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Hello dear DoniaWeB members, every day I receive hundreds of messages on how to run these apps, and frankly I always ignore them because I didn't have time to test the code and check how it works.
But I think it is time to tell you how to run these apps without a license

I will explain the method on DeepSound app, and it is the same for other apps


The DeepSound Android APP is programmed in C# languaje with Xamarin technology.
For debugging and compile APK i am using Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 updated with Xamarin and Android SDK.
You can decide install this enviroment or make all manually.
Patiente: I run this with my Intel i3 core with 6GB ram, you surely can be patiente.


Surely at the time of compiling the Android DeppSound APP project you will find several errors (i recomended dont delete code,
only configure correctly. Eg download correct versions in SDK manager, remove sign debug.keystore in project properties for testing, etc), 
i suggest you search in google how to solve them, once you can compile the project you can continue.


1- First we need download the dnSpy debugger for .net and unzip dnSpy-net472.zip:


Direct link: https://github.com/dnSpy/dnSpy/releases/download/v6.1.7/dnSpy-net472.zip

When you unzip will have the 64 and 32 bit version, use the one you need. Are portables executables, only run.


2- Locate path the Android APP Deepsound and navigate to the API folder:

We work with the "DeepSoundClient.dll" file.


3- Run dnSpy.exe and open "DeepSoundClient.dll" file or simply drag and drop file to dnsSpy list.

Navigate until Client method (constructor):

DeepSoundClient.dll -> DeepSoundClient -> Client -> Client


Now we see in right panel the code.


4- Inside Client method press right button and select "Edit Method (C#)".

5- Comment or delete the code from ValueTuple until throw new... Line #39 to #53

Put you new code with your data:

Client.WebsiteUrl = "http://www.sebax-deepsoundnullapp.com/";
Client.ServerKey = "9e775163db496ad0811172b5423e9061";
Client.IsExtended = false;


Client.WebsiteUrl = You URL to PHP DeepSound site
Client.ServerKey = I use default Server Key "9e775163db496ad0811172b5423e9061"
Client.IsExtended = Work with value in false


6- Press compile button and check errors. Double click in displayed error error and you will be redireced to the code.

In my case i have 1 error in file main.g.cs:

Comment or delete the code that marks error:

In my case main.g.cs -> line #71 to #72.
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]private static string a;*/

Press the Compile button again and now all is correct witout errors.

7- Navigate to the File Menu -> Save Module... and select folder path in Filename textbox to export new DeepSoundClient.dll nulled

8- Replace with the new DeepSoundClient.dll file in you API folder

Eg. ...\DeepSoundAPP\API\DeepSoundClient.dll


9- Custom Server Key:
If you want to change default Server Key, you will have to modify the value in PHP Site configuration Eg.(http://www.yoursite.com/admin-cp/site-settings) -> Site Server Key and you must also change another value in database.

DeepSoundDBName -> config (table) -> apps_api_key (field)

You can do this manually or run the following query:

UPDATE config SET value = '9e775163db496ad0811172b5423e9061' WHERE name = 'apps_api_key' OR name = 'server_key';

In this point you can compile and run you DeepSound APP and try.
In the following steps i will show how i did to compile the project and expose my configurations.

10 - Configuring the ADB tools for run APP:
Enable USB debugging on your Android phone

Open the Settings app.
Select System.
Scroll to the bottom and select About phone.
Scroll to the bottom and tap Build number 7 times.
Return to the previous screen to find Developer options near the bottom.
Scroll down and enable USB debugging.

Connect the phone with USB Cable and in this point you can run app with Visual Studio Enterprise 2019.

Now i show how configure adb for execute over Wifi and dont use the USB Cable.

In your pc navigate to the path platform-tools and run CMD or Powershell as administrator in this folder.
If you have configure enviroment path system with Android SDK platform-tools skip this step.
In my case the utilities is in C:\D\Soft\Dev\Android_Studio\sdk\platform-tools

Now we need use adb.exe utility for configure you phone.

Aclaration: if you have Android Studio Emulator or similar u need use in commands you Phone ID.

Replace XXX with you PhoneID (see in command adb devices).
Find or set fixed ip for android phone (i have configure reserved IP fixed with router using the macaddress)
Use a free port, in my case use 5555

Run in terminal:

adb devices

adb -s XXX tcpip 5555

adb connect

If response is: "connected to" you can remove the USB Cable.

If need reset configuration for USB Cable and disable wifi debugging use the following comands:

adb -s XXX usb
adb -s usb

11- Show my project configuration

12- Changes in PHP Script -> modify file for upload audio with DeepSound APP.

I had to make a change to the submit-song.php file since it does not keep some values of the session variable $ _SESSION ['upload'] when uploading file from Android Phone.

API in PHP Script is in the below path:

SOLUTION: comment the following and the upload file from mobile it will work fine.

Edit file:

$request   = array();
//$request[] = (!in_array($_POST['song-location'], $_SESSION['uploads']));
//$request[] = (!in_array($_POST['song-thumbnail'], $_SESSION['uploads']));
$request[] = (!file_exists($_POST['song-location']));

13- Start debugging the DeppSound APP for testing if work correctly with PHP Script.


Dont need change value of the string cert variable in AppSettings.cs file.

Set you breakpoint. Eg. (line #52)

MainApplication.cs -> OnCreate() method -> line Instance = this;

Clean Solution

Start debugging in the Android Phone.

If you can see the data you entered when nulled the API DeepSoundClient.dll then everything will be fine.

Watch: client objetc -> Statics members

- isExtended = false
- ServerKey = "9e775163db496ad0811172b5423e9061"
- WebsiteUrl = "http://www.sebax-deepsoundnullapp.com/"

Stop debugging if you can, the APP will be installed on the Android Phone.

14- Test the DeepSound APP and modify it if you want.

I attach some screenshots of the tests that I have carried out.
I have used the Vysor application to remotely manipulate my cell phone.


I personally think that DeepSound APP is very basic and prefer adapt the PHP Script to work as mobile application and convert in PWA for up in playstore (now is possible).

And thus not having to modify the API endpoint/v1 in PHP + the APP in C#. Also, if you want to add new functionality, you will have to make your new api so that it works in parallel with the DeepSoundClient.dll API, since it is very obfuscated and it is impossible to reverse engineer the entire dll.


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Featured Replies

You are amazing man! I don't need it but the efforts you have put into this is commendable...Doniaweb.com is best. 


i try and start to do it with Timeline wowonder app android, dnSpy and wowondeclient.dll, but nothing similar ....

I can't understand to apply it to wowonder timeline, I would like to be able to understand this guide, but I see that this is more advanced than I imagined ... I just have to resign myself ... thank you ... I hope others can make it work. ?

10 hours ago, loran said:


i try and start to do it with Timeline wowonder app android, dnSpy and wowondeclient.dll, but nothing similar ....

What you can do is convert the php site to a mobile web view or some have PWA functionality.

2 hours ago, Hash said:

Lo que puede hacer es convertir el sitio php en una vista web móvil o algunos tienen funcionalidad PWA.

I also a few days ago I was trying to make a webview but I can still make it work correctly, I had a small detail in the uploads of images it did not work for me, I am still trying ... do you have the code you used to make it work correctly? Please could you share it? thanks in advance


for wowonder timeline, i did the same as explined here

when i try to log with the app, i get this error : 404 POST (server_key) not specified, Admin Panel > API Settings > Manage API Server Key

but i put the same code from API Server Key admin Panel to the WoWonderClient.dll as mentioned

i dont understand what happen

10 hours ago, JRuben said:

I also a few days ago I was trying to make a webview but I can still make it work correctly, I had a small detail in the uploads of images it did not work for me, I am still trying ... do you have the code you used to make it work correctly? Please could you share it? thanks in advance

See a webview needs permissions to access your folders so if you can do it then ok, otherwise you can download any nulled webview from either codecanyon(recommended) or those available on GitHub. If you go for codecanyon you will have to put efforts for removing the non required items like in menu etc...?

someone can share please a WoWonderClient.dll witch is working? all the day i worked on it, and nothing work good ?

  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Please I need help I want to install apps wowonder  and app visual studio It doesn't work for me, I need someone to install apps for me wowonder for my site Thank you 

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...

Hi, thanks This solution does not work in new versions Please give a new solution, thank you

  • 2 months later...

Tell me, is it possible to use this method to somehow nullify the WoWonder application and others from the same developer in new versions?


Скажите, а таким методом можно как-то нульнуть приложение воувондер и другие от этого же разработчика в новых версиях?

  • 4 months later...

@BlackBLOOD when i follow the instructions exactly as he said, and I try to run the code, it shows 6 error and I am using codemagic to build, here are code, if i made any mistakes in the code, please help help me correct it 


using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using InAppBilling.AppCore;

namespace DeepSoundClient
    // Token: 0x02000008 RID: 8
    public static class InitializeDeepSound
        // Token: 0x17000002 RID: 2
        // (get) Token: 0x0600000B RID: 11 RVA: 0x00002492 File Offset: 0x00000692
        // (set) Token: 0x0600000C RID: 12 RVA: 0x00002499 File Offset: 0x00000699
        public static string WebsiteUrl { get; internal set; }

        // Token: 0x17000003 RID: 3
        // (get) Token: 0x0600000D RID: 13 RVA: 0x000024A1 File Offset: 0x000006A1
        // (set) Token: 0x0600000E RID: 14 RVA: 0x000024A8 File Offset: 0x000006A8
        public static string ServerKey { get; internal set; }

        // Token: 0x17000004 RID: 4
        // (get) Token: 0x0600000F RID: 15 RVA: 0x000024B0 File Offset: 0x000006B0
        // (set) Token: 0x06000010 RVA: 16 RVA: 0x000024B7 File Offset: 0x000006B7
        public static bool IsExtended { get; internal set; }

        // Modified Initialize method
        public static void Initialize()
            // Explicitly setting properties as per the requirements
            InitializeDeepSound.IsExtended = false;
            InitializeDeepSound.ServerKey = "ac102489f80a4544ad5160c58bb418c7";
            InitializeDeepSound.WebsiteUrl = "https://www.musicstudio.name.ng/";

            // Any additional setup or initialization logic can go here

        // Token: 0x0400000C RID: 12
        private static string a;

        // Token: 0x0400000D RID: 13
        private static string b;

        // Token: 0x0400000E RID: 14
        private static bool c;

        // Token: 0x0400000F RID: 15
        internal static DE d;

        // Token: 0x04000010 RID: 16
        internal static o e;

        // Token: 0x04000011 RID: 17
        [TupleElementNames(new string[]
        internal static ValueTuple<string, bool> f;

        // Token: 0x04000012 RID: 18
        internal static IReportModeCallBack g;

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