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NinjaFirewall (WP + Edition) V3.8.4 - protect your WordPress site


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NinjaFirewall (WP + Edition) - is a true web application firewall.  Although it can be installed and configured as a plugin, it is a standalone firewall, which is located in front of WordPress.  It allows any blog administrator to take advantage of very advanced and powerful security features that are usually not available at the WordPress level, but only in security applications such as the Apache ModSecurity module or the PHP Suhosin extension.

 Some of its features:
 - Standalone web application firewall.
 - Protects against remote and local file inclusions, code execution, loading, SQL injection, bots and scanners, XSS, PHP injection, privilege escalation and many other threats.
 - The fastest and most effective protection against brute force attacks for WordPress.
 - Intercepts and cleans up all HTTP requests before they reach WordPress, as well as the body of the response.
 - Support for multiple sites.
 - Powerful access control (user role, IP, geolocation, URL, bot / user agent, speed limit).
 - Event notifications.
 - Centralized logging.
 - Logging a system log.
 - And much more ...

Demo: https://nintechnet.com/ninjafirewall/wp-edition/



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Support is available for paid files only
Support for free files is offered for a fee only

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