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Yumefave V2.3 - eCommerce Online Shop with Stripe and PayPal


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Yumefave V2.3 - eCommerce Online Shop with Stripe and PayPal

Updates: version 2.3 is released – Apr 4, 2018

Laravel, the #1 PHP MVC framework, is married with Stripe, the #1 payment processor, and now, supports PayPal payment as well! If online eCommerce services like Squarespace, Etsy… are not extendable for your needs, but a full eCommerce framework such as Magento is typically over-killed, then this is exactly what you are looking for.

This app is built with the latest Laravel version 5.5 (latest), Bootstrap CSS 3, tested on the latest stack of NginX 1.13 (Apache compatible), PHP 7 (or 5.6, for this app version 2.0 and below), MySQL 5.6+. From our research, this app is the ONLY eCommerce app that supports Laravel 5.5 latest.

I’m a U.S. developer, with extensive experience of leading and building several world-class teams and projects, including a Magento site with global traffic from 85 countries; hence, I see the need of an MVC framework app to replace the Magento beast, as well as recognize the importance of using the best practices in the code-base, so anyone who uses this app will not only enjoy it, but hopefully learn something from it. Certainly, I’d love to hear any feedback to bring this app to the next level. Keep in mind though, I built this app with only the fundamental features so that you can always extend it your way; however, they are more than enough to run your shop for most of your needs (I’m sure you wouldn’t get fooled with some other apps that have tons of complex and unnecessary features yet impossible to extend to your way!). Again, we’re open to any feature suggestions as it’s our standard :)

  • Full-featured shop:
    • Latest Laravel 5.5
    • Nested Categories
    • Promotion Codes / Coupons
    • Products
    • Search
    • One-page Checkout
    • Flat-rate shipping
    • Refund
    • Pay Later
    • Cash on Delivery
    • Address book
    • Shipping tracking
    • Full-screen Admin Panel
    • Brand Management NEW
    • Appointment Management (guests can make appointments with your employees) NEW
    • Graphic chart of all orders and sales NEW
    • Calendar – to manage events (users’ schedules, sales history etc.)
    • Custom Order – to sell any random product
    • WYSIWYG HTML editor to Product description and Brand description NEW
    • Quick Stats in Admin Panel Dashboard
    • Confirmation emails
    • Static pages
    • Social Share
    • Etc.
  • Payments handled by Stripe
  • Accepts PayPal payments NEW
  • Photos uploaded and stored in local file system now (default) NEW, or Amazon S3 (optional)
  • SEO-optimized
  • Responsive design (tested on iPhone, iPad, Android devices, tablets, desktops)
  • Clean & optimal codes w/ best practices and full comments
  • Extra: Beautiful & responsive email templates w/ Markdown or Sparkpost

Open-source integrations:

  • Laravel 5.5
  • Stripe API 5.1
  • PayPal REST API SDK 1.12
  • jQuery 1.10.1
  • Bootstrap CSS 3.3.7
  • FontAwesome 4.7.0
  • ChartJS 2.7.2


Support is available for paid files only
Support for free files is offered for a fee only

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