be able to see list of restaurant which are all marked as favorite. User should be able to remove the item from their favorite list. My Addresses:
    User should be able to save three different address for delivery. While in checkout process, user should be able to select any of these addresses to make the delivery. My Offers:
    User should be able to view the list of offers. User should be able to view offer code, validity from date, to date and offer description. Share App:
    User should be able to promote the app to their friends by clicking the “Share App” in navigation menu. Restaurant Flow
    Restaurant manager should be able to register with valid E-mail address and Password from Web Browser Restaurant manager should be able to complete restaurant Profile. Login:
    Restaurant manager should be able to login with valid email and password. Restaurant manager should be able to re-set the password using registered mail-Id. Restaurant manager should be able to register. Store:
    Restaurant Manager should be able to see total number of categories, items, today orders and total orders. Restaurant Manager should be able to change status of their restaurant as Open / Closed by clicking the switch icon. Restaurant Manager should be able to see the list of new orders. Restaurant Manager dashboard will be with following option. Dashboard Cuisines Menu Addons Food Order Report Setting Logout Orders:
    Restaurant Manager should be able to view their order history. Restaurant Manager should be able to view full details of the order. Restaurant Manager should be able to view delivery details, user details, food details, status of the order, etc. Restaurant Manager should be able to accept or cancel the order. Once order accepted, delivery request sent to all nearest delivery persons. My profile:
    Restaurant Manager should be able to view/edit their profile. Restaurant Manager should be able to change the cover image and logo image. Restaurant Manager should be able to change their password Manage Categories:
    Restaurant Manager should be able to see the list of categories. Restaurant Manager should be able to edit/update the category. Restaurant Manager should be able to delete any category Restaurant Manager should be able to add new category Manage Food:
    Restaurant Manager should be able to see the list of food. Restaurant Manager should be able to see item name, category, image, etc. Restaurant Manager should be able to edit/update the food details. Restaurant Manager should be able to delete any food Restaurant Manager should be able to able to add new food Report
    Restaurant Manager should be able to view the sales report. Restaurant Manager should be able to view total amount, admin commission and restaurant amount for each order for selected month and year. Driver App:
    Driver should be able to login with valid mail id or Phone No and password. Driver should be able to Re-set Password. New Driver should be able to register by clicking “Register Now”. Register:
    Driver should be able to register with valid E-mail address Phone No and Password Driver should also need to provide their name, phone number and vehicle details. Driver should need to upload the required documents like driving license, insurance document for verification. Home page:
    By default, after login driver’s current location will send to server. Driver need to make him available online/offline Driver should be able to view the total number of deliveries completed and total amount received in current day and overall deliveries also. New delivery:
    Driver should be able to view the list of delivery requests. Driver should be able to either accept or Reject Request. Pickup Location:
    After accepting, map will appear to show the direction for driver’s current location to the store location. Driver should be able to view the restaurant name, Order id. Delivery Location:
    Drier should be able to view user name, order id. If any clarification driver can make call to user. After reach drop location, driver needs to click “Verify OTP” button. Delivery Finished:
    Total amount will be displayed in the screen. My Deliveries:
    Drivers should be able to view finished and accepted deliveries Driver should be able to view pickup and delivery location, status. Manage Vehicle:
    Driver should be able to view and update vehicle details. list of document’s and picture are available which are uploaded by Driver. My profile:
    Driver should be able to view profile. Driver should be able to update profile. Driver should be able to update password Admin Flow
    Admin should be able to login with valid username and password Admin should be able to reset password in case he/she forgot Dashboard:
    Statistics of order and foods Top 10 Orders Total No of Order, Total User, Total Restaurant,All Earning, All comission, Total Cash payment, Total Online Payment, Total Active Orders, Total On Going Orders etc. Order:
    Admin should be able to manage all orders Orders are filtered by User and date Admin should be able view order in details   All Order New Order Completed orders Restaurant:
    Admin should be able to add and manage Restaurant Admin should be able to active and inactive the Restaurant Admin should be able to search Restaurant by Restaurant name Admin should be able to specifically choose Restaurant and update details Invoice:
    Admin should be able to add and manage the invoice Admin should be able to filter the invoice Admin should be able to export invoice Admin should be able to view invoice by

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  2. More information about "Booking app - Powerful Hotel Booking app Solution (ANDROID)"

    20.00 EUR

    Booking app - Powerful Hotel Booking app Solution (ANDROID)

    Booking App is an amazing platform for businesses that are trying to launch their own mobile platform for booking hotels, resorts, villas, etc.
    Booking App comes with powerful features that enable the business owner to customize almost everything in the app.
    Here are some of the great features of the Booking app.
    - Manage Home Screen Hotels, Beaches & Articles from Web-based Admin panel.
    - Push notifications on almost all the functions in the app.
    - Custom profiles for both property owners and Users.
    - Follow others & Like the property for future reference.
    - Easy reservation for hotels and rooms, pay on the property when guests arrive.
    - Features of the property with navigation details for users reference
    - Powerful Search mechanism & Filters for everything
    There is a lot more that comes with the Booking app and we hope you will love the ideas and get in touch in case if you are interested in launching it.

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  3. More information about "BookMySchedule Appointment Booking and Scheduling Wordpress Plugin with Mobile Apps"


    BookMySchedule Appointment Booking and Scheduling Wordpress Plugin with Mobile Apps

    No. 1 WordPress Appointment Booking Plugin With Hybrid Mobile Apps
    Spa, Salon & Barber Schedule Meetings, List the services, Collect payment & Manage Staff
    Private Clinics Best appointment scheduling mobile app for private clinics.
    Law Consultancy Launch Comprehensive Scheduling system for Booking Management
    Repair Centers List all your repair services and take booking online
    Beauty Salons Launch Comprehensive online receptionist desk for your salon
    Gym & Sport Allow clients to choose and Book for their private training Sessions
    Easily Manageable Calendar Experience
    Hybrid Apps for Android & Ios


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  4. More information about "WoWonder Native Timeline Application v2.6.5 - For WoWonder Social PHP Script"


    WoWonder Native Timeline Application v2.6.5 - For WoWonder Social PHP Script

    WoWonder Timeline is a social timeline application forWoWonder social network, with WoWonder Timeline users can Post & Interact with users feeds and like and comment and more , now using the application is easier, and more fun ! 
    WoWonder Timeline is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated.

    Minimum Android Target is V 4.2
    WoWonder PHP 2.3.3 or higher.
    Application Features
    Login Pages: Added ability to login normally and via 6 different social communities. Welcome Page : Added ability for users to choose between register and login on welcome page. Register Page: Added ability to register an new account. Forget Page: Added ability for users to recover their account via email address. Registration steps: Added ability for users to upload there Avatars and display recommended users. Walkthrough Pages: Added ability to advertise chat application during Registration steps. Timline Page: Added ability to see all kind of posts Text, Pictures, Videos, Maps, Feelings, and more . Friends & Follow System: Application Supports friends system like Facebook, follow system like twitter. Native Injection:: Added ability for users to see likes and wonders and delete and interact with post nativly. Add Post Page: Added ability for users to add new post as text or image or video or activities and feelings. Post Privacy: Added ability to control post Privacy. Friends Page: Added ability to display all users friends on one page . User Profile Page: Added ability for users to open users profile and timelines and get there information and feeds. Comunity Page: Added ability for users to display liked pages and joined groups on one page . Search Page: Added ability to search for users & pages and groups with ability to add or like or join during the search. Search Filter Page: Added ability to filter search results via Avatar or Status or Gender and more. Profile Picture: Dynamic profile picture for users. My Images Page: Display all posted photos with users comments and likes. Market Place: Added ability for users to get latest products and contact there owners. Add Product Page: Added ability for user to add there own product attached with images & informations and price. #Hashtags: Displays trending and related topics shared by users. @Mentions: Use @username to tag people in a status or messages. Saved Posts: User can save posts to view them later. Delete & Edit Posts: User can delete and edit his own posts. Save Posts: User can save posts to view them later. Liked pages: Added ability for users to like pages and get pages feeds and action buttons . Groups: Added ability for users to join groups and get groups feeds and informations. Messages system: Added ability for users to chat and send messages integrated with the WoWonder Messenger v1.5. Pro members Profiles: Added ability for users to see pro members types on each user Profile. Notifications Page: Added ability to display all notifications with Events such as like , shared, commented, etc. Push Notifications: Added ability for users to get notifications for users activities and more. Friend Requests: Added ability to accept or cancel friend requests. Trending Hashtag: Users can see last trending hashtags on left slider. Premoted Pages: Users can see last promoted pages on left slider. Pro Members: Users can see promoted members on left slider. Pro Upgrade Page: Added ability for user to upgrade his account to pro member. Settings page Added ability for user to control his privacy and settings. Acount Page: Added ability for users to control there account password & username and email. Help Page: added ability for users to see and read some help or about us. Blocked users:: Added ability for users to unblock or block there friends and users profiles. Notification settings: Added ability for users to control notifications (Led color & Sound and Vibrate) . My Profile: Added ability for users to change there avatar & cover & informations and social links. Handling Offline: Added ability to handel offline mode and bad connections. . Cache system 60% of data is cached on mobile device. Handling Image : Added ability to handle image download and cache load for more performance and speed . Material design: Applicatiom responsive 85% in all kind of platforms Mobile, iTab, Tablets and more. Toasts & Alerts: Added ability to display alerts , Toasts , success , errors, loadings , and more. Integration: Added integration with WoWonder Messengers and Desktop Application and Main php script. Empty State pages: Added Empty state pages and offline pages with easy customization. Settings Class: Added abilty to easly install and customize and change application langush Articles Add ability for users to read articles or blogs Animations : add Animations on pages and items Sync Phone contact Added Sync Phone contact list and check for available users phone numbers. Certificate Chains: Added Certificate Chains && Secure Protocols for High secured servers. Events: Added abilty to view and create events from the app. Find Near by: Added abilty find near by friends using GPS. User Status: Added abilty to create and view user status. Pokes: Added abilty to send and recieve pokes from users. Popular Posts: Added abilty to display top posts. Boost Post: Added abilty to boost post for users


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  5. More information about "WoWonder Android Messenger v2.6 - Mobile Application for WoWonder Social Script"


    WoWonder Android Messenger v2.6 - Mobile Application for WoWonder Social Script

    WoWonder Mobile Messenger is a Android chat application for WoWonder social network, with WoWonder Mobile Messenger users can chat together on their mobile phones using our new application, now chat is faster, easier, and more fun !

    WoWonder Mobile is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
    - Wowonder PHP Version 2.5 hosted on your server.

    User Features:
    ِAudio/ Video call. Send, receive messages. Full Group chat system Find nearby users using GPS Registration pages and steps. Share & upload images, Sound Recourd. Offline access to all messages and recent conversions. Update chat status. Explore New user’s & Friends. Control Your Privacy. Control Your Settings. Change Profile information. Explore user’s profiles and status. ِ30+ new features. and much more…


       (1 review)



  6. More information about "Android Rewards App - POCKET + Web panel V3.0"


    Android Rewards App - POCKET + Web panel V3.0

    v3.0 has Released – Have your own Rewards App.
    POCKET - Android Rewards App is Free Gift Cards or Make Money App…
    You can earn Money by just uploading it to the PlayStore. and the only Requirement is, “The More Users you acquire : the more Money you make in this business!”.

    POCKET - Android Rewards App is Free Gift Cards or Make Money App…
    You can earn Money by just uploading it to the PlayStore. and the only Requirement is, “The More Users you acquire : the more Money you make in this business!”.
    The more users you acquire the more money you make and it requires very little maintenance as you are simply sending out PayPal Cash and Gift Cards. This is the only work that is required of this app!
    To Do :
    You Can Easily Rebrand this app, change colors, logo, etc. To get started all you will have to do is to create an account with the implemented ad serving agencies and enter the User ID’s. Daily Check-In – Keeps users coming back to earn. You can set the amount that this is worth (10 points or 25 points).. How to Setup and Reskin :
    Simply download and follow the Provided Documentation to upload the ADMIN panel Backend source code and Android App Code.
    Requirements :
    Hosting with php&mysql Support Webpanel (Not Included ) PlayStore Account Android Studio Download Web Panel :
    Purchase Webpanel Here POCKET is Integrated with Following Ad-Networks to for your users to enjoy.
    ADMOB Super Rewards Adscend Media Fyber AdGate Media OfferToro API Offers More (coming) Simply setup accounts with the above mentioned Ad-Networks. You Can also hide and re-arrange any of the Ad Networks.
    We are always here to help you. Happy customer is the most important thing for us.Are you interested? Check this out :
    Live demo on Google Play 

    Offline Documentation (included)
    Take a Look at the Admin Panel :
    Admin Panel Demo : http://pocket.droidoxy.com
    User Name : administrator
    password : administrator
    Features :
    1. Thirteen (13) color themes (Pink, blue, brown, gray, green, lime, orange, purple, sky blue, red, dark blue teal, violet)
    2. Action bar
    3. Reload Button with icon
    4. Share dialog
    5. Error handling
    6. Offline handling
    7. Analytics
    8. Push notifications (Web Push Panel)
    9. Responsive design (portrait, landscape, handling orientation change)
    10. Support for high-resolution displays (xxhdpi)
    11. Easy configuration
    12. Well documented
    Simply Upload the app to PlayStore and Start Earning!
    Note : Approval from AdNetworks is required ! 

    if any AdNetwork Rejects/Declines your app, then you need to disable that AdNetwork and continue with approved one’s. And after a month or two if your app becomes popular then you can re-enable the AdNetwork at anytime after Approval !

    Get this Money Making Machine Now !! 
    Happy Earning !!
    Happy Money !!
    v 3.0 – 03 Nov 2018
    Added : Full API Support Added : Compatability with Android Pie ( v9.0 ) Added : OfferToro API Offers Added : New UI/UX Design Added : All Transactions Activity Added : Manage or Enable or Disable anything from WebPanel Added : An option to Add any Redeemable Gift Service from WebPanel Added : Postbacks for offers completed with ip whitelisting Updated : FireBase Libraries to latest Updated : Google Libraries to latest Updated : AdNetworks Libraries to latest Updated : Android Support Libraries to latest Updated : Other Dependent Libraries to latest Updated : Documentation to latest Removed : [Temporarily] ADXMI Removed : [Temporarily] Super Sonic Removed : [Temporarily] NativeX Removed : [Temporarily] White Mobi Fixed : OAOD - One Account for One Device issue Fixed : Network Connectivity issues Fixed : Other minor bugs


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  7. More information about "Multi Vendor Grocery Android App with Backend | Bigbasket Grofers Happyfresh Clone"

    10.00 EUR

    Multi Vendor Grocery Android App with Backend | Bigbasket Grofers Happyfresh Clone

    Note: Please Choose: ‘ SECTOR 63, NOIDA ’ as a location in the customer/ user app to get stores listing.
      Multi-Vendor Grocery / Milk Delivery Android App
    What’s included:
    Customer Android App Source Code Store/vendor Android App Code Driver / Delivery Boy Android App Code Admin + Store Panel PHP Script Source Code Installation Documentation & Training Guide
    Feature’s of GoFresh:
    GoFresh App is fully Multi Store’s Grocery Login/Registration page. Fully Responsive User Current Smart Search: Facilitate quick search to find products from nearby Store’s in regional location & the phrases will auto-complete on its own based on location given by him. Instantly display the matching results “as you type” in an autocomplete. Email Template, SMS, In-App notification and Admin notification management. Alert(Great feature): Multi Store’s Grocery App alert user’s by, sms, email, notification & In-App notifications. Special deals: Shoppers can check present offers available within the store. Run Banners and Promotions: Highlight seasonal offers and promotion through banners on the homepage and particular store’s.  Products Filters: Refine the search results filter by pricing range and alphabetically. Cart: Single click to add all the products from the collection to the cart. It saves shopper’s valuable time and effort. On which store you add product is shown on home page. Order tracking & status: User can check into the app when the delivery boy starts the journey for delivering the orders and checks-out when assigned orders are delivered. Delivery Person Tracker: The user can tracks delivery person in real-time via GPS on Google map when he is on the way of delivering the orders. Complain: After successful completion of delivery if customer not satisfied then the customer can complain from its past orders. Secure and multiple payment options: All Store’s should allow our customers to pay by cash/Store Pick up, credit & debit cards, wallets, PayPal and Razor pay, Net banking, etc. Regular update with new features and bug fixing if encounter. Order List & Details User can Reorder their item(s) from a past order. 

    2 purchases  

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  8. More information about "MintCash V1.24 - Rewards App + Web Panel"


    MintCash V1.24 - Rewards App + Web Panel

    MintCash is a new innovation in mobile rewards app which has opened the way to integrate any Ad network that serves CPA, CPC, CPI, CPV offers. MintCash offering various types of integration system such as Webview, API based, 3rd party SDK integration
    With the help of powerful backend system you can manage almost everything remotely including what type of offers should be fetched from 3rd party networks.

    Features and Requirements
    We divided offers into 4 categories:
    Install - to serve only app installing offers. We left the scope to change your offer type for this section by backend system. Survey - any other offers except video. This is also changeable like Install section. Video - we made it simple for users. One slot for all video networks. System will automatically move to the next network for video offers if there is no fill. Whenever system finds any offer, the play button will appear. Therefore users don't have to hit some buttons randomly and wait for videos to appear. Premium - your own offers. You can also use this section to post some selective offers that can generate leads easily.
    We integrated Facebook and Google login along with own credentials. We left an opportunity to continue with MintCash even users lost their Facebook / Google account.

    Spin wheel for daily check in: we added random reward points for spin wheel to try luck. Option to set minimum and maximum rewarding points is in the backend.

    Referral system: we don't know what kind of referral system you like therefore we added both system, Percentage and One Time Fixed. To prevent referral system abuse, system will pay referrer when user balance meets minimum threshold or when you processed a withdrawal request.

    Earning history, Referral history, Withdrawal history added for reference.

    Fraud prevention, Network lead reversalalso added to minimize fraudulent activities.

    F.A.Q. and TOS: You can change your terms of service and frequently asked question remotely without touching your app. Options in backend.

    Push notification: system will send push message on every successful lead completion. You can also manually send push message.

    Geo based reward system: you can set global or geo based rewards Options in backend.
    Welcome notification: we have implemented in-app welcome notification (separated by registered and unregistered user). Welcome notification message setup is in backend.
    How to Setup and Reskin
    Setup guide included in the package zip file.

    Default theme works well with both portrait and landscape mode. We are also providing re-skin service. Re-skinning cost depends on your requirements. Contact us with your sample.
    Included 16 Ad Networks
    9 CPA ad networks:
    OGAds, CPAGrip, CPALead, AdWorkMedia, AdGateMedia, Persona.ly, SuperRewards, Mgcash OfferToro  
    7 Video ad networks:
    Admob. Adcolony, TapJoy, ironSource, Applovin, Chartboost, Vungle  
    We can integrate any ad network on demand.
    Other information
    MintCash has javascript enabled built-in browser to access external links that makes it a complete standalone rewards app.

    Demo App: download now
    Backend URL: https://mintservice.ltd/login
    Username: [email protected]
    Password: demo

    What you will receive after buying: For non-developer version you will receive Android source code to re-skin, re-brand and launch your own app.

    You will receive backend access for 2 months (script hosted by us). After the end of 55 days, you will receive your backend script and will get 5 days time to transfer your database into your own hosting server. Please note that, we are not selling backend script, It comes free to use for single domain (or depend on your license type).

    Upgrades and updates: Any kind of future updates will be provided free of charge. Charge applicable to upgrade your package if you will ask as a custom quotation here on the payment box.
    We are also providing unique source codeto keep your app safe from google spam policy strike. This is not covered by the current package. 
    MintCash v1.24 (11/6/2018)
    -- Added welcome notification.
    -- Integrated 4 additional video ad networks.
    -- Turned daily check-in text view into spin wheel.
    -- Replaced Admob banner slot to the top of spin wheel view.
    -- Redesigned video tab with separated ad networks along with auto search.


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  9. More information about "CiyaShop v1.1 - Native Android Application based on WooCommerce"


    CiyaShop v1.1 - Native Android Application based on WooCommerce

    CiyaShop Native Android Application
    CiyaShop native Android application is the perfect solution for your shopping business or your client shopping store as an agency or freelancer. It Engages consumers to constitute Loyalty with sharp design and features which make sense for the online shop. It is well-suited for retail stores, marketplaces, fashion shops, cosmetics and household appliances of any size. Check out our 20+ demos to dip into a whole new way of building robust WooCommerce-based online shops and businesses.

    Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/ciyashop-native-android-application-based-on-woocommerce/22375882
    VERSION 1.1 [18TH AUG 2018]
    - One Signal PushNotification Added - Product Description Image support Added - Visible Delete Button on Cart - Variation Issue Resolved - Image Cropping Resolved - Product Details Get Variation Resolved(Something went Wrong on Product Details) - Crash on Google Login Resolved - Image change as per selected variation - Product Image in cart as per selected variation - Documentation Update


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