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SaaS & Superadmin Module for UltimatePOS - Advance


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SaaS & Superadmin Module for UltimatePOS - Advance

Turn your UltimatePOS Advance application into SaaS application and start selling subscriptions to be profitable. No Coding Required

Before you Purchase: Note that this is not a Standalone application, it is an “Optional” extension to UltimatePOS Advance

UltimatePOS Advance is one in All Software with:

  • Stock or Inventory Management
  • POS (Point Of Sale)
  • Service & Invoicing 
  • It can be used for
    • All Services
    • Fashion & Clothing
    • Departmental Stores
    • Medical
    • Footwear, Liquor shops, Sanitary & Hardware
    • Salon & Spa
    • Home Appliances & Digital
    • Restaurants & many more …

Features in SaaS & Superadmin module:

  • Packages: 
    • Create Unlimited subscription packages
    • Activate, Deactivate or Delete Packages
    • Trial Days
    • Free Packages
    • Daily / Monthly / Yearly Interval selection
    • Limit number of locations, active users, Products, Invoices
    • Private packages (can only be seen by superadmin and superadmin can only assign that to businesses)
    • One time package (Package which can be subscribed only once)
    • Modules enable with package
  • Manage Businesses:
    • Add, View, Deactivate or delete businesses.
    • View business subscription logs
    • Assign package to business
    • Approve, Waiting or Decline subscriptions
    • Filter business by there last transaction date
  • Payment Gateways:
    • Stripe
    • Paypal
    • Razorpay (Indian payment gateway)
    • Pesapal (Kenya payment gateway)
    • PayStack (For NGN Nigeria, GHS Ghana)
    • Flutterwave
    • Offline payment
  • Super Admin Settings:
    • Manage different settings directly from interface
    • Application settings
    • Payment gateway related settings
    • Backup: Local or Dropbox
    • Pusher settings
    • Custom or Additional Javascript, CSS
    • Register terms & conditions
  • Emails:
    • New business welcome emails
    • Package subscription confirmation email
    • Package expiry email
  • Communicator to send message to all or selected businesses
  • Intuitive dashboard to give details of your businesses.
  • One Click installation
  • Complete setup guide.
  • Subscriptions alert on expiry.


Support is available for paid files only
Support for free files is offered for a fee only

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