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IconicWP Wishlists Premium V1.0.1 - Wish Lists for WooCommerce


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Wishlists for WooCommerce

The WooCommerce Wishlists plugin by Iconic allows your customers to add products to an unlimited number of wishlists. Your customers can create wishlists for their birthday, Christmas, reading lists; anything you can think of.

There is proof that having an easy-to-use wishlist system on your WooCommerce store can increase sales and conversions. On top of that, the ability to share a list with family and friends increases your store’s reach and encourages new customers.

Key Benefits

  • Unlimited lists – make it easier for your customers to make a purchase by allowing them to create lists for every occasion.
  • Privacy control – not everyone wants to share their list. Your customers can create private lists, public lists, and share them via a direct URL.
  • Reach more potential customers – every list has built in sharing functionality for Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and direct email.
  • All product types supported – customers can add any default product type to their lists, including product variations.
  • Partial variation support – customers can add variable products to their lists with only a few options selected.
  • Easy wishlist creation – your customers can create a list directly after clicking “Add to Wishlist”, or choose an existing one. Reducing clicks and hassle for the customer is a sure-fire way to keep them engaged.
  • Quick modal interface – many wishlist actions are displayed in a modal overlay. This makes it look great in any theme and prevents customers from leaving their current page.
  • Clean design focussed on the details – Every part of the wishlist experience has been designed with the customer in mind, making their experience and journey painless; encouraging them to return and place an order.
  • Find a list – allow your customers to find their friend’s wishlists; search by name, email, and wishlist title.

Demo: https://iconicwp.com/products/wishlists-for-woocommerce/


Support is available for paid files only
Support for free files is offered for a fee only

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