382 files
Blogingo adalah Sistem Manajemen Blog Multibahasa, yang fokus utamanya adalah multibahasa, kecepatan tinggi, dan keamanan. Dengan produk ini, Anda dapat meluncurkan situs web, blog, atau aplikasi seluler Anda sendiri. Selain itu, banyak konten tersedia sebagai API sehingga Anda dapat menggunakan konten tersebut di berbagai situs web atau aplikasi seluler lainnya (android / iOS dan…).
Blogingo didesain dan dikembangkan dengan bahasa PHP dan framework CodeIgniter. Dari dasbor admin Anda dapat menentukan berbagai bahasa dan menerbitkan konten khusus untuk bahasa masing-masing negara. Dengan kemampuan untuk memberikan akses ke semua jenis akun pengguna, termasuk administrator, karyawan, pengguna reguler, dan vip, Anda dapat memberikan akses ke peran pengguna apa pun. Anda dapat menentukan kategori dan subkategori tanpa batas. Dimungkinkan untuk membuat hingga 4 level subkategori.
Di bagian posting blog, setiap upaya telah dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan konten di mesin pencari (SEO), dan untuk setiap posting, Anda dapat menentukan deskripsi, kata kunci, dan tag SEO. Juga, sistem komentar adalah fitur lain dari bagian ini, yang selain keamanan tinggi dan memfilter komentar yang dikirim untuk mencegah intrusi ke server, sistem Google Recapcha juga telah digunakan sebagai Ajax. Setelah mengirimkan komentar, daftar komentar dapat ditampilkan di dasbor admin dan manajer dan karyawan dapat menyetujui atau menolak komentar apa pun.
Untuk menghasilkan uang dari produk ini, selain dapat menggunakan sistem periklanan lain seperti Google Ads, Anda juga dapat menggunakan Sistem Iklan internal yang terdapat di dasbor admin. Dengan fitur ini, Anda dapat menyisipkan iklan dalam berbagai ukuran dan Anda dapat menyisipkan iklan apa pun di berbagai posisi. Anda juga dapat memonitor jumlah view dan klik pada setiap iklan.
Dalam hal keamanan, hal-hal seperti XSS Attack, Perlindungan CSRF, Validasi Formulir, Google reCAPTCHA, dan kunci akses API terenkripsi disertakan.
Pratinjau Langsung
Demo Situs Web:
Demo Seluler PWA: (Tidak termasuk dalam produk ini)
Demo Android:
Demo Dasbor Admin:
Nama pengguna: Kata sandi: 123456789 Catatan: Tambah / Edit / Hapus tidak diperbolehkan dalam versi demo
Fitur Bagian Admin
Peran pengguna yang berbeda (admin super, admin, karyawan, pengguna biasa, pengguna vip) Berikan izin akses ke peran pengguna yang berbeda dari dasbor admin Lihat aktivitas pengguna Kemampuan untuk membuat kategori tanpa batas dan hingga 4 sub kategori level Kemampuan untuk memposting ke blog dengan optimasi mesin pencari (SEO) Lihat, setujui atau tolak komentar yang dikirimkan untuk setiap posting oleh pengguna Kelola dan edit halaman statis (persyaratan layanan, kebijakan privasi, tentang kami dan periklanan) Kelola, terbitkan, dan edit halaman dinamis dengan pengoptimalan mesin telusur (SEO) Kemampuan untuk memblokir akun tertentu oleh admin Sistem Periklanan Internal dengan kemampuan untuk melihat jumlah klik dari setiap iklan Tambahkan penggeser gambar Konfigurasi Google AdMob dan aktifkan atau nonaktifkan Aktifkan atau nonaktifkan sistem reCAPTCHA Google Mengirim pemberitahuan push Buat bahasa baru dan sisipkan konten tertentu ke setiap bahasa secara terpisah Kemampuan untuk mengatur zona waktu dan jenis kalender berdasarkan bahasa yang dipilih Tentukan ID media sosial dengan ikon untuk masing-masing Aktifkan mode perawatan untuk mencegah entri dan perubahan data pada waktu tertentu Pengaturan pengiriman dan penerimaan email Kemampuan untuk mengubah template situs web atau mendesain yang baru Kemampuan untuk mengatur logo yang berbeda untuk template gelap dan terang Kemampuan untuk mengatur template terang dan gelap untuk setiap akun sesuai selera Anda Tentukan Kunci API terenkripsi untuk setiap pengguna untuk mengakses konten dari aplikasi lain Dokumen untuk menggunakan Rest API untuk mengambil konten di aplikasi lain Kemampuan untuk memasukkan kode khusus di header dan footer situs Kemampuan untuk memasukkan kode khusus di sidebar blog atau posting blog Dukungan penuh untuk RTL dan LTR Mencegah serangan XSS Lindungi semua formulir dengan kemampuan CSRF Kurangi ukuran gambar tanpa kehilangan kualitas saat memuat gambar Dukungan penuh untuk UTF-8 Kemampuan untuk membersihkan sistem berdasarkan waktu yang diinginkan untuk mengosongkan ruang hosting web Membersihkan Sesi, Log, Cache, file DebugBar dan riwayat aktivitas pengguna dari database Kemampuan untuk mengoptimalkan tabel database Menampilkan informasi dan spesifikasi versi PHP dari server web hosting
Fitur Bagian Pengguna
Pendaftaran, login pengguna, lupa kata sandi benar-benar aman Kemampuan untuk menghapus akun pengguna dari dasbornya Kemampuan untuk memasukkan komentar baru untuk setiap posting Kemampuan untuk mencari di antara posting Kemampuan untuk berbagi posting Dukungan penuh untuk RTL dan LTR Kemampuan untuk memilih bahasa yang diinginkan Mengirim pesan melalui formulir kontak untuk memastikan keamanan pesan yang dikirim Mengubah gaya posting (besar dan kecil) Mengubah ukuran teks posting
Persyaratan sistem
Hosting Web Linux (disarankan cPanel) Versi PHP: 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 Ekstensi PHP: Curl, GD2, MBString, OpenSSL, PDO, PDO_Mysql, Mysqlnd, allow_url_fopen, XML, JSON, Fileinfo, Intl MySQL 5.7.x / MariaDB 10.xx atau lebih baru
Item ini membutuhkan pengetahuan menengah tentang kompilasi server & hosting web. Jika Anda tidak tahu apa & bagaimana item ini bekerja, Anda memiliki seseorang yang cukup teknis untuk memahami semua hal ini. Meskipun Anda dapat meminta dukungan kami untuk layanan pemasangan tetapi layanan ini dikenakan biaya. Kami TIDAK memberikan dukungan untuk belajar menyesuaikan atau memasang. Saat melakukan pembelian, Anda setuju untuk mengandalkan Panduan Pengguna yang kami berikan bersama proyek dan pada akhirnya menyelesaikan masalah Anda sendiri. Setelah Anda membeli item tersebut, uang tidak dapat dikembalikan karena Anda memiliki akses penuh ke kodenya. Karena itu, berhati-hatilah dalam pembelian Anda. Jika ada kesalahan yang terjadi setelah Anda mengedit kode/database, kami tidak bertanggung jawab untuk itu. Versi PWA tidak termasuk dalam produk ini. Anda hanya mendapatkan kode Backend, Website, dan Android. -
Football app has a very simple user interface where you will get the list of all matches and with just one click you will get real time updates for matches in line
Football Videos ODDs Comparison and Live Score App + Admob Software Version Android 12.0, Android 11.0, Android 10.0, Android 9.0, Other
Key Features
Offline Book Reading Favourite List Page Resume Bookmark Book Downloading Capture Book Page Screenshot Night Mode Reading Search Bar Book Categories Likes, Downloads, Share and Reader Counter Ad mob Ads and much more USER APP FEATURES:
LIKE a book.
SHARE it with your friends.
BOOKMARK wherever you left reading a book for future continuity.
FAVOURITE add a book to your favourite list
SCREENSHOT of any page you want in a book.
NIGHT MODE eBooks take care of user’s ease by letting you read books at your own ease in a dark background.
DOWNLOAD A BOOK that lets you read a book offline.
SEARCH BOOKS specific books with their names.
I have developed Admin Application (a mobile-based application) that is linked with firebase. So, you don’t need to buy any hosting and also don’t need to learn PHP or any other extra skills. I am giving you a detailed document you can configure the admin app and user app with firebase very easily by using this document. You’ll get this document with code.
You can add categories and books from the admin app You can delete categories and books from the admin app You can update categories and books from the admin app -
Osclass Website to Mobile App is a Android based application for Android devices. It’s easy to use, with simple and beautiful design. This is a Web View application what transform your Osclass Classified Website to a Android application, Android project that allows you to wrap your osclass website in a simple Android application.
Now Turn your Osclass responsive website into a mobile Android app within minutes. In addition to transforming your Osclass Classified site into an app, it can do much more!
We also mentioned Documentaion link in this app for customization and build your Osclass Android App. You can easily build your Osclass Webview Android App through our Source Code.
- No Extra coding!!!
- No technical Skills Required!
- No Programming Skills Required
- Easy to Customize
- Support All Osclass Responsive Theme
- Well Documentation for understanding the Guidelines
You need only Latest Android Studio for build Osclass Android App, One Signal Details for Push Notification, Google Admob for monetization your app to earn money easily
Explore the many useful options & features we offer below :
1. Push notifications with OneSignal
- You can send notification to your osclass users through onesignal Website
( )
2. Admob
- Monetize your app within seconds and Earn Money from your Osclass Android app. Just enter your Admob Banner Id and Start Earning!!!
3. Splash Screen
- it will shows when app is first time launched on android device, You can use to display your osclass website logo, name, advertising content etc.
4. Pull-to-refresh
- It is a touchscreen gesture that consists of touching the screen of a computing device with a finger or pressing a button on a pointing device, dragging the screen downward with the finger or pointing device, and then releasing it, as a signal to the application to refresh the contents of the screen. You can also use this stylish layout to indicate page loading.
5.Navigation Drawer
- It is OPTIONAL. You can use the navigation drawer to add all your Osclass Website Menus to your Osclass Android app and It is hidden when not in use, but appears when the user swipes a finger from the left edge of the screen or, when at the top level of the app, the user touches the drawer icon in the app bar.
6. Rate my App
- A dialog that will display after x days or x launches to ask app users for rating on your Osclass Android App. An easy way to get more reviews on Google Play Store.
7. Google Analytics
- You can use Google Anaytics to track your Osclass Android app, find out at how many installs you have and full anaytics of your app
8. Many More Exciting Features
- You can change app color, icons, header color, show / hide header, customizations, loading indicator, About us Dialog, Share feature, Many More -
Free Resume builder app will help you to create professional resume for job application in few minutes. resume templates available for fresher’s and experienced and each Resume template & CV template available in 15 colors.
Create a modern & professional resume and cover letter with this free CV maker app. Our resume expert’s tips will help you how to write a best resume for 2019 trend. Resume writing tips will help you get more job offers in 2019. Free resume builder app can easily adapt the CV or resume designs to any resume format you choose such as functional, reverse-chronological, or combination Curriculum vitae, one page / single page or two page resume formats, fresher’s resume format, bio data format and job application CV format.
Intelligent CV had designed the resume builder (CV maker) with professional resume templates based on research and latest trends. This will help ensure your resume / CV focuses on what international hiring managers expecting.
Features of Resume Maker:
✶ Resume Templates / Curriculum Vitae for Fresher’s & Experienced (Experts).
✶ Just 3 Simple steps to build resume.
✶ Change the resume subtitles & Headers.
✶ Rearrange the section order.
✶ Save your resumes in PDF & JPG format.
✶ Guide to Create Resume.
✶ Easy to share resume.
✶ This resume builder completely free of cost.
Convert Voice to Text 2020 is an application to create text by voice, support converting voice into text, translate from voice to text for free for your Android device.
Create text by voice 2020 supports many different languages, you just need to select the language then click on the microphone button, the application will proceed to record your voice and convert the voice into text in a snap. With Convert Voice to Text 2020 you can quickly create articles, reports, notes … only by voice without having to enter text content.
Main features of Create text by voice 2020:
– Voice recognition suite supports many different languages.
– Easily create text / sms / email notes / tweets using your own voice.
– Support custom dictionary, you can add individual commands including punctuation, phone number, address …
– Accurate parking of text after being converted from high voice, accounting for 95%.
– Support text file export converting from voice to PDF format or move to SD card.
– Easily adjust font size, font style, theme …
– Friendly and easy to use application interface.
– Free download and free use on your Android device.
Rayzi with Fake Data : Live streaming, Random video call, Feed, Short Videos & Dating video call app
The Rayzi app is a mobile application that provides users with a variety of features, including live streaming, random video calls, chat, and short videos. However, it is mentioned that all the data within the app comes from an admin panel, implying that the user profiles and content are not generated by actual users but are simulated.
Demo App : Click Here
Zip Password: [hide f=5 j=31]Rayzi-DoniaWeB-92b72sny7n329e[/hide]
Demo app : Click Here
Introducing the all-in-one financial app that will help you take control of your finances! Our app is packed with powerful features to help you manage your money and investments with ease. Here are just a few of the many benefits you’ll enjoy when you download our app:
Loan Calculations: Our loan calculator helps you determine your monthly payments, interest rates, and loan eligibility so you can make informed decisions about borrowing money.
Banking Calculations: Our banking calculator allows you to manage your savings accounts, calculate interest rates, and compare different banking products to find the best fit for your needs.
Mutual Funds & SIP: Our mutual fund and SIP calculator helps you make informed investment decisions by calculating your expected returns and investment growth over time.
Currency Converter: With our currency converter, you can easily convert between different currencies and stay on top of exchange rates.
FD Calculator: Our FD calculator helps you calculate your expected returns and interest rates on fixed deposits, so you can plan your investments accordingly.
RD Calculator: Our RD calculator helps you calculate your expected returns and interest rates on recurring deposits, so you can plan your savings goals.
PPF Calculator: Our PPF calculator helps you calculate your expected returns and interest rates on your Public Provident Fund account.
Simple & Compound Interest: Our simple and compound interest calculator helps you understand the impact of interest rates on your loans and investments.
EMI Calculator: Our EMI calculator helps you calculate your monthly payments on loans, so you can plan your finances accordingly.
Tax Calculator: Our tax calculator helps you understand the impact of taxes on your income and investments.
Compare Loan: Our loan comparison tool helps you compare different loan products and find the best fit for your needs.
Equity Saving Scheme: Our equity saving scheme helps you invest in the stock market with ease and confidence.
Systematic Invest Plan: Our systematic investment plan helps you invest in mutual funds and SIPs with ease and convenience.
Systematic Withdrawal Plan: Our systematic withdrawal plan helps you manage your investments and withdraw funds as needed.
Lumpsum Calculator: Our lumpsum calculator helps you calculate your expected returns on lumpsum investments.
With our app, you’ll have all the financial tools you need right at your fingertips. So why wait? Buy our app today and earn from admob.
Demo app : Click Here
It’s the easiest flyer creator you’ll ever use. With thousands of flyer templates to choose from, you’ll go from idea to finished flyer in minutes.
Create amazing posters with a poster maker. poster templates. Free, quick & easy to use. No poster design skills are needed. No watermark.
Poster maker for every need Make a poster to grow your business with marketing posters. Create a professional advertising poster with this poster maker app. We’ve designed creative poster templates and it is editable through this poster maker app.
Graphic Design App Create amazing graphic design without design skills. This Graphic maker app can be used to take your portfolio to the next level. If you are a digital marketing professional, our graphic design app will encompass your entire clientele.
With this graphic design app, you can create an event poster, birthday flyer, party flyer, educational poster, real estate flyer, festival posters, Christmas flyers, Church flyer, DJ flyer, typography poster, restaurant menu, discount flyers, concert flyer, grocery flyers, hotel flyers, fitness posters, tutoring flyers, Christmas posters, Thanksgiving flyers, and digital advertisements such as Instagram ads, Instagram stories, Facebook ads, YouTube thumbnails, Youtube banners, and more.
This graphic design app contains various tools of photo editor needed for a professional graphic designer.
Banner Maker Create a banner with easy to use banner maker. This banner maker provides a banner template that is clearly visible to the eyes. Put your brand front and center with free banner templates.
Poster Making App Our poster maker is a fantastic experience for any marketing professional or business owner willing to promote products with a poster maker with photos and text.
Festival Poster Maker Design festival wishes, festival advertisements for businesses with 1000+ festival poster templates.
Christmas Poster Maker Design Christmas wishes, Christmas advertisements for businesses with Christmas poster templates.
Thanksgiving Poster Maker Design Thanksgiving wishes, Thanksgiving advertisements for businesses with Thanksgiving poster templates.
Take it as a poster maker to showcase your products on social media. The filters, effects, background, and poster templates that were hard to create once are now easily editable with our poster maker.
Browse a magnificent range of poster templates at our poster maker app. Without letting you go elsewhere, our poster creator will make it an unforgettable experience for your clients.
Flyer maker provides landscape, square, and portrait with a custom flyer design size. This flyer maker can be used to advertise, invite, announce an event, business promotion, social media marketing, digital advertising, and more.
Key Features: - Creative flyer templates - Search for your flyer design - Just select a flyer template and customize - Backgrounds & stickers OR add your own - Fonts OR add your own option - Crop images in various shapes - Text Arts - Multiple Layers - Undo/Redo - AutoSave - Re-Edit - Save On SD Card - SHARE on Social Media
Fully compatible with any Android device on 2021, Updated AdMob library and using the latest technologies!
Kids Memory Game is an Android game application. This application lets you to create different memory match games with unlimited number of game modes. You can create memory games like fruits memory game, cars memory game, foods memory game, and more.
Memory games are popular in the Android market and drive huge number of downloads. Check the Google Play store.
The application is packed with AdMob template to start making money right away. You can also add other ad networks without any trouble.
Create unlimited game modes Enable Ads instantly Both Tablet and Phone compatible Works on any Android device ! Very good support -
Why choose Photo Recovery?
- Recover deleted photos and recover deleted videos & retrieve your lost memories
It’s really frustrating if you got photos deleted without backups. But with Photo Recovery, you can easily restore deleted photos. And also you can recover lost photos.
- Easy-to-use, fast, and in nice quality
You needn’t find a professional or a geek to help you recover photos or recover videos. Just in clicks, you can retrieve photos and restore videos swiftly and in their original size and nice quality.
- What you see in the scanning result is what you can recover
You can see what’s been found and recover as the App is scanning. And in the scanning result, you will know what you can recover from your phone with Photo Recovery - Ztool.
- Direct recovery on phone without root or PC
Just install this photo recovery app on your phone. Scan, preview, and recover, and then you can get your lost photos recovered and get your lost videos retrieved. No need to root or use a computer.
- Help you recover various photos and video formats on your phone
Almost all formats of photos are recoverable for Photo Recovery App since it supports various photo formats, like .png, .jpg, .jpeg, and more. And Photo Recovery – Ztool also supports recover videos in formats like .mp4, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .f4v, .rmvb, .rm, .mkv, etc.
- TIME-SAVING: Recover as scanning
The one-click free quick scan will help you find lost photos and lost videos as scanning and you can recover the found photos and videos immediately in the scanning process.
- CleanUp useless photos and videos in one click
Photo Recovery - Ztool is not only a photo and video recovery tool but also a cleanup tool that can help you delete useless photos and videos permanently.
Online Word Quiz – Image Guess, Sound Guess Puzzle is an Android app that supports adding an unlimited number of categories and an unlimited number of levels inside each category with an unlimited number of puzzles inside each level, using an easy Admin Panel which connected with the Realtime Firebase database so you can update your puzzles online directly. Each puzzle support 3 format (text + image + sound) so you can use one format as (text only, image only, sound only )or you can use all formats together or making any combination between them as you like. The app is integrated with AdMob Ads and In-App product to remove ads.
All in one news app is the best news app for the users, it makes very easy to read news, watch live TV, photos, videos & more from across the world- anywhere, anytime! We try to cover almost all the required features for the NEWS APPLICATION, here are basic list of the features including into the application
Android Side
Add news with images as well as youtube video link Add gallery of images as well for the news Tv Channel for News (m3u8 links recommeded) or Youtube Videos Select categories of your choice and see news related to that in latest(when logged) Top Stories Latest News Trending News Logged in users can also comment in the news Supports RTL Tv Channel uses exoplayer as video player Login/Register/Forget Password Feature/Skip Login Bookmark News by adding to favorite option Share news to your social networks Report News Secured API Calls Rate App, More App, Share App Manage Profile OneSignal Push Notification On/Off Push Notification Option in app App comply with GDPR Manage Ad and notification details from admin panel Firebase Analytics You can also change frequency on interstitial ad to show after number of click in admin panel Attractive UI with Material Design Easy, Powerful, Secure & Responsive admin panel to add the records Latest Navigation View Supports Dark Mode Login with Email/Google/Facebook User can request to be a reporter User once approved to be a reporter can upload app from app as well as admin Facebook Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native) Admob Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native) StartApp Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native) Applovin Max Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native) Wortise Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native) Android Studio Version – Chipmunk (2021.2.1) Patch 1 Supports Deep Link -
Lite Music is a premium music player app template in android. Music player template with clean interface. Simple and elegant for any use.
Implement Material Design UI Material Drawer Menu Scan local music files Dynamic Color Progress Current Playing Timer Indicator Playing mode ( Shuffle, Straigh, Repeat, Once ) Interstitial & Admob Integrated Add some music to favorites Sleep Timer Easy Music Search Well Documented Using Android Studio -
Our Hugme is absolutely customizable with dynamic preference settings on the admin panel. Build your own dating app script with our Hugme.
Application Features
Facebook/Google Integration: Sign in with Facebook/Google makes the account registration hassle-free. It also helps provide the user a more personalized experience. Phone: Users can signup through Phone as well Audio Call: Our Badoo clone paves the way for better communication between the users with Audio calls. Strengthen your relationship by making instant audio calls. Video Call: Video calling feature in our Badoo clone helps users to have a high-quality face-to-face conversation with their beloved ones anytime. Use the in-app camera to start video chatting quickly. Live Streaming: Our Badoo clone allows streamers to broadcast their live videos more conveniently with simple steps in just a fraction of seconds. So, live videos can be broadcasted instantly with no further delay and there are no restrictions on live streaming the content to the viewers. Like, Reject Profile: Users can like, and reject individual profiles by increasing the chances of finding an apt match Swipe: Left or right, swipe it all the way Realtime Chat: After matching with individual profiles, a user can engage in seamless conversation with each other in Hugme and exchange unlimited images, messages etc Push Notification: The users will be notified instantly when their profile was liked. Push notifications ensure that the user will always notify of incoming messages Premium Features: Offer premium membership plans with additional features to your users and thereby earn more revenue with more users using premium plans.. Change Location: Our Badoo clone includes this striking feature that allows users to change their location and search for new matches or people who live in another area.. Admob interestetial ads Admob ads on swiping cards Boost: Boost allows you to be one of the top profiles in your area for 30 minutes. Increase your chances for a match—you can get up to 10x more profile views while boosting. See Who Likes you: Premium users can access the Likes You feature. -
Mussles – Workout App Template & Figma (Free)
MUSSLES is a Minimalist design UI Kit for a Workout App with 100 Light & Dark screens. has been equipped with grouping and naming for each group so that you can edit it more easily and have a light and dark theme. this UI Kit it will make it easier and faster to work on your personal project.
Thank you for your purchase!
Support Android & IOS Devices Well-Organized and Named Layers Updated Dart Language Industry experts Smooth transition animations Font Awesome Icons & material Icons added PlusJakartaSans Font added Responsive Designs Animations ReactNative Updated Version Figma File Added (FREE) 100 Light & Dark Mode Screens Free Update Version Modern, Fully Auto Layout, & Grid System 100% Editable & Customizable -
Team11 is an easy-to-use app for Fantasy Cricket Tournament. It lets you effectively manage and track the app, maintenance, and users. The app also helps you calculate the earnings of your app based on the quantity of the Tournament Players
We build this item with very detailed parts, well-structured code, and neat and good design is our priority.
Welcome to Smart Office ID Card Maker. This software may you help to create your office and personal ID card. Also Smart Office ID Card Maker is user friendly and too easy to use. It has a lot of useful features also 110+ template which is minimal, modern, sophisticated, and also is extremely easy to use. Any kind of organization can use this software for making his employee identity card. You can fully customize this software. This is a very essential program for generate ID Card. Able to make Personal ID Card, Office ID Card, Employee ID Card, Smart ID Card, Event ID Card, Corporate ID Card, Company ID card, Professional ID Card. The interface of this program is very attractive to see which you will be able to use. You don’t need to learn Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator or any kind of graphic design software. The project is written in 2010.
Parcel Move Android Template
This is the innovative courier application template on which the user can post his parcel to be delivered from one place to another, the driver can quote an offer to the user, and the user can select the best quote from the driver that suits the budget.
The user-side template includes 1. Splash
2. Login User Type
3. Login as a user: The user can access the application by entering their email address and password.
4. Signup: A user can sign up for the application by entering their name, user name, password, and address.
5. The side menu consists of Booking Cargo, Current Booking, History Bookings, Settings, Profile Settings, Join as Driver, About Us, and the Terms and Conditions section.
6. Book Cargo Section: The user can select the pickup and drop-off addresses along with different types of vehicles to select from.
7. Adding additional information: The user can enter the number of people needed for cargo pickup as well as images of the consignment.
8. Booking confirmation: The user can summaries before confirming the cargo booked.
9. Current booking details: The user can view quotes made by different cargo delivery persons
10. Current Bookings: The user can view a list of offers made by various cargo delivery personnel and accept any offer that best suits their needs.
11. Cargo delivery person profile: The user can see the basic details of the person who would be delivering the cargo, along with the ratings displayed with the profile picture
12. Current Booking Section: The user will see a list of accepted current bookings.
13. History Booking Section: The user will see a list of history bookings.
14. Profile Setting: A user can update their username, email address, password, and address from this section.
15. Settings: The user can update the notification, message, and email settings.
The driver side template consists of
1. Splash
2. Login User Type
3. Log in as a user—Service providers can access the application by entering their email address and password.
4. Signup: A user can sign up for the application by entering their name, user name, password, address, plate number, vehicle type, and uploading their license and vehicle image.
5. The side menu consists of Booking Cargo, Current Booking, History Bookings, Settings, Profile Settings, Join as Driver, About Us, and the Terms and Conditions section.
6. Current Booking Section: The user will see a list of accepted current bookings.
7. Quote an Offer: The service provider can quote an offer after viewing the details shared by the user.
8. Quotes: “Accepted offer; delivery person will be notified as soon as the offer is accepted.”
9. Rating: The delivery person can rate the user.
10. History Booking Section: The delivery person will see the list of history bookings.
Please note that images used in the live preview are not included in the package. We use free third-party APIs for any paid API or version that clients must purchase and integrate themselves. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me via my user page contact form here. Only paid support is available.
View all company summary Company Setup All company user list Common master data setup Super admin can setup company wise single/multiple device allow for device registration Multiple Device Allow means, Can an employee login from one mobile or from a few mobiles?Also admin can reset employee registered device from app login history menu Super admin can reset user password from user list
Premium Quotes App
Quotes app is an android application.Quotes App has user-friendly interface with easy to manage. The Quotes App are stored in Firebase for easy editing and better performance.
Android Side
Quotes With Category Wise Latest Quotes in-app-purchase – Prime (Only for Extended license user) Copy or Share Quote with your friends and on Social Networks Share Image with Quotes Add to Favorite Mode Latest UI with Material Design Admob with Banner , Interstitial ads and Native Ads Integrated Facebook Ads with Banner , Interstitial ads and Native Ads Integrated Rewarded Ads to Remove the Watermark App comply with GDPR Firebase Analytics Easy Admin Panel – Firebase Backend All Device Combability Check Network Availability MultiLanguage Supported (if your phone supports particular language) Android Code Migrated to AndroidX Android Studio Code (Recommended Android Studio Version – 4.0) Support Android 11 , API 30 Admin Side
Simple Admin Panel Easily Add Category Easily Add Quotes Quote of the day Delete Quotes and Category Upload Unlimited Category and Quote Firebase Backend What You Get:
Full Android Source Code Full PHP Code of Server Side Document with Screen Shot Version 2.4 March 14, 2023
Great app for job seekers, and job providers. If you’re looking for a job or looking for employees for Job, then this app is really helpful, it has all the jobs searching features. The application is specially optimized to be extremely easy to configure and detailed documentation is provided. You can create your own job application. This application is also for the Job provider, the easiest way to reach the job seekers.