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Bicrypto v4.0.7 + All Plugins ×

Valdis Zelvis

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Everything posted by Valdis Zelvis

  1. YouTube video import does not work. Previous versions all work after the update stopped working. Please fix it. Thanks.
  2. After the update, I can't log in to the admin panel!!! What's the problem. I have installed a clean version of this. There is the same problem there too. Mahmoud, please answer.
  3. Hello, please make a query to your database code INSERT INTO `cl_configs` (`id`, `title`, `name`, `value`, `regex`) VALUES (NULL, 'Sign-up confirmation system', 'signup_conf_system', 'email', '/^(phone|email)$/');
  4. There are two files to download. What is the difference between them? Installed on different domains, but I don't see the difference. Thank you.
  5. 404 Page not found page you are looking for doesn't exit or an other error ocurred or temporarily unavailable. GO TO HOME
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