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Bicrypto v4.0.7 + All Plugins ×


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Everything posted by startop

  1. the demo is working, but the script not please update: Version 1.0.6 (January 26, 2023)
  2. Please update: - V22.0.1 ( 2023 Mar 02)
  3. Please update to v2.0 (1) Subscription⚡️ Allow subscription on the app to be able to use ChatGPT, Image, and Text Generator features. Note: Image Generator set by default 3 times searches free trial. Work with Email, Gmail, Apple, SMS, Biometrics login. (2) OpenAI API Key ⭐️ Allow users to input their OpenAI Key. Work with Email, Gmail, Apple, SMS, Biometrics login. (3) Image Generate Limit ⛳️ Limitation on the number of times a User generates Images for Free. (Max 3 searches) (4) Multi-Conversation 🌈 ChatGPT supports multi conversations and shows Conversations as list. (5) Chat History🎗 Store chat history to local private (use Hive) Users can review old chats on ChatGPT anytime. (6) Prompt Library 💫 Prompts are one of the most powerful tools available for interacting with AI. Text Generator now supports pre-written snippets of text that can help guide your interactions with an AI assistant.
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