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Redprint V1.6.32 - Laravel App Builder CRUD Generator Plus


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Redprint Laravel App Builder CRUD Generator Plus - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Redprint App Builder is your app development flow on steroid! It’s your perfect Laravel CRUD Booster and App Builder. It has everything from it’s own Terminal Emulator, A Very powerful File Browser and Code Editor (!) and lovely and fast ways to build CRUD and Model to Model Relationships.

It can literally save you hundreds of hours of coding and lets you concentrate on what matters most. The application logic and problem solution.

Installation Video


Feature Tour687474703a2f2f636f6e74656e742e696e74656c


API Generation




  • Generate SOLID API with ease!
  • Rollback/Remove generated CRUD
  • Code Sniffer in built to make sure your code follows best standard (PSR-0, PSR-2, PSR-4)
  • Powerful in built Code Editor!
  • JWT Authentication
  • Create API Code for SPA real fast
  • Built on top of Laravel 5.6
  • Totally unobtrusive. Version control and develop your app just like you do with vanilla Laravel installation! NO BLOATWARE whatsoever.
  • Generate CRUD following latest Laravel standards.
  • Namespace support!
  • Built in Search and Pagination in CRUD. You can specify which fields are searchable.
  • Image/File upload mechanism in built.
  • Role/Permission (ACL) and User Management System (UMS) in built.
  • Model to Model relationship building.
  • Run all Laravel Commands from GUI.
  • REDPRINT mode to ensure the system leaves no footprint on production application.
  • Super fast and optimized!

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/redprint-laravel-app-builder-crud-generator-plus/21405807


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