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Bicrypto v4.5.6 + All Plugins

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This script uses Laravel 7, so you need to run a "composer install" command to start, then make a copy of .env.example and rename it to .env and configure everything and finally run migrations (php artisan migrate) to create the database tables (that's why there is no .sql file). In addition, there are also Javascript files that must run with NodeJs, so there are more steps to get the script to work.

I installed and solved lots of Error but many Migration Files are missing, So giving Errors, Please Give Us All Migration Files if you have.

My tables needs to be created because of missing Migration Files

Annotation 2024-02-04 222446.png

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi how are you I want contact to the owner of this post for checking the premium, I want test this files if are possible to buy later the full one.. I send you on discord by GrOOvY.Mx please check the message thanks @Souz x17

Edited by Luis Echeverria

  • 9 months later...

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